1、.· 三、會計英語講解會計報表中英文對照Accounting1. Financial reporting(財務報告) includes not only financial statements but also other means of communicating information that relates, directly or indirectly, to the information provided by a business enterprises accounting system-that is, information about an enterpr
2、ises resources, obligations, earnings, etc.2. Objectives of financial reporting: 財務報告的目標Financial reporting should:(1) Provide information that helps in making investment and credit decisions.(2) Provide information that enables assessing future cash flows.(3) Provide information that enables users
3、to learn about economic resources, claims against those resources, and changes in them.3. Basic accounting assumptions 基本會計假設(1) Economic entity assumption 會計主體假設This assumption simply says that the business and the owner of the business are two separate legal and economic entities. Each entity shou
4、ld account and report its own financial activities.(2) Going concern assumption 持續(xù)經營假設This assumption states that the enterprise will continue in operation long enough to carry out its existing objectives.This assumption enables accountants to make estimates about asset lives and how transactions mi
5、ght be amortized over time.This assumption enables an accountant to use accrual accounting which records accrual and deferral entries as of each balance sheet date.(3) Time period assumption 會計分期假設This assumption assumes that the economic life of a business can be divided into artificial time period
6、s.The most typical time segment = Calendar YearNext most typical time segment = Fiscal Year(4) Monetary unit assumption 貨幣計量假設This assumption states that only transaction data that can be expressed in terms of money be included in the accounting records, and the unit of measure remains relatively co
7、nstant over time in terms of purchasing power.In essence, this assumption disregards the effects of inflation or deflation in the economy in which the entity operates.This assumption provides support for the "Historical Cost" principle.4. Accrual-basis accounting 權責發(fā)生制會計5. Qualitative char
8、acteristics 會計信息質量特征(1) Reliability 可靠性For accounting information to be reliable, it must be dependable and trustworthy.Accounting information is reliable to the extend that it is:Verifiable: means that information has been objectively determined, arrived at, or created. More than one person could c
9、onsider the facts of a situation and reach a similar conclusion.Representationally faithful: that something is what it is represented to be. For example, if a machine is listed as a fixed asset on the balance sheet, then the company can prove that the machine exists, is owned by the company, is in w
10、orking condition, and is currently being used to support the revenue generating activities of the company.Neutral: means that information is presented in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and practices, and without bias.(2) Relevance 相關性Relevant information is capable of makin
11、g a difference in the decisions of users by helping them to evaluate the potential effects of past, present, or future transactions or other events on future cash flows (predictive value) or to confirm or correct their previous evaluations (confirmatory value).(3) Understandability 可理解性Understandabi
12、lity is the quality of information that enables users who have a reasonable knowledge of business and economic activities and financial reporting, and who study the information with reasonable diligence, to comprehend its meaning.(4) Comparability 可比性Comparability: suggests that accounting informati
13、on that has been measured and reported in a similar manner by different enterprises should be capable of being compared because each of the enterprises is applying the same generally accepted accounting principles and practices.Consistency: suggests that an entity has used the same accounting princi
14、ple or practice from one period to another, therefore, if the dollar amount reported for a category is different from one period to the next, then chances are that the difference is due to a change like an increase or decrease in sales volume rather than being due to a change in the method of calcul
15、ating the dollar amount.(5) Substance over form 實質重于形式Substance over form emphasizes the economic substance of an event even though its legal form may provide a different result.It requires that business enterprise should perform accounting recognition, measurement and reporting in accordance with t
16、he economic substance rather than the legal form of an event or transaction.(6) Materiality 重要性Information is material if its omission or misstatement could influence the resource allocation decisions that users make on the basis of an entitys financial report. Materiality depends on the nature and
17、amount of the item judged in the particular circumstances of its omission or misstatement. Deciding when an amount is material in relation to other amounts is a matter of judgment and professional expertise.(7) Conservatism 謹慎性Conservatism dictates that when in doubt, choose the method that will be
18、least likely to overstate assets and income, and understate liabilities and expenses.(8) Timeliness 及時性Timeliness means having information available to decision makers before it loses its capacity to influence decisions. If information becomes available only after the time that a decision must be ma
19、de, it has no capacity to influence that decision and thus lacks relevance.6. Basic accounting elements 基本會計要素(1) Asset 資產An asset is a resource that is owned or controlled by an enterprise as a result of past transactions or events and is expected to generate economic benefits to the enterprise.(2)
20、 Liability 負債A liability is a present obligation arising from past transactions or events which are expected to give rise to an outflow of economic benefits from the enterprise.A present obligation is a duty committed by the enterprise under current circumstances. Obligations that will result from t
21、he occurrence of future transactions or events are not present obligations and shall not be recognized as liabilities.(3) owners equity 所有者權益Owners equity is the residual interest in the assets of an enterprise after deducting all its liabilities.Owners equity of a company is also known as sharehold
22、ers equity.(4) Revenue 收入Revenue is the gross inflow of economic benefits derived from the course of ordinary activities that result in increases in equity, other than those relating to contributions from owners.(5) Expense 費用Expenses are the gross outflow of economic benefits resulted from the cour
23、se of ordinary activities that result in decreases in owners equity, other than those relating to appropriations of profits to owners.(6) Profit 利潤Profit is the operating result of an enterprise over a specific accounting period. Profit includes the net amount of revenue after deducting expenses, ga
24、ins and losses directly recognized in profit of the current period, etc.7. Five measurement attributes 會計計量屬性(1) Historical cost 歷史成本Assets are recorded at the amount of cash or cash equivalents paid or the fair value of the consideration given to acquire them at the time of their acquisition. Liabi
25、lities are recorded at the amount of proceeds or assets received in exchange for the present obligation, or the amount payable under contract for assuming the present obligation, or at the amount of cash or cash equivalents expected to be paid to satisfy the liability in the normal course of busines
26、s.(2) Current replacement cost 現時重置成本Assets are carried at the amount of cash or cash equivalents that would have to be paid if a same or similar asset was acquired currently. Liabilities are carried at the amount of cash or cash equivalents that would be currently required to settle the obligation.
27、(3) Net realizable value 可實現凈值Assets are carried at the amount of cash or cash equivalents that could be obtained by selling the asset in the ordinary course of business, less the estimated costs of completion, the estimated selling costs and related tax payments.(4) Present value 現值Assets are carri
28、ed at the present discounted value of the future net cash inflows that the item is expected to generate from its continuing use and ultimate disposal. Liabilities are carried at the present discounted value of the future net cash outflows that are expected to be required to settle the liabilities wi
29、thin the expected settlement period.(5) Fair value 公允價值Assets and liabilities are carried at the amount for which an asset could be exchanged, or a liability settled, between knowledgeable, willing parties in an arms length transaction.8. Financial statements 財務報表(1) Balance sheet 資產負債表A balance she
30、et is an accounting statement that reflects the financial position of an enterprise at a specific date.(2) Income statement 損益表An income statement is an accounting statement that reflects the operating results of an enterprise for a certain accounting period.(3) Statement of cash flows 現金流量表A cash f
31、low statement is an accounting statement that reflects the inflows and outflows of cash and cash equivalents of an enterprise for a certain accounting period.(4) Statement of changes in ownersequity 所有者權益變動表A statement of changes in owners equity reports the changes in owners equity for a specific p
32、eriod of time.(5) Notes to financial statements 財務報表附注Notes to the accounting statements are further explanations of items presented in the accounting statements, and explanations of items not presented in the accounting statements, etc.9. Accounting entry 會計分錄Debit: CashCredit: Common Stock10. Basi
33、c accounting equation 基本會計等式Assets = Liabilities + owners equity11. List of present and potential users of financial information 財務信息的使用者investors, creditors, employees, suppliers, customers, and governmental agencies.· 四、審計英語講解Auditing1. Assurance engagements and external auditMateriality, tru
34、e and fair presentation, reasonable assuranceMateriality is the magnitude of an omission or misstatement of accounting information that, in the light of surrounding circumstances, makes it probable that the judgment of a reasonable person relying on the information would have been changed or influen
35、ced by the omission or misstatement. An auditor must consider materiality both in (1) planning the audit and designing audit procedures and (2) evaluating audit results.Appointment, removal and resignation of auditorsTypes of opinion: standard unqualified opinion, Unqualified with additional explana
36、tory language, qualified opinion, adverse opinion, disclaimer of opinionProfessional ethics: independence, objectivity, integrity, professional competence, due care, confidentiality, professional behaviorEngagement letter2. Planning and risk assessmentGeneral principlesPlan and perform audits with a
37、n attitude of professional skepticismAudit risks = inherent risk × control risk × detection risk(1) Inherent risk refers to the likelihood of material misstatement of an assertion, assuming no related internal control. This risk differs by account and assertion.(2) Control risk is the like
38、lihood that a material misstatement will not be prevented or detected on a timely basis by internal control. This risk is assessed using the results of tests of control.(3) Detection risk is the likelihood that an auditors procedures lead to an improper conclusion that no material misstatement exist
39、s in an assertion when in fact such a misstatement does exist. The auditors substantive tests are primarily relied upon to restrict detection risk.Risk-based approachUnderstanding the entity and knowledge of the businessThe CPA should obtain a level of knowledge of the clients business that will ena
40、ble effective planning and performance of the audit in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards. This knowledge helps the auditor in(1) Identifying areas that may need special consideration(2) Assessing conditions under which accounting data are produced, processed, reviewed and accumul
41、ated(3) Evaluating accounting estimates for reasonableness (e.g., valuation of inventories, depreciation, allowance for doubtful accounts, percentage of completion of long-term contracts)(4) Evaluating the reasonableness of management representations(5) Making judgments about the appropriateness of
42、the accounting principles applied and the adequacy of disclosuresAssessing the risks of material misstatement and fraudMateriality (level), tolerable errorAnalytical proceduresAnalytical procedures are normally used at three stages of the audit: (1) planning, (2) substantive testing, and (3) overall
43、 review at the conclusion of an audit. They are required during the planning and overall review stages.Analytical procedures used for 3 purposes:(1) Planning nature, timing, and extent of other auditing procedures(2) Substantive tests about particular assertions(3) Overall review in the final stage
44、of auditPlanning an auditAudit documentation: working papersThe work of othersRely on the work of expertsRely on the work of internal audit3. Internal controlInternal control is a process effected by an entitys board of directors, management, and other personneldesigned to provide reasonable assuran
45、ce regarding the achievement of objectives in the following categories: (1) reliability of financial reporting, (2) effectiveness and efficiency of operations, and (3) compliance with applicable laws and regulations.Five components of internal control(1) control environment(2) risk assessment(3) con
46、trol activities(4) information and communication(5) monitoringThe evaluation of internal control systemsTests of controlSubstantive procedures (time, nature, extent)Transaction cycles: revenue, purchases, inventory, etc.4. Audit evidenceObtain sufficient, appropriate audit evidenceAssertions contain
47、ed in the financial statements: completeness, occurrence, existence, measurement, presentation and disclosure, rights and obligations, valuationThe audit of specific itemsReceivables: confirmationInventory: counting, cut-off, confirmation of inventory held by third partiesPayables: supplier statemen
48、t reconciliation, confirmationBank and cash: bank confirmationAuditing sampling5. ReviewSubsequent eventsGoing concernManagement representationsAudit finalization and the final review: unadjusted differences6. Reporting審計1.鑒證業(yè)務和外部審計重要性,真實、公允反映,合理保證注冊會計師的聘用,解聘和辭職審計意見類型:標準無保留意見,帶解釋段的無保留意見,保留意見,否定意見,無法
50、和義務, 估價具體項目的審計應收賬款:函證存貨:盤點,截止測試,對第三方持有存貨進行函證應付賬款:供應商對帳,函證貨幣資金:銀行函證審計抽樣5.復核期后事項持續(xù)經營管理層聲明終結審計和最后復核:未調整差異6.審計報告Examples for audit report(1) Standard unqualified reportIndependent Auditors ReportTo: Board of Directors and Stockholders ABC Company We have audited the accompa
51、nying balance sheet of ABC Co., Ltd. (“ the Company”) as of December 31, 2006, and the related statements of income and cash flows for the year then ended. These financial statements are the responsibility of the Companys management. Our responsibility is to express an audit opinion on these financi
52、al statements based on our audits. We conducted our audits in accordance with the Independent Auditing Standards for Certified Public Accountants. Those Standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are fr
53、ee of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall fina
54、ncial statement presentation. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion. In our opinion, the financial statements give a true and fair view( or are presented fairly, in all material respects, ) the financial position of ABC as of December 31, 2006 , and
55、the results of its operations and its cash flows for the year then ended in conformity with the requirements of both the Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises and other relevant financial and accounting laws and regulations promulgated by the State.Zhang Hua, CPAFebruary 26, 2007(2) Unqualifi
56、ed with additional explanatory languageIndependent Auditors ReportTo: Board of Directors and Stockholders ABC Company We have audited the accompanying balance sheet of ABC Co., Ltd. (“ the Company”) as of December 31, 2006, and the related statements of income and cash
57、flows for the year then ended. These financial statements are the responsibility of the Companys management. Our responsibility is to express an audit opinion on these financial statements based on our audits. We conducted our audits in accordance with the Independent Auditing Stan
58、dards for Certified Public Accountants. Those Standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion. In
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