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1、僅供個人學(xué)習(xí)參考 3仃仃 heSteelBand. Abandcametoplay. “ MynameisStan, ” saidaman. “ Iwantyoutohelpus. ” “ Iwantyoutoclap, ” hesaid. “ Clapyourhandsandtapyoufeet. ” “ Iwantyoutosingasong. ”“ Singitwithus. Thechildrensangwiththeband. “ Nowlapasyousing” saidStan. “ Whowantstoplayintheband? ” I f Thechildrenputupt

2、heirhands.Everyonewantedtoplay. saidStan.Wilfhitthedrum. “Tapit,” saidStan. “ Don tbangit. ” Whatagrandband! f ! a:, | 1.Stanst?nn.男子名斯坦(Stanley 的昵稱)(m.) 2. tap英t?pvt.開發(fā);(從容器等)汲?。ㄒ后w) 割打開取放液體 vi.輕聲走;跳踢踏舞 3. bang英b?vt.猛擊,猛撞 3-2PondDipping. WilfandWilmawereatthepond. Youcanallplay, 僅供個人學(xué)習(xí)參考 Thenetgotst

3、uck. “ Helpmepull, ” saidWilf. Theypulledthenet.Itwasstuckonsomejunk. Wilmagotabigstick. “ Let spullitout, ” shesaid. WilfandWilmapulled.Theycouldn tpullthejunkout. MumandDadhelped.Theypulledoutanoldpram. Plop!AfroghoppedouttmadeWilfjump. Splash!Afishjumpedup. “ Apramfulloffish, ” saidDad. :I “ Pram

4、dipping! ” saidWilma. 4. stuck英st?kv.刺(stick 的過去式及過去分詞)adj.動不了的;被卡住的; 被纏住的;被難住的,不知所措 5. junk英d ?kn.廢舊物品,破爛物;中國式平底帆船; 6. pram英pr?mn. (手推的)嬰兒車;(送牛奶的)手推車;平底船 I I I . 7. plop英pl ?pn.撲通聲,啪嗒聲 vi.撲通地墜落 8. hopout英h ?paut體后擺;跳下 3-3Sniff. “ WillyoulookafterSnifftoday? ” saidMrsMay. 飛K 逐i; WilfandWilmawerehapp

5、y. Theywantedtolookafterthepuppy. TheytookSnifftothepark. Thepuppywasexcited. Snifflikedtorollonherback jumpupforastick. runafteraball andbarkatacat. ThenSniffwentinthemud. Sheranafteraduck. 僅供個人學(xué)習(xí)參考 Shejumpedinthepondandshebarkedatadog. “ lamhot, ” saidWilf. “ Iwantarest. ” “ lamhot,too, ” saidWilm

6、a. “ Iwantadrink. ” Mumcouldn tfindSniff. Shecouldn tfindWilfandWilma. MumandDadlookedandlooked. “ Theymustbelost ” saidMum.Theywerefastasleep. “ Theyarewornout, ” saidDad. 9. mud英m?dn.泥,泥淖;沒價值的東西,污物; 3-4TheDuckRace. Wilmahadanidea. I I I . 1 # / ./ Thechildrenmadesixducks. “ Let shaveaduckrace, ” s

7、aidWilma. Mumbegantherace. “ Droptheducksin, ” saidMum. Theduckswentdownthestream. ?i ; Ohno!Wi lma sducksank. Chip sduckgotstuckinthereeds. Biff sduckgotstuckintheweeds. Wilf sduckgotstuckonalog. “ Getitoffwithastick, ” saidChip. Kipper sduckwentfast. ItwentpastDad sduck. Twoswansflewdown. 僅供個人學(xué)習(xí)參考

8、 Theylandedontheducks! “ Sixsoggyducks, ” saidKipper. 10. sank英s?kv.(使)下沉,(使)沉沒(sink 的過去式) 11. reed英ri ?dn.蘆葦;蘆葦桿;樂舌簧 12. weed英wi:dn.雜草;野草;廢物;煙草 13. swan英sw?nn.天鵝;詩人,歌 3-5ThelceRink. /I X WilfandDadwenttotheicerink. I f y Theyputskateson.Theywentontotheice. “ Holdmyhand, ” saidDad.WilfheldDad shand.

9、 “ Thisisfun, ” saidWilf.WilfletgoofhisDad shand. Hebegantoskate.Whoops!Wilfsatdownwithabump. I I I . “ Thisiceiscold, ” saidWilf. Dadbegantoskate.Hewentroundtherink. “ Lookatmespin! ” saidDad. “ Lookatmejump! ” Dadgotsomecolddrinks. “ Lookout,Dad, ” saidWilf. Ohno!Abananaskin. 14.icerink英aisr ?kn.溜

10、冰場;滑冰場 15. whoops英hw ?ps,w?ps,hwu:ps,wu:psint.哎喲(犯明顯錯誤時的道 歉) 16. bump英b?mpn.碰撞,撞擊;腫塊;隆起物;鷺鷥的叫聲 17. spin英spinvi.快速旋轉(zhuǎn); 僅供個人學(xué)習(xí)參考 3-6TheMudBath Dadwasplayingfootball. Heranwiththeball. “ GoonDad! ” calledChip. “ Kickit! ” Dadfelloverinthemud. Splat! “ Badluck,DadaidBiff. “ OhDad, ” saidMum. “ Whatamess.

11、 “ Iwantabath, ” saidDad. Dadwentuptothebathroom. Heranabath. Dadcamedown. I I I . 1 TherewasfootballonTV . Dadlookedatthefootball. “ Goon! ” hecalled. “ Kickit! ” Dadforgotthebath.D V 1 rip!Drip!Drip! Plop!Plop!Splat! ” Whatwasthat? ” saidDad. Splash! “ Ohno, ” saidDad. 3-7JoeandtheBike. Joewenttos

12、peedway. Joelikedspeedway. Hisdadwasaspeedwayrider. 僅供個人學(xué)習(xí)參考 Joe sdadwasinarace.Hewasinfront. “ Comeon!” shoutedJoe.Joe sdadfelloff. “ Ohno! ” saidJoe. Joe sdadpushedhisbike. “ Whatarider! ” saidJoe. ItwasJoe sbirthdaydHisgavehimabike. I Joelikedthebike. z沖 l / / Joewasinarace. I -. - . F I I / / /

13、Hewasinfront. ;F r - “ Comeon! ” shoutedDad. Joefelloff. “ Ohno! ” saidDad. I I I . “ Whatarider! ” saidDad. 18. speedway英?spi:d ?we?n.賽車跑道 3-8MidgeandtheEggs. Midge smumwantedsomeeggs. x x 11 Midgewenttotheeggshop. Heputtheeggsinabag. “ Comeandplay, ” saidhisfriends. “l(fā)ean t, ” saidMidge. “ MyMumwa

14、ntstheseeggs. ” Midgesawhisfriend. Thefriendhadago-kart.Midgewantedago. Midgeputthebagdown. Hewentonthego-kart. 僅供個人學(xué)習(xí)參考 Heforgottheeggs. Amanputthebaginthecart. “ Ohno! ” saidMidge. “ Theeggs! ” Midge smumlookedatthbag. “ Sorry,Mum, ” saidMidge. Midge smumwenttotheeggshop. Shegotsomemoreeggs. Shepu

15、ttheeggsinabasket.Ohno! 19. Midge 米吉 20. go-kart英?g?u?k atn.游戲用的無車體小型汽車,其商標(biāo)名 3-9MidgeinHospital I I . Midgefelloffhisbike. I Theambulancecame. ThemanlookedatMidge sfoot. TheytookMi dgetohospital.Midgewasfrightened.Hedidn i;1 AdoctorlookedatMidge sfoot. AdoctorgaveMidgeasweet. Midge smumcametoseehim.

16、Shegavehimatoy. Midge snancametoseehim.Shegavehimsomefruit.Midge Theygavehimsomebooks. “It snotsobadinhospital,” saidMidge. “It sgoodtobehome.” twanttogotohospital. sfriendscametose 21. nan英n?nn.奶奶(小孩兒語);圓盤烤餅 僅供個人學(xué)習(xí)參考 3-10PipandtheLittleMonkey. Pipwasatthezoo. Pip sdadwasao-keeper. Piphelpedherdad.

17、Theylookedatalittlemonkey. Theymonkeywasill. Theytookthemonkeyhome. Themonkeygotbetter. Pipplayedwithit. Theytookthemonkeytothezoo. Pipcriedandcried. I I I . 1 Shewantedtokeepthemonkey. Theywenttothemonkeyhouse. Thelittlemonkeyrantoitsmum. Thelittlemonkeyjumpedandjumped. 11 Itwashappy. Pipwashappyto

18、o. 3-11PipattheZoo. Pipwenttothezoo. Pip sdadwasazkeeper. Piphelpedherdad. Pipgavethedeersomefood. ThedeerpushedPipover. 僅供個人學(xué)習(xí)參考 Pipgavethemonkeyssomebananas. AmonkeytookPip shat. Pipgavetheelephantssomewater. TheelephanttookPip ssweets Pipgavetheparrotssomefruit. Aparrotpeckedherfinger. “ Doyouwan

19、ttofeedthecrocodiles? ” “Nothanks,” saidPip. 22. peck英pekvt.啄,啄食;啄出,啄穿; 3-12RoyandtheBudgie. Royhadabudgie.HecalleditJoey. I I I . 1 I # Joeyflewoutside. “ Ohno!” saidRoy. Roycouldn tgetJoey. Joeyflewaway. Roywenttothewood.HelookedforJoey. , I 1 Roycouldn tseeJoey. Anostrichwasinthewood. Roylookedat

20、theostrich.TheostrichlookedatRoy. Theysawthezoo-keeper. Thezoo-keeperhadabudgie. “It smyostrich, ” sakeeieeob “It smybudgie, ” saidRoy. “ Thanks, ” theysaid. 僅供個人學(xué)習(xí)參考 23. Royn.羅伊(男子名) 24. budgie英?b?d?in.相思鸚鵡 25. Joey男子名喬伊 Joseph 的昵稱 3-13AttheSeaside. Thefamilywentonholiday. WilfandWilmawent,too. The

21、hotelhadburneddown. “ Sorry! ” saidtheman. Theylookedatanewhotel. “ Tooexpensive, ” saidMum. Theylookedatanoldhotel. I I I . 1 I # “ No,thankyou, ” saidDad. Everhotelwasfull. “ Sorry! ” saideveryone. Theyhadtogohome. :/f X 辻 J 1 Butthecarbrokedown. Afarmerstoppedhistractor. “ CanIhelp? ” hesaid. The

22、farmerhadabus. “ Youcanstayhere, ” hesaid. “ Whatagoodholiday! ” saidWilf. 3-14KippertheClown. Thechildrenputonacircus. 僅供個人學(xué)習(xí)參考 Kipperwasaclown. Floppypulledhisleg. Chipwasastrong-man. Hemadeeveryonelaugh. WilmaandBiffdidgymnastics. Everyonehadadrink. I I . “ Whatagoodcircus! ” saidMum. z _ I / / 八

23、 Wilfwasastuntman. I - 、 . I * I I / j Kipperwasfedup. J J f Hewantedtobeastuntman. “ Lookatme! ” hesaid. I I I . 1 I # EveryonelookedatKipper. Ohno! “I maclown,afterall, ” saidKipper. 26. circus英?s?:k?sn.馬戲,馬戲團(tuán);馬戲表演(常在大帳篷里進(jìn)行) 27. gymnastics英d ?m?n?st?ksn.體操,體育;體操運(yùn)動 I I 28. stuntman英?st?nt?m?nn.特技替身

24、演員 29. feedup英fi:d ?p養(yǎng)肥;養(yǎng)壯;口 處于情緒低落狀態(tài);對厭煩 3-15Kippersldea. DadtookKippertoschool. Theywentpastthelibrary. Aladywaspaintingthewall. Kipperranintotheplayground.Hewantedtoplay. Therewasadrawingonthewall. 僅供個人學(xué)習(xí)參考 ItwasadrawingofKipper. Thewalllookedamess. MrsMaywascross. Thechildrenwerepainting. Kipper

25、hadanidea. MissGreendrewcirclesonthewall. Thechildrenpaintedfaces. Thewalllookedgood. Everyonelikedit. “ GoodforKipper! ” everyonesaid. 3-16StrawberryJam. I I . 1 Dadwantedtomakejam. I L _ t . . , 1 y I , / /! / * ! f Mumputtheoldtoysinthecar. Thechildrenweresad. I I I . 1 # / ./ Theyallwenttothejum

26、blesale. Thechildrenwantedtobuysomething. “ Whatalotofjunk! ” saidWilf. Thechildrensawtheirtoys. 1 Theycountedtheirmoney. Itwastimetogohome. “ What sinthebags? ” saidMum.Ohno! 30. spring-cleaning英?spr?kli:n ?n.春季大掃除, 31. drawer英dr?:n.抽屜;開票人,出票人;起草者;酒館侍者 32. junk英d ?kn.廢舊物品,破爛物;中國式平底帆船;便宜貨 33. jumble

27、sale英?d?mb?lseiln.(義賣時的)雜 3-18TheSnowma n. 僅供個人學(xué)習(xí)參考 大掃除 物拍 Itwassnowing. “ Hooray, ” saidthechildren. TheysawwilfandWilma. Wilfwassweepingthesnow. Biffhadagoodidea. Shemadeagiantsnowball. Everyonepushedthesnowball. Floppybarkedandbarked. Wilfhadanidea. Hewantedtoplayatrick. Thechildrenmadeagiantsnow

28、man. Wilf sdadopenedthedoor. Hesawthesnowman. Wilma smumtookaphotograph. Thesnowfellofftheroof. ” / % - ! | “ I1., “ Sixsnowmen! ” saidWilma 34. Hooray英h ?re?萬歲 3-19AtthePool. Kipperwenttotheswimmingpool. Wilma smumtookhim. ShetookBiffandChip,too. Itwasanewpool. Everyonewantedtoswim. 僅供個人學(xué)習(xí)參考 Kipper

29、lookedforhistrunks. Hecouldn tfindthem. Kippercouldn tgointhepool. sdad. “ Sorry, ” saidtheman. Wilma smumwasthewater. “ Ohdear, ” shesaid. Wilma smumtookKippertoashop. Sheboughthimnewtrunks. I I / Theywentbacktothepool. “ Ohno! ” saidKipper. “ Iputthemonathome, ” hesaid. I I I . 35. trunkstr ?ksn.樹

30、干(trunk 的名詞復(fù)數(shù));衣箱;象鼻 3-20BookWeek. Itwasbookweek. Thechildrenmadebooks. x I! | OC, ,* i y I , Herdadboughtitforher. Wilfkickedtheball. I I I . 1 # / ./ Hewonthegoldfish. Dadwantedtowinateddy. Hehadtohitabull -eye.s Dadgotcross. Hecouldn thitthebul-eye. s Wilmawasinthegymdisplay. WilfandDadforgottowa

31、tchher.Wilmawascross. “ Youforgottowatch, ” shesaid.WilfandWilmahadafight. TheybumpedintoDad.Bill -eye!s Dadwonateddy. 37. bulls-eye英?b?lz?a?n.靶心;的 38. gym英d?imn. : Jf I I / / / Everyonehelped.Thedadslitthefire. f -1 - , I y I , Thefirewentout. Thechildrenwerehungry. I I ” 1 I # Thedadslitthefireaga

32、i n.I tbegantorain. Thedadscookedtheburgers. Thechildrenwerefedup. Theburgersburned. “ Yuk! ” saidChip. XB Ohno!Thedadsgotwet. “ Hooray! ” saidthechildren. 42. barbecue英?b abikju:n.烤肉;燒烤野餐;(常用于室外的)金屬烤架 43. burgers?b?: g?zn.漢堡包(burger 的名詞復(fù)數(shù)); 3-23TheCarnival Themumsanddadswerebusy. Theymadeagiantshoe

33、. 僅供個人學(xué)習(xí)參考 Theyputitonatrailer. Thechildrendressedup. Dadwastheoldlady. Thegiantshoelookedgood. Theytookittothecarnival.Thecarbrokedown. Ohno! ” everyonesaid. Comeon! ” saidWilma.Biff,Chip,andWilfpushed. “ Comeon! ” saideveryone Therewasanoldlady. Thechildrenwereinthesea. KJ I Comeon! ” saidKipper S

34、helivedinashoe. Shehadsomanychildren. Itwasagoodjob,too. 44.trailer英?tre?l?n.拖車;追蹤者; 3-24TheColdDay. Dadmadethemlaugh. Everyonewascold. Kipperwasverycold. Everyonewantedtojog. Kippersatontherug. Theyplayedinthewaves. Comeon,Kipper, ” saidMum. “I mtoocold, ” saidKipper. 僅供個人學(xué)習(xí)參考 “I mtoocold, Comeandh

35、elp, “I mtoocold, saidKipper. saideveryone. saidKipper. Icecream! ” saidKipper. Herantothevan. I I X EveryonelookedatKipper. x* .n | X / “I mnotthatcold, ” hesaid. n- , I 45. jog英d?gjvt.&vi.慢跑;輕推,輕撞;蹣跚行進(jìn);使顛簸 46. rug英r? gn.小塊地毯;英(圍蓋膝的)圍毯, 3-25ACatintheTree. I I I . 1 # / ./ Floppybarkedatacat. I

36、L _ _ , F / 曠、 Thecatranupatree. BiffwascrosswithFloppy. Wilmaclimbedonthewall. x I! | A i Wilmaclimbedupthetree. Shecouldn tgetthecat. Wilmacouldn tgetdown. Wilma sdadwascross. Heputtheladderup. Wilmaclimbeddown. Wilma sdadclimbedthetree. Hecouldn tgetthecat. 僅供個人學(xué)習(xí)參考Comeon,Kipper, saidDad. 車毯; Wil

37、ma sdadwasstuck. Thecatjumpeddown. Thefiremanputaladderup. Wilma sdadclimbeddown. “ Ohno! ” saideveryone. 47adder英?l?d?n.梯子,階梯;梯狀物;途徑; 48. stuck英st?kadj.動不了的;被卡住的;被纏住的; 式及過去分詞 I I / 3-26BytheStream. MumandDadsatontherug. Thechildrenplayedbythestream. I I I . 1 # / ./ Biffwentonthebridge. Theydropped

38、sticksinthewater. Kippercouldn tsee. Kipperclimbedup. 川 HedroppedTeddyinthewater. “ GetTeddy, ” saidKipper Biffcouldn tgetTeddy. “ GetTeddy, ” saidKipper. Mumcouldn tgetTeddy. v.刺(stick 的過去 “ IwantTeddy, ” saidKipper. Dadcouldn tgetTeddy. Dadfellin. 僅供個人學(xué)習(xí)參考 Splash! “l(fā)amafrogman, ” saidDad. 3-27Nobo

39、dyWantedtoPla y. Wilfwascross. Nobodywantedtoplay. Hewenttothepark. Wilfplayedontherocket. “l(fā)amaspaceman, ” hesaid. I I / Heplayedonthesee-saw. Iamajuggler, hesaid. Heplayedonthehorse. I I I . “l(fā)amacowboy, ” hesaid. I Heplayedonhisbicycle. “l(fā)amastuntman, ” hesaid. Heclimbeduptheladder. “ -/ i i “l(fā)amafireman, ” hesaid. Heclimbedonthewall. “l(fā)amaspiderman, ” hesaid. Whoops! 49. juggler英?d?gl?n.玩雜耍的人;雜耍,把戲 5


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