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1、實用文檔what引導名詞性從句的五種用法一、用法歸納他們已經(jīng)盡力幫助了她.1 .表示“的東西或事情:They' ve done what they can to help her.He saves what he earns. 他賺多少,積蓄多少.What Mary is is the secretary.瑪麗的職務是秘書.2 .表示“的人或的樣子:He is no longer what he was.他已經(jīng)不是以前的那個樣子.He is what is generally called atraitor .他就是人們通常所說的叛徒.Who is it that has made F

2、red what he is now?是誰把弗雷德培養(yǎng)成現(xiàn)在這個樣子的?3 .表示“的數(shù)量或數(shù)目:Our income is now double what it was ten years ago.我們現(xiàn)在的收入是 10 年前的兩倍.The number of the students in our school is ten times what it was before liberation.現(xiàn)在我校學生的數(shù)量是解放前的10倍.似乎過了幾個小時他4 .表示“的時間:After what seemed like hours he came out with a bitter smile.

3、才苦笑著出來.The young girl was too frightened to speak, standing there for what seemed like hours.小女孩嚇得不敢說話,在那兒站了幾個小時.5 .表示“的地方:This is what they call Salt Lake City.這就是他們稱為鹽湖城的地方.In 1492, Columbus reached what is now called America. 1492年哥倫布到達了 現(xiàn)在所稱的美洲大陸.二、用法說明(1)這樣用的what相當于“先行詞+關(guān)系代詞,所以其前不能有先行詞:你喜歡什么就拿什

4、么吧.正: You can have what you like. / You can have everything (that) you like.誤: You can have everything what you like.6 2)有時what可用作限定詞,其后修飾一個名詞:I gave him what books I had.我把我所有的書都給他了.He gave me what money he had about him. 他把身邊帶有的錢全給了我.(3) What后的名詞可以是復數(shù)名詞或不可數(shù)名詞,但通常不能是單數(shù)可數(shù)名詞:誤:I gave him what book I

5、had.(4) What后接不可數(shù)名詞時,有時可有 little 修飾.注意區(qū)別:what+不可數(shù)名詞=所有的 都,what little+ 不可數(shù)名詞=雖少但全部.如:實用文檔I spent what time I had with her.我所有的時間都是與她一起度過的.I spent what little time I had with her.我僅有的一點時間都是與她一起度過的連接代詞that和what引導名詞性從句的用法比擬2021-04-13 23:22先看下面一道單項選擇題:im pr es se d me most was s uc h a li tt le boy co u

6、l d play t he vi ol in soA. That ; whatB. What ; t hatC. That ; t hatD.很明顯,這道題考查的知識要點是名詞性從句.名詞性從句是高中階段的重要語法工程之一 要語法工程之一,是高中階段的重點,也是難點,尤其對于連接代詞th at 和what 的用I 幾乎是靠“蒙來尋求答案.以這道題為例,第一空是what 引導的主語從句,并在主語從 的表語從句,th at在表語從句中不能省略,不作成分,也沒詞義.雖然th at 和what 都 中的語法功能截然不同.下面我們結(jié)合20 05年和2006年全國及各省市高考英語試題中th a 引導名詞性

7、從句時的用法加以比擬和區(qū)別.1.2006年全國及各省市高考英語試題中thatWhat did you r par en ts t hin k aboutThey al ways l et me doA. when I T16 )B. th at解析:這一題的正確答案是Do what與 what 的相關(guān)題目yo ur dec is io n?I t hi nk I s ho ul d.C. howD. wha t在此題中引導名詞性從句并作動詞do 的賓語2. Eng in es ar e to mach in esA. asB. th at東 T23 )he ar ts ar e to an i

8、m al s.C. whatD. whic h解析:這一題的正確答案是 結(jié)構(gòu)是 “ A i s t o B what 表語從句中又作表語.CoC此題漢語意思為“發(fā)動機對于機器正如心臟對于動物一樣is to D .在這個句型結(jié)構(gòu)中,what 引導的表語從句作:3. With hi s work compl et ed, t he bus in es sman st epped back to hi s seat, fe el in g n of act io n.實用文檔A. whic h南 T34 )B. t hatC. whatD. whet her解析:這一題的正確答案是B.此題考查賓語從

9、句的用法,因從句he was a man of ac ti or 且表達肯定意義,所以此空應填入連詞th at, t hat 只起連接作用,不作句子成分.4. - - - It ' s t hir ty ye ar s sin ce we l as t met.- But I sti ll re member t he st or y, bel i eve i t or not,weA. whic hB. t hatC. whatD. when30 )解析:這一題的正確答案是Bo此題考查th at 引導的同位語從句的用法,兩個逗號之間的 語,因空的后面是一個語法意義上完整的句子,可以斷

10、定這是一個以that 引導的同位語力 從句中要作成分;C項 What 引導名詞性從句時意思是 “的東西/事情/人/時間/地點詞 + th at ,本句中已有先行詞 t he st or y, 如選 what造成語意的重復;D項when 行詞.2 .t hat 引導的名詞性從句首先,在引導名詞性從句時,t hat 一般具有不可省略性.連接代詞th at除引導第一個賓語從句時可以省略外,引導其他各類名詞性從句皆不能省略 Itis r eq uire d in th ereg ula t ionsthatyou sho ul d nottellot her peo pleccou nt. - Don

11、' tyou t hi nkitnec essar ythathe no tbe sentt oMiamibut toN(I ag re e,but t he proble m ist hathehas r efus ed to. There is much cha nc ethat Bi llwillreco ve r from hi s i njur y i ntim e f or(200 6 天津 T14 ) Our Engl is h t eache r t ol d us (t hat) we al l di d ver y wel l in t he examin at i

12、o l mar k.以上四個句子中,t hat 分別引導主語從句,表語從句,同位語從句和賓語從句,除在第BT 其他的th at 均不可省略.其次,在引導名詞性從句時,t hat不作句子中的任何成分.例如: Nobod y bel iev ed his re as on f or bei ng ab se nt f ro m t he cl ass th at he had t r t.實用文檔33 )該句中,th at引導同位語從句,但在句中不作任何成分. I t i s our be l ie f th at i mpr ove ment s in heal th ca re wi ll l

13、 e ad to a str ong e y.)該句中,i t 是形式主語,th at引導的主語從句才是整個句子的真正主語,th at在句中不4 最后,在引導名詞性從句時,t hat沒有任何詞匯意義. A warm thou ght su dd enlyca me t o me th at Imi ght use th e pock et money t or' s bi rt hd ay. Dan by le ft wor d wit h mysecr eta ryt hat hewoul d cal l agai n in th e aft ern2005浙江)在以上兩個考例中,t

14、h at僅起引導同位語從句的作用,沒有任何詞匯意義.綜上所述,that 在引導名詞性從句時具有三大特點:不可省略,不作成分,沒有詞義.3 , what引導的名詞性從句首先,what 引導名詞性從句時,what 在句中不省略.這一用法與th at引導名詞性從句時的用法不盡相同. He spo ke pr ou d ly of hi s part i n t he ga me, wi th out men ti on in g wha t hi s te 06 上海 T3 9 )what 在該句中引導賓語從句,what 不可省略. Gre at ch an ges hav e t ak en pl

15、a ce i n t ha t s cho ol. It is no lo nge r what i t ' so po or ly eq ui pp ed.what在該句中引導表語從句,但在句中不可省略.其次,what 引導名詞性從句時,具有詞匯意義.這是what 與th at 引導名詞性從句的重要區(qū)別之一,What 一般指"的東西/事情/ / Do you have an y i de a what i s act ua ll y goi ng on i n t he cl ass ro om?實用文檔what在該句中引導同位語從句并作這個同位語從句的主語,詞義為&quo

16、t;的東西、事情室里到底發(fā)生了什么事. It is what you do ra th er th an what yo u sa y t ha t mat ter s.這是一個強調(diào)句型,被強調(diào)的局部是由what引導的兩個主語從句,what在句中的詞義為 漢語意思是“關(guān)鍵要看你做什么而不是說什么.最后,what 引導名詞性從句時不僅只起引導作用,同時還要作句中的某個句法成分.這一點是what 在引導名詞性從句時與th at 用法區(qū)別的關(guān)鍵所在. I ju st wond ert hat makes hi m so ex ci te d.A. why i t doe sB. what he do

17、 esC. how it isD. wha t i t is這一題的正確答案是D,是一個強調(diào)句型作賓語的典型考例,被強調(diào)的成分what 在句中不/ 賓語從句中作make s 的主語. A mode rn ci ty has be en se t up in wha t was a was te la nd ten yea rs ag o.在這個句子中,wha t 引導的從句作了介詞in 的賓語,同時what 又在賓語從句中充當 注意的是,在引導名詞性從句時,tha t 引導的句子一般不作介詞的賓語,相反,由what 更為常見.例如: The ot he r day, my br ot he r

18、 dr ove hi s car down th e str eet at what I th ough d.海春招 )此題中,介詞at后面用了 what引導的賓語從句,what在賓語從句中作主語,而th at不可綜上所述,what 在引導名詞性從句時具有三大特點:不可省略,作成分,有詞義總之,掌握連接代詞th at和what在引導名詞性從句時的用法并不難,關(guān)鍵是要多W 希望各位英語習得者悟其道而踐其行.hat引導名詞性從句用法探究what引導名詞性從句,其用法如下:-71一、用作代詞,在從句中作主語、賓語、表語,其含義如下:1. “什么;多少;的,所的" .如:二|I don

19、9; t know what it is, call it what you like.我不知道它是什么,你想 叫它什么就叫它什么吧.It matters not only what you think, but also what others think you think and what you think they think you think.重要的不僅僅是你怎么想, 而且是別人認為你怎么想及你認為他們認為你怎么想.He asked what the pricewas.他問價格是多少.實用文檔What she couldnt understand was why fewer an

20、d fewer students showed interest in her lessons,她所不能理解的是為什么越來越少的學生對她的課感興趣.Please tell me what you think of our chemistry teacher.請告訴我你對我 們化學老師的看法.2. “的樣子,面貌,狀況.如He seems different from what he used to be.他似乎跟過去不一樣了.What a person looks like is not as important as what he or she gr ows up to be.高一新教材上

21、p,81 一個人的長相并不重要,重要的是他或她長大后將成為什么樣的人.Science has told us so much about the moon that it is fairly easy to imagine what it would be like out there.科學已向我們提供了很多關(guān)于 月球的情況,因此我們就很容易想象那兒的狀況了.3. “的地方.如:A modern city has been set up in was a wasteland ten years a go.A. what B. which C. that D. where 2004 年天津高考題

22、 答案A 一座現(xiàn)代化城市已在十年前還是一片荒地的地方建起了.When Columbus first got to is now North America, he called the people he met there a Indians ".當哥倫布首次到達今天為北美的那個地方時,他把他在那兒所遇到的人稱作“印第安人".二|Thus eight people were crowded into what was really no more than a single room,于是八口人就擠在實際只有一個房間的屋子里.4. “的時間.如:Afterwhatseem

23、edtobea long time, the soldiercame back tolife.似乎過了很長時間之后,士兵蘇醒了過來.Afterwhatseemedaverylong time,I opened myeyes and foundmyself in bed!似乎過了很久之后,我睜開雙眼,結(jié)果發(fā)現(xiàn)自己還在床上.二、用作形容詞,在從句中作定語.1,后接名詞,意為:(1) “什么;多少;多么".如:I don' t know what machine they are making.我不知道他們在制造什么機器.He did not realize what a mist

24、ake he had made.他沒有意識到他犯了多么嚴 重的錯誤.We agreedthatnight that wewould meet here again exactlytwentyyears fromthedate and time,no matter what our conditionsmightbeor from what distance we might have to come.我們那天晚上約定,不管我們 的情況怎樣或我們得從多遠的地方趕來,我們都會從那天起正好二十年之后在這兒再相 見.2所的事物或人.如:What education he had was picked

25、up from time to time under the pr essure of necessity,他所受的教育都是迫于需要,一點一點地得來的.I will give them what help Ican.我將盡我水平幫助他們.What family and friendsI stillhave live abroad.我現(xiàn)在所有的家人和朋友實用文檔都住在國外.2.后接little, few,意為“全部的盡管不多;僅有的那么一點;小的;不重要的.如:The home improvements have taken what little there is my spare time.

26、 IA. from B. in C. of D. at 2001 年全國高考題答案C住宅的裝修花去了我僅有的那么一點業(yè)余時間的全部.His mind and mine, what little I had, seemed to run together, move in the same channel.他的心和我的小小的心似乎是連在一起的,總是往一處想.What引導的名詞性從句what引導的名詞性從句在中學教材中出現(xiàn)頻率極高,也是高考的重要考點之一,所以由其引導名詞性從句的用法應引起我們足夠的重視.本文將從以下幾個方面來談談如何掌握好這一重要語法:一.要掌握好what在句子中的語義.1 .表

27、示“的人",相當于 the person that .如:He is not what he was a few years ago.他不是幾年前的他了.Who is it that has made Fred what he is now?是誰把弗雷德培養(yǎng)成現(xiàn)在這樣一個人的?2 .表示“的地方,相當于 the place that .如:This is what they call Salt Lake City.這就是他們稱作鹽湖城的地方.What is now the North Sahara Desert was once a civilized world.現(xiàn)在的撒哈拉沙漠的

28、北部曾經(jīng)是一個文明世界.3 .表示"的數(shù)目",相當于 the amount/number that .如:Our income is now double what is was ten years ago.我們現(xiàn)在的收入是十年前的兩倍.實用文檔The number of the students in our school has reached as many as 20,000, ten times what it was before liberation.現(xiàn)在我校學生多達 2萬人,是解放前的十倍.4 . what的這種特殊含義可以根據(jù)句子的意思在譯時靈活處理,不可

29、千篇一律.例如:The color of the flower is different from what it was in the morning.那朵花的顏色與早晨的不同.what=the color that 二.要掌握好what引導名詞性從句的類型.1 .賓語從句用作動詞或介詞的賓詞.例如:When you answer questions in a job interview, please remember the golden ruleAlways give the monkey exactly what he wants.求職面試時,請記住這條黃金定律:永遠給予對方確實想要的東西.2 .主語從句.例如:What he said at the meeting astonished everybody present.他在會上說的


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