1、2012 年無錫市初中畢業(yè)升學考試第 I 卷(客觀題共 50 分)、選擇填空在 A、B、C、D 四個選項中,選出可以填入空白處的最佳選項,并在答題卡上將該項涂黑。(本大題共 14 小題,每小題 1 分,共 14 分)The_action film has attracted milli ons of young people to the cin ema.A. 130-mi nuteB. 130-mi nu tesC. 130 mi nuteD. 130 mi nutesHave you see n Dr. Adams recen tly?No. He_ Hong Kong for an in
2、ternartional meeting. He lcome back tomorrow.A. has gone inB. has bee n inC. has gone toD. has bee n toDon tdrive so fast! We must slow dow n when we drivethe tunn el.If the robot_ wrong, you can get a new one for free or get all your money back.A. wentB. goesC. would goD. will goWhy is the traffic
3、today moving so slowly? We are running late!Calm down. Let take_ route. Turn left over there.The lady in this photo_ be over fifty! She looks so young!A. mustntB. mustC. cantD. canI like the dress, but I m_ I have nt got eno ugh mon ey.Dont worry. I dont mind_you some if you like.A. afraid; lending
4、B. glad; lendingC. afraid; to lendD. glad; to lendMy father doesn like shopping much. He would rather_TV at home than_around for hours in shops.Jas on is too stubbor n sometimes.I quite_ . But he always friendly to others.A. acceptB. argueC. agreeD. admireThe old theatre will close soon_some extra d
5、on ati ons are made.Your brother ofte n disagrees with you,_he?_. We ofte n have differe nt opinions.A. does; YesB. does nt; YesC. does; NoD. does nt; NoMans un dersta nding of n ature is develop ing_ . It n ever stays at the same level.A. at the right time B. for the first time C. from time to time
6、 D. all the timeShe got up to get some sleep ing pills but found there wasleft at home.D. nobodyA. nothingB. noneHow would you like your coffee?C. someth ingA. Black, please.B. Very muchC. It tastes goodD. No, tha nks1. pastB. acrossC. overD. throughA. a sameB. the s
7、ameC. a differe ntD. the differe ntA. watch; walkB. watch; to walkC. to watch; to walk D. to watch; walkA. soB. ifC. becauseD. uniess2 / 81 / 8二、完形填空 先通讀下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后在每小題所給的四個選項中,選出可以填入空白處的最佳選項,并在答題卡上將該項涂黑。(本大題共 10 小題,每小題 1 分,共 10 分)A little boy came up to his mother in the kitche n one evening whi
8、le she was cook ing supper, and15 hera piece of paper that he had writte n somethi ng on. After his mother 16 her han ds, she read what on the paper.For 17 the grass $5.00For clea ning up my room this week $1.00For going to the supermarket for you $1.00For look ing after my baby brother while you we
9、nt shopp ing$1.00For tak ing out the rubbish $1.00For gett ing a good report card $5.00For clea ning up the garde n $2.00Total: $16.00Well, his mother looked at him for a while, and then she picked up a pen, turned18 the paper he hadwritten on, and this was what she wrote:For the nine 19 I carried y
10、ou while you were grow ing in side me, free.For all the nights that I Ve sat up with you, fed you and sung songs for you , free.For all the tears(眼淚)that you e 20 through the years, free.When you add it up, the cost of i-my love is free.For all the ni ghts that were filled with21, free.For the toys,
11、 food, clothes, and eve n clea ning your no se, free.And whe n vou add it all up, the22 cost of real love is free.When the little boy finished reading what his mother had written, there were tears in his eyes. He looked straight 23at his mother and said, Mom, I sure do love you. ” And then he took t
12、he pen and in great big letters he wrote: 24INFULL.15.A. passedB. postedC. offeredD. borrowed16.A. wavedB. clappedC. driedD. shook17.A. push ingB. cutt ingC. mopp ingD. picki ng18.A. backB. awayC. overD. off19.A. daysB. weeksC. mon thsD. years20.A. enjoyedB. causedC. collectedD. proved21.A. jokesB.
13、wishesC. smilesD. worries22.A. fullB. halfC. highD. new23.A. outB. aroundC. dow nD. up4 / 8三、閱讀理解(本大題共 13 小題,每小題 2 分,共 26 分)AEvery August, Edi nburgh, the capital of Scotia nd, is the home of one of the most importa nt arts festivals in the world.Three of our young readers went there and told us abo
14、ut it.My pare nts have always liked art exhibiti ons and they e take n me to many, but I n everenjoyed them, however, in Edin burgh we saw an exhibiti on of Africa n masks at a museum and they were fan tastic.I could n timag ine that people made such beautiful things so long ago. Some of the masks w
15、ere 2,000 years old.Marti, 14My friend and I went to the theatre at the Edinburgh Arts Festival. We decided to see a musical(音樂居 U ). I usedto think musicals were for people like my mum, but it was very good. I loved all the singing and dancing. Everyone wasvery tale nted and it was really colorful.
16、Jack, 13Id never been to a ballet before and I didn really want to go, but my aunt Celia said I had to. In the en d, I was glad!We saw The sleep ing Beauty at the Edin burgh Festival. The dancers were beautiful and Tchaikovsky s music madethe story come alive. I can t wait to go to a ballet aga in.H
17、a nnah, 1625.This passage is most probably from_.A. a local n ewspaperB. a TV guideC. a festival leafletD. a sports magaz ine26.Who went to the arts festival alone?A. MartiB. JackC. Ha nn ahD. No ne of them27.What similar characteristic do the three teenagers share?A. They all expected that they wou
18、ld have a great time before they went.B. They all thought the festival would be rather boring before they went.C. They were all music lovers and enjoyed singing and dancing a lot.D. They were all under 18 so they had to go to the festival with adults.BMartin had just fini shed high school. He would
19、go to college at the far end of the city. He did nt want to livethere, and he didn twant to take the bus either. So his father agreed to buy him a car.His father spent all his summer teaching him how to drive, from the ABC to the XYZ. Thinking of the great feeling ofdriving a new car, Martin leanned
20、 very quickly, and received his driver license(駕照)just before his eightee nth birthday.The sec ond day, all the family, and their dog, went to a car shop. Martin spe nt almost all the morning going3 / 824.A. PAIDB. SOLDC. SPENTD. BOUGHT5 / 8from one car to ano ther. Fin ally he saw a red Blue Bird.
21、He had a test ing drive on the ope n ground, and called out. Thisis what I want, Dad! When everything was done, they were ready to leave.Marti n climbed into the front seat. He said excitedly,If my first day drivi ng alone. Dad, Mom, and Poo! Enjoyit!”His dad immediately took the back seat, right be
22、h ind the new driver. Mart in won dered why his father chose that seat,for his father always enjoyed look ing in front.So he said, smiling, lm sure you re back there to have a change after all those weeks of sitting in the front seatteaching me how to drive. ”No, Dad replied, Do you remember what yo
23、u did to me all those years when I took you to and from school?I am sitt ing here to hit and kick the back of your seat all the way! ”28.Which of the following is NOT the reason why Martins father agreed to buy him a car?A.Martin would go to college and it was far from home.B.Martin preferred livi n
24、g at home to livi ng at college.C.Martin didn twant to take the public transport.D.Martin was able to lear n how to drive very quickly.29.In which order(順序)did Martin do the following things?a. He fini shed his high school.b. He tested drivi ng the new car.c. He got his driver lice nse.d. He decided
25、 to buy the Blue Bird.e. He kicked the front seat while his father was drivi ng.A. e a c b dB. a c b d e C. e c a b d D. a c d b e30.How would the whole family probably feel on their way back home?A. AngryB. SadC. CheerfulD. ShockedCSpace travel is nothing new. The first spacecraft with a human was
26、sent up into space in 1961.Since the n, people have not only traveled to space, but many of them have also lived there in space statio ns forsome time.The Soviet Union (前蘇聯(lián)) sent the first space station into space in 1971. This space station was called Salyut I. SalyutI was desig ned as a place wher
27、e people could live while they observed space and did experime nts. The first group ofastronauts lived there for 23 days. The Soviet Union went on to make seven more Salyut space stations. At about the sametime, the United States built its own space station, called Skylab.Astronauts visited and ofte
28、n lived in these space stations for a short time. However, it wasn tuntil the late 1980s when the Soviet Union sent the Mir space stati on that people bega n to live in space for a Ion ger time. Mir stayed in space from1989 un til 2001, whe n it was decided that the space stati on was too old and no
29、 Ion ger safe to live in.Living in apace stations seems to be fun, but astronauts face many problems. One of them is food. All the meals onspace stati ons are put together on Earth and sent there by space shuttle. Because the food has to last a long time(sometimes up to three mon ths), a lot of it h
30、as to be stored in cans. The space stati on does not have a fridge, but it hasa cool room to keep fruit and vegetables fresh. Astro nauts also eat many other foods such as dried meat that do not n eedspecial care.Without the help of gravity, sitti ng dow n to eat can be tough. Astr on auts sometimes
31、 have to fix themselves to6 / 8the wall while eating. They also have to be very c areful to that food does not float away.31.Which of the following has the closest meaning to the underlined wordobserved”n Paragraph 2?A. DiscoveredB. CheckedC. WatchedD. Fixed32.What can we infer(推斷)from the passage?A
32、.Astronauts can never have a chanee to eat fresh food when they live in space stations.B.The Soviet Union sent a total of 9 space stati ons into space in the 1970s and 1980s.C.Astronauts could live in the Mir space station for no more than three weeks.D.Space travel has quite a long history of more
33、than 60 years.33.What is the best title of this passage?A. Explori ng SpaceB. Space TravelC. Livi ng in SpaceD. Space Stati onsDDuring the 1800s, Africa n America ns worked long days in the fields of the America n South. They sang songs thatthey had brought from Africa while work ing. One pers on sa
34、ng a line. Then a group of workers repeated it. The song words told of the hardships ( 艱苦) that people suffered. They clapped their hands and stomped ( 跺) their feet to the music.In the 1860s, the music cha nged greatly.Africa n America n music took new forms. It was also in flue need bydance music,
35、 which had great rhythm( 節(jié)奏).Banjos(班卓琴)became popular. A blues sin ger usually s ang a line andthe n played the banjo in reply. By the early 1900s, the guitar had take n the place of the banjo in the blues music.The blues music has many obvious characteristics. One of them is that the musical no te
36、s() are ofte nbent ”That is, they are cha nged slightly to give a song more stre ngth.Lyrics are the words of a song. Blues lyrics describe everyday life. The lyrics are ofte n about the relati on shipsbetwee n men and wome n. They tell about sad ness and overwork. They tell about finding and los in
37、g love, havi ng moneyor being poor, being happy or sad and Ion ely. They almost always use the rhythms of everyday speech. A group of blueslyrics usually has three lines. The second line repeats the first line. The third line has different words.By the 1940s, large nu mbers of Africa n America ns mo
38、ved to Chicago. There, a new ki nd of Chicago blues began.The new music was excellent dance music. Chicag o blues led to the birth of a new music style rock and roll.34.This passage is mainly about_ .A. the blues musicB. the life of Africa n America nsC. the blues lyricsD. the rhythms of differe nt
39、music35.What information does the passage NOT provide?A.How the blues music developed as time went by.B.What the blues lyrics are mostly about.C.When Africa n America ns moved to the America n South.D.How long the banjo was popular in the blues history.36.Which of the following is the most likely ta
40、ken from a blues song?A.You have to help me. I lldie if you don t. You have to help me.B.You have to help me. You have to help me. I lldie if you don t.C. I lldie if you don help me. You have to help me. You have to help me.D. I ll die if you don t help me. You have to help me. Please help me.7 / 83
41、7.What fact does the passage lead you to believe?A. Africa n America ns sang songs after a long day s work to relax in the 1800s.B. The blues sin gers in the 1860s usually played the guitar while singing son gs.C. It is not difficult to tell the blues music from others from its musical no tes.D. Roc
42、k and roll was the most popular blues music in Chicago in the 1950s.第 II 卷(主觀題共 40 分)四、詞匯運用(本大題共 8 小題,每小題 1 分,共 8 分)(A)根據(jù)句意和漢語注釋,在答題卡標有題號的橫線上,寫出單詞的正確形式。1. Audrey Hepburn was_(活躍的)in the film industry for nearly 40 years.2. It will be a dangerous trip. Are you sure you want to take the_ (風險)?3. I can
43、not_(許諾)you anything at this moment, but I will try my bestl.4. The London Olympic Games , the_( 第三十)summer games in history, will open on July27th, 2012.(B)根據(jù)句意,在答題卡標有題號的橫線上,寫出括號內所給單詞的適當形式。5.Sometimes it requires courage to tell the_(true).6. This machine is_(special) designed for blind people.7. F
44、ollow me, guys! Close your eyes, open your arms and_ (breath) deeply.8. What a terrible painting! This is probably the_ (ugly) painting I ve ever seen.五、動詞填空用括號內所給動詞的適當形式填空,并將答案寫在答題卡標有題號的橫線上。(本大題共8 小題,每小題 1 分,共 8 分)1. Is everybody here?No, sir. Jim_ (not arrive) yet. He is still on the way.2. You ca
45、n come over now, but 10 minutes is all I can spare_ (talk) with you.3. I m sorry that I didn answer your phone. I_ (listen) to music and didn t hear the ring.4. The final result can_(find) on our website by the end of this week.5. Did the old soldiers from Taiwa n enjoy the welcome party last Friday
46、?Yes. They were so excited to see their friends again. Most of them_(not see) each other since1949.6. Dont worry about your boy too much. His temperature_ (drop) back to normal if he takes thismedici ne.7. The old computer_(break) down easily, so I had to restart it again and again.8. The sun light,
47、 we are all used to_(in clude) seve n differe nt colors.六、短文填空先通讀下面的短文,然后根據(jù)短文內容和所給首字母,在空格內填入一個適當?shù)膯卧~,使短文意思完整。所填單詞必須在答題卡標有題號的橫線上完整寫出。(本大題共 10 空,每空 0.5 分,共 5分)Have you ever tried the Magic Cube ” 魔方)? Pick up one of these cubes and you probably won be able to p_ (1) it dow n. How hard can it be to rear
48、ra nge the nine little s_ (2) on each side ofthe cube? In fact, there are millions of possibilities! It has been over 30 years since the cube firsth_ (3) the market. However, not many people know that it was used just as a simple classroom8 / 8m_(4) at the begi nning.In 1974, Mr. Erno Rubik i_the Ma
49、gic Cube” as he called it. He did this to help hisstudents u_(6) difficult 3D concepts( 概念).This classroom example was quickly t_ (7)into a popular toy .In 1979, Ideal Toys started to sell it as “ Rubik Cube ”.The inven tio n quickly became a 1980sc_(8) icon.As time went by, the cube once l_(9) its
50、attractive qualities. However, it made a comebackwith the intern et. Now anyone can go on li ne and find many videos that show ways to s_ (10) thecube. Erik Akkersdijk of the Netherla nds holds the world record now. He fini shed in just 7.08 sec on ds!七、 完成句子按所給的漢語,用英語完成下列句子,并將答案寫在答題卡標有題號的橫線上。(本大題共
51、6小題,每小題 1.5 分,共 9 分)1.無錫的地鐵將于 2014 年投入使用。The un dergro und in Wuxi_in 2014.2.你在這個時候放棄是不明智的。It not_at this mome nt.3.為了開會不遲到,我比平常早了 20 分鐘出門。I left home_ so that I would not be late for the meeti ng.4.別再犯如此愚蠢的錯誤了,否則你只能另謀高就了。Don _ , or you will have to find ano ther job.5.這則消息似乎比我們原先預想的傳播的更快。The n ews_tha n we had expected.6.當她意識到她真正想要的是什么的時候,一
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