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1、湖 南 農(nóng) 業(yè) 大 學全日制普通本科生畢業(yè)論文 PUN IN ADVERTISEMENTS廣告中的雙關學生姓名: 學 號: 200540916106年級專業(yè)及班級:2005級英語教育(1)班指導老師及職稱: 房青 講師學 院:科學技術師范學院湖南·長沙提交日期:2021 年 5 月湖南農(nóng)業(yè)大學全日制普通本科生畢業(yè)論文誠 信 聲 明本人鄭重聲明:所呈交的本科畢業(yè)論文是本人在指導老師的指導下,進行研究工作所取得的成果,成果不存在知識產(chǎn)權爭議。除文中已經(jīng)注明引用的內(nèi)容外,本論文不含任何其他個人或集體已經(jīng)發(fā)表或撰寫過的作品成果。對本文的研究做出重要奉獻的個人和集體在文中均作了明確的說明并表示

2、了謝意。本人完全意識到本聲明的法律結(jié)果由本人承當。 畢業(yè)論文作者簽名: 年 月 日ContentsAbstract.2Key words.2Introduction21A brief introduction to English Advertisement .41.1 The definition of advertisement.41.2 The structure of the advertisement.52A general survey of pun.62.1The definition of pun. .6Traditional theory of pun.8Modern the

3、ory of pun.82.2 Types of pun.92.2.1Conventional pun.92.2.2XYZ metaphor.102.2.3Image metaphor.102.2.4Mixed metaphor.103 Metaphor and advertisements .113.1 The classification of metaphor. .12Visible metaphor in advertisements.12Invisible metaphor in advertisements.133.2 The application of metaphor in

4、advertisements. 163.3Functions of metaphor in English advertisements.17The rhetorical function of metaphor.17The linguistic function of metaphor18The social function of metaphor.18Conclusion.19Notes20Bibliography.20Acknowledgement.21Abstract Pun is widely used in advertisement and it is also a very

5、popular expression. Pun can be divided into several types,such as polysemy pun, homonym pun, nearly sound pun, ambiguity pun.If a pun is applied properly in advertisment, it can generate a strong artistic effect and rhetorical functions. Key words : pun;advertisement 廣告中的隱喻摘 要:雙關語是一種廣泛運用于廣告創(chuàng)作并深受人們喜愛

6、的修辭格,其表現(xiàn)形式多種多樣,可分為一詞多義雙關、同音異義雙關、近(諧)音雙關、歧義雙關等,如果雙關語在廣告中運用得當,可以產(chǎn)生強烈的藝術效果和修辭作用,收到不平凡的廣告效果.關鍵詞:雙關;廣告1. IntroductionWith the development of society and economy, advertisements have been infiltrating through every field of the society and have become one of the essential parts in peoples life. No matter

7、it is business advertisement or non-profit advertisement, advertisement making is a comprehensive art. This art needs much more skills and techniques than other arts do, for it is the combination of sociology, aesthetics, psychology, marketing, acoustics, literature and linguistics. The goal of adve

8、rtisements is to draw consumers attention and to inspire their desire to consume. To get audiences attention to make their products best-sellers, advertisers should well equip their advertising language with memory value, attention value and readability. To achieve the above values, different kinds

9、of rhetorical methods are often used in advertising English. With the use of the rhetorical devices, advertisements are more alive, aesthetic and emotional. Pun is the rhetorical device most often used in advertisements by advertisers.To get to know more about pun in advertising English, literature

10、review and practical application are analyzed in the following. The definition and the pragmatic approach are contained in the literature review. Different linguists hold different opinions about pragmatic approach of advertising pun. After the literature review, the classification is summarized. Ge

11、nerally speaking, advertising pun has four types: homophonic pun, semantic pun, grammatical pun and idiomatic pun. Then function, variation and derivative are analyzed after the classification. In addition, translation is very necessary to analyze pun in advertisements. There are three translating m

12、ethods: literal translation, free translation and combination of literal translation and free translation. According to its certain circumstance, different puns need different methods.1 A brief Introduction to English Advertisements 1. 1 The definition of advertisementsWith the soaring development o

13、f society and economy, advertising now is a general feature which is no longer peculiar to capitalist societies. But what is advertising? At first sight, this question might seem a bit superfluous. After all,advertising is with us all the time. In English, the word advertis has its origin in “advert

14、ere in Latin, meaning “a means used to draw attention from the public to something and lead them to some direction. The father of modern advertising, Albert Lasker, said that advertising is “salesmanship in print. That might be reasonable. But he gave us that definition long before the advent of rad

15、io and television and at a time when the name and scope of advertising were considerately different from they are now Today, we all have strong concepts of what advertising is, and we also tend to have very strong opinion and prejudices about it. Nevertheless, the standard definition of advertising

16、includes six elements. Advertising is a paid form of communication, although some forms of advertising, such as public services use donated space and time. Not only is the message paid, but the sponsor is identified .In some cases the point of the message is simply to make consumers aware of the pro

17、duct or company, although most advertising tries to persuade or influence the consumer to do something .The message is conveyed through many different kinds of mass media reaching a large audience of potential consumers. As advertising is a form of mass communication,it is also non-personal. A defin

18、ition of advertising, then, would include all six of those features 1.As a result, a widely-quoted working definition of advertising now goes as follows:Advertising is the non-personal communication of information usually paid for and unusually persuasive in nature about products, services, or ideas

19、 by identified sponsors through the various mass media .2 Advertising can be classified in different ways, either according to its medium, purpose, geographic area, or target audience. In terms of its media, advertising is frequently transmitted through channels that permit the message to reach vast

20、 audiences simultaneously. These channels are broadly classified as print or broadcast. Newspapers and messages are considered as print media, while radio and television traditionally are designed as broadcast media. These two media employ different ways to transmit information though they serve the

21、 same purpose. We will focus mainly on the press advertising in the present study. By press advertising, we here in this thesis refer to those advertisements printed on mass media such as newspaper, magazine, etc. 1. 2 The Structure of Advertisements The advertisement in general consists of a headli

22、ne, body copy, and a slogan (plus an illustration which need not concern us here).HeadlineGenerally speaking, every advertisement has a headline, which is the leading sentence, and plays a vital role in the whole communication process with audience. David Ogilvy, a famed adman, states the importance

23、 of the headline: "On the average, five times as many people read the headline as read the body copy. It follows that unless your headline sells your product, you have wasted 90 percent of your money".The headline is usually printed in large letters and placed at the top or the bottom of t

24、he advertisement, and in most advertisements it appears for several reasons. Firstly, it is the key factor in getting people to read the body copy; secondly, it is an action-getting device; finally, it also selects an audience by appealing to a specific group, as in this line:Arthritics, Reduce pain

25、ful inflammation and GET stomach upset protection.Body copy:Body copy is the textual component of an advertisement and tells the complete story of a brand. The job of body copy is to stimulate interest in the product or service or idea being advertised, to create desire for it, and to urge action. T

26、his is a big task and calls for the right words. Although headlines and illustrations clear the way, it is body copy that must carry the burden of the selling job. As far as genre is concerned, body copy can be descriptive, narrative, dialogued or poetic as well as testimonial.SloganThe term "s

27、logan" is from Gaelic expressing "battle cry", and it originally performs the function of encouraging soldiers. In advertising, it is a short phrase in part used to help to establish an image, identity, position for a brand or an organization. For instance: The slogan is often used as

28、 a headline, or sub-headline in print advertising, it is a phrase repeated in an advertisement of the firm and appears on occasions of public communication. Typically, slogans appear directly below the brand or company name, as in all Toyota advertising:I Live What You Do for Me. -ToyotaIn addition

29、to the above mentioned elements, a complete advertisement generally includes some other components like color, illustration, decorate border and layout. But the advertisement we catch in real life does not necessarily present them all, it frequently contains a headline, a body copy, a slogan mainly;

30、 in some cases, it merely includes either a headline, the body copy, or a slogan only. Therefore, the above introduction is focused mainly on these three parts (headline, body copy, and slogan). 2 A General Survey of MetaphorMetaphor, ubiquitous in both literature and in everyday conversation, is an

31、 extraordinarily challenging subject for psychologists, philosophers, and linguists. According to Lakoff and Johnson3, more than seventy percent of English expressions in everyday life are metaphorical. Therefore, people are justified in claiming that it can't be overemphasized how indispensable

32、 metaphor is to human language and cognition. Metaphor is very much an enigma in language. Not only linguists have approached it from different angles such as that of rhetoric, semantics, or pragmatics, but also anthropologists, sociologists, and psychologists have shown more and more interest in it

33、 since 1960s. Some fundamental issues on metaphor would be discussed in this chapter.2.1 The Definitions of MetaphorMetaphor has its origin in the Greek word Metaphora. Meta means "over", and phora implies "carry". Thus the word metaphor contains the implication of "transfer

34、", referring to transference of meaning if applied as a trope.The study of metaphor can be dated far back to Aristotle 2000 years ago. He defines metaphor in his On Poetry and Style as "a word with some other meaning which is transferred either from genus to species, or from species to gen

35、us, or from one species to another, or by analogy."4 Obviously, this definition grasps the fundamental feature of metaphor and serves as a basis for the variety of definitions in later times. For example, Encyclopedia Britannica defined metaphor as the following:Metaphor, figure of speech that

36、is, in its simplest definition, an implicit comparison between two unlike entities, as distinguished from similes, an explicit comparison signaled by the words "like" or "as". The distinction, however, is not simple. The metaphor makes a qualitative leap from a reasonable, perhap

37、s a prosaic comparison, to an identification or fusion of two subjects, to make one new entity partaking of the characteristics of both. Many critics regard the making of metaphors as a system of thought antedating or bypassing logic.This definition reveals that besides the feature of transference i

38、n meaning asserted in Aristotle's definition, the other two features of metaphor are made explicit. One is that metaphor is foremost a figure of speech; the other is that the comparison between the two dissimilar things is drawn through analogy and imaginativeness 5.In fact, quite a few definiti

39、ons have been given by various scholars. They vary from one to another due to the perspectives taken by the scholars and, first all, to the complexity of metaphor itself. Translation study of metaphor, however, calls for a new definition that is approached from a different point of view. Newmark, th

40、e famed British translation theorist, proposes a definition as the following:'.By metaphor, I mean any figurative expression; the transferred sense of a physical word; the personification of an abstraction; the application of a word or collocation to what it does not literally denote, i.e., to d

41、escribe one thing in terms of another. All polysemous words and most English phrasal verbs are potentially metaphorical. Metaphors may be single'-viz. One-word- or extended' (a collocation, an idiom, a sentence, a proverb, an allegory, a complete imaginative text)". So far as translatio

42、n of metaphor is concerned, the above definition may be taken as the most authoritarian and comprehensive 4. First it grasps the most essential feature of metaphor, i.e., transference of meaning; secondly, unlike the study of metaphor undertaken in other spheres, it doesn't give a very strict de

43、marcation between metaphor and other figures of speech. By this definition, any "metaphorical expression" can be incorporated in our research.What's more, Peter Newmark uses the following terms to discuss metaphors:Image: the picture conjured up by the metaphor, which may be universal,

44、 cultural or individual.Object: what is described or qualified by the metaphor.Sense: the literal meaning of the metaphor; the resemblance or the semantic area overlapping object and image.The following figure shows the relationship among the three elements: Figure 1 Sense object image2. Traditional

45、 Theory of MetaphorTraditional rhetoric regards metaphor as a mere linguistic rhetoric activity, and is mainly confined to the lexical level rather than syntactical level. In the previous study on metaphor in western academic circle, Aristotle interpreted metaphor as the mechanism of rename and tran

46、sference, which is later developed into "comparison theory", and dominates the traditional study of metaphor. And his opinion of metaphor has a significant influence in explaining the linguistic phenomenon of the western rhetoric in two thousand years later. Modern Theory of MetaphorFrom t

47、he 1970s till now, a lot of western scholars had studied metaphor from multi-angles and multi-levels. Richards first elaborated his opinion towards metaphors features and he thought that metaphor is omnipresent in human language. His definition towards metaphor embodied that the essence of metaphor

48、is a cognition phenomenon. As we all know that metaphor is not merely a linguistic phenomenon but a tool that helps people understand the world around and form some concepts. Metaphor in advertisements not only has the cognition meaning of general linguistics, but has its main purpose to serve the c

49、ommunication function of the advertisements, and influenced the whole process of conceptualizing the advertisements. The function of metaphor towards the advertisements is also restricted by the types and distribution of metaphor in advertisements.From the angle of the sense, metaphor deepened the a

50、ttention and understanding of people towards the products through the comparison and merge. Attracting the peoples attention is the prerequisite of the advertisements, while metaphor is usually based on the comparison between something familiar with each other to achieve some unique and novel effect

51、. When one experience transformed of reformed to another experience, we then richen our experience. From the perspective of psychology, we know that need is one of the most important reasons of attention to something, and advertisements satisfy the need of the consumer. As people nowadays have to fa

52、ce so many different kinds of advertisements, among which, some can deeply impress people while some can not. So, if the creative thoughts have the features of open, unique and dynamic, the advertisement of the same products may achieve the expected object and be more attractive and persuasive.2.2 T

53、ypes of MetaphorIn the past, most studies of classic metaphoric language in psychology, linguistics and philosophy have been focused on "A is like B" or "A is B" statements. However, Metaphor is extremely diverse and different forms of metaphor in language should be distinguished

54、. As far as advertisement is concerned, the frequently adopted metaphors are conventional metaphors, XYZ metaphors, image metaphors, and mixed metaphors.2.2.1 Conventional MetaphorConventional metaphorical expressions by which people talk about life, love, ideas, etc in a systematic way put forward

55、the abstract notion of conceptual metaphor, characterized by the mapping of knowledge or experience across conceptual domains, into metaphor studies. Most abstract concepts are understood in terms of other concrete or simple ones by mapping the properties of one domain onto another.CONTAINER, for ex

56、ample, is one of the most basic objects we keep in touch with in our daily life. Container exists at any time any place. Even our body is a container in which something is put or from which something is taken, it can be empty or full. The experience is then mapped onto many concepts. Let's see the following examples:(a) Do get the idea out of your head. (HEAD IS A CONTAINER.)(b) We are enveloped in darkness. (DARKNESS IS A CONTAINER.)(c)Try to


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