1、所謂的光輝歲月,并不是以后,閃耀的日子,而是無人問津時,你對夢想的偏執(zhí)。6-1 In the Garden6-2 Kipper and the Giant6-3 The Outing6-4 Land of the Dinosaurs6-5 Robin Hood6-6 The Treasure Chest6-7 A Fright in the Night6-8 Rotten Apples6-9 The Laughing Princess6-10 Christmas Adventure6-11 The Go-Kart Race6-12 The Shiny Key6-13 Paris Adventu
2、re6-14 The Stolen Crown Part 16-15 The Stolen Crown Part 26-16 Ship in Trouble6-17 Homework!6-18 Olympic Adventure6-19 Dad s Grand plan6-20 Mirror Island6-21 Don t Be Silly6-1 In the GardenKipper went into Chip s room and picked up the magic key. The key began to glow.“Oh help!” said Kipper. Kipper
3、ran outside and looked for Biff and Chip.“Help!” he called. “The key is glowing.”Biff and Chip were playing with Wilf and Wilma. They were playing in the sandpit.“ Look at the magic key,” called Kipper.Biff was cross with Kipper.“Come on everyone,” she yelled. “Run inside. Get to the magic house.”It
4、 was too late. The magic began to work. The children got smaller and smaller. The children were in the grass and everything looked big. The grass was like a jungle.“What big flowers! ” said Kipper. Chip saw a bumble-bee. He didn t like it and he didn t like the jungle. “Lets get out of here, ” he ca
5、lled. The children came out of the jungle. They came to a mountain.“What a big mountain! ” said Wilf. Chip began to climb. He wanted to get to the top. “Come on,” he said. “l(fā)ets climb up.”The children got to the top. Kipper was hot. “I dont like climbing mountains, ” he said.The children looked at t
6、he sand. “It looks like a desert,” said Biff. “Lets go down.” 放棄很簡單,但你堅持到底的樣子一定很酷!“Oh no!” said Kipper.“ Look at the toy car, ” said Wilma. “ Let s get inside and ride down. We can ride down to the desert.” Whoosh! The car took them down the mountain.“This is fun,” said Wilma. The car stopped in the
7、 sand. The children climbed out.“Oh no!”said Wilf. “Look at that big cat. ” The children climbed inside a bottle. Kipper was frightened. “I don t like this,” he said.The cat looked inside the bottle. It pushed it with its paw. “Go away, cat,” shouted Kipper. “Shoo!” everyone yelled. Floppy chased th
8、e car away. The children climbed out of the bottle. “Good old Floppy! ” said Biff.They walked over the desert. Everyone felt hot. Everyone felt very hot. “ I want a drink, ” said Kipper. “Look!” said Wilf. “Giant strawberries! ” The children ran to eat them. “I love strawberries,” said Chip. “So do
9、I,” said Wilf. The children ate the strawberries. They pulled off big lumps. Kipper licked his lips.“I like this adventure now,” he said.It began to rain. “What big drops! ” said Wilma. “I feel sick now,” said Kipper. “So do I,” said Chip. The children ran to a giant flowerpot. They hid under it. Th
10、e key began to glow. The magic was over. “I can t see,” said Chip. He had the flowerpot on his head. “I like the hat, ” said Wilma.Dad looked at his strawberries. “ I dont know,” he said. “There must be giant slugs round here.”6-2 Kipper and the GiantKipper was watching television. He was watching a
11、 programme called “The Angry Giant”. He liked the programme. The angry giant lived in a castle near a village. Nobody in the village liked the giant. He was always cross. When the giant was cross he stamped his feed and the houses shook. “Oh on! ” everyone said. “Hes cross again. Hes always cross.”
12、Kipper went to find Chip but he was out. He picked up the magic key and it began to glow. “Ooh!” said Kipper. He ran to get Biff but she was out with Chip. The magic began to work. It took Kipper inside the magic house.The magic took Kipper to the gate of the giant s castle. Kipper was frightened. H
13、e saw a signpost. It pointed to the village. He didn t want to meet the giant, so he went to the village. Kipper came to the village but it was tiny. Kipper was a giant. “Oh no! ” said Kipper. “Go away,” yelled the people. “We don t want you. We ve got one giant. We don t want another one.” The peop
14、le threw things at Kipper. “Go away,” they yelled. “We don t want another giant. We don t want you. ” “Stop it,” shouted Kipper. “Im not a giant. I m a boy.” The people said, “Well, you look like a giant. ” Kipper began to cry. “Im not a giant, ” he said. “Im a little boy and I dont like this advent
15、ure. ” “Giants don t cry,” said the people.“ Perhaps he is a little boy but he looks like a giant to us. Perhaps he can help us. ” Kipper helped the villagers to mend their houses. He put back the broken roofs.“Good old Kipper, ” everyone said. “Thegiant threw this big stone at us,” said the people.
16、 “We dont want it here. Can you put it outside the village? ” “Yes”, said Kipper, “ Ill try. ” He picked up the stone and took it outside the village. “Good old Kipper! ” everyone called.All the people liked Kipper. “Thank you,” they said. “You have helped us a lot.” The village band played for him.
17、 The giant came back. He was very angry when he saw Kipper in the village.“ Im the giant here, ” he shouted. He ran towards the village. Crash! He fell over the stone. “Ouch!” he yelled. The people were frightened but Kipper went to help the giant. He picked up the giant s things and put a bandage r
18、ound his head. Kipper was bigger than the giant. “Be a good giant,” said Kipper. “Stop being angry and the people will like you. ” So the giant stopped being angry. “Ill try to be good, ” he said. “Hooray!” shouted the people. “Lets have a party! ” The key began to glow. “It s time for me to go now,
19、 ” said Kipper. “Goodbye. Thank you for the party. ” The magic took Kipper home. “Nobody likes an angry giant, ” said Kipper. “What an adventure! ”6-3 The OutingA bus came to the school. The children climbed in. “I like going out,” said Wilf. “Dont push,” said Mrs May. The bus set off. “Hooray!” sho
20、uted the children. “Were going to the zoo.” “Dont shout,children, ” said Mrs May. Biff sat with Chip. Wilf sat with Nadim. “This is fun,” shouted Nadim. “It is if you don t shout,” said Mrs May. The bus stopped on the way. The children climbed out. Some children looked at the water. Some children we
21、nt to the toilet. “Dont run away,” said Mrs May, “and dont go too near the water. ” Wilf kicked a stone and his shoe came off. The shoe landed in the water with a splash. “Oh Wilf! ” said Biff. Wilf couldn t get his shoe. He told Mrs May about it. “What a silly thing to do! ” she said. “I don t know
22、 what we can do. ”When they got to the zoo it began to rain. The children climbed out of the bus and Mrs May went to get the tickets. Nadim wanted to see the elephants. Wilf wanted to see the lions and Biff wanted to see the crocodiles. “I hope the rain stops,” said Mrs May. It rained and rained. Th
23、e children were fed up. The animals were fed up too. “Don t get wet, ” said Mrs May. The rain didn t stop so the children climbed back on the bus. “Can we go to the museum?” asked Nadim. “What a good idea! ” said Mrs May.They went to the museum. “This is good,” said Wilf. “We can see dinosaurs here.
24、” “ I like dinosaurs,” said Nadim. They began to run towards the dinosaurs. “Dont run,” called Mrs May. “The dinosaurs won t go away.” They looked at a big dinosaur. “What is this one called?” asked Wilf. “I don t know yet, ” said Nadim. “Lets go and see”. Biff had her camera. She took a photograph
25、of the dinosaur. “What is it called?” she asked. “Its an apatosaurus,” said Nadim. The children went into a room. A lady told them about dinosaurs and showed them some pictures. “I know what that one is called, ” said Nadim. “It s called an 放棄很簡單,但你堅持到底的樣子一定很酷!所謂的光輝歲月,并不是以后,閃耀的日子,而是無人問津時,你對夢想的偏執(zhí)。apa
26、tosaurus.”“Good, Nadim,” said Mrs may. The children went to the shop. Wilf got a book about dinosaurs. Nadim got a model to make. It was a model of an apatosaurus. “I can make it at home,” he said. Chip said, “Come to our house. We can help you.”The bus got back to school. It was time to go home. “T
27、hank you,” said the children. “Thank you for a lovely day.” “Goodbye, Mrs May,” said Nadim. “Can we draw dinosaurs tomorrow? ” What a good idea!” said Mrs May. Nadim and Wilf went home with Biff and Chip. They went to Chip s room and began to make the model. The magic key began to glow. Biff ran to
28、the box and picked it up. “Come on,” she called. “Its time for a magic adventure.” “Come on Nadim,” called Chip. “Were going on a magic adventure. “Were going to the land of the dinosaurs.”6-4 Land of the Dinosaurs“ We are going on a magic adventure,” said Chip. The children went through the door of
29、 themagic house. “ Oh help! ” said Nadim. The magic took the children to the laenddionfotshaurs.“ I don t want this adventure, ” said Nadim. “ I don t want to meet a dinosaur.” A dby. “ Look at this, ” said Chip. “ It s a giant dragonfly. What a big one!” Chip foundwas a giant footprint. “ Caonmd el
30、ook, s” aid Chip. “ Itmust be a dinosaur foostprint. Bif” f took a photograph of the giant footprint. “ I cantthaiskephotograph to school,she ” said.Nadim found some eggs. They were big eggs.“ They must be a dinosaur s eggs, ” he saiof the eggs began to crack.“ It s going to hatch out, ” said Biff.
31、Something came out of the“ It s a little dinosaur,” said Nadim. Something flew by. The children were frightened.it? ” asked Chip. “ I don t know, ” said Biff. The children ran.a“dimIt, s a flying dinosau“ and it s a big one. Come on, let s hide. ” The flying dinosaur flew down to the eggs. It picked
32、 up the little dinosaur in its teeth.“ Oh no! ” said Biff. “ It s going to eat it. ”and ran out. “ Goaway! ”she yelled. The dinosaur flew away but Chip was cross with Biff.“ You were silly, ” he said. “ It could have got you. ”Wilf ran on and climbed a hill. He wanted to look for an apatosaurus.“ Co
33、me up here Bcalled. “ cYaonutake a photograph. W” ilf had not climbed on a hill. He had climbed on adinosaur and it was enormous. It looked round at Wilf. Wilf was frightened.“ Oh help!said. He jumped down and ran.“ Let s get out of here, ” he called. “ Don t be frightenChip. “ It an sapatosaurus. I
34、t likse the one in the museum. It won thurt us. ” Biff took a photograph of it. “ What a long neck it s got and what a long tail!” she said. “ I ncamera. ” The apatosaurus ran into the water.“ What an enormous splash! ” said Wilf. Nadlooked frightened. “ Ohhelp! ”he called. Another dinosaur was comi
35、ng and it looked very fierce. “ Let s get out of here, ” yelled Chip. Biff took a photograph.“ Come on, ”“ don t stop for that. This one could eat us!” They began to ran away. Wilf s otheroff in the mud. Suddenly, the magic key began to glow.“ Just in time! ” said Chip. The magictook the children to
36、 Biff besdroom. “ Whatan adventure! s”aid Biff. “ I gvoet some good photographs. ” “ This is the fierce dinosaur,” said Chip. “ Did you take its photograph?said Biff. “ Let s tell Mum and Dad. ” “ I took photographs of dinosaurs,” said Biff.Dad. “ Well, I m sorry, I didn t put a film in the camera.”
37、6-5 Robin HoodBiff and Wilma went to the pantomime. They went with Wilma s muiemn.dThey had a frcalled Anneena. Anneena went to the pantomime with them. The pantomime was about Robin Hood.Robin Hood was a good man. He lived in a wood with his men. Everyone liked Robin Hoodand they gave a cheer every
38、 time he came in. There was a bad man called the Sheriff.Nobody liked the Sheriff. He wanted to catch Robin Hood and lock him up.“ Look out, Roshouted the children. The next day, Wilma and Anneena went to play with Biff. They sang a song about Robin Hood . Wilma played her guitar and Anneena played
39、her recorder. Kipperdidn t like the song. He put his hands over his ears and made a face.“ Woooooooh, ”Kipper. Kipper had a key round his neck. It was the magic key. Biff was cross with Kipper.the key back in the box,” she said.thSeudkedyenbleygan to glow. “ Look out, Anneena,” saidBiff. “ This is a
40、 magic key and the magic is working. It s time for an adventure. ”the children to a wood. It was the wood where Robin Hood liked. The children could seeRobin with some of his men. Robin Hood had not seen the children. Anneena was frightened.“ I hope he is a good man, ” she said. “ Come on, said Kipp
41、er. “ I can smell food. ” saw the children. “ Who are you? ” he asked. “ Are you lost in the woods? Come and sit down.The children sat by the fire.“ We saw you in a play, ” said Anneena. “ We can sing a sonyou. ” “ Oh no! ” said Kipper. “ Not the song again. ” Biff, Wilma and Anneena sang the song.
42、The song said everyone liked Robin but nobody liked the Sheriff. Robin Hood men gave a scheer. “ What a good song! ” said Robin Hood. “ Sing it to me again. ” Kipper looked insidblack pot. Nobody saw the Sheriff coming. Suddenly the Sheriff s men ran in. They grabbedRobin Hood and put a rope round h
43、im.“ Got you atthleasSt!heriff. T” heysajuidmped onRobin s men and they grabbed Biff, Wilma,and Anneena. They put them all into a cart.them away! ” said the Sheriff. Kipper hid in the big black pot. The Sheriff s men did“ Oh no! ” he said. “ What can I dhoe?lpI tmheumst. ” The Sheriff took them to a
44、 village. He said, “ My castle is too far away, so we will stop here. One of my men will see you donaway. ” Kipper went up to the man. He gave the man a sweet.“ What is that thing? ” h“ You lock people up in it,” said the man. “ You can t lock people in that,” said KiLook. ” He put in his head and h
45、iscan t get them in. ” “ Oh yes you can, ” said the man.Ha! ” said Kipper. “ You fell for it. ” He locked the man in and took away his keys.Come on, everyone, ” said Robin Hood.Let s go bacThey went to a new part of the woods.Now let s sing that song about me again.“ Just in time, ” said Kipper.“ Go
46、odbye, ” said Robin Hood, “ and ththe man. Kipper set them free.woods. We don t want the Sheriff to catch us.“ Three cheers for Kipper, ” said Robin Hood.no! ” said Kipper. Suddenly the magic key began to glow.for us to go. ” “ Goodbye, ” said the children.放棄很簡單,但你堅持到底的樣子一定很酷!所謂的光輝歲月,并不是以后,閃耀的日子,而是無
47、人問津時,你對夢想的偏執(zhí)。What an adventure!said Anneena.I liked Robin Hood and his men. Lets sing the sAaaaaah! ” said Kipper.6-6 The Treasure ChestEvery week Mrs May took some of the children to the swimming pool. The children were good swimmers and they liked going with Mrs. May. The children were taking a sw
48、imming test. “It s time to begin. ” said Mrs. May. “Who wants to go first? ” “We do,” said Nadim. Biff, Chip, Wilma, and Nadim jumped into the pool. The water was warm. “Off you go”, called Mrs, May. They had to swim up and down the pool. They had to swim ten lengths. Wilma was first to swim ten len
49、gths and Biff and Nadim were next. It was hard for Chip to swim the ten lengths. “Come on, Chip,” called Mrs. May. “Dont stop. This is the last length ” So Chip went on and everyone was pleased. Next they had to swim to the bottom of the pool. They had to pick up a brick and swim with it to the top.
50、 All the children passed the swimming test. Mrs May was very pleased. “Well done, everyone,” she said. The children were pleased too.Biff and Chip told Mum and Dad about the swimming test. “We passed,” they said. Mum and Dad were very pleased too. Mum and Dad had a surprise for them. Biff and Chip c
51、ouldn t see what the surprise was. “What is ti?” asked Biff. “It s a fish tank,” said Biff. “What a lovely surprise! ” Everyone looked at the fish swimming about in the tank. “There is room for more fish,” said Dad. “We can get some next time we go shopping.” The next day they went shopping. Dad too
52、k them to a shop that sold fish. “What a lovely shop! ” said Biff. “Look at all the fish.” There were big fish and little fish. Kipper liked the big fish in a tank. “Dont tap the glass,” said Dad. “The fish don t like it.”Dad put some more fish in the tank. He put rocks on the bottom. Next to the ro
53、cks he put a ship and a little box. Wilma and Nadim came to see the fish tank. “It looks lovely,” said Wilma. “I wish I could swim in there. ” They went to play in Biffs room. Chip ran in with the magic key. The key was glowing. “Its time for an adventure, ” said Biff.The magic began to work. It too
54、k the children into a new adventure.This time it was a different sort of adventure. The magic took them underwater. The children had masks and flippers and tanks of air. They could swim underwater. The children had never seen so many fish. They were all different colours. “This is better than the po
55、ol, ” thought Chip. “I feel like a fish,” thought Wilma. The children loved swimming under the water. It was lovely to see all the fish and to swim with them. Chip and Nadim swam to the bottom and picked up a big shell. Biff looked at a jellyfish but she didn t swim too close. They saw a ship under
56、the water. It was an old ship that had been under the water for a long time. They swam up to the ship. Wilma didn t want to swim too close to it. It looked dangerous. They saw an octopus. Oh no! It was sitting on a chest. They couldn t look inside the chest with an octopus sitting on the lid. They b
57、lew bubbles at the octopus. The octopus didn t like the bubbles so it swam away. “Good! ” thought the children. “Now we can look inside. ” The children opened up the chest and looked inside. It was a treasure chest and it was full of gold. Biff and Wilma pushed the 放棄很簡單,但你堅持到底的樣子一定很酷!所謂的光輝歲月,并不是以后,
58、閃耀的日子,而是無人問津時,你對夢想的偏執(zhí)。chest over and all the gold fell out. Nadim picked up a necklace and Biff picked up a gold cup.Biff and Nadim were busy looking at the treasure. They didn t see what Chip and Wilma saw. A shark was coming. Chip and Wilma couldn t tell Biff and Nadim. They pulled them away and pointed at the shark. The children were frightened. They swam and swam but the shark swam after them. Then the magic key began to
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