



1、嚴寒冬日,做好保暖的同時也要注意保養(yǎng)好皮膚。對于 OL 一族來說,忙碌 工作之余要好好愛自己, 做護膚功課之前, 先檢查下自己每天保養(yǎng)程序是否正確 吧。第一步:潔面如果是晚上的話, 潔面前要先做好卸妝工作。 最好選用弱酸性潔面產(chǎn)品, 用 3033度的溫水與冷水交替洗臉,用干毛巾把臉輕輕擦干。做好清潔工作,才能 為肌膚吸收營養(yǎng)掃清障礙。第二步:化妝水化妝水不僅保濕還可以起到二次清潔的作用, 潔面后在臉還是濕潤的時候趕 緊用化妝棉沾上化妝水輕拭面部, 不要等到臉完全干了再補水, 這樣保濕會大大 減分的。另外, MM 們要根據(jù)自己的膚質(zhì)選用適合自己的化妝水。PS :一般來說,干性肌膚要用柔膚水,油性

2、肌膚用爽膚水,敏感肌膚要用抗 敏專用水, 而且最好不要使用化妝棉。 而混合膚質(zhì)比較麻煩, 最好分區(qū)用不用的 化妝水。第三步:眼部保養(yǎng)眼部肌膚是面部最脆弱的部位, 也是最先老化的部分, 所以需要特別小心呵 護。 選用適合自己的產(chǎn)品, 用無名指沾取米粒大小的分量, 沿順時針方向輕輕涂 抹, 按摩直至吸收。 眼部保養(yǎng)不能完全寄托于保養(yǎng)產(chǎn)品, 如果想要一雙美麗的雙 眸,還得注意要早睡早起,充分休息。第四步:精華液精華液的使用要根據(jù)自己的皮膚狀況而定,一般 20歲開始就可以使用了, 不過要選擇適合自己使用的精華液。 保濕、 美白、 抗老化等不同功效都有精華液 產(chǎn)品,可以滿足不同肌膚的需求,其是高度濃縮產(chǎn)

3、品,能有效改善肌膚狀態(tài)。第五步:面霜冬天天氣寒冷最好選用面霜, 其營養(yǎng)成分與油性含量較高, 能夠有效保護皮 膚。 夏天一般選擇乳液, 不會加重肌膚負擔。 乳液與面霜都是為肌膚提供一層鎖 水膜,防止水分流失,補充肌膚養(yǎng)分。第六步:防曬如果怕衰老, 那么一定要做好防曬工作, 一年四季都不能省略的步驟。 一般 夏天選擇 SPF30左右的防曬產(chǎn)品, 冬天 SPF15左右就可以了。 千萬不能早晨涂完 一天就不管了,一般兩個小時左右要補涂一次,一定不可以偷懶的。The cold winter, good warm also should pay attention to the maintenance o

4、f goodskin. To OL gens, busy work to love yourself, before doing homework skin, firstcheckyour daily maintenance program is correct.The first step: CleansingThe second step: make up waterMake-up water is not only the moisture can also play a role in the two clean, after cleansing in the face or mois

5、t quickly with the make-up cotton on the make-up water to gently wipe the face, do not wait until the face is completely dry andthenwater, so moisture will greatly reduce the. In addition, the MM according to their own skin to choose their own makeup water.PS: Generally speaking, the dry skin use sk

6、in water, oily skin, use toner, sensitiveskin should use anti allergy special water, but it is best not touse make-up cotton.Mixed skin more trouble, the best partition to use make-up water. The third step: the ocular region maintenanceof beautiful eyes, also have to pay attention to early to bed an

7、d early to rise,sufficient rest. The fourth step: extractThe use of essence should be according to their skin condition, generally at the age of 20 can be used, but to choose suitable for their own use ofwhitening, anti-aging effects have essence products, to meet the different needs of the skin, is highly concentrated product, can effectively improve the skin condition.The fifth step: CreamThe cold winter weather is best to use cream, its high nutritional compositionThe sixth step: sunscreenIf the fear of aging, then it must be good sunscreen, all year round can not beproducts, winter SPF1


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