2、lishforChiuaBook2.Itismadeupoffiveparts;Ana1ysisoftheteacliingmaterial,theteachingmethods,thestudyingmethods,theteachingprocedure,andBlackboarddesign.Par11MyunderstandingofthisIessonThislessonp1anisdesignedforSenior1students.Thismodu1eisaboutsm0kingandd rugs. This 1 e sson is a r e a d ing p assag e
3、 . I t p I a yspari i n t h e Eng 1 ish leachingo f this module, because we should I ayp articular emp h asisread i ng abtl i ly i nse n ior Eng 1 ish teaching. 0 f c ou r se, we s h oul d 1 ceive s ome moral ed u catio n .T he i nform a tion i n thi s module c a n h e Ip the s tud eli V i ng habit.
4、 The stud ents will 1 earn some new wo rds and u s efu 1 exp rg sm o k i ng an d drug s .The rea d i ng pa s s a ge con s ists o f two art i d e s - Article 10 ry of Adam Rouse,w Iio told us how he go t addicted tot a king dru g s and how hea V e ry imports n ton the stu dents'e t the S s r en t
5、s form a g o ode ssion s i n volvintells us t he sts 10 pp e d.Froniartic1e2,SixwelllknowwbateocaineisandhoAvitdoesharmtopeopleactivitiesaredesignedinthispartMostiniportantly,after1earningthetext,thestudentsmayshowtheircaretoothersandoursodety.Accordingtothenewstandardcurriculumandthesyllabus(新課程標(biāo)準(zhǔn)和
7、osth,beinpbreakinto,takesb.to,asatakesbs adv i ce,a in.result.i nfin i t i v e of p u rp o se;d ver b i alGrammar;Thecla ue of r e su 1 tSkillUnde r stan d ing the main i d eas of th e pass a ge b y man r ecors ofd i ng the topic sent enceSe2.Learning h ow to ta I k andwritebout th edan g ersofdrugs
8、Emotiona1aim1- Dev e lopin gfirm no-dru ga t ti tdes.2.Le a r ning to c eak 口徑 nss p eci a 11 yt he winsociety.Doing3.some t hin g top ersuade people notto t akedrugKeypo i n(s:How the Stu d en tc an un d e rsla n dt he text b e tier.Diffieu11points:1 Use thei r ownwords to ret e 11t he tcxL2A Some
9、di f f i cultsenten c esin t h e pass a ge.AP art2 My tea ching the ones, m e tho d sand a idsD eating with t his 1 e ss on. I * I I do m y be s t to carry out the followi n g i he oricsaM ak e the Ss t h er eal mas tersin cl ass while the lea c h e r mys e Ifac t as ai ons; le tthe EnglishI angua g
10、 Cdirector:combinethelanguagestruciureswiththelanguagefunctthestudenlsreceivemoraleducationwhiletheyare1eamingTeachingmethod:MTask-based"1anguageteachingTotalSituationalActionmethodWholelanguageteachingmethodQuestion-and-answeractivityteachingmethod.FreediscussioninethodPairworkorindividualwork
11、method>Teachingaids:1a.aprojector2.ataperecorder3muHimedia4theblackboarcuPart3Teachingprocedures;Ihavedcsignedihefoilowingsicpstotraintheirabilityof1isiening,speaking,reading.e$pecial1yreadingability.Theentirestcpsare:Step1Greeting.L G r eet t he studentss usual.St e p 21 e ad-inWith some qu e st
12、 i o nsto lead in, I br i ng in new s utyec t: Drugs.Qu e s tio n1 .We h V e learn ts 0 met h ing about sm o kin g . We k n o is2.4.T:th a t smok 1 n gvery dan g e r ou s ,What i s mo r e dange r o u s t h an smok i t s: D r u gsjri g h t ?ng? (SUid enHow do you kno w that?Well, we a re to learn som
13、ethingabou t the d a n g ers ofd rugs today.Purpose: A r ouse t h e Stu d ents interes t step 3 p r e -re a ding act i vities.L 0 以t pic t ures show n on r n s 0 me ne w word s : B lood preo f studyt he s cree n a nd leas sure, break i n to, i ad d ic ted to, cnject,injection,drug,addict,beocaine,he
15、belongsto(Artide2).Part2belongsto(Article1)Part3belongsto(Article1).Part4be1ongsto(Artic1e2).Part5belongsto(Artic1e1)Part6belongsto(Article1),(III)Answerthefol1owingquestions:1 .HowoldwasAdamRousewhenhethedrugs?(依was15atthattimeJhe2 .Whichdrugdidusef"st?(Heusedcannabis)3 .Whatwastheseconddrugth
16、soldhim?(Itwascrackcocaine.)4 -HowdidAdampayforthedrugs?s t arted u s in ga t the mand st 0 1 e thin g sget money.)5 .Wha t di d the(They6 - Wha t d i d thepoll c e do?too k him t o t h e doctor tel 1 Adam?p olice s t a ti 0 n.)(Hebr0ketointoahousen g era c k coc a ine.)7 - W h ere d 0 es Adam work
17、n ow?(He worksin a ce n t e r for drugctsJStep4PostreadingReadthepassageagainandcorrectthemistakes:Adamusedtobeadrugdealer.Hewhenhfirstbeganusingdrugsewas16.Amaninthestreelsoldhimsomecrackcocaine.Asthedayspassed,hewanted1esscrackcOcaineeThoughheknewthedrugdidgreathelptohisheaIth,hecontinuedusingit.I
18、fhedidiiAthaveanydrugs,hewasinterriblecomBut Adam d i ge t the d r ug, s t ole a t e 1 had to bfort,difthaveenoughtime.In0rdertoAdamwaIkedintoahouseandevisi0nandavideorecorderAnd0fTOwsomethingeverydaytoaskfortheeday,hdrugs.0newastakentotheraiIwayAdamtookastat1on.doctor'sprescripdonandst0ppedusin
19、gtrethedrug.N0whewOrksinacenfordrugaddicts,helpingthe0therstostarttakingdrugseStep5Re1ated1anguagepointsLrm19yearsoIdandIusedtobeadrugaddict.useddobeusedt0d0ingbeusedtodo2,addict/addictive/addictionbeaddictedtodoing3, bre akint ob reak d ownbr e a k upbreak outs e q uesti o ns in pa i r s :about peo
20、 p le who use dru g s, of p eople were they? (film s t ars?)Did they suffer(遭受痛苦)a 1 ot from t a k i nSte p 6 Disc uss i on:th ey n D i sc u s s y 2. Dr u gs can aWh a t did t h ey s uffer? What kind o f thereSultS t feet your sensesdidLTe火網(wǎng)懶又用并相典/m painescap?叫隨髀眼箭辯瓢gd r ugs.much youS u§ 0 es t
21、 e d.q.ns w ers:a n iDecOTne very i IL o r e veng drugs? 1 Drugsxan make you becom e ;,4. If yo u ta k in g small amou n t s.e %歌h e d r ugs. To g e ta n u n sta b lea nd your mi n d emt take mo r e. You take i 1 y OU f i nd y ou c a nto he I p yo u t ake t 0 o cal i e d addict. One e you become ver
22、y ill taki n i 11, Ore ven di e .gitare a d d ic t i fyou can nt ake dr u gs, y ou usual 1 y be g in by Then y our body grow s used t he e ffec t you n eed, y ou mu s large r and 1 a r ger am o unts, unt n ot livewithoutthedrug.Thisisdrugaddiction,andyouarenowadrugedt0adrug,youwillOtgetortrytostop5-Drugaddietsbeef1nditdifficulttogetwork-Thisisofteausetheyareworkwell,nilland
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