



1、河北省保定市灤水縣林清寺中學 2021屆九年級英語第四次月考卷時問円0汕満分:100務j題號I11111ftrVVI礙分I單砥選擇(共如小題吉小駝E分計20分j()l A 申ml Isp露inniji£ iruili嚴gnewi endingA. jB. dllC. iht*()2 Hunrv will ipvr us 岳 icport 齡 won 占餌 heA. arrivcftK< arrivodG-()3- Voluntevring 川 由右 hovpdul iu i 扃oodYrs. I wLwt Uh Im* a 山嵌knr 啊him I 卯啊 iip A- trHi

2、lFlpjinlC.()4 1 tiiy Itdjnill:in<Uixi yrSlrrtilVA lorutIt.icfi(L()5x Many nrtijr heojunv fdtm野uw tocifi d£tcr llteyA. appearedfkdisppHarsdf LimviriKHr權叫itiLjrauliMrrJCfV,C. hfr1>.IXwill arrhcU felt呂l.mg 蜩七皿itin .D. talcrng thr GrvcrKr Clnria airier two ycwi Ago.D. Iws Ijvch()6. The 生 Lkti

3、ii 起r vacalktn i 云 enn inp. Wf nl Imk f on*'JI rd toA takeB.lool,C,f«krs)7- Thr grl 咋i:h Kct clsTnatc?Ae have j&medB.htomncdC.have bern in()8- Mary ,Mice hs joined the maiic clut hmix tin hove7lT a piiy JA. Fkith; HnrlFl. Ehlw; diC, :Jirr; iwr D. ?fphli*r;(9< 0 m kIiuuI trip has >

4、ceii _ I ill nril wrr|« ht*(機恰尸(if ch»" bail wruliirrA put upB.pul uiTCiput <mD. pul dimu()10- The voluntteer upokc qm仙 ahc cxAild to make the vidtor? undiHlanti her.A. cleirlyB.more cl&ariyCmci clearly()il. P1pd*e the M'atet when you bruh your teethA亠 uk iLmnR,iurn upCtdke

5、 away()12. Y .DC talk 訕 tlk! (jIiom.A. will driveB. £irc driving(;. wnne: drivingI* )丄3 Vi us!t' pupcr =Jioj;ldn : eTenvhftrer It's our du.tv to kerpA- bp thmwnR shrciwC is LhiownRirl vfMj m屮 Tom hi HirporTY、ifi Hi* plan響 . by ilie time I 幣產rrA- h曲 taken uJI;B< I<hi?1 <d; had g

6、pt C- h)ok dT; airivrdHe told us that helhe IcttriTi in thr mornirtf,A,埔ill pcifltB hav»* pcAifrdC.pwhnpHfthi* morning And w<Mit g <school Iaw.A. wTHlrptB. iCx ov*r*|p*pc)14)15.IJl no Ilhiy*1), the incst ckarlvD_ turn off1X iiavr du ve il nur ritv 亍 em EX .ve iJitovD-D庇 taken ud; dnivedho

7、c prtSrlhad gewl 饋p)17*ihcrr tile iiu wheiiiifiL 桃udi憂 炳 3Uj|mjii ljiip j li *>fhdi*ne ihrt *hurk firn mrrgood for htiuldi,A. £ktk昶乩 Allhoii曲iC, So)18. treiDCTiiiber i fnend me wilh niiim piwJemfi-hXpC- helprrlnwle from ill chthrs B l)rr F»ip £0 xnew furC._ aA. helpingB-)19, Tiongl

8、iareA knew *1B*)20 Could you tell meknrmn nt0- Jn aider ti>D. beLpsi hfiin號 rytF £nd uju4n:】. D krwwn forXU ire Irvin界 to protect tlieir food, first.A, how The eh«*tabi: diappar0TC- how ynu say* fnp pnnti««P,whjrt mnnatEseJ! live on*rhaf the whwrka fivorite food iwD.憲初«空(

9、共10小題至小魏1分計10分)Some jwuplc 2they liaw a solution to die ptx>blm< of car crodinft and pollution in mmiy cites, huiidlc<J> cif peo(>lr 2j biku tv work even 也、 lii the Xcw York City. Mime bike nclcrs hare even founded d group: Pikr fur a Better City. Thrv jutv if iinrc people 力屁 bike to

10、work, there would be 22 cars and Icm dirty air.F'or dfcrnl yean thi5 group bit* tried io gather help for bike ridrm Th,、 veant to have Fpreial madp_biked onlv. Ixvaiwc when hikoa and car« unr lhe unc roadie there mar be accidents Bike for a Better City diitikd if there were hike nxidH, tnor

11、r people would umq bike.But ru> bike roads have been rslabiiflhcd 24 even one thinks it i* a good 25 Drhsruden't like h. jikI dome whop owners don't Jike it, 26 And m<Ht people live 27 far from the city totrevel hy bike. Still, 28 ha l?een ck)ne about 】t On Satiirdajs andthe Jargcsl op

12、en psrk in YeYerk in 29 to care, and the nxds may be uaed by bik only, but the group 切 11 沁尸 lhi« 2 not enough aixi goeF on iichtinx 30 bike mm in I think thre wi'l hp mar 卜 ilco rnjuh in rhp Enw.()21.onB. rideC. byD.lake()22.fpHrB. I»M«4C. minvD()23.untilB. f(rC. MD<<(24.VH

13、B MZyC stillD.<MI<()25.A. Iio|>eB. wav(:.Diikta()26.A s<»B. ;m<lC. also0.rithcr()27vrr>*B. quitn?C tooD.料o()28.« t-vri>lhingB xiiriethingC suythii塔0.iiothi 叫()29.人.<b>snflB oprnC. openingD.cluing()304屮FL 他 gntC askD.to a$kU.閱夏理解共15小題密小題2分計30分Wien 1 seven yerns uk

14、J iny mom diaax»ed(診兇門 cancer. The electors told s my n)om aiiht be saved will) sur/cry 術? But it could also kill her. bhe chose to have 九The d«v bcfoiv the urfM-n Ioff school. and mv mom planned the best day of mv life. even dung Iloved at seven and rvcnthmR that wduM put a mile on my fac

15、e The day began with her waking me up »avmn, * Kate. I have a Furpriso for voa Come and see. " The turpriH mus a doll I had wanted for the lorgert time. Through nut th' <hy. hhc told nw event lung tlmi the thought I would nzd to know to gmv up and Iw a good person ; she told me to b

16、e the bet I ciild be and t>)ut I would du町儀 make her proud We had o picnic in the park. and it *圧 so cokl that we moved to the car. The day filled will laughter For the firgt time m s long tirre 1 crxild see die wa rvally Iwppv 1 would never torpet her binile, oi the vay her eyes shoiie if we wer

17、e di< same jt vw the bel do、of my hfet arxi I will nexer lorget lhe conversations we $haredMy mother managed to live tbiYMigl the surgery. Now when I look hack, I rpslizr that the best day of my liB ecu Id be hor la»t an< thi cxxiJd bw the hil (hv I hyxiIH rememtxT wilh her, tlv> bwt o

18、ne wp hred I nl-ioiiniprlnnd how i】n3fivh 4k.()31. Who madp tl>p tfefkinn to have the Miiny in the stOT?A. Thp doruve. B. Thp vuiem. C. The TilQr.D. The putieiil family.)32. What did the writer's mother dn the day before the surgery?A. 7片 staynl al l<mie to hme: a good irt.B >he urn! io

19、 tlw (kK tnfs (or &hi*C BHl (urnnl in her family for con/onD. She MAyed all day with her diild.)33. Why was llic wrilrrS niolhrr happ> lhal day?A Bcizux 4ir left Irr child h irci】 rneinur、B. Bc<8um: 4)c realized Iwr child had grevn up.C Becauseproud of what her child had deneD Because lu e

20、xjjectcd the surcn to be succeosful)341r underlined sentence in the last paragraph ugfests that A her mother ill againB. thr surgery vas unsuccossfulC her mother waf getting betterD the «urg«ry w財 simple()35. Which of the following word* bo“ dcecnb* the vnitef* mothwA. HardHDrkin. B Fumous

21、.C. RichD Crwt.Bliy plants rrn* in sm* pla<-e< and nol in other#? Why <1(m!h some land here z much<ni il.wliilr oilier Ivk .ilmobt ik> plants powmg on it at all? To grox plants nrp<l several things Onf k warmth. In very cold placet* almost nothing pows PLnb al s<i tee.I i%ah-r.

22、In very drv pars of iho Earth only a fev- unuAua! plnnt can row I'hal、why dry dccrt even ii( rr nn* almrest no? ciiverd by tree* or 耳nzPlam* mii飢 ako have j plar in which to put down lheir roob ar<j grow. Th巧 Gild il dilYlcull to gri* oil wnl hnd. The t<in hnilt on lurti hnd. The plants he

23、re? hare only the wil found between die rrark* of 檢 Mlorio to fttiw in.Another ihing pluiiu must huve Ixforv they can pow 口 Lxxl.hai will happen if we liy to nwke thin屮 grow on the sandy beuch? A few planb v >uch 2 l)carh gra5s. will Krnw in 沁nd. IxjI m<Kt plants v%on*l Even if the weather u w

24、anr enuuh and wc Adter die planb rw h day many cf them will din bQ<ii2 the fand on thw boxh ha almost no food for planb.()36. According the paugr plaids rw'cd lh】g to fjow exdl.A.two13.llin»eCfourDfive(37. What docK tlu- underlined uoni Jrzkd' mean)n the text?A.絞麻B.喪窗C.央定D.底部("

25、From the pa«<age, k<- cun know it 15 for plants S pmw in dry plrnrA.MyB.drfliniltC.impossibleDimportanl()杓 The rea<M)n why m«t plnnU cant grew on the 沁rxiy Leach d ihdlA Ihw iri'i enough AunhhtB Uwrr ia too tnuch waterC it i% Ux> rn>wde<l thereD it ha? litllr? food fu

26、r plants()40 Th*cm mosl prnbalilv be tuurxl in alwioLA $ctcncp B. historyC travelD tndlliCYen wail lo kimu ahnut nn nluying in America, rishi? Wull. to tell yuu :hr tmth il i r»*.iih an rr-(>- nmg experience 僦udy lx nin ( hin孔 I lud English cbx h、c time* 11 wo:k JMticc llfth padc. Ihmcvrr. I

27、 <khri knowdifTercnttexllx)ok English could bo fn>tn >v.*n<lay English until I came to Hok:hkm ScImkiIt Conmx'tK ut.When f)n4 studied EnglNi, 1 w told to say. * J am fine. n wben peiiple <ay * Hnw are yai 7 * But in the LSt I found that peoj»l:沁.* I ain po<xl. * or MVm tir

28、ed."One day,H<jrn<'i)ne grtid nu %vith Chat's up 7 It niadr nic conTinrrl. I ihoiighr for a mcmpni and thn smiW because 1 clidn know wl.ut io sutSi nix? then, I have dicovercil iiwjc and moir tlificicnccs bclwrni Clunese nd VS ciillurps. To my 敘 ir f>nKe. US prle bpcml u lot M

29、in tlx: biming sun to gel a 如.iry nvery pomible way to grt lheir kiri paler <>r 'whiter."I aJbv »ur|wi*f<l l») h“,、luirl-uorkic.g US Hudetils aic hi (Ihiiid9 xMMiiork i& almost everythingtso wp stuck IkirJ and thats il. But here, a °uodM >Uj(lrnt gets good gra

30、(ir>. dons a lot for the piblir inrl pb戶 fors or inusjc Ihr kids here div mi Lilrntrd.【am siaitiiiij lo l>r sorry rht I up playnng the piano M an 仁irk ape and ihdt I harr tfatt ihuiilil dbinil >ports()41. According to iLt viiirr. trxllwk EibdUi brvf»r)(tn7 Engji4tA qui佃 diflerrnt fromB

31、. the miiit h>C more diflivull lluiiD utoitr Ilian()42. U hat ckx the m<r| *1311 Min tlir sixlli paragrapli “l(fā)ean in Cbimw?a.睢黑B.nAc.崔1aT).坦丸()43. A good IJS studenthWhrr timeA onlv in dnir爭B. mily on sfwirls ir rniinoC on 5h;dic5.*pojt or(iNi>ir <iml Miblic wmkI). play gins)44. Uhich of

32、 die fdluwmg b XOT imr?A Tlic litri is non in USU AnirrM <111 girlh lovt? to have wliilr skin.C US atudrrit» arr talented ami harri-wnikitig.L> In Cliinii. svIi>k)Inode i> alnx>s( cvrrylhinif)45. liich b llir Ijtm lille for tFir inz®?6GA V1)Onn Travrl in thr I'SB. My Stu

33、dying in llie LSC. My Opinion ubciut the USL) My frieixls in llic USIV任勢型閱瀆(共5小趙角小題2分計10分) 倫讀短文并按耍求完成卜列各題“A wuall town nameri Bundaikxxi(班達農 Australia ha decided to >tnp theuf Ixjlded water I lift 裝水) rhey »ay timt bottled Miler can caux* rnrirnrmriitAl problrm* Too nuny rtoouive ire u»

34、nl to nidikc bettkx waiter. U lum people finiU) drinking lhe wutor. th* bottler Kill he thrown auay arid “o into riuAthit So ih即 require local |x*ople in the tovn l<» stop buying bottled xuter and use top water to drink. Vbitom aic cn- oounigc'd to gpl from water Lil ions in the nwtn “re

35、et$. and till tlie water m buttles ihnt ran he used a- gnin. The derision has been supported( 3U#)all the shopkeepers in tlx- luwn Bundongn is HieumlrTs fir>4 town 訃.汛 I喚 got ils shop selling l>ottkd wa:er. Piobobh *.日wuld folLm the ercan plc, Ixfd Hup hying 卜 on led waler afmI use tap witz!根如販文判晰正(T)謀(F).46. The snudl bmn iri iisir4)ia hm dwded in thp «alr of hottlrd W/irer Imvrum> it ran raiwan health) prvl>】em»()47. According tu the pa»saj(e. wl)al are used io ruke bottled water?48. Wlicic air lh<r、biluc eiKxnjrogn I to fd wal


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