



1、閱讀理解之說明文Obes i t y (肥胖癥)is b eing a p ro b 1 e in i n our bus y s oc i e t y , a nd a 1 most onein thr e e American adul t s is now cons i dered to be o b ese、C h ildr e n o be s it y is also at an a 1 1 -t i me hih、A Obes i t y mea n s b e i ng v e ry ove r w e ight、If you are ob e se, you hav e t
2、oo muchbody fat、If you ea t more f o o d than y o u r bo d y can use, this wi lima k e you p u t onweight、Food t hat your body d oes no t need will be sto r e d (儲(chǔ)存)as f a t by yourb ody、T h e fo 1 1 o wing are the m a jor fa c tors (因素)thatincrease the risk of o b esi t y、Wha t y o u eat p 1 ay s a
3、 major ro 1 e in weight gain、 Ea t ing a lot of f a st food sue hash amb u r gers, swe e t dr i n k s , i ce ere a ms and other sweet fo o d c an i ncreas e the r i sk ofb e ing ob e s e、If y ou d o n o t do en o u g h e x e rci s e, yo u w i 11 p u t o n w e ight as t h e fo o d yo u e a t isn o t
4、bein g u s e d to mak e energy f or ph y sical a c ti v i tiesTh e ch a nee s of y ou b ei n g obe s e ar e gre a ter if yourpa ren t s a re ob e se、Th e re ar e many p s y c ho 1 o g ical(心理得)f acto r s that cause people to eat t o omuch、 Pe o p le w h o are worried, unhappy or bore d w i 1 1 o fte
5、n eat t o ma k e themsel v e sf eel betterThis is known as fo r t eatingsAA g e i s a not h e r f actor as y o u t e nd(趨于)to b e less active w h en yo u g e t o 1 d e rWhe n y ou get olde r , you n e ed to e a t 1 es s , an d if y ou d o not eat 1 e ss, you will p u ton weights Obesit y can cans e
6、many h e alth probl e m s su c h as heart pro b 1 e ms, h i ghb lo o d p r essur e and many otherserious medical condi t i on s、6 6、 The unde r 1 i ned s e nte n ce i n p a rag r aph 1 means t hat _、A、 o b esity d o e s n o t d o h arm to health、B、 a 111 h e Am e r ican c h ildr e n a re obeseC ther
7、 e ar e more obese chi 1 dren than befor e、Da there are1 ess o b e se ch i Idren in t he U SA67、 Acc ord ing to the passage, th e re are major f a ctor s t h a t i n c rea s e the risk of obe sity、A、 thre eB、 four C five D、 si x68、 What wi 1 1 the writ e r mo s t p robab 1 y ta 1 k ab o u t f ollowi
8、ng the las t paragr a p h ?A How to avoi d obesity、B、 How t o live i n t he b us y USA、C What illnes s e s a r e c a us e d b y obesity、D、 How doc t ors trea t he a rt p r o b 1 ems、英語閱讀之說明文“英語說明文”,顧名思義,就就是一種以“說明、解釋”為主要表達(dá)方式得 英語文體。它就是對客觀事物得性狀、特點(diǎn)、功能與用途等等做科學(xué)解說得。說 明文通過解說事物、闡明事理,使人們增長知識(shí)與技能。說明文具有與自己特點(diǎn)相適應(yīng)得
9、說明方法,因此說明文結(jié)構(gòu)復(fù)雜,專業(yè)術(shù)語多, 易于拉開考生分?jǐn)?shù)檔次。說明文抽象度高,所以解題難度大,考察內(nèi)容多為科普知 識(shí)、動(dòng)植物特性、自然與社會(huì)現(xiàn)象,新產(chǎn)品、新工藝介紹,以及人文地理、風(fēng)土 人情等方面,文中解釋性、定義性、說明性得句子增多。33 1【備考方法】掌握說明文得命題特點(diǎn)與敘述方式,重點(diǎn)突破長句結(jié)構(gòu)特點(diǎn)與邏輯關(guān)系。【命題類型與規(guī)律】1細(xì)節(jié)理解題:1)在列舉處命題用 f i r st (ly)、seco n d(ly) third ( 1 y )fi n a lly n o t on 1 y.but al so、then、in a d dition等表示順承關(guān)系得詞語列舉出事實(shí)。2)在例
10、證處命題句中常用由as、such as、for example、fo r in s tance等引導(dǎo)得短語 或句子作為例證,這些例句或比喻就成為命題者設(shè)問得焦點(diǎn)。3)在轉(zhuǎn)折對比處命題一般通過howev e r、but、y e t i n fac t等詞語來引導(dǎo)。對比用uni i ke until, not so much, a s等詞語引導(dǎo),命題者常對用來對比得雙方屬性進(jìn)行考 查。4)在比較處命題無端得比較、相反得比較、偷換對象得比較,經(jīng)常出現(xiàn)在干擾項(xiàng)中,考生要標(biāo) 記并且關(guān)注到原文中得比較,才能順利地排除干擾。5)在復(fù)雜句中命題包括同位詞、插入語、定語、從句、不定式等,命題者主要考查考生對句子
11、 之間得指代關(guān)系與語*去關(guān)系C注意】細(xì)節(jié)采、問題一般看、能在原文中找到出處,但正確得選項(xiàng)不可能與閱讀材 料得原文完全相同,而就是用不同得語句成句型表達(dá)相同得意思,即“同義替換”。 2、語義猜測題:說明文為了把自然規(guī)律,事物得性質(zhì)等介紹清楚或把事理闡述明白,因此學(xué)術(shù) 性強(qiáng)得生詞較多,所以常進(jìn)行生詞詞義判斷題得考查。命題方式:1) th e U n derli n ed part .i n para g rap h refers to.2) wh a t does the u n derlined wo r d mean?3) what is the meanin g o f t h e u nd
12、erl i n ed word?、【注意】定義句、上下文、同義詞、破折號(hào)、同位語從句、定語從句、插入句 等具有解釋、說明作用得語言成分,往往就是猜詞得依據(jù)。3、主旨理解題:即對文章得主題或中心意思得概括或歸納?!咀⒁狻坑绕湓谶x擇the b est / p r oper t i t 1 e時(shí),不能以偏概全,也不能太泛 太籠統(tǒng),要注意包含貫穿全文得線索通。4、推理判斷題:這種題型得答案在原文中就是丕能直接找到得!推斷作者觀點(diǎn)態(tài)度(atti tud e )時(shí)要注意文中某些用詞或語氣背后得隱含意義,來推斷出作者就是贊賞、批判 還就是中立。po s itive積極得;肯定得neg a tive消極得;否
13、定得n eu t ral中立得【閱讀小技巧】太絕對(all, e very等)一般都不對;轉(zhuǎn)折后即為重點(diǎn)(however, but等);兩選項(xiàng)互為反義,其中之一正確;包含同義替換為正確選項(xiàng)。本文重點(diǎn)固搭:1、 i s being.2、 o ne in three3、 be con s i dered t o b e、4、be at a 1 1 time h i g h創(chuàng)下歷史新高5、 mean doing sth、6、 p u t o n weigh t7、 increa s e t he r i s k of.8 play a majo r r ol e i n .9 c a u s e s
14、b t o do st h1、 0、 e at t o o much11、 make s b d o sth12、 b e know n a s13、 tend to do sth、14、 get o 1 der / ge t old15、 need t o do16、sue h as含定語從句得句子:1、(您身體不需要得)食物將會(huì)被您得身體存儲(chǔ)為脂肪。2、 以下一就就是加肥胖風(fēng)險(xiǎn)得)主要因素。3、我們?yōu)槭裁醋兣值迷蚓褪翘嗟檬澄锱c太少得鍛煉。4、我們?yōu)槭裁醋兣值迷蚓褪浅蕴嗟檬澄锱c做太少得鍛煉。5、我們?yōu)槭裁醋兣值迷蚓褪俏覀兂蕴嗟檬澄锱c做太少得鍛煉。語篇填空:Obes i t y (
15、肥胖癥)is bei n g a probl e m in ou r bus y soc i ety , a nd alm o st o n e1 three A m e rica n ad u Its is n ow considered to b e o b e s e C hi 1 dren obesity isals o at an a 1 1 - t i me hi g h、a Obe sity me a ns 2 ve r y ove r wei g h t If youareobe s e, you hav e t o o muchbody fat、If you ea t m o
16、 re f ood 3 your body can use, this w i 11 ma k e y o u p uton w ei g h t、Fo o d th a t your bo d y doe s not ne e d w i 11 b e sto r e d(儲(chǔ)存) a s fat 4 y o urbo d y、Th e foil o w i ng are t he m a j or f acto r s(因素)5 i n c re a se the risk of o b es i tyW h at y ou eat play s a maj o r r ole i n we
17、i g h t gain、 Eating a 1 ot o f fast f o od 6as ham b u rgers, swee t drinks, i c e c r e ams and other swe e t f ood can increase t h e r i sk ofbe i ng o b e s e、If y o u do n o t do eno u gh e x ercise, you will put on weight 7 t he f oo dyou eat is n ot being used t o ma k e e n e rg y 8 phy s i
18、cal act iviti e s、The chan c e s of y o u b e i ng ob e se are grea t er if y o u r pa r ents are o b ese9 are man y p sychological(心理得)fa c t o rs t h a t c ause people t o ea t toomu c h、Pe o p le 1 0 are w o r r ied, u n h appy o r bored will often ea t to make t li e mse 1 v e s feel better Th is is kn own11fort eating、AA g e is a n other f a c t or, as y ou t end(趨于)tob e12 ac t
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