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1、UnitlListe ning inTasklthe first daychangingreally goodfiard v/ofker$went over her headexplainednotesWednesdaypartic pationeducationTask2extra trainingchemistryaccountingmany Fields or studybetter potentialbusiness degree匚 hallenginghow to learnbetter understandingnarrow-mindedTask 31B they won'

2、t play computer games2C he used his spare time to memorize new terms3D havi nga certa in period of time every day for study ing4A one who likes ask ing questio ns for a full un dersta nding5D secrets of successful stude ntsFurther liste ningTasklstandardtzed testsabilities and interestinterestpressu

3、rewell-roundedget into good coWqqqsthe rest of the schoolfrom bad (o worseTask2course口 HI吐陽(yáng)semesterc onfidentpartymakemisledthey had a flat tire on the way back and didn't A Spaft placed them in separate rooms handed each of them a pap&f On the second page wa5 a question worth 9r> pointsT

4、ask31B the developme nt of Harvard Uni versity2A13C it was not domin ated by a sin gle religious group4D promot ing the un iversity's research5D all of the aboveUnit2Liste ning inTask1natureenvi ronmental problempollutionpromoteaware offrom occurringlawthrow awayfinedtrashTask2 River polluti on1

5、D the causes of river polluti on2A because n itrate and phosphate in the water in crease3B pois oning4C it preve nts oxyge n from en teri ng the water5D lake of oxyge nTask 3Curb ing carb on emissi ons1D cutt ing carb on dioxide emissi ons : Chin a's achieveme nts and problems2D more than 70 mil

6、lion3A 15%4B Chi na's in vestme nt was almost twice as large as the Un ited States'5C Exert ing a n egative in flue nee on people's in comeFurther liste ningTasklwater pollutionoverconsumptioneconomic growthresourcessocial advancEmEntrestri ctedgovernment planningeconomic pokeyremarkable

7、 stepsbalanceTask2Thiek cloud of polluti on eoveri ng souther n Aisa1D it can move halfway around the word in a week2B Evaporati on from the ocea n3A it cools the land and ocea ns4C because the Asia n populati on will in crease a lot5C the causes and results of a cloud of polluti onTask 3negativerep

8、ort warning pressures mountainous barely make way for expect 98 percent of the mountain areas to experience severe cbmate change by 2055 The UN i專 anxious to rase awareness of the problems racing moumain areas Thousands of villages in Europe are deserted mast af the yearUnit3Liste ning inTaskl compe

9、tition in America1C vaious2A readi ng3C competitive ness4B competiti on5D it's difficultTask2root?wtiatmoraldiligencesinteachingscenturiesIF it's worth doing at all, ire worthding wellIn Erglish 住 newofd has b-eencreated to desai b people whowork cctfnpulsivlyOthers hold tliat workaholi匚呂 ar

10、svaluable members of soGehbecause they are extremely productiveTask 3Cross-cultural tips on doing bus in ess1D they are pun ctual for bus in ess meeti ngs , but less so for social eve nts2A the UK3D they are patriotic4A you should know your con tacts well5C he is n eutral to all of themFurther liste

11、 ningTask1 Pun ctuality1C they call ahead to inform others of their delays2B they cha nge it only whe n there is an emerge ncy3A Relatio nships4C Ano ther5D It is part of lifeTask21T We do have pers onal space though2F whe n our space is in vaded3T cultures that stress4F Mexica ns and America ns5F i

12、n some Asia n coun triesTask 3 We don't know what to do with them:7 he Russian hurled the haJf-full bottle of vodka cut of the opn windowHfi answered, 'ls plentiful m my country一 In iw kavt diDiLEaiidE zjid thousands <jf liters of itfar more than we need.The businessman said; "I thou

13、ght the Cui an economy not sood this year. Yet you ihrew that perfectly good eisar aivay. I find your actions quite puzzlmn."Ha repIietL ' Ciais are a dime a dozen m Cuba. We hare cf them than we kiLOAV vJmt to do mth."The American businessman sat in silence for o moment. Then tiE got

14、up. grabbed the 1 aTnrer, and thre'y him out of th匕 indoT. He did that piobably be can se he thought there were too zany lawyers in the United StaTes.Un it 4Liste ning inTasklKpicalknownGen erallyfindapartment sole principalDual earner families are the predorriinarit type for fa mi lies with chi

15、 kJren in the United States adequate day care of 匚hiklren is recessary for dual-earner famHies companies are getting involved in arrangement of day careTask21F on weeke nds2T in America3T Australia n4F in the past5T the newTask 3 Views on filial piety see cha nge1A the goverme nt2A Providi ng them3A

16、 Middle-aged people4D the pers onal tax5C it is a sad thingFurther liste ningTaskl .Reas ons for a divorceIdivorce her husba nd2irresp on sible3cha nging jobs4stability5bills6poverty line7apartme nt8yells at9calls his n ames10halfTask2 Sin gle-pare nt problemsB They produce n egative resultsC she ha

17、s to repeat the sec ond gradeA find out the daughter's problemsD tell him nothing but what his daughterC tell her daughter to be in depe ndent as she can't always be there with herTask 3 A man who remarried1 the last word2 remarriage failure3 picture4 eight times5 wife6 dat ing7 Ion eli ness

18、 and an xiety8 second9 resp onse to her10 lukewarm11 warmed up12 accepted13 ripe14 blended into15 rightUnit 5Liste ninginTask1 Expe nsive holidays1D Not mention ed2C Both A and B3D All of the above4A He will become poor5B TwiceTask2 April Fool's Day1T The lead flight2F the capta in made3T Accord

19、 ing to the first4F Accord ing to the pilot's sec ond5T When the lead flightTask 3What to do for mom?buyoffice wearlikescat£petlimespecial dishlittle partyfettle tripcountrysideFurther liste ningTask 1The Wils on's Than ksgivi ng1A It is a day for family2D People in the n eighborhood3C

20、Three4B Roast5 C A coupleTask 2Father's day1 celebrati on2 popular3 America n4 died5 remarryi ng6 daughter71900s8 the traditi on was born, on the third Sun day every June, close to the anni versary ofSonora ' father ' death9 The card probably has a nice massage on it say ing what a great

21、 dad their father is10 British people might give their dad a bit of a restmake him a cup of tea, oreven wash his car and mow the law n.Task 3 St.Vlae ntine's story1 He thought that if men were not married, they would not mind joining the army.So he passed a law to forbid any more marriage.2 He k

22、ept on perform ing marriage ceremoni es, secretly.3 They came to visit him. They threw flowers and notes up to his window.4 She was one of those young people and the daughter of the pris on guard.her5 Before he was killed, Valentine left the girl a little note thanking her forfriendship and loyalty.

23、 He signed,Love from your Valentine.” That note started the custom.Unit 6Liste ninginTaskl Tips for job in terviews1T You should2F Dress in the way3T Look con fide nt4T Keep eye con tact5F Tell the in terviewer all the courses6T Tell the in terviewer about your7T Show your characterTask2 Are you rea

24、dy for a phone in terview1B to test can didates'2C Without it, you may become disorga ni zed3C Put it near the pho ne4A To reduce5D All of the aboveTask 3 Do you know how to write a resume1C Because it leaves a first impressi on and2A Detailed3A A the begi nning4C Three5B Resume tipsFurther list

25、e ningTask 11 coast2 impressed3 shipp ing compa ny4 cargo5 com muni cati on skills6 esse ntial7 asset8 team spirit9 her age10 her pare ntsTask 2 a work qualificati on test1F the American's qualifications2 T the pers onnel3 T the man ager chose4 F the America n correctly5 T by writi ngTask 31C Gett ing prepared2C How you can beat3 B Your prese nt and future4 A Idon't have any5D You should relate your stre ngthsUn it 9Liste ning inTask1The smaller the airport , the greater the security1security checks2searched3


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