



1、The Gingerbread ManXX人Once upon a time a little old woman and a little old man lived in a cottage.從前,木寸舍里 住著一對老夫婦。One day the little old woman made a gingerbread man.有一天, 老奶奶做了個 xx 人。She gave him currants for eyes and cherries for buttons.她還用小葡萄干做它的眼睛,用 櫻桃做他身上的紐扣。She puts him in the oven to bake.然后老

2、奶奶把他放進了烤箱。The little old woman and little old man were very hungry and wanted to eat the gingerbread man.老爺爺和老奶奶實在是太餓了,他們好想吃了姜餅人。As soon as he was cooked, the little old woma n ope ned the ove n doo 所以姜餅 人一做 好,老奶奶就打開了烤箱的門。The gingerbread man jumped out of the tin and ran out of the open window shout

3、ing, “ Don't eat me! 55誰知姜餅人馬上跳出了鐵罐子,從開著的窗戶往外跑,嘴里喊著:“不要吃 我! ”The little old woma n and little old man ran after the gin gerbread man.老爺爺禾口 老奶 奶追在姜餅人的后面,“ Stop! Stop! ” they yelled.喊著:“站??!停下! ”The gingerbread man did not look back.XX人并沒有回頭,He ran on shouting, “ Run, run as fast as you can! 552/5你

4、追不到我的,我是XX人!”The cow bega n to chase the gin gerbread man along with the pig 母牛開始追在 姜餅人 的身后,后面跟著豬和老奶奶,and the little old woman.But the gingerbread man was too fast for them.但是對他們來說,XX人跑得實在太快了。It was not long before the gingerbread man came to a horse.不久后, xx 人遇至ij 了匹馬。“ Stop! Stop! 55 shouted the ho

5、rse, “ I want to eat you, little man.“站住!停下! ”馬喊道,“我要吃了你,小人兒?!盉ut the gingerbread man did not stop. He said,“ Run, run! as fast asyouc但是姜餅人兒沒有停下來。他說:“跑呀,用盡全力跑!You can 4 catch me, I ' m the gingerbread man. 55 你追不到我的,我是 xx 人! ”The horse joined in the chase.馬也加入了追逐。The gin gerbread man laughed and

6、 laughed, un til he came to a rive 姜餅人哈哈 大笑,直到他走到了一條河面前。“ Oh no! ” he cried, u They w川catch me.姜餅人哭著說:“哦不!他們快要捉到我THow can I cross the river?我要怎么過河呢? ”A sly fox came out from a tree.這時一只狡猾的狐貍xx的后面走了出來。“ I can help you cross the river,. ” said the fox“我可以幫你過河",狐貍說。“ Jump on my tail and I will swi

7、m across.”“跳到我的尾巴上來,我會游過去的。”“ You won ' t eat me, will you? 55 said the gingerbread man.你不會吃了我吧? ” X人問道?!?Of course not, " said the fox. “ I just want to help.“當然不會",狐貍說,“我只是想幫忙?!盩he gingerbread man climbed onthe foX ' s tail.XX人爬到狐貍的尾巴上,Soon the gingerbread man began to get wet.但是

8、很快地,XX人身上開始變濕了。“ Climb onto my back ” , said the foX.“爬到我的背上來”,狐貍說。So the gingerbread man did.XX人也這么做了。As he swam the foX said, “ You are too heavy,然而狐貍邊游邊說:“你太重了,I am tired. Jump onto my nose. 55 我累了。爬到我鼻子上吧?!盨o the gingerbread man did as he was told.所以 xx 人按照狐貍說的做了。No sooner had they reached the other side,沒過多久,他們就到了河的另一端,then the fox tossed the gingerbread man up in the air.然后狐貍把


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