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1、杭州新航道學(xué)校入學(xué)測試Question sheetI . Vocabulary1. During the TV in terview, the sin ger announced that he was going tohis new album soon.A. release B. renew C. relieve D. rehearse2. After work ing for the firm for ten years, he fin allythe rank of deputy director.A. achieved B. approachedC. atta inedD. acqu

2、ired3. Win ter is theseas on at most hotels in this seaside tow n, because very few tourists come to stay.A. slow B. slack C. low D. quiet4. Come on, Jack, tell me the story. Don 'keep me in.A. suspe nse B. suspe nding C. suspe nsion D. suspe nder5. The football match wasbecause of the heavy rai

3、n.A. called over B. called up C. called out D. called off6. We had a good time there, and the food was ple ntiful and.A. con ducive B. wholesome C. helpful D. appreciative7. It was stra nge that she wouldsuch an absurd idea.A. allow B. stick C. take D. en terta in8. The scie ntists have made anstudy

4、 of the viruses that cause the disease.A. exhausted B. exhausti ng C. exhaustive D. exhausti on9. Do you own your apartme nt or are you a?A. tenant B. customer C. clie nt D. proprietor10. Represe ntatives from the compa nies in dicated that they should go on worki ng together inA. unity B. en tity C

5、. part ners D. part nership11. We all kn ow that Mary has had a strict.A. growth B. upbri nging C. developme nt D. cultivati on12. The drink was packaged in champag ne bottles and was beingas the real stuff.A. passed out B. passed by C. passed overD. passed off13. Last Sun day she came to visit us o

6、ut of the blue. The italicized phrase meansA. Un expectedly B. un happily C. un tidily D. uno fficially14. The pers on he in terviewed washis former schoolmate.A. no other tha n B. no more tha n C. none other tha n D. none the less15. The young employee has a(n)quality - he is totally hon est.A. res

7、pectable B. admirable C. dece nt D. approachable .16. She isher n eighbor, because he is a terrible man.A. full of B. afraid of C. lack of D. instead of .17. No one canthe computer, because it is out of order.A. ope n B. make C. turn on D. carry on18. Hethat he could get the first prize if he made e

8、ffort, but he has un derestimated his rivals.A. though B. through C. thro ng D. thought19. We arethe miss ing child who is about five years old.A. paying for B. making forC. taking forD. looking for .20. The compa nies should attract the customers bythe quality of their products.A. improvingB. incre

9、asingC. expandingD. expecting .II. Grammar21. He ordered that the booksat once.A. would be printedB. would print C. be printedD. print .22. Nobodyhow to run this mach ine.A. know B. have known C. knows D. is knowing23. He is expla ining his pla nhalf of the staff will be moving out of the city.A. wh

10、ich B. who C. that D. where24. Peterwell last ni ght because of the no ise.A. hadn 'slept B. didn 'slept C. hadn 'sleep D. didn 'sleep .25. Before Ihim, hehis apartme nt.A. called had left B. called left C. had called - - left D. had called had left .26. The Gree nsChina for five yea

11、rs.A. has been inB. have been inC. went to D. has gone to .27. about the story, Tom retold it in his own words.A. Heard B. Heari ngC. Having heard D. Having heari ng28. The boss made meall the tiri ng jobs and I quit my job.A. do B. done C. doing D. to do29. Each of the stude ntsa new bag by the cha

12、rity group.A. is givenB. is giving C. are given D. are giving .30. I have no idea.A. what are you doing B. what you are doing C. what he do D. what is he .31. What a n ice day! How about the three of usa walk in the park n earby?A. to take B. take C. taki ng D. to be tak ing32. If there were no subj

13、 unctive mood, En glishmuch easier to learn.A. could have bee n B. would 'eC. will be D. would have bee n33. Shefifty or so whe n I first met her at a conference.A. had bee n B. must be C. has bee n D. must have bee n34. the boss says, it is un reas on able to ask me to work overtime without pay

14、.A. Whatever B. Whenever C. Whichever D. However35. A new laptop costs aboutof a sec on d-ha nd one.A. the price of three times B. three times the price .C. as much as the three times price D. three times more tha n the price36. I was very in terested inshe told me.A. all that B. all which C. all wh

15、at D. that .37. We con siderhe should have left without tell ing anyone beforeha nd.A. stra nge why B. it stra nge what C. it stra nge that D. that stra nge38. It is going to be fine tomorrow.A. So is it. B. So it is. C. So it does. D. So does it.39. Littleabout her own safety, though she herself wa

16、s in great dan ger.A. she cared B. she may care C. may she care D. did she care40. The couple had no sooner got to the statio nthe coach left.A. whe n B. as C. un til D. tha n41. Aren 'you tired? Iyou had done eno ugh for today.A. should have thought B. must have thoughtC. might have thought D.

17、could have thought42. "It seems that she was there at the conferen ce." The sentence means thatA. she seems to be there at the conferen ce.B. she seemed to be there at the conference.C. she seems to have bee n there at the conference.D. she seemed to being there at the conference.43. Which

18、 of the follow ing adverbs can NOT be used to complete "everybody came"?A. Nearly B. Quite C. Practically D. Almost .44. In "How much do you think he earn s?" how much isof the senten ce.A. the subject B. the adverbialC. the object D. the compleme ntmea nings45. "The man pre

19、paring the documents is the firm ' lawyer" has all the following possibleEXCEPT .A. the man who has prepared the docume nts.B. the man who has bee n prepari ng the docume nts.C. the man who is prepari ng the docume nts.D. the man who willprepare the docume nts.使用括號內(nèi)詞語的正確形式完成以下句子。例:The rainy

20、 seas on has come, and it has bee n raining all day. ( rain )46. Although the movie is, he is notin watch ing it.(i nterest)47. He hasn ' given uphis dog these days and hehis dog this morning. (find)48. If hethe wrong bus, he will fail tothis medici ne to the patie nt. (take).49. It isby the pub

21、lic that the preside nt made this pla n without much. (con sider).50. Joh n is the father of two, but he is somehow, as he likes to watch cartoons. (child).皿.ReadingPassage 1The Man beh ind Blue Jea nsLevi Strauss was born in 1829 in Bavaria, Germa ny. He was the fifth of six childre n. His father s

22、old dry goods from door to door. (Dry goods in clude many differe nt thin gs: fabric, thread, scissors, combs, butt ons, yarn, etc.)In 1845, his father died. All six childre n decided to go to the Un ited States. Two of Strauss' bothers started adry goods compa ny in New York City. Strauss '

23、 sister Fanny and her husba nd started a similar bus in ess in San Fran cisco. Strauss decided to go to the southeaster n part of the Un ited States. For eight years, he walked along the country roads selli ng dry goods from door to door - just like his father in Bavaria.In 1853, Strauss decided to

24、move to San Fran cisco. (At that time, thousa nds of people traveled to Califor nia to look for gold.) On the way to California, Strauss sold almost all of his dry goods. He had only one thi ng left -some canvas.In California, Strauss tried to sell the can vas to the gold min ers. He said they could

25、 make tents from thecan vas. But they were n 'tin terested in can vas for ten ts. Strauss did n 'know what to do with the can vas. Then, he had an idea. Strauss could see that the miners n eeded new pan ts. There were holes in their pants because the fabric wasn 'strong. He decided to ma

26、ke the canvas into pants. They called them“evi '".Later, Strauss stoppedusing can vas and used a differe nt fabric. It was a heavy cott on fabric - the same kind people wear today.Levi Strauss died in 1902. He n ever married and left his money to his n ephews. He left the world much more-th

27、e jea ns that so many people wear. .51. isn t'a kind of dry goods.A. ThreadB.GoldC.CombD.Yar n52. What is can vas?A. Ten t.B. Pan ts.C. A very strong fabric.D.Ath ing which is used to make all kinds of trousers.53. Why did the miners call the pants Levi '”?A. Because the pants belonged to Le

28、vi Strauss father. B. In memory of Levi Strauss'father.4 / 8C. It the name of Levi 'Strauss 'nephew.D. Because the pants are Levi'sinvention.54. Choose the right order of these happe nin gs.a. Strauss decided to move to San Fran cisco.b. Strauss 'father died.c. Two of Strauss 

29、9; brothers started a dry goods company in New York City. .d. Strauss inven ted the jea ns.A. a-b-c-d B. a-d-b-c C. b-a-c-d D. b-c-a-d55. Which of the following is NOT true about Levi Strauss ?.A. He was born in Germa ny .B. His pare nts had six childre n.C. He had five childre n.D. He died in 1902.

30、Passage 2Aware ness Weeks have become a regular part of Britai ns cultural la ndscape over the past few years. Theystarted back in 1957, whe n one charity, Christia n Aid, decided to make all its mon ey-rais ing efforts on one time of year. It was thought that by doing this they would get more publi

31、city for their cause.They were right, and soon other charities and campaig n groups followed them. These days, most don atio ns to charity are not collected on the streets. So in stead of just ask ing for mon ey, charities prefer to spe nd their time raising aware ness ” - spreadi ng kno wledge of t

32、he work they do or the cause they support. They also compete with bus in esses and trade groups who use aware ness weeks as market ing campaig ns for their products.There are now 500 aware ness weeks held every year in the UK. No week goes by without one group orano ther trying to make the British p

33、ublic aware of somethi ng, with most held in May or October.The dan ger with all these aware ness weeks is that people start to become cyn ical. Take Nati onal SmileWeek, it seems like a great idea. Let 's all make each other 's life a little bit happier with a frien dly smile. But really it

34、 s just a group of den tists and cosmetics compa nies trying to sell us toothpaste. Its eno ugh to make you want tostart Natio nal Forget About It Week. .People feel that many aware ness campaig ns are just market ing exercises,” says Ms Ormisto n, who editsthe Awareness Campaign Register, a news le

35、tter which encourages people who run Awareness Weeks to become more aware of each other. But 90 per cent of campaig ns are run by traditi onal charities or not for groups to make money. ”There fstill no official group for awareness campaigns,"says Ms Ormiston.People can do what they like,whatev

36、er the size of their budgets or their public relations machines allows.” .This situati on has led to calls for laws to stop real charities hav ing their efforts overshadowed by market ingcampaigns. This could be done by making the two groups hold their weeks at different times or stopping bus in ess

37、es running imitati on charity campaig ns.But there is ano ther way. Maybe it'time for Nati onal Weak Aware ness Week, especially for people whose aware ness of Aware ness Weeks is weak.56. What 'the main purpose of awareness weeks run by charities in Britain?A . To raise money for charities.

38、B. To spread knowledge of charities.C . To take up marketing campaigns.D . To advertise their goods for sale.57. Why do people start to become cyni cal about aware ness weeks?.A. Too many awareness weeks make people feel bored.B . People feel many awareness weeks are just for marketing exercises.C .

39、 People have a weak awareness of awareness weeks.D . Awareness weeks are held too often and too much money is raised.58. What does Ms Ormist on think about aware ness weeks?.A . Most of the aware ness weeks should not be for making mon ey.B . Official groups should take the place of charities in awa

40、re ness campaig ns.C . People can do what they like in awareness weeks.D . People can get larger budgets through awareness campaigns.59. Which of the followi ng is the right measure to be take n to solve the problems in aware ness campaig ns?A . Laws should stop aware ness weeks run by real charitie

41、s. .B . There should be large public relati ons departme nts in aware ness campaig ns.C . Busin ess and aware ness campaig ns should not be held at the same place.D . Market ing campaig ns should not be in the n ame of charity on es.60. What 'the writer 'view on Awareness Weeks?A . Nati onal

42、 Forget About It Week should be held to stop aware ness weeks.B . National Smile Week is a great idea to improve people 'life.C . Nati onal Weak Aware ness Week can help people better un dersta nd aware ness weeks.D . Aware ness Weeks should be stopped because of marketi ng campaig ns.Passage 3N

43、owadays, a cellpho ne service is available to every one, everywhere. Probably thousa nds of people have already bee n using it, but I just discovered it, so I'm going to claim it and also n ame it: Fake Foning.The tech no logy has bee n worki ng well for me at the office, but there are infin ite

44、 applicati ons. Virtually in any public space.Say you work at a big uni versity with lots of talky faculty members buzz ing about. Now, say you n eed to use the restroom. The trip dow n the hall will take approximately one hour, because a pers on can'walk into thosetalky people without gett ing

45、pulled aside for a questi on, a bit of gossip, a new read on a certa in line of Paradise Lost.So, a cellpho ne. Any cellph one. Just pick it up. Don 'dial. Just hold that phone to your face and start talk ing. Walk con fide ntly dow n the hall en gaged in fake con versati on, making sure to tail

46、or both the topic and content to the pers on sta nding before you whom you are trying to evade.For sta ndard colleague avoida nee, I suggest fake chatt ing about fake bus in ess:"Yes, I'm glad you called, because we really n eed to hammer out the details. What'that? Yes, I read Page12,

47、but if you look at the bottom of 4, I think you can see the problem begi ns right there."Be ani mated. Be en gaged in your fake fone con versati on. Make eye con tact with the people pass ing, nod tothem, gesture kee n in terest in talk ing to them at a later time, point to your phone, shrug an

48、d move on.Shoppers should con sider fake foning any time they spot a talky n eighbor in the produce departme nt pinching ( 用手捏)un ripe peaches. Without your phone at your face, you'be in for a 20-minute speech on howterrible the world is.One importa nt cautio n about fake foning. The other day I was fake foning my way past a colleague, and hewas actually follow ing me to get my atte ntio n. I knew he wan ted to ask about a project I had not yet fini shed. I was trying to buy my


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