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1、鐵礦買賣合同IRREVOCABLE SALES/PURCHASE CONTRACT FOR IRON ORE合同編號Contract No :合同日期 Contract Date :THIS AGREEMENT is madeand enteredon thedateof 28, SEP2010本合同由買賣雙方于公元2010年9月28日共同簽訂。SELLER 賣方:ADDRESS 地址TEL電話:FAX傳真:CO Seller法人代表:BUYER買方:ADDRESS 地址TEL電話:FAX傳真:CO Buyer法人代表:The SELLER shall sell and deliver, an

2、dthe BUYER shall buy andacceptdelivery of thegoodsbelow stipulated: Representativeof the bilateral partiesarefully authorized by both companies以下議定之商品內(nèi)容,賣方必須銷售與交運,買方必須購買及提領(lǐng)。雙方之 代表人皆由公司充分授權(quán)。1. COMMODITY AND QUANTITY 商品和數(shù)量1.1. Commodity:IRON ORE商品:鐵礦沙1.2. Country of Original :Indonesia原始產(chǎn)地:印度尼西亞1.3. L

3、oding Point裝貨港1. Rate :5,000 DMT /Day裝貨率:5,000DMT/日DischargePort卸貨港:Quantity: One Year240,000DMT +/- 10%. The first shipment20,000DMT +/- 10%.數(shù)量:一年240,000DMT,增減額+/- 10%,第一次交運20,000DMT +/- 10%,Packing: In Bulk包裝:散裝PRICE AND DELIVERY TERMS :價格和交貨條件:Price: Magnetic

4、Iron Ore Lump Fe Basic 53%Washed,FOBTUSD48.00/DMT (FOB). Price bediscussedevery 3 months.價格:基準53%鐵品位之磁鐵礦石塊,:每千向FOBT:48.00美元.價格每三個月討論一次。SHIPMENT IN LOTS OF :貨物裝運批次:The first shipmentwill be20.000DMT(+/- 10%decidedby Buyer).If the Goodscan't beshippedor quality not qualified asper contract,the buy

5、er hasthe right not to continuethe contract.第一船二萬噸,(+/-10%的溢短裝由買方?jīng)Q定)如果第一船貨物未能裝運或者裝運貨物不 合格,買方可以不續(xù)約。DELIVERY :交貨日期:The first shipment shall start loading within 15 days after receipt of Buyer's First 40% payment.第一裝運日期于收到買方第一次40%的貨款后25天內(nèi)裝船:COMMODITY SPESIFICATIONS:商品規(guī)格:CHEMICAL COMPOOTION %REJECTI

6、ONFe53%Lower低于51.00%SiO2二氧化硅10.0%MaxAI2O3三氧化二鋁3.0%MaxAbove圖于0.40%Above高于0.10 %Above高于0.25%Sulfur硫0.33%Phosphorus(P)磷0.07%TiO2二氧化鈦0.20%4. PRICE ADJUSTMENT AND REJECTION GOODS 價格的調(diào)整和拒收:4.1 Fecontenttake53%ascriterion, if Fecontentis excess1.0% the price will beincreaseUS$1.00/DMT , If Fecontentreduce1

7、% the price will bededuct US$1.00/DMT. If Fe contentLower than 51% Buyer hasthe right to reject the goods.鐵(Fe)含量以53%為基準,高出白部分每增加1.0%,每千噸加1.00 美元,不足的部分每減少1%,每千噸減1.00美元。若鐵(Fe)含量低于51 %買方有權(quán)拒收。4.2 SiO2 takes10% ascriterion, every 1% exceedwill bededucted US$0.10/DMT. If notup to 1% becalculatedproportio

8、nally. If under 8%, every 1% decreasewill be bonus US$0.10/DMT. If not upto 1% be calculated proportionally.二氧化硅含量10%為基準,超出白部分每增加1%扣US$0.10斤噸。不足1%按比例計 算。降低的部分每減少1%獎勵US$0.10斤噸。不足1%按比例計算。4.3 Al 2O3 takes3% ascriterion, every 1% exceedwill be deducted US$0.10/DMT.If not upto 1% becalculatedproportional

9、ly. If under6%, every 1% decrease will bebonusUS$0.10/DMT. If not upto 1% be calculatedproportionally. 三氧化二鋁含量3%為基準,超出的部分每增加1%扣US$0.10/噸。不 足1%按比例計算。降低的部分每減少1%獎勵US$0.10汗噸。不足1%按 比例計算。4.4 Sulfur takes0.33 % ascriterion. If sulfur above0.4% Buyer hasthe right to reject.硫含量0.33%為基準,若硫含量超過0.4%買方有權(quán)拒收。4.5 P

10、hosphoroustakes0.07% asthe criterion, every 0.01% exceedwill be deductedUS$0.10/DMT. If not up to 0.01% becalculatedproportionally. If under0.07% every0.01% decreasewill bebonusUS$0.10/DMT. if Phosphorousabove0.10% Buyer hastheright to reiect.磷含量0.07%/基準,超出白部分每增加0.01%扣US$0.10斤噸。不足0. 01按比例計算。降低的部分每減少

11、0.01%獎勵US$0.3斤噸。不足0.01% 按比例計算。若磷含量超過0.1%買方有權(quán)拒收。4.6 TiO2 takes0.2% ascriterion, every0.01% exceedwill be deductedUS$0.1/ DMT. If not up to 0.01% be calculatedproportionally. If under0.2%, every 0.01% decreasebebonus US$0.1/DMT. if TiO2 above0.25% Buyer hasthe right to reject.二氧化鈦含量0.2%為基準,超出白部分每增加0.0

12、1%扣US$0.1斤噸。不 足0.01%按比例計算。降低的部分每減少0.01%獎勵US$0.1汗噸。不足0 .01%按比例計算。若二氧化鈦含量超過0.25%買方有權(quán)拒收。4.7 Size: diameternot exceed100mm 直徑不超過100mm.4.8 8% moisture by dry tons of pricing, morethan 8% water withholding waterpricing含水份在8 %之內(nèi)按干噸計價,超過8%水份扣水份計價5. PAYMENT TERMS付款條件This 20,000DMT Iron Ore SalesContractwill

13、be paid by T/T in 3 portions: 本2萬噸鐵礦石的買賣合約分3次以電匯付款:5.1 After both partiessignedContract, Seller should arrange20,000DMT of qualified Iron Ore as abovespecification mentioned readyfor Buyer' s inspection. Buyer will arrangeInternational independentSurveyor (CCIC) to inspect at the site at buyer &

14、#39; own cost. If theinspection result is fulfill this contract requirement, within 3 banking days Buyer should T/T the 1st 40% of the20,000DMT' payment US$336,000(US Dollars Three Hundred Thirty Six Thousand)to Seller. Seller then transportthe 20,000DMT of Iron Oreto Buyer' siockpile at the

15、 PanjangPort (Rental will pay by Seller).買賣雙方簽約后,賣方應(yīng)備妥如本合約規(guī)范要求的2萬噸磁鐵礦供買方驗貨。買方將自費安排國際獨立驗貨公司(如 CCIC)到賣方現(xiàn)貨現(xiàn)場 取樣。報告出來如符合要求,3個工作天內(nèi)買方須電匯2萬噸鐵礦的第一 筆40%貨款US$384,000 (384000美元)給賣方。賣方馬上安排將 2萬噸 的鐵礦石運送到在Panjang港賣方租用的堆場。5.2 The 2nd 40% which is US$384,000paymentwill be transfer when Iron Orestart loading to the M

16、other Vessel.第二筆40% 384,000美元的貨款於鐵礦石開始上母船時電匯。5.3 The balance20% paymentUS$192,000will be transfer when Seller hand overall necessarydocuments.Thedocumentscontents:a. Invoice(發(fā)票)b. Bill of Lading(提單)c. Certificate of Quality (品質(zhì)證明書)d. Certificate of Weight (重量證明書)e. Certificate of Country of Origin (

17、原產(chǎn)地證明書)20%的尾款192,000美元於交付上述必要文件時付清。6. PAYMENT DOCUMENTS REQUIRED:付款單據(jù):1 .1 The Buyer agreedto pay 100% of thecontractedshipmentvalue underthe FOBT term when the following documentspresentby the seller.買方同意支付依FOBT條款之合同價格數(shù)量的100%給賣方。但賣方需 出具下列FOBT條款的文件:A.) Invoice in 3 (three)original and 3(three)copies

18、indicating contractnumber, product value and the nameof carrying vessel.發(fā)票3正3副注明合同號,貨物金額及承運船名。8 .) Certificate of Quality of contractedgoodsin 1 (one) original and3(three) Copiesissuedby CCIC Indonesia.The Certificate of Quality should show actual result of the testof chemical composition.由印尼CCIC公司簽

19、發(fā)的品質(zhì)證明1正3副,品質(zhì)證明顯示化學(xué)成分測試的實際結(jié)果。C.) Certificate of Weight of contractedgoods in 1(one) original and 3(three) Copies issuedby CCIC Indonesia.,showing the actualweight loaded on vesselunder thecontract.由印尼CCIC公司簽發(fā)的重量證明1正3副,顯示此合同實際裝船重量。D.) Certificate of Origin in 1(one) original and 3(three) copiesdetail

20、ing the name of commodity, loaded quantity, and the nameof carrying vessel.原產(chǎn)地證明1正3副,詳細注明產(chǎn)品名稱,裝貨數(shù)量及承運船名。E.) Copy of the shipping documentshould fax/email to the Buyer within 5 working daysafter completion of loading. It should advise contract number, nameof commodity, invoice value, gross weight, ne

21、t weight and nameof carrying vessel,shipmentdate,B/L number, ETA date at destination and the country of original.在完成裝船后的5天之內(nèi)傳真/電郵給買方全套裝船文件。內(nèi)含合同號,品名,發(fā)票金額, 毛凈重,船名,發(fā)運日期,提單號,預(yù)計到達卸貨港日期 及產(chǎn)地證明。7. SAMPLINGAND ANALYSIS 樣品分折7.1 . The Seller shall designateauthorize CCIC Indonesia. inspection organizationto in

22、spectthe chemical composition, physical characteristicsand weight etc. at the loading port in accordancewith the international standard.The inspection certificate should be provided as statedin abovementionedArticle 3 and 4 asthe basisof the invoice. 賣方在裝貨港須按國際標準,指定由印尼 CCIC獨立檢驗機構(gòu)針對貨品的化學(xué)成分,物理特性,重量等,如

23、條款 “3 和4規(guī)格約定之檢驗提供證明,作為發(fā)票的基礎(chǔ)。7.2 . The inspection certificate shall indicate the result of the survey to determinethe quantity(to determine the water content, the calculation shall be enclosed),chemical composition, physical characteristics,water lossat the temperatureof 105co檢驗證明必須敘明水尺測量的數(shù)量證明(以議定查校后

24、實際隨分量 并附帶詳細計算清單),化學(xué)成分,物理特性,攝氏1050c水分流失量。7.3 The Buyer hasthe right to appoint a representativeas persupervisorto presentat samplinganalysisatthe loading port at his own cost.買方有權(quán)以自費指派代表,于裝貨港抽樣分析時,出席為監(jiān)察員。7.4 The Buyer agreesthat the Seller may appoint a representativeto presentatthe sampling analysis

25、atthe dischargeport at its own cost.買方同意賣方可以自費指派代表,于卸貨港抽樣分析時,出席為監(jiān)察 員。7.5 The two parties shall respectively pay for the expensesncurred in the inspection雙方就檢驗所發(fā)生的費用各自負擔(dān)。8. The Seller mustcomply all regulation of the Indonesia Government. Seller mustarrangethe relative export Customsformalities legal

26、ly, otherwisethe Sellershall bearall economicandlegal responsibility.賣方必須符合印尼政府的所有規(guī)定,必須安排相關(guān)的合法出口文件,否 則賣方必須負擔(dān)所有的經(jīng)濟損失及法律責(zé)任。9. SHIPPING TERM :貨運條款9.1 Shipment shall be made from port of loading in vessel arranged by the Buyer.The Buyer shall nominatea performing vesselto the Seller at leastfourteen (14

27、) days prior to the commencementof the lay can and the Seller shall confirm the acceptanceof the vesselwithin one(1) working day from such nomination. The performing vesselshould haveatleast4 cranes/derrickof minimum 15 MT capacity eachand the loading shall be varied accordingto crane/derrickcapacit

28、y.4000 MT PWWD SHINC for 20MT x 4 cranes/derricksor greater3000 MT PWWD SHINC for 15 MT x 4 cranes/derricksor greater運貨之船舶由買方安排,貨運由裝貨港算起。買方於母船抵港前14天要通知賣方,賣方在24小時內(nèi)要確認接受。買方來的船應(yīng)該含 4套吊桿及抓 斗。其每斗容量至少要有15噸。9.2 Master of the vesselshall cable the loading port agentand further notify the Seller7 days,72 hour

29、s,48 hours and24 hoursprior to the vesselestimated time of arrival at Port of Loading-Panjang.船東於船抵港7天前,72小時前,48小時前及24小時前,要通知其裝貨港(Panjang港0的代理及賣方。9.3 Demurrageand Dispatch:滯港費及速裝費DemurrageRate: US$4000 per day of 24HRS. Fraction ProrataRate of demurrageand dispatch money per twenty (24) hours day or

30、 prorate for port of loading. Demurrage/ Dispatch if any will be settledwithin 9 days after completion of Loading and presentation of lay time sheet/notice of readiness/statementof fact.Seller should be responsible for full cargo and all necessary export documentation& export License/formalities

31、/ sufficient transport/labors etc. to be fully readon/ before vessel arrival at loading port. Failing which, any vesseldetention causedis for Seller accountat the DemurrageRate. If any of above mentioned happened should be settled between Seller & Buyer within 9 days after completion of loading

32、with presentation of all relevant documentsattheloading port.滯港費每天(24小時)4000美元,不足者按比例計算。滯港費或速裝費乃 發(fā)生於裝貨港。萬一有該情況發(fā)生,在完成裝貨 9天內(nèi)憑滯港記錄,完 成裝運通知書及事實聲明書妥善解決。賣方在母船到港前對以下幾點要負完全責(zé)任:備齊足量鐵礦石及所有出 口文件/出口準字/手續(xù)/足夠的運輸工具/足夠的人力等等。如果疏於準 備上述各項導(dǎo)致船的延滯發(fā)生,賣方要負全責(zé)并繳滯港費。9.4 Lay Can Time :裝卸期Lay can time for loading shall commence

33、12 hours after NOR tendered, whether in berth or not, unless loading soonercommenced. Lay time used shall ceaseto count immediately on completion of loading.裝卸期於NOR送件12小時后啟動,不管船是否在泊船席。裝卸時間於 裝載完成后應(yīng)馬上停止記時。9.5 Ship ' Agent:船務(wù)代理The ship ' agentatthe port of loading will benominatedby buyer.在裝貨港的

34、船務(wù)代理由買方指定。9.6 Dead Freight:額外運費Sellershall be responsiblefor Dead Freight arising from not loading the Cargoup to quantity agreedbetweenBuyer & Seller.若因為賣方短裝,未達到買賣雙方同意的數(shù)量,造成空艙費,賣方要負擔(dān)該費用。9.7 Vessel 'Non-PerformancePort Charges:裝貨港的空船港務(wù)費If the vesselis not capableto receivethecargodueto Selle

35、r fault, all of Port costsincurred by thevesselareto be born by the Seller in normal Courseof businessagainstreceipt of relevant bills of documents. 如果因為賣方的錯誤造成買方的船來到裝貨港沒貨裝,依正常生意慣 例,賣方要負擔(dān)買方裝貨船在裝貨港的所有費用。10. SHIPMENT ADVICE:裝船通知:SELLER shall notify BUYER within 3 days by fax or email upon completion o

36、f loading. Giving details of contract Number, Name of contract Number, Name of Commodity, Gross, net Weight, Loading Date, Name of vessel,approximateInvoice value, and ETA atDischargePort.賣方應(yīng)于貨物裝裁完成后3天內(nèi)以傳真或電子郵件方式通知買方,內(nèi)容應(yīng)詳細注明合約編號,商 品名稱,毛凈重,裝運日期,船舶名稱,發(fā)票概約值,到達卸貨港的預(yù) 估日。If thereare any regulationsapplica

37、bleto entry of vesselsand dischargeof cargo,to Ports of China, thentheBUYER shall takesuchstepsasrequired, at it's own cost, to comply with the said regulation, including but not limited to : application for entry/exit inspection, quarantineof vessel,and weights of cargoat dischargeport, andmeet

38、all expensesfor releaseof thevesselon its toward voyage from the discharge port.船舶進入中國卸貨港后,依港務(wù)規(guī)定辦理停泊,卸貨作業(yè),通關(guān)等一切 規(guī)費及所需成本由買方負擔(dān),不單包括貨品檢驗,船舶隔離,貨物秤重 ,更進而包含船只離港作業(yè)所需費用之負擔(dān)。11. TITLE AND RISK:權(quán)利及風(fēng)險:11.1 The risk of thegoodsshall be passedfrom thesellerto the buyer as the cargo crossthevessel'srail at the

39、 loading port.在裝貨港貨物越過船舷后,貨物的風(fēng)險由賣方轉(zhuǎn)移至買方。12. INSURANCE ;保險TheInsuranceshall be covered by Buyer or the Buyer' ultimate Buyer for thefull cargo value of the shipmentfrom the time Iron Ore is loadedon boardof thevesselat theloading port.從鐵礦石在裝貨港入艙起,就進入買方投保保險的含蓋范圍。13. TAXATION:稅務(wù)Any taxesor levies i

40、n the natureof taxes,which may be imposedwhether on the freight or shipping by country of origin shall be for accountof the Seller.在印尼針對本船運費或船務(wù)若要被征任何稅或類似名目的課征,應(yīng) 含在FOB費內(nèi)。14. FORCE MAJEURE:不可抗力:Both sidesin this contract will be exoneratedfrom their obligation in case of force majeureevent. Force maje

41、ureis understoodas perprovisions under ICC500 and meansany eventsuch asfire, explosions, hurricanes,floods, earth quakesand similar natural calamities, wars, epidemic, military operation,terrorism, riots, revolts, strikes, industrial unrest,government embargoes,or other unforeseeableactionsoccurring

42、 after the conclusion of this contract and outsidethe sides'reasonablecontrol andwhich cannotbe avoided by the reasonablediligence that could delay or preventthe performanceof either side'sobligations in this contract.受到無可避免外力介入時雙方均可免除承擔(dān)該合同的責(zé)任。所謂不可抗力是指ICC500條款說明的外力傷害雙方都能諒解并接受,例如火災(zāi),爆炸,暴風(fēng)雨 ,洪水

43、,地震及類似之天然災(zāi)害,戰(zhàn)爭,流行病,軍事行動,恐怖攻 擊,暴動,判亂,罷工,工業(yè)動蕩,禁行令或合約簽署后所發(fā)生之類 似不可抗力因素所導(dǎo)致的延遲。The party to this contract whoseperformanceof this contract is prevented by a Force Majeure eventmust notify theother party within 7(seven)days of theeffective dateof occurrence,which is to be confirmed by a certificate issuedb

44、y the local chamberof commerceandIndustry, including particulars of theeventandexpectedduration.簽約雙方萬一碰到這些外力因素?zé)o法履行合同契約時,應(yīng)于事情發(fā)生 7日內(nèi)通知對方,該通知書應(yīng)由當(dāng)?shù)厣虝肮l(fā)出確認書以昭公信, 包括告之事情原委及大約持續(xù)時間。Failure to submit sucha legal notification will not waive the party's exonerationfrom contractual obligations under Force

45、 Majeure event. 如果末能在此期限內(nèi)及時有效通知對方,相關(guān)一方將不能以不可抗力 為由免責(zé)。The performancesof either party's obligation will be in such a case postponedwith the period of theexistenceof the Force Majeure event plus a reasonableperiod to remobilizing production and shipping. No penalty incurred for the duration of this

46、 delay.相關(guān)一方因此不可抗力事件做成的履約延遲,可根據(jù)不可抗力事件的 周期作適當(dāng)?shù)捻樠右哉{(diào)整生產(chǎn)及裝運。此延遲不作任何罰款。Should delay causedby a Force Majeure eventlastfor more than one month, both sidesshould try their bestto allow contract to continue. Should such anagreementnot be reachedwithin 30 (thirty) daysfrom the dateof certified Force Majeure e

47、vent, any side are entitled to terminatethe contract.如不可抗力事件造成的履約延遲超過一個月以上,雙方應(yīng)盡力采取措 施使本合同能夠繼續(xù)執(zhí)行。如30天內(nèi)雙方不能達成一致,任何一方有 權(quán)終止合同。15. GOVERNING LAW :司法管轄:This contract shall be governed and construed by the interpretationof the Court in Hong Kong. The contract is madeinto two copiesand eachparty keepsone copy. The buyer andseller shall both agreeto perform its obligations underthe contracttakeseffect after being signed by the representativeof eachparty.本合同以香港法庭之解釋作為司法管轄之依據(jù)。本合約


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  • 5. 人人文庫網(wǎng)僅提供信息存儲空間,僅對用戶上傳內(nèi)容的表現(xiàn)方式做保護處理,對用戶上傳分享的文檔內(nèi)容本身不做任何修改或編輯,并不能對任何下載內(nèi)容負責(zé)。
  • 6. 下載文件中如有侵權(quán)或不適當(dāng)內(nèi)容,請與我們聯(lián)系,我們立即糾正。
  • 7. 本站不保證下載資源的準確性、安全性和完整性, 同時也不承擔(dān)用戶因使用這些下載資源對自己和他人造成任何形式的傷害或損失。


