1、The Rape of the Lock奪發(fā)記By Alexander Pope (1688-1744)1. Introduction: The Mock-Epic At the beginning of The Rape of the Lock, Pope identifies the work as a “heroi-comical poem. Today, the poemand others like itis referred to as a mock-epic and sometimes as a mock-heroic. Such a work parodies仿作 the se
2、rious, elevated style of the classical epic poemsuch as The Iliad or The Odyssey, by Homerto poke fun at human follies. Thus, a mock-epic is a type of satire; it treats petty humans or insignificant occurrences as if they were extraordinary or heroic, like the great heroes and events of Homers two g
3、reat epics. In writing The Rape of the Lock Pope imitated the characteristics of Homers epics, as well as later epics such as The Aeneid (Vergil), The Divine Comedy (Dante), and Paradise Lost (Milton). Many of these characteristics are listed below, under Epic Conventions.2. Setting The action takes
4、 place in London and its environs in the early 1700s on a single day. The story begins at noon (Canto I) at the London residence of Belinda as she carefully prepares herself for a gala盛會(huì) social gathering. The scene then shifts (Canto II) to a boat carrying Belinda up the Thames. To onlookers she is
5、as magnificent as Queen Cleopatra was when she traveled in her barge. The rest of the story (Cantos III-V) takes place where Belinda debarks下船Hampton Court Palace, a former residence of King Henry VIII on the outskirts of Londonexcept for a brief scene in Canto IV that takes place in the cave of the
6、 Queen of Spleen.3. Characters Belinda: Beautiful young lady with wondrous hair, two locks of which hang gracefully in curls. The Baron: Young admirer of Belinda who plots to cut off one of her locks.Ariel: Belindas guardian sylph (supernatural creature). Clarissa: Young lady who gives the Baron sci
7、ssors. Umbriel: Sprite who enters the cave of the Queen of Spleen to seek help for Belinda. Queen of Spleen: Underworld goddess who gives Umbriel gifts for Belinda. Thalestris: Friend of Belinda. Thalestris urges Sir Plume to defend Belindas honor. Sir Plume: Beau of Thalestris. He scolds the Baron.
8、 Sylphs, Fairies, Genies, Demons, Phantoms and Other Supernatural Creatures4. Source: A Real-Life Incident Pope based The Rape of the Lock on an actual incident in which a British nobleman, Lord Petre, cut off a lock of hair dangling tantalizingly令人著急地from the head of the beautiful Arabella Fermor.
9、Petres daring theft of the lock set off a battle royal between the Petre and Fermor families. John Carylla friend of Pope and of the warring familiespersuaded the great writer to pen a literary work satirizing the absurdity荒唐 and silliness of the dispute. The result was one of the greatest satirical
10、 poems in all of literature. In writing the poem, Pope also drew upon ancient classical sourcesnotably Homers great epics, The Iliad and The Odysseyas models to imitate in style and tone. He also consulted the texts of medieval and Renaissance epics. 5. Plot Summary Pope opens with a statement annou
11、ncing the topic of his poem: A gentleman a lord, in facthas committed a terrible outrage against a gentlewoman, causing her to reject him. What was this offense? Why did it incite刺激 such anger in the lady? The woman in question is named Belinda. She is sleeping late one day in her London home when a
12、 sylph a dainty精巧的 spirit that inhabits the airwarns her that “I saw, alas! some dread Event impend. The sylph, named Ariel, does not know what this event is or where or how it will manifest itself. But he does tell Belinda to be on guard against the machinations of men. Belinda rises and prepares h
13、erself for a social gathering, sitting before a mirror and prettying herself with “puffs and powders and scenting herself with “all Arabia. Afterward, she travels up the Thames River to the site of the social festivities, Hampton Court, the great palace on the north bank of the river that in earlier
14、 times was home to King Henry VIII. As she sits in the boat, “Fair Nymphs, and well-drest Youths around her shone, / But evry Eye was fixd on her alone. In other words, she was beautiful beyond measure. She smiled at everyone equally, and her eyesbright sunsradiated goodwill. Especially endearing to
15、 anyone who looked upon her were her wondrous tresses: 一束頭發(fā)This Nymph, to the Destruction of Mankind, Nourishd two Locks which graceful hung behind In equal Curls, and well conspird to deck With shining Ringlets the smooth Ivry Neck.Among Belindas admirers is a young baron at Hampton Court awaiting
16、her arrival. He has resolved to snip off a lock of her hair as the trophy of trophies. Before dawn, before even the sun god Phoebus Apollo arose, the Baron had been planning the theft of a lock of Belindas hair. To win the favor of the gods, he had lighted an altar fire and, lying face down before i
17、t, prayed for success. After Belinda arrives at Hampton Court with her company of friends, the partygoers play Ombre, a popular card game in which only 40 of the 52 cards are dealt-the eights, nines, and tens are held back. It appears that the Baron will win the game after his knave of diamonds capt
18、ures her queen of hearts. However, Belinda yet has hope, even after the Baron plays an ace of hearts: The King unseenLurkd in her Hand, and mournd his captive Queen. He springs to Vengeance with an eager Pace, And falls like Thunder on the prostrate Ace The Nymph exulting fills with Shouts the Sky;
19、The Walls, the Woods, and long Canals reply.Belinda wins! Coffee is served, the vapors of which go to the Barons brain and embolden him to carry out his assault on Belindas hair. Clarissa, a lady who fancies the Baron, withdraws scissors from a case and arms him with the weapon. When he closes in be
20、hind Belinda, she bends over her coffee, exposing a magnificent lock. But a thousand sprites come to her aid, using their wings to blow hair over the lock. They also tug at one of her diamond earrings to alert her to the danger. Three times they warn her and three times she looks around. But all is
21、for naught. The Baron opens wide his weapon, closes it around the lock, and cuts. The rape of her lock enrages Belinda: Then flashd the living Lightnings from her Eyes, And Screams of Horror rend th affrighted Skies. Not louder Shrieks to pitying Heavn are cast, When Husbands, or when Lapdogs breath
22、e their last, Or when rich China Vessels, faln from high, In glittring Dust and painted Fragments lie!A gnome named Umbriel descends to the Underworld on Belindas behalf and obtains a bag of sighs and a vial of tears from the Queen of Spleen. With these magical gifts, he means to comfort poor Belind
23、a. First, he empties the bag on her. A gentleman named Sir Plume-prompted by his belle, Thalestris, a friend of Belinda-then roundly scolds the Baron for his grave offense. But the Baron is unrepentant. Umbriel then empties the vial on Belinda. Grief overcomes her as her eyes half-drown in tears and
24、 her head droops upon her bosom. She says: For ever cursd be this detested Day, Which snatchd my best, my favrite Curl away! Happy! ah ten times happy had I been, If Hampton-Court these Eyes had never seen! Clarissa tries to mollify Belinda in a long speech, but fails. A bit of a melee ensues when B
25、elinda attempts to retrieve her lost lock. “Fans clap, Silks russle, and tough Whalebones crack. Belinda proves a fierce combatant. She attacks the Baron “with more than usual Lightning in her Eyes and throws a handful of snuff from Sir Plumes box up his nose. But, alas, when the battle ends, the lo
26、ck is nowhere to be found. However, the poem ends on a happy note for Belinda, Pope says, because the trimmed lock of her golden hair has risen to the heavens, there to become a shining star.6. ThemeThe central theme of The Rape of the Lock is the fuss that high society makes over trifling matters,
27、such as breaches破壞 of decorum禮儀. In the poem, a feud爭(zhēng)執(zhí) of epic proportions erupts after the Baron steals a lock of Belindas hair. In the real-life incident on which Pope based his poem, the Petre and the Fermor families had a falling-out after Lord Petre snipped off one of Arabella Fermors locks. Ot
28、her themes that Pope develops in the poem include human vanity and the importance of being able to laugh at lifes little reversals. The latter motif is a kind of “moral to the story. Clarissa touches upon both of these themes when addressing tearful Belinda, shorn of her lock: But since, alas! frail
29、 Beauty must decay, Curld or uncurld, since Locks will turn to grey; Since painted, or not painted, all shall fade, And she who scorns a Man, must die a Maid, What then remains but well our Powr to use, And keep good Humour still whateer we lose?7. Climax The climax of The Rape of the Lock occurs wh
30、en the Baron snips away one of Belindas locks.8. Epic Conventions Because a mock-epic parodies a classical epic, it uses the same conventions, or formulas, as the classical epic-but usually in a humorous way. For example, a convention of many classical epics is a sea voyage in which perils危險(xiǎn) confron
31、t the hero at every turn. In The Rape of the Lock, the sea voyage is Belindas boat trip up the Thames River. Her guardian sylph, Ariel, sees black omens that foretell disasters for Belinda even though the waves flow smoothly and the winds blow gently. Will she stain her dress? Lose her honor or her
32、necklace? Miss a masquerade化裝舞會(huì)? Forget her prayers? So frightful are the omens that Ariel summons 50 of his companion spirits to guard Belindas petticoat, as well as the ringlets小卷發(fā) of her hair. Following are examples of the epic conventions that Pope parodies: Invocation乞靈 of the Muse: In ancient
33、Greece and Rome, poets had always requested “the muse to fire them with creative genius when they began long narrative poems, or epics, about godlike heroes and villains. In Greek mythology, there were nine muses, all sisters, who were believed to inspire poets, historians, flutists, dancers, singer
34、s, astronomers, philosophers, and other thinkers and artists. If one wanted to write a great poem, play a musical instrument with bravado, or develop a grand scientific or philosophical theory, he would ask for help from a muse. When a writer asked for help, he was said to be “invoking the muse. The
35、 muse of epic poetry was named Calliope (希臘神話)司雄辯和敘事詩的女神kuh LY uh pe. In The Rape of the Lock, Pope does not invoke a goddess; instead, he invokes his friend, John Caryll (spelled CARYL in the poem), who had asked Pope to write a literary work focusing on an event (the snipping of a lock of hair) th
36、at turned the members of two families-the Petres and the Fermors-into bitter enemies. Caryll thought that poking fun at the incident would reconcile the families by showing them how trivial the incident was. Division of the Poem Into Books or Cantos: The traditional epic is long, requiring several d
37、ays several days of reading. Dantes Divine Comedy, for example, contains 34 cantos. When printed, the work consists of a book about two inches thick. Pope, of course, presents only five cantos containing a total of fewer than 600 lines. Such miniaturizing helps Pope demonstrate the smallness or pett
38、iness of the behavior exhibited by the main characters in the poem.Descriptions of Soldiers Preparing for Battle: In The Iliad, Homer describes in considerable detail the armor and weaponry of the great Achilles, as well as the battlefield trappings of other heroes. In The Rape of the Lock, Pope des
39、cribes Belinda preparing herself with combs and pinswith Puffs, Powders, Patchesnoting that Now awful Beauty puts on all its Arms.Descriptions of Heroic Deeds: While Homer describes the exploits of his heroes during the Trojan War, Pope describes the exploits of Belinda and the Baron during a card g
40、ame called Ombre, which involves three players and a deck of 40 cards.Account of a Great Sea Voyage: In The Odyssey, Odysseus (also known as Ulysses) travels the seas between Troy and Greece, encountering many perils. In The Aeneid, Aeneas travels the seas between Troy and Rome, also encountering pe
41、rils. In The Rape of the Lock, Belinda travels up the Thames in a boat.Participation of Deities or Spirits in the Action: In The Rape of the Lock-as in The Iliad, The Odyssey, The Aeneid, The Divine Comedy, and Paradise Lost-supernatural beings take part in the action. Presentation of Scenes in the
42、Underworld: Like supernatural beings in classical epics, the gnome 土地神Umbriel visits the Underworld in The Rape of the Lock.9. Publication Information Pope published three versions of The Rape of the Lock. The first was a two-canto version published in 1712. The second, published in 1714, was a five
43、-canto version that added references to sylphs and other supernatural creatures. The final version, published in 1717 in a volume of Popes poetry, added Clarissas speech in Canto V.10. Verse Format Pope wrote The Rape of the Lock in heroic couplets. A heroic couplet is a unit of two rhyming lines in
44、 iambic pentameter. A line of verse in iambic pentameter consists of 10 syllables. The first syllable is unaccented, the second accented, the third unaccented, the fourth accented, and so on. The entire poem consists of one heroic couplet followed by another, as demonstrated by the first four lines
45、of the poem: What dire offence from amrous causes springs, What mighty contests rise from trivial things,First Couplet: springs and things rhyme I singThis verse to CARYL, Muse! is due: This, evn Belinda may vouchsafe to view.Second Couplet: due and view rhymeEach of the lines has 10 syllables in a succession of accented and unaccented pairs (i
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