1、參考資料-頁眉頁腳可刪除-一典范英語(6_05)教學參考Captain Comet and the Purple Planet教學參考的目的在于為實驗課提供一個基本的思路和框架,幫助實驗教師更好地把握課題理念。課題組鼓勵實驗教師結合學生的實際情況適當做出調整,將實驗課上出特色。、教學目標1 .語言目標:學生能夠聽懂并理解故事的內容;能夠有感情地、繪聲繪色地朗讀;能 夠復述故事的主要情節(jié);能夠完成與故事相關的寫作任務。2 .非語言目標:培養(yǎng)學生的興趣和自信心,鼓勵學生遇到問題時,不能坐以待斃,要 開動腦筋,積極面對,想盡辦法解決問題。說明:語言目標由教師負責檢查,確保學生完成任務,達到要求。非語
2、言目標具有開放性,需要教師圍繞有意義的話題與學生進行真誠交流,激發(fā)學生的學習興趣和參與熱情,讓學生在有思想、有內容的開放性語言實踐活動中習得語言,樹立正確的價值觀。二、課時安排要求學生每周完成一部作品,每周安排一節(jié)或兩節(jié)實驗課,課時放在學生讀完該部作品 之后。三、課前任務要求學生每天朗讀15-20分鐘,輔以默讀。做到聽讀結合,認真把握和體會故事的內容, 并適當積累好詞好句。四、課堂教學基本步驟1 .導入(Lead-in):啟發(fā)學生思考教師就故事提問,請學生回答:Where did this story take place? I In the outer space.)What do you
3、know about the outer space?教師可利用 comet/asteroid/space station/shuttle/space monster的圖片導入作品中這些關于 太空的生詞,并將學生帶入太空的情景中。教師繼續(xù)提問:Do you know other stories about the outer space?學習材料1_參考資料頁眉頁腳可刪除一教師可以放一段太空電影片段,例如 Pitch Black或Aliens,以激發(fā)學生的興趣。What do you think of the movie clip? Scary? How about the story Cap
4、tain Comet and the Purple Planet ? Scary or funny? Why do you think so?學生自由回答后,教師帶學生分析情節(jié),幫助學生加深理解。2 .情節(jié)分析(Plot Analysis ):啟發(fā)學生思考(1)教師帶領學生先對前三個章節(jié)進行分析,幫助學生歸納出 Spanner做過的三件sillythings: This story is much fun because of the silly things Spanner did. What are they? Can you find them?在此基礎上,教師幫助學生進一步總結Span
5、ner的行為產生了哪些后果:What trouble didSpanner bring about?接著,教師帶學生總結 Captain Comet對Spanner的行為做出的反應:How did CaptainComet respond to Spanner?這個過程中,教師可采用圖片引導學生。答案可參考以下:The Silly Things Spanner DidThe Trouble Spanner Brought AboutCaptain Comet's ResponseChapter 1Spanner pressed the red button in spite of Ca
6、ptain Comet ' s warning.Captain Comet and the plants were floating above the floor.cross: He shouted to Spanner not to touch the red button.Chapter 2Spanner tried to name the new planet. He made a flag with two spanners on it./disinterested first but amused by Spanner at last: P12-14Chapter 3Spa
7、nner hammered the sharp flagpole into the space monster.The space monster woke up and was going to eat them.unhappy, nervous: He tried to stop Spanner but it was too late. There was a huge roar. He shouted to Spanner back to the shuttle.(2)教師繼續(xù)通過提問引導學生對后兩章的內容進行分析:The space monster woke upand terribl
8、e things seemed to happen. It was going to eat Captain Comet and Spanner! How did Captain Comet and Spanner manage to escape? What happened at last?The EndingCaptain Comet and SpannerCaptain Comet and Spanner managed to escape from the monster's chase.The Space MonsterThe space monster chomped i
9、ts way through asteroids and ate them happily.A PresentSpanner's flag was still sticking out of the monster's bottom so that everyone would know they were the first to find it.學習材料2參考資料-頁眉頁腳可刪除3 .朗讀(Reading aloud):朗讀與思考相結合教師將學生分成不同的小組就后兩章內容(P21-P30)進行朗讀比賽??勺寣W生選擇不同的角色 N Narrator, Spanner, Cap
10、tain Comet, Captain Stella),分角色朗讀。教師需要求學 生結合自己對故事的理解,讀出Captain Comet和Spanner逃月m monster時的緊張感。朗讀結束后,教師需及時做出評價。4 .復述(Retelling ):鍛煉學生連貫表達思想的能力和主動質疑的能力以上環(huán)節(jié)完成后,教師幫助學生從Spanner的角度出發(fā)從整體上把握故事大意。教師可請幾位學生扮演Spanner,以Spanner的口吻,利用情節(jié)分析環(huán)節(jié)的信息,以接龍的方式復述故事。復述完后,其余的同學可以提問采訪,如:Why did you press the red button?What do y
11、ou think of Captain Comet? How did you feel when the space monster was going to eat you?復述過程中,如果學生語塞,教師可以利用情節(jié)分析中的表格幫助學生復述。鼓勵被提問的同學在回答其他同學的提問時,可以充分發(fā)揮想象力,發(fā)表獨到的見解。5 .討論(Discussion):培養(yǎng)學生的批判性思維能力復述后,教師將學生分成不同的小組,結合故事中Spanner的行為組織學生探討Spanner的性格。在此基礎上,深入挖掘作品的相關主題。教師可以此切入該環(huán)節(jié):Spanner did a lot of silly thing
12、s and brought much trouble to Captain Comet. What do you think of him?(參考下表)討論后,可提以下問題請學生繼續(xù)思考(以下問題前的關鍵 詞僅供教師參考):CLARIFY Who played a big role in the escape from the space monster, Spanner or Captain Comet? (Captain Comet.)SUMMARISE How did they react differently to the unexpected danger? (Spanner wa
13、s almost frightened out of mind. But Captain Comet stayed calm, comforted Spanner and found a successful way to escape.)EVALUATE Whom do you like better? Why?對于開放性問題,鼓勵學生自由發(fā)表見解,能夠自圓其說即可。提醒學生進行討論的規(guī)則是:(1)每個人都要有說話的機會;(2)別人講話說不得打斷、 干擾;(3)支持并補充他人的觀點;(4)如果不想說可以不說;(5)提問要深思熟慮。鼓勵學生在該環(huán)節(jié)暢所欲言。6 .詞匯學習(Vocabulary
14、 Development):有意義的詞匯學習讓學生從作品中找出與飛船有關的詞匯或表達,并讓學生盡可能用動作演示。如:press the red buttonfloat above the floorcheck the space shuttlewater the plantsturn on the lightsland the shuttle carefully on the planetflush the toilets7 .拼讀練習(Phonics Practising):培養(yǎng)拼讀意識,掌握拼讀技能從下表中選取一組具有相同拼讀規(guī)律的單詞,引導學生發(fā)現其中的拼讀規(guī)律, 然后給幾個新的含有同一
15、字母組合的單詞,以此增強學生的拼讀意識。也可以選取幾組課堂聽寫,但聽寫時切勿給漢語讓學生寫英文。具體數量視課上時間而定。該環(huán)節(jié)最多占用課堂時間2-3分鐘。mapspannergotfargapscannerpotdarksnapdotlargestrapslotapartflashturncriedsharksplashpurpletriedsharpenersmashsurfacestardust8 .布置作業(yè)(Homework )(1)寫作(任選一題)請學生想象他們乘宇宙飛船(space ship)在太空飛行,現在回到了地面,打算 給朋友講述自己的經歷。寫作時盡可能借鑒故事中的語言,尤其是
16、動詞短語(如press the red button, check the space shuttle, water the plants, turn on the lights, flush the toilets, land the shuttle carefully on the planet 等),力求具體、生動。(參見英文教 案 Teaching Notes)。 根據故事的內容寫一篇摘要(summary),不少于100詞。(2)讀下一部作品,注意體會作品內容,積累生詞和好句。五、教師自我反思:培養(yǎng)學生的思考能力教師每堂課后要進行自我反思,反思的問題包括:1 .提問。我問的問題值得討論嗎?問了多少個問題?什么類型的問題?2 .討論。老師和學生討論了什么?學生是否試圖回答了要
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