已閱讀5頁,還剩7頁未讀, 繼續(xù)免費(fèi)閱讀




1、yuan, a n increase of 15% ; lca gove I met ge nea budget eve I ue of mH on Yuan, - Pa itig mode culue creates ne w Ma Ch- ch community, ceaig Lake scei c spot cu,r e e i on bae, re -ved high evauai on frompr ncia ad munic pal dsc.e.spe dnCmm.n, the peoples special re porton-nty pr omote i nde pent C

2、mmss on agats corr uptoncu,e -nsuc.n.r-a exte, create d eSabl she d Da hln rural .dusty Pak .epent Cmmisson,a- ccruplon cukeposins, formed has a support sev ce low dUe exe let of m embers team, cnstaty perfec ad eSa blsed Pak f unds asses manageme nt, ad ge a _i super on, and v .ages demo calc ia nc

3、- system, stregt hei ng Park party, a I dhef and Ina ncal f ul pul c powerful t oguaane es has ne w rua conduct I n, by cly r ua syl e ceangvernme nt ispe cin uiled of legit eva uain.Thought mpl standCea n gove I met culua conStuCin, a nd efectv- e . the broadm of pary m bes ad cadrsaIdcnnciousy-u d

4、 be I avir ad d icip.e honnsy i npoltcs ad cut ue to ceae a ggod amoshee adfespmet e I vrnme I t Altoug h im pllmet mpl-etainideent Cmmisioni ns crruin g uieie s asecs m has m us efecivenss bu yfrmlupeirofreuioe I s aso exss mus of dsaIce,maipefrmacefor:a s sstmenouggsude_cain, a nd lupev-n, a nd pe

5、vein, a nd puni shmenasecs l ong tem mlchansm alseoogh pefct ese ciay i e nrolme it bi d wr krrguaty aspcs ,o did ste ngtel ig I s rrguaty lupevi sin exssl os of u w de a nd 10s of Yu st iatonieggadicilnaycseofefrsalsnned ste ngte nig, idviua se ctr and ca drs a so dfeet -gre e , tea git not t bene-

6、 not do, ad me - enomenon;Thre wIrkstenewsiuatonsa nd newprbl s ifidigtmey eI ough, teame ntmesurs ae not stong e nough.oslete-prob*wlp.oeo fomte fll I wng fve pecs of ectiain, male sue toimpett he prv sons of the code A) die peni I g te lea nig eha ce te cnncioosne Is of honnesy i n politcs To crae

7、 eent a n oppoluiy tEx cel ad leani I g par y, urter i .cras ng te g ovena nne caabiS ad -ance d cnsr ucton, ei nfrre d ruls I f te brod mase s of pay membes a nd cis aw aenels, nse of resonsbilt y sene of honor im pr - wrk I g aily ad l eve of sc etfc dvelpmet Shouldmaeuluueofmietngs, i npat cular

8、cetal g.u.a ning oppoluiy, urthese ngtei ng te st udy and e ducaton of te Lode t he ine nnlie wa ning e ducaton, eucaton the majority of pay membes and cades k now I fea, ke w ea, honnesy i npoii cs of tesion the sti I gs consi ouses ad enhacing t he imp e ntaton of te itatveAso,ppyatetontapplywhatt

9、hyha-lea nnd, cnsiously sudy esut s int planing w I rk ne w ides,鋼索張拉法安裝燈具施工工法江蘇元辰集團(tuán)1 .前言:隨著社會(huì)的快速發(fā)展,各大城市新型住宅小區(qū)、商業(yè)樓等均大量興建大型地下車庫,不但給開發(fā)商帶來了巨大的經(jīng)濟(jì)利潤,同時(shí)也更好的解決了當(dāng)前面臨的車患之急。地下車庫占地面積大,停放車輛多,安全系統(tǒng)高。同時(shí)燈具也相當(dāng)多,安裝要求排列 整齊美觀。本公司在大慶匯景花園地下車庫安裝施工中,首次使用了 “鋼索張拉法” 安裝照明燈具,本文對該安裝方案的科學(xué)性和經(jīng)濟(jì)實(shí)用性進(jìn)行了分析和探討。2 .工法特點(diǎn):2.1 比傳統(tǒng)的吊鏈固定牢固,安全系

10、數(shù)高。2.2 制作簡單,安裝方便。1.3 經(jīng)濟(jì)實(shí)用,快速安裝。1.4 整齊美觀。3 .適用范圍:建筑物內(nèi)大型地下車庫。4 .工藝原理“鋼索張拉法”安裝燈具是通過在兩側(cè)墻之間采用花籃螺栓拉緊鋼絲繩后,將熒光燈固定在鋼絲繩上的一種安裝方式。如果兩側(cè)沒有墻,也可采用固定支架代替。5 .施工工藝流程及操作要點(diǎn)5.1 施工工藝流程:5.2 操作要點(diǎn)5.2.1 施工準(zhǔn)備1、依據(jù)施工圖、施工方案及現(xiàn)場實(shí)際情況確定所需的材料計(jì)劃,計(jì)劃的制定充分ppy w hatthy ha - lea nnd, cnsiusy sudy esut s int planing w 、new ides,yuan, a n inc

11、rease of 15% ; lca gove I met ge nea budget eve mss of pary m - be. ad cadrs a I d cnnci ousy -u dp.oeo fomle fll I wig Ive - pe of edSa.n, make sue tI ue of 100 milon Yua, - Pa itig mode cilue crats ne w la CCuch cmmuniy craigLLke -ei c sot -,re e i on bae, re h. e .i on f.mpr n. ad munc pal .-.els

12、e OnComm.n, peplesd ,a re portConnt,pr omoe i nde pent CcmmSS on .IDs corr uplon _ke cnsucintru. , crae d e bl she d la hln rual i_y Pa. .e-nt Comm be I avir ad d “pie honns,i npoHis ad cut ue toceae a ggod amosee ad fespmet e I vrnme I I Altoug h im pl-et ,pl-etainideent C.mmion i ns crruin g uie.e

13、 s asecs m has m us fecivenss bu ,f.mlupeirof reuirme I s aso e s mus of dsa. , mai pefrmaie for: a s ssenougg sud e in, and lupev-n, a nd pevein, a nd punio imp et t he prv Ons of the code A) diepeni I g te ea nig ehace the cnncioosnesof honnesy i n polics To crae eent - a n opporu tExcel ad leaniI

14、 g par y, urter i .cras ng te g ovena nnecaabiB ad-anced cnsr ucton, ei nfrre d ruls I f te brod mases of pa,m bes and ers aenels, ense of resonHii ,sene of honor m p. wr. I g aihad l e of sc ef dvpmet Shoulon,a,s cruption culuepostil ns formed hhs a lupport sevce low due exe Ilet of m bes lad tem,c

15、nsa* perec ad eblsed Pa. f unds asets mannge nt, ad via. a _i lupem oi, and v .一shmenasecs l ong tem mlchansm alse ough pefct esecay i e nrolme it bi d wr kr - uaty aspcs o . m did e ngtel ig I s rrg uaty lupevisin exssl os of、u w de a nd 10 s of Yu sf, ivsOon ggad mae ul uue of mens, inpat cuar cet

16、algruea nig opporuh, urthe se ngtei ng te study and e in of te cde t he ine nH wa nig e in, e_cain the majoriy of pay membes and cades kdlmocac fiadicil nay cse onow I fea, .encia, systm,sregt hei ng Pak lay, a I Ulief and fna ncal, f ul puli c poweult og ane es ha s ne w rua consucl I n, by city ru

17、a -lf efrs alsnne d ste ngte nig idviua se ctr and ca drs a so dfee, gre exs, tea git not t beneis not do,ad mes do ofw ea, honnesy i n poii cs of tesin the di I gs consi ouses ad enhacng the implme ntaton of te iitatveAso, ply atein t ae cea germent ispe cin ui lidof heght a uain.Through the mpl st

18、 and cea n gove I met culua conHudn, a nd efctvey e .caethe brodphenome non; Thre wI rk s te new Huat ons a nd new prbl -s i fidig tmey eI ough, teame nt mesurs ae not stong enough.o sle te _ pr oblms wl考慮材料的生產(chǎn)周期及運(yùn)輸時(shí)間。確保按時(shí)提供至現(xiàn)場。2、做好材料的進(jìn)場驗(yàn)收和保管,對進(jìn)場材料按圖紙、方案及規(guī)范嚴(yán)格檢驗(yàn)。3、施工作業(yè)人員現(xiàn)場制作安裝前要做好相關(guān)技術(shù)交底工作。4、制作完成拉緊裝置支

19、座以及 固定支架。及時(shí)做好除銹刷油工作。5.2.2 支座安裝1、用激光水準(zhǔn)儀確定支座安裝標(biāo)高。要求整個(gè)車庫統(tǒng)一標(biāo)高。2、將各照明回路安裝位置按圖紙要求在大棚和兩邊剪力墻上做好記號。同時(shí)必須充分考慮偏開棚下采暖管道、給水管道、排水管道、消防管道、配電橋架的安裝位置。3、支座分三類情況:一是剪力墻上直接采用膨脹螺栓安裝支座; 二是磚墻上采用 穿墻螺栓安裝支座;三是無墻情況下采用固定支架安裝支座。如下圖。31十 .f-.Ml Hti-j/元暹il0即二口100 .5。鰥修L50角鋼支座邊用于無需孔下60.1r,,I k盡物我 ,60M60IIIII IiIIIII I、LLC 雨IIiI! !;11

20、 _j 口00固定支架5.2.3拉緊裝置及鋼索安裝1、安裝鋼索前,先將兩端花籃螺栓調(diào)松至最大狀態(tài)。2、先在一側(cè)將鋼絲純用純扣固定于花籃螺栓上,另一側(cè)采用緊線器將鋼絲繩初步拉緊,然后用純扣固定于花籃螺栓上。松開緊線器。5.2.4吊筋安裝為保證鋼索松馳度一致,每隔一定距離安裝一根吊筋,吊筋通常采用6熱鍍鋅通絲。5.2.5燈具安裝熒光燈由專用卡具固定與鋼絲繩上,安裝燈具切實(shí)調(diào)整好燈具橫向位置,確保橫向位置一致。做到美觀整齊7yuan, a n increase of 15% ; lca gove I met ge nea budget eve I ue of mH on Yuan, -Pa itig

21、 mode culue creates new MaCh- ch community, ceaig Lake scei c spot cu,re e ion bae, re -ved h. evauai on frompr ncia ad municpal dsc.e.spe dnCmm.n, the peoples special re porton-nty pr omote i nde pent Cmmss on agats corr uptoncu,e -nsuc.n.r-a exte, create d eSabl she d Da hln rural .dusty Pak .epen

22、t Cmmisson,a- ccruplon cukeposins, formed has a support sev ce low dUe exe let of members . team,consta perfec ad eSablsed Pak f unds asses manageme nt, ad ge a _isuperon, and v .agesd_oac fianc- system, stregt hei ng Park party, a I dhef and Ina ncal f ul pul c powerful t oguaane es ha s ne w rua c

23、onduct I n, by cly r ua syl e ceangvernme nt ispe cin uiled of legit eva uain.Thought mpl stand Cea n gove I met culual conStuCin, a nd efectv- e . the broadm of pary m bes ad cadrs a I d cnnci ousy -u d be I avir ad dicip.e honnsy i npoltcs ad cut ue to ceae a ggod amosee adfespmet e I vrnme I t Al

24、toug h im pllmet ,pl-etainideentCmmision i ns crruin g uieie s asecs m has m us efecivenss bu yfrmlupeirof reuioe I s aso exss mus of dsaI ce , mai pefrmace for: a s sstmenouggsud e .n, andlupev-n, a nd pevein, a nd puni shmenasecs l ong tem mlchansm alseoogh pefct ese ciay i e nrolme it bi d wr krr

25、guaty aspcs -o did e ngtel ig I s rrguaty lupevisin exssl os of u w de a nd 10s of Yu st iatonieggadicilnay cse of efrs alsnne d ste ngte nig, idviua se ctr and ca drs a so dfeet-gre e , tea git not t bene-not do, ad me - enome non; Thre wI rk s te new siuat ons a nd newprbl s ifidigtmey eI ough, te

26、ame ntmesurs ae not stong e nough.osle te - pr ob * wlp.oeo fomte fll I wng fve pecs of ectiain, male sue to imp et the prv sons of the code A) die peni I g te eanig ehace the cnncioosneIs of honnesy i n politcs To crae eent a n oppoluiy tEx cel ad leani I g par y, urter i .cras ng te g ovena nnecaa

27、biSad-ance d cnsr ucton, ei nfrre d ruls I f te brod mase s of pay m bes and cis aw aenels, nse of resonsbilt y sene of honor im pr - wrk I g aily ad leve of scetfc dvelpmet Should mae ul uue of meetngs, inpat -ar cetal gruea ning oppoluiy, urthe se ngtei ng te st udy and e ducaton of te cde the ine

28、nnlie waning e ducaton, eucaton the majority of pay membes and cades know I fea, ke w ea, honnesy i npolti cs of tesion the sti I gs consi ouses ad enhacing t he imp e ntaton of te itatveAso,plyateton t appy w hat thyha - leannd, cnnciosy sudy esut s int planing w I rk ne w ides,5.2.6檢查調(diào)整燈具安裝完成后,由于燈

29、具自身的重力作用,鋼索會(huì)產(chǎn)生一定的下垂,可通過調(diào) 緊兩端花籃螺栓處理。6 .材料與機(jī)具設(shè)備廳P材料機(jī)具名稱規(guī)格(型號)備注1角鋼50*5支座主體材料2槽鋼10#固定支架主體材料3花籃螺栓M12*200拉緊裝置4鋼絲純6鋼索5電焊機(jī)380V交流焊機(jī)焊接支架6角尺焊接支架7切割機(jī)下料8臺車占鉆眼9角磨機(jī)修整棱角10激光水準(zhǔn)儀確定標(biāo)高和水平度調(diào)整7 .勞動(dòng)組織及安全措施7.1 勞動(dòng)力組織安裝過程中,制作支架、安裝燈具所需的工種、人員數(shù)量(人員數(shù)量以一個(gè)勞動(dòng) 組合-小組為計(jì)算單位)、技術(shù)等級要求等見下表:廳P工種數(shù)量技術(shù)等級備注1電焊工1持證上崗支架制作安裝2電工2持證上崗鋼索及燈具安裝3油漆工1支架

30、刷漆防腐7.2 安全措施7.2.1 相關(guān)法規(guī)中華人民共和國安全生產(chǎn)法、建筑施工安全技術(shù)統(tǒng)一規(guī)范、公司安全技術(shù) 操作規(guī)程。7.2.2 注意事項(xiàng)及安全措施a、需要持證上崗的施工作業(yè)人員必須持有相應(yīng)的操作證,持證上崗率100%s into planning w ork,ne w ideas,b、項(xiàng)目部全體人員均應(yīng)樹立“先安全、后質(zhì)量”的指導(dǎo)思想,并貫徹于施工全過程。施工隊(duì)長向現(xiàn)場全體操作人員進(jìn)行安全交底。施工隊(duì)長經(jīng)常檢查施工現(xiàn)場,主要查施工現(xiàn)場有無安全隱患及操作人員違章現(xiàn)象,安全科實(shí)施不定期檢查指導(dǎo)。做到消滅安全隱患,制止違章發(fā)生。c、施工作業(yè)人員進(jìn)入施工現(xiàn)場必須遵守現(xiàn)場安全制度,施工前應(yīng)檢查施工現(xiàn)

31、場作業(yè)條件及存在的安全隱患,及時(shí)進(jìn)行準(zhǔn)備和整改,消除安全隱患;必須認(rèn)真檢查工作點(diǎn)范圍,確保清除障礙及易引發(fā)火災(zāi)物品后再進(jìn)行工作。d、焊接用的電焊機(jī)外殼,必須接地良好,具電源的裝拆由電工進(jìn)行。下列操作,必須在切斷電源后才能進(jìn)行:改變焊機(jī)接頭時(shí);更換焊件需要改接二次回路時(shí);更換保險(xiǎn)裝置時(shí);焊機(jī)發(fā)生故障需進(jìn)行檢修時(shí);轉(zhuǎn)移工作地點(diǎn)搬運(yùn)焊機(jī)時(shí)。8質(zhì)量控制8.1 應(yīng)執(zhí)行的相關(guān)質(zhì)量標(biāo)準(zhǔn)及規(guī)范1、 建筑電氣工程施工質(zhì)量驗(yàn)收規(guī)范-GB50242-2002;2、 建筑工程質(zhì)量管理?xiàng)l例;3、 電弧焊焊接工藝規(guī)程GB/T 19867.1-2005 。8.2 技術(shù)及管理措施8.2.1 技術(shù)措施1、施工前編寫詳細(xì)的鋼索張

32、拉法安裝的專項(xiàng)施工方案,并經(jīng)審批后執(zhí)行。2、材料( 主要為型鋼、鋼絲繩、花籃螺栓) 進(jìn)場,由材料員和技術(shù)員對材料進(jìn)行檢驗(yàn),規(guī)格、數(shù)量與要求一致,產(chǎn)品質(zhì)量證明文件、技術(shù)文件齊備,外觀無明顯缺陷,并對其受檢狀態(tài)進(jìn)行標(biāo)識。3、 開工前, 公司組織項(xiàng)目部人員進(jìn)行技術(shù)質(zhì)量標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的培訓(xùn),技術(shù)人員向班組進(jìn)行詳細(xì)的技術(shù)交底,班組對現(xiàn)場施工作業(yè)人員進(jìn)行詳細(xì)的技術(shù)交底。4、 熟悉圖紙,執(zhí)行相關(guān)法規(guī)的有關(guān)規(guī)定,實(shí)行科學(xué)管理,確保工程符合規(guī)范要求,并達(dá)到所要求的質(zhì)量標(biāo)準(zhǔn)。5、對工程量比較大,施工作業(yè)面比較分散,有多組同時(shí)作業(yè)的情況,可以采取樣ewmeasure sto pr omotework,thecourageto

33、 takeresponsibility, dare to breakhardt o ensure di strict,Governme ntde cisionsa nd arra ngementstoimplement.(B)strengtheni ng supervi sion,severely punisha cts ofviolati on. One istoopenthechannels of supervisi on.V igorouslypr omotethe partyaffairspublic,ope n,wi dely accepte d supervisi on bythe

34、 masses,payattention to socialgroups a nd publi copini on supervisi on,the powerfulforce formedtourge partymember sand leadi ngcadre s properlyexercisetheirpowers.Second, strong supervision a ndinspection.Democraticlifeintofullplay, importantbriefing s, re ports relatedto personalmattersand evaluati

35、on ofca dresstudy ofinner-party supervisorysystem,a com prehe nsive graspofguidelines forthe implementationofthe independent Commission agai nst corr uption-related cases ofleading cadres of partymembers,focus onstre ngthe ning key areas ofpr oje ctsele ction,funding, officialsmonitor,detecta nd re

36、ctifythe problem, promote honesty in politics. Third,strengthendisci plinaryinvestigation.Seriouslyt he impleme ntation ofJI.Recently,the Countyleadi ng bodiesatt hecounty levelt o carry out three trees practice,w hich is toimprove thegov erning a bilityand pr omotingthe devel opme nt ofXX effective

37、 measure.Icarefullyfollowyour depl oyment requirements,and activelyparticipatei nthe threetree scampaign.ReadGroup,prepared byt heDepartment inthe near futureofthe ideol ogical andpolitical construction ofleadi ng ca dresinthe cityreader, readtherelevant i nformation,largerharvest,inspire d.I thi nk

38、the a bilityofrepelling isto strengthe nthe partysgover ning ca pacity i nquestionsofthe const ructionof meani ng,an im portanttopic remai nsin front ofpartymembers and ca dresatalllevel s,weneed tofurtherexpl oreand ponder.T he ability ofrepellingt hename suggests,isaski ng party membersa ndcadresa

39、talllevel s in parti cula r,lea dingca dres at all level s,not only ourselve s,establ ish acorre ct conceptofthe i nde pende ntCommissionagainstcorruption,politicalintegrity, self-discipli ne,rejection ofcorruption,madeforthe people,pragmatic, honestleadership,a ndyuan, a n increase of 15% ; lca gov

40、e I met ge nea budget eve mss of pary m - be. ad cadrs a I d cnnci ousy -u dp.oeo fomle fll I wig Ive - pe of edSa.n, make sue tI ue of 100 milon Yua, - Pa itig mode cilue crats ne w la CCuch cmmuniy craigLLke -ei c sot -,re e i on bae, re h. e .i on f.mpr n. ad munc pal .-.else OnComm.n, peplesd ,a

41、 re portConnt,pr omoe i nde pent CcmmSS on .IDs corr uplon _ke cnsucintru. , crae d e bl she d la hln rual i_y Pa. .e-nt Comm be I avir ad d “pie honns,i npoHis ad cut ue toceae a ggod amosee ad fespmet e I vrnme I I Altoug h im pl-et ,pl-etainideent C.mmion i ns crruin g uie.e s asecs m has m us fe

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43、s ng te g ovena nnecaabiB ad-anced cnsr ucton, ei nfrre d ruls I f te brod mases of pa,m bes and ers aenels, ense of resonHii ,sene of honor m p. wr. I g aihad l e of sc ef dvpmet Shoulon,a,s cruption culuepostil ns formed hhs a lupport sevce low due exe Ilet of m bes lad tem,cnsa* perec ad eblsed P

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45、rthe se ngtei ng te study and e in of te cde t he ine nH wa nig e in, e_cain the majoriy of pay membes and cades kdlmocac fiadicil nay cse onow I fea, .encia, systm,sregt hei ng Pak lay, a I Ulief and fna ncal, f ul puli c poweult og ane es ha s ne w rua consucl I n, by city rua -lf efrs alsnne d st

46、e ngte nig idviua se ctr and ca drs a so dfee, gre exs, tea git not t beneis not do,ad me.111_1. _ .1I I - - - . I - -II . . I- -advance dconstr uction, rei nforce d rules ofthe broad masses ofparty membersand cadres aw arene ss,se nse ofresponsibility,se nseof honor, im proveworkingability andlons,

47、formed hasa support servicel ow double excelle nt ofmembers leadteam,constantlyperfecta ndesta blished Park fundsasset s management,a nd villageauditsupervisi on, a nd villchanismalso enough perfect, e spe cially ine nrollme nt bidw orkr egulatoryaspect salso nee ded stre ngthe ning;II isregulat ory

48、supervisi on exist sl ost ofYuwi de,a nd lost ofYusoft,investigation ilevelofsci entificdevelopment.Shoulagers dem ocraticfina nci al,system, strengt heni ng Parkpart y, andChief,andfina n legaldiscipl inary ca seof efforts also nee dedstre ngthe ning, indivi dual sectorand c一.IL 一 II . .nd ca dres known fear,kne w f ear,honesty in politi cs oftension thestrings,consci ousnessand enhancing tstr uction, by cityrural style clea n governme nt inspecti on unitle d ofheighteval uation.Throughthe impleme ntation ofhonest andclea ngover


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