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1、Outline1. Dictionaries & foreign languages students2. Classification of dictionaries2.1 General-purpose English dictionaries for native speakers2.2 Specialized dictionaries2.3 English dictionaries for foreign learners2.4 Bilingual and bilingualized dictionaries3. How to use dictionaries1. Dictio

2、naries & foreign languages studentsA craftsman who wishes to practice his craft well must first sharpen his tools.-Confucius 工欲善其事,必先利其器。工欲善其事,必先利其器。 1. Dictionaries & foreign languages studentsThen what is “器器” for a foreign language student?1. Dictionaries & foreign language studentsDi

3、ctionary 2. Classification of dictionariesPurposesTargeted ReadersLanguage NumberGeneral-purpose dictionariesSpecialized dictionariesDictionaries for native speakersForeign learners dictionariesMonolingual dictionariesBilingual and bilingualized2. Classification of dictionaries2.1 General-purpose En

4、glish dictionaries for native speakers2.2 Specialized dictionaries2.3 English dictionaries for foreign learners2.4 Bilingual and bilingualized dictionaries2.1 General-purpose English dictionaries for native speakers2.1.1 Characteristics Provide relatively full information about each headword. Contai

5、n a wide range of words in the language.2.1 General-purpose English dictionaries for native speakers2.1.2 Types:Big unabridged dictionariesPocket dictionariesDesk dictionariesFree online dictionariesBig Dictionaries2.1 General-purpose English dictionaries for native speakersThe Oxford English Dictio

6、nary (OED)牛津英語詞典牛津英語詞典 The biggest dictionary with 20 volumes, 21,728 pages and 500,000 entries.照片Pocket Dictionaries2.1 General-purpose English dictionaries for native speakers照片The Little Oxford Dictionary (LOD)牛津英語小詞典牛津英語小詞典 51,000 entriesDesk Dictionaries2.1 General-purpose English dictionaries

7、for native speakersThe Concise Oxford Dictionary (COD9)牛津簡明英語詞典(第牛津簡明英語詞典(第9版)版)125,000-200,000 entry words and phrases 2.1 General-purpose English dictionaries for native speakersMerriam-Websters Collegiate Dictionary梅梅-韋氏大學(xué)英語詞典韋氏大學(xué)英語詞典Websters New World College Dictionary韋氏新世界大學(xué)英語詞典韋氏新世界大學(xué)英語詞典 Mer

8、riam-Websters Online Dictionary (10th Edition)The American Heritage Dictionary (3rd Edition, 1996)Encarta World English DictionaryCambridge Advanced Learners Dictionary (2nd Edition, 2003)Cambridge Dictionary of American English (2000) 2.1 General-purpose English dictionaries for native speakersFree

9、 Online Dictionaries2.1 General-purpose English dictionaries for native speakersBig unabridged dictionaries are too expensive and contain too much information for ordinary learners.Pocket dictionaries usually dont provide examples and are targeted at school children.Desk dictionaries are of greater

10、appeal to the general public.2.2 Specialized dictionaries Contains only a certain variety of words, for example, technical terms, abbreviations, dialect words, slang, idioms, place names, or personal names.Types Only provides information about a certain aspect of the headword, for example, its pronu

11、nciation, etymology (詞源), synonyms (近義詞) , or collocations (搭配). 2.2 Specialized dictionariesOxford Collocations Dictionary for Students of English 牛津英語學(xué)生搭配詞典牛津英語學(xué)生搭配詞典2.2 Specialized dictionaries貧窮大小Big&smallWhat is “collocation”?Collocation is the way words combine in a language to produce nat

12、ural-sounding speech and writing.2.2 Specialized dictionaries貧窮大小Big&smallHow to say How to say 濃湯,濃茶濃湯,濃茶 andand喝湯,喝茶喝湯,喝茶? ?soup noun ADJ. chunky, creamy, hearty, thick VERB + SOUP have We had a cold cucumber soup as a starter. | drink, eat (Eat is the normal verb when the soup is served in a

13、bowel.)2.2 Specialized dictionariesOxford Collocations Dictionary for Students of English tea noun ADJ. stewed (= very strong), strong | weak | cold VERB + TEA drink I dont drink tea. | have | sip, swallow 濃茶:濃茶:strong tea濃湯:濃湯:thick soup喝茶:喝茶:drink/have tea喝湯:喝湯:eat/have soup2.2 Specialized diction

14、aries貧窮大小Big&smallWhats the difference between a native language dictionary and a learners dictionary?2.3 English dictionaries for foreign learners2.3 English dictionaries for foreign learnersn. 1 a an umbelliferous plant, Daucus carota, with a tapering orange-coloured root. b this root as a veg

15、etable. -The Concise Oxford Dictionary (COD9)noun 1 U, C a long pointed orange root vegetable. -Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary (OALD6)ExampleLearners dictionary Native language dictionary 2.3 English dictionaries for foreign learnersAbout learners dictionaries To make monolingual English dictio

16、naries easily accessible to foreign learners.The first English learners dictionary The New Method English Dictionary was made by Michael West in 1935.Today most learners dictionaries adopt a controlled defining vocabulary of 2-3000 words. Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary (6th edition, 2000, OALD6

17、 )Collins COBUILD English Dictionary for Advanced Learners (3rd edition, 2001, COBUILD3)Macmillan English Dictionary for Advanced Learners (2002, MED) Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English (4th edition, 2003, LDOCE4)Cambridge Advanced Learners Dictionary (2nd edition, 2003, CALD2)A list of lear

18、ners dictionaries2.3 English dictionaries for foreign learners2.3.1 Detailed grammatical information2.3.2 Attention to collocation2.3.3 Rich examples2.3.4 Information about word frequencies2.3.5 Explanatory notes Features of learners dictionaries2.3 English dictionaries for foreign learners 2.3.1 De

19、tailed grammatical informationLets take “suggest” as an example! 2.3.1 Detailed grammatical informationsuggest 1 (often foll. by that + clause) propose (a theory, plan, or hypothesis) (suggested to them that they should wait; suggested a different plan). -The Concise Oxford Dictionary (COD9)su

20、ggest verb 1 sth (to sb) to put forward an idea or a plan for other people to think about SYN PROPOSE: VN May I suggest a white wine with this dish, Sir? A solution immediately suggested itself to me (= I immediately thought of a solution). V (that) I suggest (that) we go out to eat. V-ing I suggest

21、ed going in my car. VN that It has been suggested that bright children take their exams early. (BrE also) It has been suggested that bright children should take their exams early. -Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary (OALD6) You cannot suggest somebody something:Can you suggest me a good dictionary?

22、 HELP 2.3.1 Detailed grammatical information1. a noun phrase, 2. a noun phrase plus a prepositional phrase to somebody (not suggest somebody something), 3. a that clause (with that being optional), 4. the ing form of a verb phrase;5. and that in a construction like “It has been suggested that .” the

23、 word that is obligatory;6. and that in British English there may be the modal auxiliary should in the verb phrase of the that clause, otherwise the verb is in its base form. Suggest can be followed by 2.3.1 Detailed grammatical information2.3.2 Attention to collocation wind11 strong/high winds The

24、forecast is for strong winds and heavy rain. | gale/hurricane force winds The light wind ruffled the water. rain11 heavy/torrential/pouring rain (=a lot of rain) There will be heavy rain in most parts of the country. | The light rain had stopped. Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English (LDOCE4 20

25、03) have knowledge acquire/gain knowledge (= learn something) technical/scientific knowledge in-depth knowledge detailed knowledge specialist knowledge (= knowledge about a particular subject) first-hand/personal knowledge (knowledge from experiencing something for yourself) . You need specialist kn

26、owledge to do this job. | + of His knowledge of ancient civilization is unrivalled. | + about the need to increase knowledge about birth control | Many of the students did not have much knowledge of American history. | salesmen with good technical knowledge of what they are selling . Knowledge (LDOC

27、E4) 2.3.2 Attention to collocation2.3.3 Rich examplesLDOCE4 contains the largest number of examples155,000 in all. On its CD-ROM there are 80,000 additional examples plus over a million corpus sentences. 2.3.4 Information about word frequenciesLDOCE4 marks the first 3000 most frequently used words i

28、n speech and writing in the form of S1S2S3W1W2W3In Macmillan English Dictionary there are also three frequency bands, but they cover about 7,300 words: 2300 very high frequency words 2360 high frequency words 2640 quite high frequency words. 2.3.4 Information about word frequenciesCOBUILD3 distingui

29、shes five frequency bands totaling 14,600 words: 680 words 1040 words 1580 words 3200 words 8100 words 2.3.4 Information about word frequencies2.3.4 Information about word frequencies3000talk about a wide range of everyday topics and read simplified English books 7000have a basic working knowledge o

30、f English 14000as proficient as a good English-major graduateHow many English words do you have?2.3.5 Explanatory notesLDOCE4WORD CHOICE: call, phone, telephone, ringIn spoken English, it is usual to say that you call or phone someone: He calls me almost every day. | Phone me when you get there.In s

31、poken British English, it is also very usual to say that you ring someone: Have you rung Kim yet?It is fairly formal and not very usual in spoken English to say that you telephone someone. LDOCE4WORD FOCUS: words meaning CHEAPreasonable not too expensive | economical used about cars, systems, or met

32、hods that do not cost a lot of money to use | be good value to be well worth the price you pay | be a bargain to be very cheap 2.3.5 Explanatory notesLDOCE4GRAMMAR (just) in casein case is followed by the simple present, the simple past, or should: Write it down in case you forget (NOT in case you w

33、ill forget). | I had a snack, just in case there was no time (NOT in case there would be no time) to eat later. | Heres a contact number, in case there should (NOT will/would) be a problem. 2.3.5 Explanatory notesLongman Active Study Dictionary (4th Edition, 2000)Oxford Students Dictionary of Englis

34、h (2001)Cambridge Learners Dictionary (2001) Popular dictionaries for intermediate learners2.3 English dictionaries for foreign learners2.4 Bilingual and bilingualized dictionariesWhats the difference between bilingual dictionaries and bilingualized dictionaries?A bilingual dictionary (雙語詞典雙語詞典) is

35、one in which the headwords are in one language and the definitions in another language. Bilingualized dictionaries (雙解詞雙解詞典典) are native language dictionaries with foreign language translation.2.4 Bilingual and bilingualized dictionaries新英漢詞典新英漢詞典(A New English-Chinese Dictionary, 2000)Bilingual dic

36、tionaries新世紀(jì)漢英大詞新世紀(jì)漢英大詞典典(A New Century Chinese-English Dictionary, 2003) 2.4 Bilingual and bilingualized dictionariesBilingual dictionariesOxford Advanced Learners English-Chinese Dictionary 牛津高階英漢雙解詞牛津高階英漢雙解詞典典, 19972.4 Bilingual and bilingualized dictionariesBilingualized dictionaries2.4 Bilingua

37、l and bilingualized dictionariesBilingualized dictionaries漢英雙語漢英雙語現(xiàn)代漢語詞典現(xiàn)代漢語詞典3. How to use dictionariesDo you want to know what kind of dictionary is suitable for you? Lets make a comparison between different dictionaries. Native language dictionaryl l spellingl l pronunciation l l meaning 3. How to use dictionariesLearners dictionariesl l spellingl l pronunciation l l meaning l l grammarl l collocationl l register (語域語域) Comparison 1Monolingual dictionaries Require the user to know a t l e a s t 2 0 0 0 m o s t common English words. 3. How to use dicti


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