



1、作文常用表達短語表達1.很重要a) 很: very/extremely/exceedingly+ 重要:important/vital/crucial/significant/momentousb) Play a pivotal role in sth.c) Sth is an indispensable part ofd) It is imperative/essential/crucial that we should2. 某人認為a) I am of the opinion that .b) I am a strong believer in the claim thatc) I am

2、fully convinced that .d) I subscribe to the idea that 3. 越來越多的 .a) An increasing number of sth b) The increase in the number of sthc) Sth in growing/expanding numbers .4. 取得成功a) Achieve great success and realize ones potentialb) Achieve one s success and attain ones goal精品文庫歡迎下載2c) Achieve one s suc

3、cess and overcome severaldifficulties/hurdles5. 放松身心Relax one s body and ease one s mind6. 開闊視野豐富心靈Broaden one s horizons and enrich one s mind7. 促進交流Promote thecom muni cati onandin teracti onbetwee n a nd .8. 提供快樂Afford .pleasure and entertainment9. 從.受益Profit from10.從.受害a) Suffer fromb) Be afflic

4、ted from11.對.有好處a) Exert a profo un d/be neficial in flue nee on sthb) Sth affect sth positively12.對有壞處精品文庫歡迎下載3a) Be detrimental to sthb) Pose a probable and potential threat to sthc) Exert a detrime ntal in flue nee on sthd) Be harmful to sthe) Sth affect sth negativelyf)Sth take a toll on sthg) S

5、th will be undermined13.Sth 是 sth 的原因/結果a) 結果 stem from 原因b) 原因 contribute to結果c) Sb attribute 原因 to 結果d) There is a definite link between A and Be) 原因 be the underlying/root cause of結果f)On the grounds that 原因g) 結果 will/may ensue14.不可否認的是a) There is no denying the fact that .b) It is an undeni able

6、fact that .c) Undeni ably, .15.全世界都知道it is uni versally ack no wledged that .精品文庫歡迎下載416.毫無疑問的是a) There is no doubt thatb) It is far bey ond any reas on able doubt that17.可想而知的是It is con ceivable that .18.得出結論a) Judging from what we have discussed above, we cansafely come to the con clusi on that .b

7、) It would be ignorant of reality to claim that19.越來越多的人這樣做There is a grow ing tendency for sb to do sth20.付出代價Sb will have to pay the price for his/her behavior21.對.重視a) Sb give priority to sthb) Sth be on the agenda of sb22.列舉First of all,.What is more, .Last but not least, .23.米取措施Take effective

8、and efficie nt measures to do sth精品文庫歡迎下載524.如今a) In con temporary societyb) In today s societyc) In present-day societyd) In the present timee) In this day and agef)Currently,.25.引起關注(定語從句表達)a) Sthwhichattract/capture/deservepublic/media/special atte nti onb)Which has aroused deep concernc) Which h

9、as been in the spotlight and arousedpublic concern常用套句1. The fast-paced way of life has rendered many people快節(jié)奏的生活方式使人們的生活越來越the精品文庫歡迎下載6開篇模板總體結構:現(xiàn)象引入+爭論所在+我的觀點1. in the con temporarysociety, accord ingto a surveywhichis con ducted by a famousintern ati onalorganization,an increasingnumber of people

10、+ 文章論述現(xiàn)象, which has aroused deep social concern.But people are hav ing differi ng opinions about+論述現(xiàn)象(變換 表述)/Whether + 現(xiàn)象 has caused heated debate.In my eyes .2. When everope ningthe floppy pages, turi ng on thetelevisio ns or logg ing on to the In ternet, we can see exte nsivepress coverage concern

11、ing + 現(xiàn)象 / 問題。Accordingto the reports, the numbersof +sth hasreached the peak/falle n to the new depths duri ng therece nt 20 years, and un doubtedly has the tendency of further increas in g/decreas ing.In my eyes,.結尾模板 總體結構:總結全文+發(fā)表倡議+展望未來精品文庫歡迎下載71總結全文句型a) Based on the above reasons, I firmly belie

12、ve that+我的觀點b) Form what I have discussed above, we may safelyarrived at/reach/come to/draw the con clusi on thatc) Judging from all the evideneeoffered, we maysuggest thatd) All the above facts go to show that e) In general/insummary/inconclusion/ina word/inshort/in brief/to con elude,2.發(fā)表倡議句型a) My

13、 suggestion is that more people from all walks oflife should be en couraged to .(do sth)b) It is, therefore, evident that the task of sth requires immediateatte nti on.c) It isurgent/important/necessarythatappropriate/effective/rapidmeasure/steps/methodshould be take n to d) It is prime time that we putcon siderable/great/special emphasis on精品


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