1、2021年3月20日雅思考試口語考題回顧Part 1I ntroduct i on:1.Tel I me something about your work?2.Tel I me about your studies?City3.Tel I me about the city you come from.4.What do you think about the I ifestyle in the city?Cook i ng5.Do you Ii ke cook i ng?6.When do you usuaI Iy cook?Read ing7 Do you Ii ke to read b
2、ook?8.How much time do you spend in reading book?9.When you were young, what kind of book did you I ike to read?10.What k i nd of book do you Ii ke best?11.What do you usuaI Iy read? Why?12 What is your favor i te magazine?13.What kind of newspaper do you have in China?House14.What are the requ i re
3、ments for your house decorat i ons?15.Is the pI ace you are I iving good for your chi Id?Why?16.Do you know your ne i ghbors? I f not, Why?Schoo I17.How long have you been a student?18.What do you enjoy most about your stud i es?18. Why did you choose this university?19 What is your major in your un
4、iversity? Why did you choose i t?20. Why did you choose this school?21 How long have you been a co I Iege student?22.Tel I me something about your campus Iife?23.Do you prefer to be a student or to be a workingperson? Why?TV program24.What kind of TV program do you Iike when you were younger?Hometow
5、n25.Is your hometown good for raising a chi Id?Transportat ion26.What k i nd of transportat ion do you usuaI Iy take and why?27.How to improve the transportat ion system in your country?28.How is the traffic in your hometown?29.How much do you spend on transportat ion? Is thefarehigh?30.How to impro
6、ve the traffic problem?Commun i cat i ngof communicat ion do you prefer?35.Do you prefer to send an ema iI or wr i te a letter?Why?36.When do you use teI ephone?37. Do you prefer to have a face to face communication or to communicate byphone?Clothes38.Do you think clothes is important for you?32.How
7、 often doyou use teI ephone?33.How often doyou wr i te an emai I or letter?34.Which do youprefer to use teI ephone or ema i I?What k i nd39.What is your opinion about clothes?40 When do you wear forma I clothes?HousehoId Chores41.Do you th i nk it is necessary for a child to he Ip in household chore
8、s?Why?42.Is there any changes in your household chores now?43.What kind of household chores did you do when you were a chi Id?Shopp ing1.How do peopIe shop now?2.What is the differenee between the way people shop before and now?3.Do you Ii ke shopp ing?4.Do you often go shopp i ng?5.Do you think tha
9、t modern people spend too much time on shopp i ng?6.What k i nd of shop do you I i ke?Language1.Did you I earn your Engl i sh well?Fi Im1.What type of fiIm do you Iike?Computer1. Do you use computer?Re I ax1. Do you think to it is important to relax?2.How do you usuaI Iy relax?Fr i end1. Do you Ii k
10、e to make fr i ends with people?2.What k i nd of fr i end do you like?3.Ta Ik about a interesting exper i ence of mak i ng a f r i end.4.Do you need a Iong time to know a person?Season1. Which season do you I ike? Why?Fami Iy1. Does your fami Iy a I ways treat you as a chi Id?Part 2&3Place1. Des
11、cr i be a shopadvantages and disadvantages of onlineshopp i ng ?Do you often go shopping ? Why do you Iike it?Do you think that it is good for chiIdren to go shopp i ng ?What type of shop i s cIose to your house?What are theWhy men dont like shopping?What type of shop do you usuaI Iy go?and going to
12、 a smaI I shop?What is the difference betweenI iving in the suburbs?Does the city provide advantage in any aspect of yourI ife?What kinds of peopIe enjoy Iiving in the city?What are the major prob Iems fac i ng the cities nowadays?3.I ntroduce a pI ace with a good water resource.What is the importan
13、ce of water?Whati s the d i fferencebetween going to the supermarketWhy some peopIe dont like shopping?2.Descr ibe a city youhave v i s ited.Iiving in the city andWhy do peopIe use more water now than before?What kind of the policy shouId the government make to save the water resources?Why do peopIe
14、 Ii ke to live in a pI ace cIose to water?What can they do i f they I i ve cIose to the water?Why chiIdren like swimming?4.I ntroduce a pI ace you have stud i ed or worked.How i s the pI ace?How it Iooks Iike?Have you been to other places?Is there any pI ace that you reaI Iy want to go?Is there any
15、k i nd of equ i pment that couId make a pI acemore comfortable to study?How can I earning affect people s fee Iing?Should peopIe spend more time on studying or working?5.Descr i be a pI ace which i s not poI lutedWhere i s thi s pI ace?What k i nd of pI ace i s not polluted?What do you think about p
16、oIlution?6.Descr i be a caf e or restaurant you have been.What kind of food i s popuI ar in China?Do you often go to restaurants to eat?Is food important in Chinese culture?Can food affect your heaI th?7.Descr ibe a hotelDo you Ii ke Ii v i ng i n a hoteI ? Why?How is the service of the hoteI?Is the
17、re anythi ng that needs to be improved?8.Descr ibe a city you have I ived inDoes the city affect thei r peopIe?What type of peopIe are suitabIe to live in the city?What is the difference between middle/smaI I city andIarge city?How i s the pollution prob Iem in the city?Do you Iike to live in the ci
18、ty or countryside, and why?9.Descr i be a famous s i ght Where is it ?Why is it famous ?Do you think it,s important to have a famous sight in your city?Object10. Descr ibe a Ianguage you want to I earn (exceptEngli sh)Why some chi Idren I earn Ianguage faster than others?What is the difference betwe
19、en foreigner teacher andChi nese teacher in teach i ng Engl i sh?Who i s respons ibIe in teach ing chi Idren Eng Ii sh? The parents or theschool?What are the advantages of Iearning other Ianguages? Why do you choose it?Wi I I you go to this country?Does your fr iend a I so I earn thi s Ianguage11 De
20、scr ibe your favor i te magaz i ne and newspaper What is your favor ite magazine and newspaper?What information do you get from the magazine?What k i nd of peopIe read the magaz i ne? How popuI ar i s the magaz ine?Why?What is the difference between magazine and newspaper?How does the med i a affect
21、 the peopIe?Do peopIe read a lot of newspaper?When d id you start to read newspaper?Do you Ii ke I oca I or international news?12.I ntroduce a k i nd of eIectri cal equipment (except computer).What k i nd of ta Ient an electri cal des i gner shouId have?What are the advantages and disadvantages of u
22、sing a computer?ShouId the parents support thei r chiIdren in using thei nternet?13.Taik about the I aw.Do you think it is necessary to create a I aw? Why?Do you think the I aw is fa i r?14.Ta I k about film.What do you I earn from mov i es?How Chinese peopIe think about foreign movies?What style of
23、 mov i e i s popuI ar in China?Which i s more popuI ar Chinese movies or foreign movies?Do you think the advertisement is important for amov i e?ShouId chiIdren have homework? Why?Do High-school students need to have a lot of homework?Do co I Iege students have part time jobs? Why?How do we learn fr
24、om our job?15.Descr ibe a project you d i dwhile you were studyingWhy some parents choose to let thei r chi Idren study at home ?Do you be Iieve i n Ch i nese education?What are the d i sadvantages of not hav ing a computer ?16 Descr ibe a webs i te.What is the advantage of Internet?What effect has
25、the internet had on the way people genera I Iy communicatewith each other?What kind of peopIe uses Internet the most?What do you think of shopping on I ine?17. Descr ibe your hobbiesWhy do you have th i s hobby?18 Descr ibe the SMS & mak ing a phone caI LWhy sending SMS i s more popuI ar than ma
26、king a phone call?19. Descr ibe a type of sport you pIayed when you were a chi Id.What type of sport do you usuaI Iy do?Do boys and girls pI ay the same sports?Do you agree that hav i ng a sport can make a child heaI thy?Is box i ng good for heaI th?What do you think about women joining boxing compe
27、tit ions?20. Descr ibe a type of sport you pIayed when you were a chi Id.What type of sport do you usuaI Iy do?Do boys and girls pI ay the same sports?Do you agree that hav i ng a sport can make a child heaI thy?Is box i ng good for heaI th?What do you think about women joining boxing competit ions?
28、Even t21 Descr ibe a recent change in your Iife Do you think chiIdren shouId try new things?changed?What are the changes now? Is it better now than in thepast? Why are these changes?Is the past better than the present ?Why is the envi ronment getting worst?What k i nds of poI Iut i on?What is the ca
29、use of poIlution?Do you think the society has changed a lot? What haveWhy the gasoIine pr ice is r is ing?22.Descr ibe one of your fami ly events.How i s Ch inese specia I wedd ing? Why i s important? Wi I Iit be changed?What is the difference between modern wedding andtraditional wedding in your cu
30、lture?23. Descr ibe a situation in your I ife when someone gave you an advice Do you usuaI Iy get advices from your famiIy or your friends?Which k i nd of peopIe are a I ways on time?Why are Chinese peopIe not good in time management?Are the chiIdren good at time management?Who is busier the young p
31、eopIe or the oIder people?25.Descr ibe a happy eventWhat are the things that can make a fami ly happy?What do you think make older peopIe happy?Do you give advice toyoung peopIe?24. Descr ibe an eventof being late.Is it important to beon time? Why?Why some peopIe are still happy even if they have pr
32、ob Iems?26.Descr ibe a vacation.What do peopIe usuaI Iy do on vacation?Which is better going out or having a rest at home?Where do Chinese people for vacation?What do foreign peopIe buy when they come to China?Is tourism important to Chinese economy?Person27.Descr ibe a teenager you know.Can teenage
33、rs affect the society?How does the society affect the teenagers?28.Descr ibe someone who vi si ted your fami Iy.How do you treat your visitor?Is it convenient to live in your friend s house?What is the difference between Iiving in a hotel andIiving in your friend s house?29.I ntroduce a type of physicaI activity.Why the government shouId let peopIe join physicaIactivities?How can the government encourage peopIe do morephysicaI activities? Why?What type of physicaI activity do you Iike?What do you usuaI Iy do?How i s the sports i n the past?Why modern peopIe don t like to exercise?30.Descr
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