1、關(guān)于誠信的英語演講稿誠實,即誠實守信,言行一致,不文飾,不虛美,胸懷坦 蕩,光明磊落。它如雋永的長河奔騰至今,內(nèi)涵卻從未有過改 變,九州華夏,因它而燦爛。下面是WTT小雅為大家整理了關(guān)于 誠信的英語演講稿3篇,希望能夠幫到你。關(guān)于誠信的英語演講稿篇1It, S OUr great honor and deepest PleaSUre to WelCOme you, OUr dear friends, both Olcl and new from all OVer China, all OVer Asia, Eind all OVer the world.On behalf Of OUr ded
2、icated CIaSSmates, OUrdistinguished teachers, foreign friends, especially OUr gracious host, the No. 2 LOngGang High SChOOI , We greet you and encourage you to SeiZe UPOn this UniqUe OPPOrtUnity to COnqUer English and make IifeIOng friends With PeOPIe from every PrOVinCe Of OUr WOnderful COUntry and
3、 throughoUt the world. By COnqUering English, We Can help OUrSelVeS and OtherSWe are human beings, not animals. We know What We Want to do. We know OUr destiny is in OUr hands. With hard WOrk and determination, We CarI do nything We SetOUr minds to do.FrOm today On We WilI accompany you day and nigh
4、tevery ITIinUte Onthis UniqUe journey.wantyoutoOPerI your heart.wantyoutobe devOtedWEmtyoutobe crazy.wantyoutoforget about your face.WEmtyoutoOPen your mouth wildly.wantyoutobroaden your mind.wantyoutoexpand your horizons.WarItyoutoCOnqUer your IaZineSS and all yourOther humanweaknesses.We Warlt you
5、 to OVerCOme all the ObStaeles that hold you backWe Want to Share your joy and We want to Share yourStrUgglet but most importnt Of all, We Want to Share your glory and victory!We are the future Of China, the future Of Asia, and the future Of the world!We Can make the WOrId a better place.We can make
6、 a (IifferenCeWe desire to WirLWe must win!We WilI win, absoIUtely, and Without any doubt!FrOln PainfUlIy Shy ChiIdren WhO felt terrible about ourselves, WhO regarded OUrSeIVeS as human trash, born IOSers, to internatiOnally recognized English promoters, We made it. We StrOngIy believe that you WilI
7、 make it too!Let S do it together!We have COnfidenCe in you!關(guān)于誠信的英語演講稿篇2AS is ViVidIy depicted in the PiCture , With a CIear CraCking SOUneI , two bowls CIaShed into each Other t in WhiCh the Shinning One keeps its integrity , WhereaS the Shabby One breaks into pieces. JUSt Iike being SymbOliCalIy r
8、evealed in the Set Of ClraWing, the fact that the intact bowl, as a SymbOI Of SOIy-invested COmPanieS , OVerWheImS the broken bowl representing the State-owned COmPanieSt With COlIiSiOn Standing for fierce companies, PrOfOUnClIy indicates that it is time that OUr State-owned COmPanieS entailed refor
9、m especially after China S entry into WTO When facing SOIy-inVeSted COmPanieS abroad.TO the POPUIar mind , it is immediately assumed that When reform in State-owned COmPanies is argued ,it is Car industry that is meant TO account for the above- mentioned PhenOmenon , SeVeraI POintS ShOUId be figured
10、 OUt FOr One thing, SOme Of Car industries OnCe enjoyed the glorious PaSt , They have ,however, gradually IOSt their market ShareS When SOIy –invested COmPanieS Were SWeePing into domestic market. FOr another , in Order to turn the COrner ,the IeaderS Of them ShOUlCl adopt the POliCy Of reform
11、 SUCh as acquisition, reengineering and introduction Of advanced technology and COnCePts Of management NO better illustration Of this idea Can be thought than the example IlIentioned below, NO 1 MOtor VehiCIe PIant has Witnessed from PreeliCament to rejuvenation through none Other than effective Ste
12、ps mentioned above. TherefOre ,no issue is as CritiCal to individual and natiOnaI SUrViVaI and PrOSPerity as reform In State-owned companies.ACCOrdingly , it is VitaI for US to derive SOmePOSitive meanings from this thought-PrOVOking picture. It is ,hence, necessary that efforts be made to follow th
13、e SPirit Of reform COnCerning State-OWned companies. On One hand, the government ShOUlcl make IaW to PerfeCt irrational rules and regulations being ViSible in reform PrOCeSs. On the Other hand, the IeaderS Of State-owned COmPanieS ShOUld enhance the awareness Of reform . OnIy by UndergOing these Ste
14、PS ,Can OUr more State-owned COmPanieS become members Of TOP 500 in the world, which, indeed, has gone to the heart Of IlIEIirltaining good momentum Of national economy growth.關(guān)于誠信的英語演講稿篇3SinCe the quality Of honesty applies to all behaviors, One CannOt refuse to COnSider factual information, for ex
15、ample, in an Imbiased Illanner and Still CIaim that One';S knowledge, belief Or POSition is an attempt to be truthful. SUCh a belief is CIearly a PrOdUCt Of One'; S desires and SiInPIy has nothing to do With the human abiIity to know, basing One'; S POSitions OrI What One WantS - rather tha
16、n UnbiaSed evidence gathering - is dishonest even When good intentions Can be Cited - after all even hitler COUId Cite good intentions and intended glory for a SeleCt group Of people. CIearIy then, an UnbiaSed approach to the truth is a requirement Of honesty.because intentions are CIOSeIy related t
17、o fairness and Certainly affect the degree Of honesty/dishonesty, there is a Wide SPread COnfUSiOn aboUt honesty-and a general belief that being CliShOneSt means that One always COrreCtly UnderStmds if their behavior is either honest Or dishonest SeIf-PerCePtiOn Of OUr morality is non- Static and VO
18、Iatile. it';S Often at the moment We refuse to ConSicler Other PerSPeCtives that there is a CIear inCIiCatiOn We are not PUrSUing the truth, rather than SimPIy and exclusively at the moment We CarI ImJSter UP evidence that We are right SOCrates had InUCh to Say aboUt truth, honesty and morality,
19、and explained that if PeOPIe really UnderStood that their behavior WaS WrOng - then they SimPly WOUIdn';t do it - by definition UnfOrtUnateIyt honesty in the WeStern tradition has been marginalized to SPeCifiC instances - PerhaPS because a thorough UnderStending Of honesty COlIideS With ideologies Of all types, ideologies Elnd idealism Often exaggerate and SUPPreSS evidence in Order to SUPPOrt their PerSPeCtiVeS - at the expense Of the truth, this PrOCeSS erodes the PraCtice Elnd UnderStending Of honesty, to an ideologist the truth quite Often becomes insignificant, What IIIa
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