和dog有關的諺語及翻譯 整理版_第1頁
和dog有關的諺語及翻譯 整理版_第2頁
和dog有關的諺語及翻譯 整理版_第3頁
和dog有關的諺語及翻譯 整理版_第4頁




1、與狗有關的短語西方人經常用狗來比喻人,因為他們并不歧視狗。而在漢語中,有不少涉及狗的諺語都是貶義的。英文中dog一詞有時也常有貶義,但往往含義與中文不盡相同。一、 bad meaning1、to lead a dog's life 形容人過著貧困潦倒、慘不忍睹的生活Toms been leading a dog's life since he got divorced.湯姆自離婚后一直過著混沌潦倒的日子。2、dog eat dog 殘酷、競爭激烈3.dog-tired 筋疲力盡Such hard work can make him dog-tired.如此堅辛的工作使他疲憊不堪

2、。4.sick as a dog 病得嚴重 The situation would be even worse if she became sick as a dog.如果她病得厲害,情況會更糟。5、You can never teach an old dog new tricks. 老古董學不會新東西 You're never going to teach your father at the age of 79 to use a computer. You can't teach an old dog new tricks, you know.不要指望教你79歲的老父親學會

3、電腦。年長的人學不會新事物。6、meaner than a junkyard dog 冷漠,不友好 He is a man meaner than a junkyard dog.他是一個殘酷、冷漠的男人。7.lead a dogs life 過窮困潦倒的日子  8.not have a dogs chance 毫無機會 9,treat sb. like a dog 不把某人當人看 10.a hunting&

4、#160;dog 獵犬11.a lazy dog 懶漢12. a dirty dog  你這個無恥的小人!13.Dog's life悲慘的生活下流坯a sly dog 狡猾之徒dog in the manger 占著茅坑不拉屎give a dog a bad name 一朝壞名聲,十年洗不清go to the dogs (指組織機構等)一蹶不振 大不如前eg. This firms gone to the dogs since you took over.not have a dogs chance 毫無機會 絕無可

5、能put on the dog 炫耀 擺闊in the doghouse 丟臉的 不光彩的 受冷落的dog-tired 極疲倦a hair of the dog 以毒攻毒lead a dogs life 過著牛馬不如的生活過著貧困的生活let sleeping dogs lie 沒惹是非,別惹麻煩teach an old dog new tricks 讓守舊的人接受新事物treat sb like a dog 不把某人當人看a dogs life 爭吵不休 過著不安寧的日子rain cats and dogs. 下傾盆大雨。 貶義 lead a dogs life. 過貧困潦倒的日子。 貶義

6、not have a dogs chance. 毫無機會。 貶義 a staff(stick) is quickly(soon) found to beat a dog with. 欲加之罪,何患無辭。 貶義Dog-eat-dog world 形容冷酷無情的競爭社會An old dog 指不愿改變想法的A dogs breakfast亂七八糟Cat-and-dog 水火不相容的A good-for-nothing adviser 狗頭軍師Bite the hand that feeds you 狗咬呂洞賓,不識好人心二、good meaning1、work like a dog 指一個人努力、

7、賣命地工作They say that to be successful, a person has to work like a dog.他們說,一個人想要成功就得拼命工作。2. as like a dog with two tails非常開心高興3.be (old) dog at (a thing)對.有經驗; 對.很內行4.love me, love my dog.諺你若把我當朋友, 也要把我的朋友當朋友;

8、60;愛屋及烏。5.to rain cats and dogs 下傾盆大雨6.Be dog at.對.有經驗7.Lucky dog幸運兒Love me,love my dog愛屋及烏dog-like 像狗一般忠實的help a lame dog over a stile 助人渡過難關 雪中送炭top dog 優(yōu)勝者 勝利者 領導 老板1. a good dog deserve name. 好狗應得好骨頭-有功者應受賞。Dog 為褒義2. as a dog with two tails. 非常開心。 褒義3. a clever dog.聰明伶俐的小孩。 褒義5.a jolly dog.快活的人。

9、 褒義7. water dog.善于游水的人。 褒義10. work like a dog.拼命地工作。 褒義11. sick as a dog.糟糕透頂。 貶義13. be in the dog house 你使某人很生氣。 貶義14. dog days酷暑期, 三伏天。 褒義3 中性Two dogs strive for a bone, and a third runs away with it.鷸蚌相爭,漁翁得利Give a dog a bad name and hang him.欲加之罪,何患無辭a dogs breakfast/dinner 亂糟糟 一團糟eg. Hes made a real dogs breakfast of these accounts.他把這些賬目搞得一團糟。Not have a dog's chance毫無機會A lazy dog懶漢Barking dogs seldom bite吠犬不咬人Hang-dog look愁眉苦臉Go to the dogs過潦倒的生活Every dog has its


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