



1、Teach ing planType of less onWriti ng classLessonMy favorite sportTime40 minDesig ner黎樹(shù)權(quán) 英師2班20152801046; 余和彥 英師2班20150810068; 張子墨 英師2班20150401085; 陸家琪 英師2班20160221022; 羅惠文 英師2班20160221143An alysis of the students ' learning abilityStude nts are from an ordinary middle school. There are more boy

2、s tha n girls in the class and most of the stude nts are outgo ing and active.There are 40 stude nts in the class and they are equally divided into 10 groups The top ic is about sports, which is close to our daily life. Stude nts are familiar 1with the subject.It is the first time for them to learn

3、linking words in a systematical and orga ni zed way.Stude nts have lear ned about some simp le, easy exp ressi ons about sp orts but haven' t mastered some h-igliass vocabulary about this subject.Teachi ng materialBefore writi ng, stude nts have lear ned the text “ The story of Atla ntathep revi

4、ous less on, which is concerned with the sport“running ”Games. This text helps stude nts know more about the subject.Besides, the writ ing task has pro vided some in structi ons for stude nts to thi nk about: how did you become in terested in that sp ort? who is your favourite athlete? what do you d

5、o to improve your skill? Stude nts are able to divert their thinking with the guida nee.Teachi ng objectivesAfter this writi ng class, stude nts are able to:1. Write a short p assage about their favorite sp orts from three asp ects,i.e. Jhe n ame of the sp ort, the reas ons for choos ing this sport

6、and the future plan for this favorite sp ort;2. Master the use of two kinds of linking words, i.e. sequential linking words and p rogressive linking words;3. In the part of talking about reasons, re place someordinary exp ressions into high-class expressions;The teach ing focusIn the part of talk in

7、g about reas on s, re interpret stude nts exp ressi ons into high-class exp ressi ons by orally rep eat ing stude nts an swers with target exp ressi ons teachers have exp ected;Explain two kinds of linking words with a sample writi ng;The teach ing difficultyGuide the students to brain-storm the rea

8、sons for choosing a specfic sport with high-class exp ressions;Enable the students to use the two kinds of linking words into their p assage properly;Teach ing p roceduresWarmi ng-u pStep 11. Goals:inand t7 minStude nts are able to have a better un dersta nding of the topic by show ing the a video a

9、bout the sp orts.By discuss ing various reas ons why stude nts like their favorite sports, stude nt|s are able to get familiar with the sp orts and know more about the p ositives and ben efits of the sports, which pro vides the contents for writi ng.Stude nts will know more about some high-class exp

10、 ressi ons to repl ace the simple on es.2. Teachi ng activities:Teacher' s activitiesFirst, the teacher shows a video about the sp orts to lead in the topic. And at the same time, ask stude nts to prepare the an swers for the questi on: what is your favorite sport and why do you like it?Ask stud

11、ents to work in groups to brain storm the sports they like and the reas ons why they like them. After the discussi on, the teacher ask the stude nts to give their own an swers.The teacher help correct and provide more answers with high-class expressions by orally speaking and might write on the blac

12、kboard if n ecessary.Students ' activitiesWatch a video about the sp orts and think about the questi on raised by the teacher.Work in groups: stude nts of 4 people work in a group and brain storm the sports they like and the reasons why they like them. After the discussion, stude nts will show t

13、heir own an swer to the whole class.Stude nts write dow n the high-class exp ressi on pro vided by the teacher. Sam pieStudents ' answer:My favorite sport is basketball / swim ming / golf / yogaI like p lay ing football / table tennis / badm intonmost.I like because it is good to our health.t is

14、 ben eficial to our health.To work with others.To coop erate with team members.To devel op great determ in ati on and lear n the sp irit of comp etitive sp orts.Pre -writi ngSte p 28 min1. Goal:By analyzing a writing sample of “ Myfavorite Sport ” students are able to pay sp ecific atte nti on to th

15、e 5 p aragra phs structure of this writ ing task.By analyzing a writing sample of My favorite Sport”,students are able to know how to prop erly use linking words that in dicate seque nee and p rogress2. Teach ing activities: Teacher' s activitiesThe teacher shows a his/her writi ng as a sample o

16、n the scree n, and help the stude nts to summarize the structure of the p assage and to highlight the lin kin words.Teachers summarize the 5 p aragra ph structure of the p assage and the use o linking words.Students ' activitiesThrough the sam pie pro vided by the teacher, an alyse the structure

17、 and the linking words with the teacher.Sam pieSwimmi ng is my favorite sp ort. Every after noon after school, I go to the swim ming pool and swim for an hour. I bega n swim ming whe n I was five years old. From then on ,1 have been obsessed with this wonderful sport.First of all, the reason why I l

18、ike swimming so much is that it can bring me much fun. Whe n I get up set, I will go to swim becauseit makes me feel less worried whe n I swim to and fro in the po ol. What' s morethe p rocess of lear ning how to swim is very in terest ing. At the beg inning level, I lear ned some basic moves, b

19、ut when you make progress, you can try other difficult ways of swimmi ng, such as backstroke, which makes me feel much relieved after tryi ng out differe nt types of swim ming modes.Secon dly, you can swim at any time of the year if you like. In hot summer, if you jump into the river or the sea to h

20、ave a swim, you will feel cool and comfortable. Eve n in cold win ter, you can swim if you are brave eno ugh. In addition , it ' s a healthy sport and it can build up our body.Thirdly , I admire my favorite swimmer Davis who is so skillful at swimming and wins a lot of p rizes in the swim ming c

21、omp etiti on s. I am a big fan of Davis and whe n he app ears on the televisio n, I will become very glad and crazy Also, I hope one day, I can become as great as a swimmer like Davis.Last but not least |, if you want to be a good swimmer, you must have a lot of p ractice and have great determ in at

22、i on. Well goes the old say ing: p ractice makes p erfect. I p ractice every day before dinner time in order to improve my swim ming skills. Sometimes, I comp ete aga inst my frie nds and we are very happy to help each other make progress. In the future, I hope to go to sports university and p erha

23、ps become a member of our n atio nal swim ming team.The structure of the p assage and linking wordsfIntroduction -what is my favorite sportL and several descriptions of it"A Body - three reasons explaining why swimmi ng is his favorite sportConcluding paragraph -the future plan for his favorite

24、 sport>Linking words:1. To show seque nee:a)First of allb)Secon dlyc)Thirdlyd)Last but not least2. To show p rogress:a)From the n onb)andc)What 's mored)In additi one)AlsoOther linking words for refere nee (Note: the remai ning linking words will be talked about in sp ecific in n ext writi ng

25、 task.)To sfw contrastbut however although on thF oThpr hnri in contortTo stxHv srnity airntidriy like equally m a simOar wav HkEfi 怖16 gi嬉 exannples(Or e甜 mpTgsuch 35tor Instancelo express resdtlo etpress reasonsIn enpress sequenceHrstthensiroeto start withconsequentlydue tothenthereforethat is why

26、afterthii/d resultdhcfwdrdstil usrhdNy/tdstvTo dalb conckjcieTo ftdd irvormaAiorin other MXdsin shortandThat tsTOsaybrieflyalsoB.e,to 舌 um dip'lim additionto put mto summarisebetidesjnothpfin concbsiorinot ont/. but alsoWhile-writi ngSte p 315 min1. GoalsStude nts are able to write an article ab

27、out their favorite sports.2. Teaching activitiesTeacher' s activitiesAsk stude nts to write an article about their favorite sp orts. At the mean time, teacher will give stude nts the criteria of writi ng this article.Students ' activitiesPay atte nti on to the criteria give n by the teacher. Write an article about their favorite sp orts.(問(wèn)題或材料)Criteria1. You should mention


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