已閱讀5頁,還剩8頁未讀, 繼續(xù)免費閱讀




1、流體力學(xué)詞匯大全流體動力學(xué)  fluid dynamics 連續(xù)介質(zhì)力學(xué)  mechanics of continuous media 介質(zhì)  medium 流體質(zhì)點  fluid particle(質(zhì)點,粒子)無粘性流體  nonviscous fluid, inviscid fluid 連續(xù)介質(zhì)假設(shè)  continuous medium hypothesis 流體運動學(xué)  fluid kinematics  水靜力學(xué) &#

2、160;hydrostatics 支配方程  governing equation 伯努利方程  Bernoulli equation 伯努利定理  Bernonlli theorem 畢奧-薩伐爾定律  Biot-Savart law歐拉方程  Euler equation il亥姆霍茲定理  Helmholtz theorem 開爾文定理  Kelvin theorem 渦片  vortex sheet 庫塔-茹可夫斯基條件

3、0; Kutta-Zhoukowski  condition 布拉休斯解  Blasius solution 達(dá)朗貝爾佯廖  d'Alembert paradox 雷諾數(shù)  Reynolds number 施特魯哈爾數(shù)  Strouhal number 隨體導(dǎo)數(shù)  material derivative  drvtv; drvtv不可壓縮流體  incompressible fluid 質(zhì)量守恒  

4、conservation of mass 動量守恒  conservation of momentum能量守恒  conservation of energy 動量方程  momentum equation 能量方程  energy equation 控制體積  control volume 液體靜壓  hydrostatic pressure 渦量擬能  enstrophy 壓差  differential pressure 流動 f

5、low 流線  stream line 流面  stream surface 流管  stream tube 跡線  path, path line 流場  flow field 流態(tài)  flow regime (狀態(tài))流動參量  flow parameter præmt(r); præmt流量  flow rate, flow discharge 渦旋  vortex 渦量&

6、#160; vorticity 渦絲  vortex filament 渦線  vortex line 渦面  vortex surface 渦層  vortex layer 渦環(huán)  vortex ring 渦對  vortex pair 渦管  vortex tube 渦街  vortex street 卡門渦街  Karman vortex street 馬蹄渦  horseshoe

7、 vortex 對流渦胞  convective cell 卷筒渦胞  roll cell 渦  eddy  渦粘性  eddy viscosity  vis·cos·i·ty | vs'kst /-'ks-環(huán)流  circulation 環(huán)量  circulation 速度環(huán)量  velocity circulation  vlst; vlst偶極子

8、  doublet, dipole 駐點  stagnation point 總壓力 total pressure 總壓頭  total head 靜壓頭  static head 總焓  total enthalpy 能量輸運  energy transport 速度剖面  velocity profile prufal; profal (側(cè)面,輪廓)庫埃特流  Couette flow 單相流  single p

9、hase flow 單組份流  single-component flow 均勻流  uniform flow 非均勻流  nonuniform flow 二維流  two-dimensional flow 三維流  three-dimensional flow 準(zhǔn)定常流  quasi-steady flow  quasi  qua·si | 'kweza ,sa /'kwzadj.  類似

10、的; 半的; 外表的; 準(zhǔn)的非定常流  unsteady flow, non-steady flow 暫態(tài)流  transient flow trænznt; US trænnt; trænnt周期流  periodic flow 振蕩流  oscillatory flow 'os·cil·la·to·ry | 'sletr /'s分層流  stratified flow

11、strat·i·fied | 'strætfad無旋流  irrotational flow 有旋流  rotational flow  r'tenl軸對稱流  axisymmetric flow  s'metrk不可壓縮性  incompressibility 不可壓縮流動 incompressible flow 浮體  floating body -定傾中心  meta

12、center 阻力  drag, resistance 減阻  drag reduction 表面力  surface force 表面張力  surface tension 毛細(xì)管作用  capillarity 來流  incoming flow 自由流  free stream 自由流線  free stream line 外流  external flow 進(jìn)口  entrance, inl

13、et 出口  exit, outlet 擾動  disturbance, perturbation 分布  distribution 傳播  propagation 色散  dispersion 彌散  dispersion 附加質(zhì)量  added mass ,associated mass 收縮  contraction 鏡象法  image method 無量綱參數(shù)  dimensionles

14、s parameter 幾何相似  geometric similarity 運動相似  kinematic similarity 動力相似性 dynamic similarity 平面流  plane flow 勢  potential 勢流  potential flow 速度勢  velocity potential 復(fù)勢  complex potential 復(fù)速度  complex velocity 流函數(shù) 

15、0;stream function 源  source 匯  sink 速度水頭  velocity head 拐角流  corner flow 空泡流  cavity flow 超空泡  supercavity 超空泡流  supercavity flow 空氣動力學(xué)  aerodynamics 低速空氣動力學(xué)  low-speed aerodynamics 高速空氣動力學(xué)  high-spee

16、d aerodynamics 氣動熱力學(xué)  aerothermodynamics 亞聲速流動 subsonic flow 跨聲速流動 transonic flow 超聲速流動 supersonic flow 錐形流  conical flow 楔流  wedge flow 葉柵流  cascade flow 非平衡流動 non-equilibrium flow 細(xì)長體  slender body 細(xì)長度  slenderness 鈍頭體  bluff bo

17、dy 鈍體  blunt body 翼型  airfoil 翼弦  chord 薄翼理論  thin-airfoil theory 構(gòu)型  configuration 后緣  trailing edge 迎角  angle of attack 失速  stall 脫體激波  detached shock wave 波阻  wave drag 誘導(dǎo)阻力  induced drag

18、 誘導(dǎo)速度  induced velocity 臨界雷諾數(shù)  critical Reynolds number 前緣渦  leading edge vortex 附著渦  bound vortex 約束渦  confined vortex 氣動中心  aerodynamic center 氣動力  aerodynamic force 氣動噪聲  aerodynamic noise 氣動加熱  aerodynamic

19、heating 離解  dissociation 地面效應(yīng)  ground effect 氣體動力學(xué)  gas dynamics 稀疏波  rarefaction wave 熱狀態(tài)方程  thermal equation of state 噴管  Nozzle 普朗特-邁耶流 Prandtl-Meyer flow瑞利流  Rayleigh flow 可壓縮流動 compressible flow 可壓縮流體  compressible

20、fluid 絕熱流  adiabatic flow 非絕熱流  diabatic flow 未擾動流  undisturbed flow 等熵流  isentropic flow 勻熵流  homoentropic flow 蘭金-于戈尼奧條件  Rankine-Hugoniot condition狀態(tài)方程  equation of state 量熱狀態(tài)方程  caloric equation of state 完全氣體 &#

21、160;perfect gas 拉瓦爾噴管  Laval nozzle 馬赫角  Mach angle 馬赫錐  Mach cone 馬赫線  Mach line 馬赫數(shù)  Mach number 馬赫波  Mach wave 當(dāng)?shù)伛R赫數(shù)  local Mach number 沖擊波  shock wave 激波  shock wave 正激波  normal shock wave 斜激波

22、0; oblique shock wave 頭波  bow wave 附體激波  attached shock wave 激波陣面  shock front 激波層  shock layer 壓縮波  compression wave 反射  reflection 折射  refraction 散射  scattering 衍射  diffraction 繞射  diffraction

23、出口壓力  exit pressure 超壓強 over pressure 反壓  back pressure 爆炸  explosion 爆轟  detonation 緩燃  deflagration 水動力學(xué)  hydrodynamics 液體動力學(xué)  hydrodynamics 泰勒不穩(wěn)定性  Taylor instability 蓋斯特納波  Gerstner wave 斯托克斯波  St

24、okes wave 瑞利數(shù)  Rayleigh number 自由面  free surface 波速  wave speed, wave velocity 波高  wave height 波列  wave train 波群  wave group 波能  wave energy 表面波  surface wave 表面張力波  capillary wave 規(guī)則波  regular wave 不

25、規(guī)則波  irregular wave 淺水波  shallow water wave 深水波  deep water wave 重力波  gravity wave 橢圓余弦波  cnoidal wave 潮波  tidal wave 涌波  surge wave 破碎波  breaking wave 船波  ship wave 非線性波  nonlinear wave 孤立子 

26、0;soliton 水動力噪聲  hydrodynamic noise 水擊  water hammer 空化  cavitation 空化數(shù)  cavitation number 空蝕  cavitation damage  超空化流  supercavitating flow 水翼  hydrofoil 水力學(xué)  hydraulics 洪水波  flood wave 漣漪  

27、;ripple 消能  energy dissipation 海洋水動力學(xué)  marine hydrodynamics 謝齊公式  Chezy formula 歐拉數(shù)  Euler number 弗勞德數(shù)  Froude number 水力半徑  hydraulic radius 水力坡度  hvdraulic slope 高度水頭  elevating head 水頭損失  head loss 水位 &#

28、160;water level 水躍  hydraulic jump 含水層  aquifer 排水  drainage 排放量  discharge 壅水曲線  back water curve 壓強水頭  pressure head 過水?dāng)嗝?#160; flow cross-section 明槽流  open channel flow 孔流  orifice flow 無壓流  free surfac

29、e flow 有壓流  pressure flow 緩流  subcritical flow 急流  supercritical flow 漸變流  gradually varied flow 急變流  rapidly varied flow 臨界流  critical flow 異重流  density current, gravity flow 堰流  weir flow 摻氣流  aerated flow 含沙

30、流  sediment-laden stream 降水曲線  dropdown curve 沉積物  sediment, deposit 沉降堆積  sedimentation, deposition 沉降速度  settling velocity 流動穩(wěn)定性  flow stability 不穩(wěn)定性  instability 奧爾-索末菲方程  Orr-Sommerfeld equation渦量方程  vortic

31、ity equation 泊肅葉流  Poiseuille flow 奧辛流  Oseen flow 剪切流  shear flow 粘性流動 viscous flow 層流  laminar flow 分離流  separated flow 二次流  secondary flow 近場流  near field flow 遠(yuǎn)場流  far field flow 滯止流  stagnation flow 尾流

32、0; wake flow 回流  back flow 反流  reverse flow 射流  jet 自由射流  free jet 管流  pipe flow, tube flow 內(nèi)流  internal flow 擬序結(jié)構(gòu)  coherent structure 猝發(fā)過程  bursting process 表觀粘度  apparent viscosity 運動粘性  kinema

33、tic viscosity 動力粘性  dynamic viscosity 泊  poise 厘泊  centipoise 厘沱  centistoke 剪切層  shear layer 次層  sublayer 流動分離  flow separation 層流分離  laminar separation 湍流分離  turbulent separation 分離點  separation poi

34、nt  附著點  attachment point 再附  reattachment 再層流化  relaminarization 起動渦  starting vortex 駐渦  standing vortex 渦旋破碎  vortex breakdown 渦旋脫落  vortex shedding 壓力降  pressure drop 壓差阻力  pressure drag 壓力能 

35、 pressure energy 型阻  profile drag 滑移速度  slip velocity 無滑移條件  non-slip condition 壁剪應(yīng)力  skin friction, frictional drag 壁剪切速度  friction velocity 磨擦損失  friction loss 磨擦因子  friction factor 耗散  dissipation 滯后  l

36、ag 相似性解  similar solution 局域相似  local similarity 氣體潤滑  gas lubrication 液體動力潤滑  hydrodynamic lubrication 漿體  slurry 泰勒數(shù)  Taylor number 納維-斯托克斯方程  Navier-Stokes equation牛頓流體  Newtonian fluid 邊界層理論  boundary later

37、 theory 邊界層方程  boundary layer equation 邊界層  boundary layer 附面層  boundary layer 層流邊界層  laminar boundary layer 湍流邊界層  turbulent boundary layer 溫度邊界層  thermal boundary layer 邊界層轉(zhuǎn)捩  boundary layer transition 邊界層分離  boundary

38、layer separation 邊界層厚度  boundary layer thickness 位移厚度  displacement thickness 動量厚度  momentum thickness 能量厚度  energy thickness 焓厚度  enthalpy thickness 注入  injection 吸出  suction 泰勒渦  Taylor vortex 速度虧損律  velocity

39、 defect law 形狀因子  shape factor 測速法  anemometry 粘度測定法  viscosi metry 流動顯示  flow visualization 油煙顯示  oil smoke visualization 孔板流量計  orifice meter 頻率響應(yīng)  frequency response 油膜顯示  oil film visualization 陰影法  shadow

40、method 紋影法  schlieren method 煙絲法  smoke wire method 絲線法  tuft method 氫泡法  nydrogen bubble method 相似理論  similarity theory 相似律  similarity law 部分相似  partial similarity 定理  pi theorem, Buckingham theorem 靜態(tài)校準(zhǔn)  sta

41、tic calibration 動態(tài)校準(zhǔn)  dynamic calibration 風(fēng)洞  wind tunnel 激波管  shock tube 激波管風(fēng)洞  shock tube wind tunnel 水洞  water tunnel 拖曳水池  towing tank 旋臂水池  rotating arm basin 擴(kuò)散段  diffuser 測壓孔  pressure tap 皮托管  

42、;pitot tube 普雷斯頓管  preston tube 斯坦頓管  Stanton tube 文丘里管  Venturi tube U形管  U-tube 壓強計  manometer 微壓計  micromanometer 多管壓強計  multiple manometer 靜壓管  static pressuretube 流速計  anemometer 風(fēng)速管  Pitot- stat

43、ic tube 激光多普勒測速計  laser Doppler anemometer,                 laser Doppler velocimeter 熱線流速計  hot-wire anemometer 熱膜流速計  hot- film anemometer 流量計  flow meter 粘度計  viscosi meter 渦量計  

44、;vorticity meter 傳感器  transducer, sensor 壓強傳感器  pressure transducer 熱敏電阻  thermistor 示蹤物  tracer 時間線  time line 脈線  streak line 尺度效應(yīng)  scale effect 壁效應(yīng)  wall effect 堵塞  blockage 堵寒效應(yīng)  blockage effect 動

45、態(tài)響應(yīng)  dynamic response 響應(yīng)頻率  response frequency 底壓  base pressure 菲克定律  Fick law 巴塞特力  Basset force 埃克特數(shù)  Eckert number 格拉斯霍夫數(shù)  Grashof number 努塞特數(shù)  Nusselt number 普朗特數(shù)  prandtl number 雷諾比擬  Reynolds a

46、nalogy 施密特數(shù)  schmidt number 斯坦頓數(shù)  Stanton number 對流  convection 自由對流  natural convection, free  convec-tion 強迫對流  forced convection 熱對流  heat convection 質(zhì)量傳遞  mass transfer 傳質(zhì)系數(shù)  mass transfer coefficient 熱量傳遞&

47、#160; heat transfer 傳熱系數(shù)  heat transfer coefficient 對流傳熱  convective heat transfer 輻射傳熱  radiative heat transfer 動量交換  momentum transfer 能量傳遞  energy transfer 傳導(dǎo)  conduction 熱傳導(dǎo)  conductive heat transfer 熱交換  heat e

48、xchange 臨界熱通量  critical heat flux 濃度  concentration 擴(kuò)散  diffusion 擴(kuò)散性  diffusivity 擴(kuò)散率  diffusivity 擴(kuò)散速度  diffusion velocity 分子擴(kuò)散  molecular diffusion 沸騰  boiling 蒸發(fā)  evaporation 氣化  gasification 凝結(jié)&#

49、160; condensation 成核  nucleation 計算流體力學(xué)  computational fluid   mechanics 多重尺度問題  multiple scale problem 伯格斯方程  Burgers equation 對流擴(kuò)散方程  convection diffusion equation KDU方程  KDV equation 修正微分方程  modified differential

50、  equation 拉克斯等價定理  Lax equivalence theorem數(shù)值模擬  numerical simulation 大渦模擬  large eddy simulation 數(shù)值粘性  numerical viscosity 非線性不穩(wěn)定性  nonlinear instability希爾特穩(wěn)定性分析  Hirt stability analysis相容條件  consistency condition CFL條件

51、  Courant- Friedrichs- Lewycondition ,CFL condition 狄里克雷邊界條件  Dirichlet boundarycondition 熵條件  entropy condition 遠(yuǎn)場邊界條件  far field boundary condition 流入邊界條件  inflow boundary condition 無反射邊界條件  nonreflecting boundary condition 數(shù)值邊界條件 &#

52、160;numerical boundary condition流出邊界條件  outflow boundary condition 馮.諾伊曼條件  von Neumann condition近似因子分解法  approximate factorization method 人工壓縮  artificial compression 人工粘性  artificial viscosity 邊界元法  boundary element method 配置方法  

53、;collocation method 能量法  energy method 有限體積法  finite volume method 流體網(wǎng)格法  fluid in cell method,  FLIC method 通量校正傳輸法  flux-corrected transport method 通量矢量分解法  flux vector splitting method 伽遼金法  Galerkin method 積分方法  inte

54、gral method 標(biāo)記網(wǎng)格法  marker and cell method, MAC method 特征線法  method of characteristics 直線法  method of lines 矩量法  moment method 多重網(wǎng)格法  multi- grid method 板塊法  panel method 質(zhì)點網(wǎng)格法  particle in cell method,  PIC method 質(zhì)點法

55、60; particle method 預(yù)估校正法  predictor-corrector method 投影法  projection method 準(zhǔn)譜法  pseudo-spectral method 隨機(jī)選取法  random choice method 激波捕捉法  shock-capturing method 激波擬合法  shock-fitting method 譜方法  spectral method 稀疏矩陣分解法 

56、 split coefficient matrix method 不定常法  time-dependent method 時間分步法  time splitting method 變分法  variational method 渦方法  vortex method 隱格式  implicit scheme 顯格式  explicit scheme 交替方向隱格式  alternating direction implicit scheme, ADIscheme 反擴(kuò)散差分格式 


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