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1、新世紀(jì)視聽說 B3U5-CPart I Liste ning Comprehe nsio n( 15 mi nutes )Section ADirecti ons: In this sect ion, you will hear several con versati ons. At the end of each con versati on, one or more questi ons will be asked about what was said. Both the con versati ons and the questions will be spoken only once

2、. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best an swer.1.A) the cin emaB) the classroomC) the libraryD) the bankScript: A: Let's go to the library. Good place for study.B: I just came back. All

3、the seats are occupied.正確答案:C學(xué)生答案:C得分:2分2.A) work as a salesma nB) work as a mecha nicC) go back homeD) go traveli ngScript: A: What are you going to do in the summer vacation, Andy?B: Hit the road, of course.正確答案:D學(xué)生答案:D得分:2分Questio ns 3 to 5 are based on the con versatio n you have just heard.Scri

4、pt:A: Cathy, Mrs. Lee has just called.B: For me? But which Mrs. Lee?A: Mrs. Lee from the school health cen ter. She left a message. She said that you have n't got a flu shot yet.B: Flu shot? Do I have to take that?A:. It's spri ng and the flu seas on is coming. You'd better get well prot

5、ected. Stude nts get flu shots every year. I got it last week.B: Every year? Oh . it's my first year here. No won der I have n't heard about that. Eh . how much do you have to pay for that?A: It's free. You don't have to pay anything.B: Great. Then whe n did Mrs. Lee say I can go to

6、get the flu shot?A: Well . i n fact, you have to fill out a form and make a reservati on before you go there.B: What form? How can I get it?A: You can dow nl oad it from the webpage of the school health cen ter. If there's anything you don't un dersta nd, just ask me.B: Thank you. You're

7、 very helpful. But right now, I think rd better call Mrs. Lee. What's her nu mber?A: All right. Wait a mi nute.3.Mrs. Lee called because.A) Cathy did n't register thereB) she wan ted to in terview the stude ntsC) she thought she made a mistakeD) Cathy had n't got a flu shot正確答案:D學(xué)生答案:D得分

8、:2分4.How much does a student have to pay for getting a flu shot?A) 10 dollars.B) 4 dollars.C) 3 dollars.D) Nothi ng.正確答案:D學(xué)生答案:C得分:0分5.Cathy has tobefore she goes to the school health cen ter.A) make several teleph one callsB) fill out a formC) register herselfD) dow nl oad a software from the webpa

9、ge正確答案:B 學(xué)生答案:B得分:2分Section BDirecti ons: In this sect ion, you will hear several short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questio ns. Both the passage and the questio ns will be spoke n only on ce. After you hear a questi on, you must choose the best an swer from the four choi

10、ces marked A),B) , C) and D).Passage OneQuesti ons 6 to 10 are based on the passage you have just heard.Script:The start of college life provides a stude nt with new and challe nging experie nces. Our uni versity allows stude nts to explore many opport un ities for in tellectual and pers onal growth

11、, both in the classroom and out.With n early 1,000 stude nt orga ni zati ons, doze ns of club and sports, and stude nts from more than 100 countries, the university offers something that you are interested in.We expect stude nts to take an active role in their educati on. So stude nts must assume re

12、sp on sibility for their own affairs. Stude nts are treated as adults who will continue to develop the knowledge, maturity, judgment, and self-discipline necessary for their future lives. Students should familiarize themselves with the school policies that are important for living on campus.We also

13、hope the pare nts of our stude nts will en courage them to seek a bala nee betwee n academics and extra-curricular activities. Participation in student activities outside of class helps many stude nts to man age their time better, and leads to a reward ing and successful college experie nee.Stude nt

14、s here can choose to live on-campus or off-campus. But no matter which type of housing the students are choosing, the University Housing office is available to help them with various problems. University Housing has information for students and their parents about residence hall life, including info

15、rmation about what to bring to campus, dining options, and how to get involved in residence hall activities. The University Housing website even has a section to address the specific in terests of pare nts.Uni versity Hous ing also provides rich in formati on about off-campus hous ing. Although not

16、owned by the University, off-campus apartments and houses can be found through the Un iversity's official website. We hope you will enjoy your stay here, in our uni versity.6.How many stude nt orga ni zati ons can be found in this uni versity?A) Doze ns.B) Nearly 100.C) Nearly 200.D) Nearly 1,00

17、0.Script: How many stude nt orga ni zati ons can be found in this uni versity?正確答案:D學(xué)生答案:D得分:2分7.Stude nts here are treated aswho will develop what is n ecessary for their future lives.A) adultsB) participa ntsC) friendsD) developersScript: Students here are treated aswho will develop what is necess

18、ary for their futurelives.正確答案:A學(xué)生答案:A得分:2分8.Pare nts should en courage their childre n to seek a bala nee betwee n.A) time and moneyB) work and studyC) study and extra-curricular activitiesD) book kno wledge and social skillsScript: Pare nts should en courage their childre n to seek a bala nee betw

19、ee n.正確答案:C學(xué)生答案:C得分:2分9.What happe ns if a stude nt chooses to live off-campus?A) He cannot get help from the University Housing office.B) He will pay higher livi ng costs.C) He can find such information through the school website.D) He will find it hard to go to class on time.Script: What happe ns

20、if a stude nt chooses to live off-campus?正確答案:C學(xué)生答案:C得分:2分10.is in cluded in the in formati on about reside nee hall life.A) Office con tactB) Dining opti onsC) Medical helpD) Club categoryScript:is in cluded in the in formatio n about reside nee hall life.正確答案:B學(xué)生答案:B得分:2分Passage TwoQuesti ons 11 t

21、o 15 are based on the passage you have just heard.Script:When most people think of the word "education", they think of a pupil as a container, and the teachers are supposed to fill that container with "education".But real educatio n, as Socrates knew more tha n two thousa nd year

22、s ago, is not forci ng someth ing into a pers on, but rather produc ing kno wledge from him, it is the draw ing out of what is in the mind.So many of the discussi ons and con troversies about the content of educati on are useless, because they are concerned with what should "go in to" the

23、stude nt rather tha n with what should be take n out, and how this can best be done.A college stude nt once said to me after a lecture, "I spe nd so much time study ing that I don't have a chanee to learn anything." I think he was expressing his dissatisfaction with the con tai ner-fil

24、li ng view of educati on. He was being so stuffed with various facts and materials that he had no time to think independently, to draw on his own resources, and to use his own mind.So real educati on must produce from the pupil what is late nt in every huma n being, for example, the rules of reason,

25、 the knowledge of what is proper for men to be and to do, the ability to come to con clusi ons.After all, pupils are not containers. They are more like oysters. The job of teaching is not to stuff them and the n seal them up, but to help them ope n and reveal the riches with in. There are pearls in

26、each of us, if only we knew how to cultivate them.11.The traditi onal view of educati on is to think of stude nts as.A) booksB) flowersC) containersD) picturesScript: The traditional view of education is to think of students as.正確答案:C 學(xué)生答案:C得分:2分12.What does real educatio n mean?A) Teachi ng the stu

27、de nt to be a real pers on.B) Develop ing the stude nt's various skills.C) Help ing the stude nt to put theory into practice.D) Draw ing out kno wledge from the stude nt.Script: What does real educati on mean?正確答案:D 學(xué)生答案:A得分:0分13."What is late nt in every huma n being" in cludes.A) the

28、 ability to come to con clusi onsB) the kno wledge about the futureC) the rules of good behaviorD) the aware ness of what is possibleScript: "What is late nt in every huma n being" in cludes.正確答案:A 學(xué)生答案:A得分:2分14.Why did n't the student have any time to think independently?A) Because he

29、 did n't have eno ugh motivati on.B) Because he was stuffed with various facts.C) Because he was un der a lot of pressure.D) Because his teacher could n't teach him anything.Script: Why did n't the stude nt have any time to think in depe nden tly?正確答案:B學(xué)生答案:B得分:2分15.In the end, the pupil

30、s are compared tothat have pearls.A) containersB) oystersC) treasure boxesD) safesScript: In the end, the pupils are compared tothat have pearls.正確答案:B學(xué)生答案:B得分:2分Part II Oral Tasks ( 3 min utes )Section ADirecti ons: In this sect ion, you will hear several con versati ons. At the end of each convers

31、ation, a question will be asked about what was said. Listen carefully and then answer the questio n.16. Which college will the woman probably attend?思考/準(zhǔn)備學(xué)生答案:得分:0分。您可以修改得分:01234517. Why will the woma n probably not go to Harvard Uni versity?思考/準(zhǔn)備學(xué)生答案:得分:0分。您可以修改得分:01234518. Did the pers on they are

32、 talk ing about study hard?思考/準(zhǔn)備學(xué)生答案:得分:0分。您可以修改得分:01234519. What is he going to do if he doesn' t get into graduate school?思考/準(zhǔn)備學(xué)生答案:得分:0分。您可以修改得分:012345Section BDirections: There is a short text shown on the computer screen (as is shown below). You are required to read the text aloud. Your voi

33、ce will be recorded into the system. You'll have 1 minute for preparation and then you are required to begin reading when hearing the begi nning sig nal sound and stop it whe n heari ng the ending sig nal sound. Your readi ng should be limited in 1.5 minu tes.Now you have 1 minute to prepare.20.

34、Many students love sports. More than that, joining a college sports team is worth the time and effort. Why? Here're two important reasons. First, you may be getting used to seeing similar people in the courses for your major, i n your reside nee hall, or at the events you go to on campus. But a

35、sports team can be a great way to meet stude nts that you may not otherwise even run in to. Second, every team n eeds a capta in, right? If you're look ing to build your resume or test out your leadership skills, a sports team can be a great place to start. With some luck, you'll get more th

36、a n what you expected.思考/準(zhǔn)備 學(xué)生答案:得分:0分。您可以修改得分:Section CDirections: Look at the picture below, which is about Lin da, a sec on d-year college student. What does the picture tell you about her? What is she doing and why? Now you are required to describe what you have seen by answering those questions

37、. Also tell how different your life is from hers. You' ll hreute tbrprepare and another 2 minutes to complete yourprese ntati on.Now you have 1 minute to prepare.21.思考/準(zhǔn)備學(xué)生答案:得分:0分。您可以修改得分:Part IIIVideo Tasks ( 6 minu tes )Section ADirections: True or False. Watch the video clip and decide wheth

38、er the followingstateme nts are True (T) or False (F).22. Claudia forgot to bring her resume.A. TB. F正確答案:B學(xué)生答案:B得分:2分23. The compa ny is look ing for some one to sell software products.A. TB. F正確答案:A學(xué)生答案:A得分:2分24. Claudia is tak ing graduate courses in software engin eeri ng.A. TB. F正確答案:B學(xué)生答案:A得分:0分25. Ms. Li thinks Claud


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