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1、如何翻譯論文標(biāo)題、摘要 陳玉玲廣州體育學(xué)院 外語部英文題名v題名的結(jié)構(gòu)。英文題名以短語為主要形式,尤以名詞短語(noun phrase)最常見,即題名基本上由1個或幾個名詞加上其前置和(或)后置定語構(gòu)成v例如: The Frequent Bryophytes in the Mountain Helanshan(賀蘭山常見苔蘚植物);vPrinciples to follow in enrolling talents in higher education institutions(高校人才引進應(yīng)遵循的原則)v短語型題名要確定好中心詞,再進行前后修飾。各個詞的順序很重要,詞序不當(dāng),會導(dǎo)致表達不準(zhǔn)

2、。v題名一般不應(yīng)是陳述句,因為題名主要起標(biāo)示作用,而陳述句容易使題名具有判斷式的語義;況且陳述句不夠精練和醒目,重點也不易突出。少數(shù)情況(評述性、綜述性和駁斥性)下可以用疑問句做題名,因為疑問句可有探討性語氣,易引起讀者興趣。v例如:Can Agricultural Mechanization be Realized Without Petroleum?(農(nóng)業(yè)機械化能離開石油嗎?)。標(biāo)題的翻譯v論文的 “眼睛”: 主題和中心內(nèi)容v準(zhǔn)確,簡明扼要,生動醒目,用詞質(zhì)樸v英文題名以短語短語為主要形式,尤以名詞短語名詞短語(noun phrase)最常見,即題名基本上由1個或幾個名詞加上其前置和(或)

3、后置定語構(gòu)成v淺析籃球基本功 vA brief analysis of basic skills in basketballv英漢翻譯中的信息轉(zhuǎn)換 Information Shift in English-Chinese Translationv短語型題名短語型題名要確定好中心詞,再進行前后修飾。各個詞的順序很重要,詞序不當(dāng),會導(dǎo)致表達不準(zhǔn)。v電子管收音機和晶體管收音機的優(yōu)缺點vThe Advantages and Disadvantages of Vacuum Tube Radios and Transistor Radiosv美國高校學(xué)生事物發(fā)展的最新趨勢極其啟示vCurrent Tren

4、ds of Students Affairs Development in American Universities and Their Implicationsv體育賽事觀眾管理的現(xiàn)狀與對策研究v現(xiàn)狀與對策研究vThe Status and Strategic Research vThe Status and Strategic Research of Sport Events Spectatorsv我國退役運動員社會保障體系的現(xiàn)狀、問題及對策我國退役運動員社會保障體系的現(xiàn)狀、問題及對策v現(xiàn)狀、問題及對策現(xiàn)狀、問題及對策vPresent Situation, Problems and Co

5、unter-measurev社會保障體系社會保障體系vthe Social Security SystemvPresent Situation, Problems and Counter-measure of the Social Security System for Our Retired Athletesv常見模式v對的研究探討探索分析綜述述評v(A The) research on.v The exploration of.vA study of vAn analysis of.vA brief review ofvA commentary onv國內(nèi)外外語課堂互動研究vA revie

6、w of the research on foreign language classroom interaction at home and abroadv外語學(xué)習(xí)主體多元化評價的效應(yīng)研究vA Study of the Effects of Multi-valuator Evaluation on Foreign Language learningv美國大學(xué)生職業(yè)生涯規(guī)劃服務(wù)質(zhì)量研究vResearch on the Quality of American College Students Career ServicesvOn the Quality of American College S

7、tudents Career Servicesv試論比較教育中的實地調(diào)查vOn the “Field Work” in Comparative Education Researchv大阪大學(xué)通識教育實踐模式研究vOn Practice Mode of General Education at Osaka Universityv教學(xué)行為研究在閱讀教學(xué)中的作用vAction Research in the Teaching of Readingv俄羅斯社會轉(zhuǎn)型時期流浪兒童成長問題探析vAn Analysis of the Development of Street Children During

8、the Social Transition in RussiavOn the Development of Street Children During the Social Transition in RussiavOn Street Children During the Social Transition in Russiav動賓型標(biāo)題: 譯成動名詞短語v淺析國內(nèi)英語測試研究現(xiàn)狀vAnalyzing English Test Research in Our Countryv談 “紅色勛章”中的印象主義和自然主義vTalking on the Impressionism and Natur

9、alism in the Red Bandage of Couragev利用波浪能量淡化海水vUtilizing Wave Energy for Seawater Desaltingv探討大學(xué)英語教材中的語用問題vExploring Pragmatic Knowledge in College English Textbookv陳述句標(biāo)題: 譯成句子或短語v從世界多體化英語教學(xué)理論看我國英語教學(xué)vWorld Englishes Theory Can Improve Our English Readingv疑問句標(biāo)題: 疑問詞+不定式,句子v比較教育,研究什么?vComparative Educ

10、ation Research: What to Study?v淺談加強青少年傳球技術(shù)的訓(xùn)練方法淺談加強青少年傳球技術(shù)的訓(xùn)練方法 vshallow to talk strengthening a teenager spreads the ball technical training methodvStrengthening Teenagers Spreading Skillv足球運動中的心理訓(xùn)練足球運動中的心理訓(xùn)練vThe players psychological training of soccervPsychological Training in Soccerv足球運動對中學(xué)生余暇體育

11、的特殊影響足球運動對中學(xué)生余暇體育的特殊影響vFootball movement to middle-school student -odd free time sports special influencevFootball Impact on High School Students Leisure-time Sportsv淺析籃球基本功淺析籃球基本功 vA brief analysis of basic skills in basketball sportvBasic Skills in Basketballv淺析如何提高搶籃板球技術(shù)淺析如何提高搶籃板球技術(shù)vDiscussion on

12、 How to Improve Rebound TechnologyvHow to Improve Rebound Technologyv國際標(biāo)準(zhǔn)組織規(guī)定, 論文標(biāo)題一般不要超過15個英文單詞, 美國醫(yī)學(xué)會規(guī)定題名不超過2行,每行不超過42個印刷符號和空格;美國國立癌癥研究所雜志J NatCancer Inst要求題名不超過14個詞;英國數(shù)學(xué)會要求題名不超過12個詞。這些規(guī)定可供我們參考。v總的原則是,題名應(yīng)確切、簡練、醒目,在能準(zhǔn)確反映論文特定內(nèi)容的前提下,題名詞數(shù)越少越好v中英文題名的一致性。同一篇論文,其英文題名與中文題名內(nèi)容上應(yīng)一致,但不等于說詞語要一一對應(yīng):v從世界多體化英語教學(xué)理論

13、看我國英語教學(xué)vWorld Englishes Theory Can Improve Our English Readingv與中文題名相比較,二者用詞雖有差別,但內(nèi)容上是一致的。 凡可用可不用的冠詞均可不用。例如:The Effect of Groundwater Quality on the Wheat Yield and Quality其中兩處的冠詞the 均可不用。v題名字母的大小寫有以下3種格式。1. 全部字母大寫。例如:OPTIMAL DISPOSITION OF ROLLER CHAIN DRIVEv2. 每個詞的首字母大寫,但3個或4個字母以下的冠詞、連詞、介詞全部小寫。例如:

14、The Deformation and Strength of Concrete Dams with Defectsv3. 題名第1個詞的首字母大寫,其余字母均小寫。例如:Topographic inversion of interval velocitiesv目前2.格式用得最多,而3.格式的使用有增多的趨勢。v題名中的縮略詞語。已得到整個科技界或本行業(yè)科技人員公認(rèn)的縮略詞語,才可用于題名中,否則不要輕易使用。vWTO, FIFA, GSU/GZSU(Guangzhou Sport University)v作者與作者單位的英譯v1) 作者: 中國人名按漢語拼音拼寫;其他非英語國家人名按作者自

15、己提供的羅馬字母拼法拼寫。Hu Hansan, George Bushv2) 單位: 單位名稱要寫全(由小到大),并附地址和郵政編碼,確保聯(lián)系方便。另外,單位英譯一定要采用本單位統(tǒng)一的譯法(即本單位標(biāo)準(zhǔn)譯法),切不可另起爐灶。v廣州體育學(xué)院 Guangzhou Sport Universityv中山大學(xué) Zhongshan UniversityvSun Yat-sen UniversityvGuangdong University of Foreign StudiesvBeijing Foreign Studies UniversityvShanghai International studi

16、es Universityv湖南師范大學(xué) Hunan Normal University摘要 abstractv要寫好科技論文的英文摘要, 首先要寫好中文摘要, 再在此基礎(chǔ)上譯成英文。要按照英語習(xí)慣進行翻譯, 切不可依照中文摘要的語序逐字逐句地直譯。v一般而言, 英文摘要是中文摘要的轉(zhuǎn)譯, 所以應(yīng)按照英文的語言習(xí)慣準(zhǔn)確地譯出中文摘要的內(nèi)容, 字?jǐn)?shù)沒有硬性規(guī)定, 但普遍認(rèn)為150 180 個單詞為宜。v規(guī)范的英文摘要一般包括目的、方法、結(jié)果和結(jié)論, 總體要求重點突出、表達確切、簡明扼要。切忌將中文摘要逐字逐句直譯, 或按照中文句式的思維模式來寫英文, 否則英文摘要將會顯得羅嗦、不流暢, 有時甚至

17、詞不達意或成為中式英文。摘要 abstractv應(yīng)該用簡潔、明確的語言將論文的“目的(Purposes)”,主要的研究“過程(Procedures)”及所采用的“方法(Methods)”,由此得到的主要“結(jié)果(Results)”和得出的重要“結(jié)論(Conclusions)”表達清楚。如有可能,還應(yīng)盡量提一句論文結(jié)果和結(jié)論的應(yīng)用范圍和應(yīng)用情況。也就是說,要寫好摘要,作者必須回答好以下幾個問題:v1) 本文的目的或要解決的問題(What I want to do?)2) 解決問題的方法及過程(How I did it?)3) 主要結(jié)果及結(jié)論(What results did I get and w

18、hat conclusions can I draw?)4) 本文的創(chuàng)新、獨到之處(What is new and original in this paper?) v英漢語的思維模式存在差異, 有時甚至大相徑庭, 翻譯時需注意邏輯思維上的差異, 用英語的思維方式地道轉(zhuǎn)達內(nèi)涵, 不可照漢語方式字字對譯。v照字面譯, 常不合英語習(xí)慣, 有時還令人困惑不解。歐化的漢譯文, 詰屈聱牙, 中國讀者讀了感到頭痛, v反之,若按漢語方式照搬, 漢化的英文, 外國同行也勢必難以理解, 因此, 翻譯時決不可生搬硬套或囿于原文字詞的語法和字面意義, 必須改變中文的模式, 才不會出現(xiàn)漢語式英語(Chinglish

19、)。v病人牙痛得歷害。 The patient s teeth pained seriously. ( 錯誤)。The patient had a terrible toothache. (正確)。vYou ask me,me ask who? 你問我,我問誰vOne car come,one car go,two car pengpeng,one car died! v關(guān)于一場車禍的描述vHorse horse tiger tiger. 馬馬虎虎vGood good study, day day up. v好好學(xué)習(xí),天天向上vNo three no four. 不三不四vKnow is kn

20、ow, noknow is noknow.v 知之為知之,不知為不知vIf you want money,I have no;if you want life,I have one! v要錢沒有,要命一條vwatch sister 表妹vAs far as you go to die. 有多遠(yuǎn),死多遠(yuǎn)vWe two who and who? 咱倆誰跟誰?vpeople mountain people sea 人山人海vTen all ten beauty 十全十美 “20th solar term”是二十四節(jié)氣中的“小雪”,加上blue,就是小雪碧了 v1.這是為什么呢?v谷歌版:This i

21、s why? v山寨版:This is why what? v學(xué)院版:Why is this?v2.走別人的路,讓別人無路可走!v谷歌版:Take someone elses road, to let others no way! v山寨版:Walk other mans road, allow other man no way can go! v學(xué)院版:Follow others footprint, leave them no way to go.v3.我也是有身份證的人。v谷歌版:Me too have the ID card people. v山寨版:I also am have bo

22、dy card people. v學(xué)院版:I am also somebody with an ID card.“貓論” vNo matter whether it is a white cat or a black cat; as long as it can catch mice, it is a good cat.vBlack cat, white cat, who cares as long as it can catch micevBlack Cat White Cat. Its a Good Cat if it Catches the MousevIt doesnt matter

23、if a cat is black or white, so long as it catches mice.vWhat does it matter if the cat is black or white?翻譯的原則:信、達、雅vYou say that you love rain,but you open your umbrella when it rains.You say that you love the sun,but you find a shadow spot when the sun shines.You say that you love the wind,but you

24、 close your windows when wind blows.This is why I am afraid,because you say that you love me too.”vYou say that you love rain,but you open your umbrella when it rains.You say that you love the sun,but you find a shadow spot when the sun shines.You say that you love the wind,but you close your window

25、s when wind blows.This is why I am afraid,because you say that you love me too.”v你說你喜歡雨,但是下雨的時候你卻撐開了傘;你說你喜歡陽光,但當(dāng)陽光播撒的時候,而你卻躲在陰涼之地;你說你喜歡風(fēng),但清風(fēng)撲面的時候,你卻關(guān)上了窗戶。我害怕你對我也是如此之愛。v(普通版)vYou say that you love rain,but you open your umbrella when it rains.You say that you love the sun,but you find a shadow spot w

26、hen the sun shines.You say that you love the wind,but you close your windows when wind blows.This is why I am afraid,because you say that you love me too.”v你說煙雨微芒,蘭亭遠(yuǎn)望;后來輕攬婆娑,深遮霓裳。你說春光爛漫,綠袖紅香;后來內(nèi)掩西樓,靜立卿旁。你說軟風(fēng)輕拂,醉臥思量;后來緊掩門窗,漫帳成殤。你說情絲柔腸,如何相忘;我卻眼波微轉(zhuǎn),兀自成霜。v(文藝版)v熟悉英文摘要的常用句型:盡管英文的句型種類繁多,豐富多彩,但摘要的常用句型卻很有限

27、,而且形成了一定的規(guī)律:v1. 主題句: 本文介紹討論詳細(xì)論述提出.vThis paperarticle describes introduces discusses elaborates focuses on raises proposes.v.is studied discussed presented introduced proposed analyzed explained in this article paper.vThis article focus on the topics of v2. 本文的目的是:vThe purpose object of this article

28、is to explain describe discuss. vThe primary goal of this research isvThe main objective of our investigation has been to obtain some knowledge ofvA new computer-aided design method is presented (in this paper).vThis paper is a brief introduction of the major findings and development in the field of

29、v2. 發(fā)展句:實例實驗顯示表明證實:vExamples experiments demonstrate confirm showv提出驗證引自.v. is given verified derived from.vThe formula is derived fromvThe method is based onvThe test equipment which was used consisted ofv3. 結(jié)論句: 結(jié)果表明vResults examples show demonstrate indicatevThe resultsare given presentedvThis co

30、ncludes that.vPISA在中國: 教育評價新探索vPISA in China: Exploration in Educational Assessment and Evaluationv本文通過對當(dāng)前國際上頗具影響力的大規(guī)模教育評價項目- “學(xué)生能力國際評價”(PISA)的評價理念和技術(shù)的分析,結(jié)合教育部考試中心開展PISA2006中國試測研究實踐收獲的啟示,闡述了作者對我國教育評價研究與發(fā)展的思考和建議vThis article reviews the most prestigious large-scale international education assessment

31、projects- the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA), and discusses what the national Education Examinations Authority has learned from conducting PISA2006 China trial study. Based on the above, this paper describes authors reflections and suggestions for improving China education asses

32、sment reform.時態(tài)v英文摘要的時態(tài)運用也以簡練為佳, 常用一般現(xiàn)在時、一般過去時、現(xiàn)在完成時和過去完成時, 進行時態(tài)和其他復(fù)合時態(tài)基本不用。v一般現(xiàn)在時主要用于陳述性、資料性摘要中,用于說明研究目的、敘述研究內(nèi)容、描述結(jié)果、得出結(jié)論、提出建議或討等。vThis study (investigation) is conducted, (undertaken)vThe result shows (reveals),vIt is found that; vThe conclusions arevThe author suggests that v本文的目的在于突出放療的重要性。vThe

33、purpose of this article is to emphasize the importance of radiation therapy.v一般過去時v一般過去時主要用于說明某一具體項目的發(fā)展情況, 介紹技術(shù)研究項目的具體資料, 而且對研究對程中所進行的活動進行描述時也用一般過去時。用于敘述過去某一時刻(時段)的發(fā)現(xiàn)、某一研究過程(實驗、觀察、調(diào)查、醫(yī)療等過程)。 v分析了89例早期肝癌的治療結(jié)果。vThe results of treatment of early liver cancer were analyzed in 89 patientsv現(xiàn)在完成時v現(xiàn)在完成時是把過去

34、發(fā)生的或過去已完成的事情與現(xiàn)在聯(lián)系起來, 說明研究的發(fā)展背景, 介紹已結(jié)束的研究項目.v從發(fā)病時起, 對病人隨訪了三年。The patients have been followed for 3 years since the beginning of their disease.v全療程未發(fā)現(xiàn)中毒反應(yīng)。No toxic effects of this total course have been noted.被動語態(tài)v英漢相比, 英語多用被動語態(tài), 在科技英語中被動語態(tài)使用得尤其廣泛, 翻譯摘要時, 往往采用被動語態(tài), v這樣可避免提及有關(guān)的執(zhí)行者, 句子的容量增加, 重心后移, 表達更具有

35、英語味, 行文也更顯得客觀, 使讀者的注意力集中在描述的事物、現(xiàn)象或過程上,v 而且被動語態(tài)在結(jié)構(gòu)上有較大的調(diào)節(jié)余地, 利于采用必要的修辭手段和突出重要的概念、問題、事實、結(jié)論等內(nèi)容, 利于擴展名詞短語, 擴大句子的信息量。v兒童比成年人更易罹病, 在學(xué)?;驁F體??梢姶瞬×餍?。Children are more often afflicted than adults, and epidemics in schools and institutions are commonly observed v不過, 在某些特殊情況下, 采用主動語態(tài)比被動語態(tài)在結(jié)構(gòu)上更簡練, 表達更直接有力. 現(xiàn)在主張摘要

36、中謂語動詞盡量采用主動語態(tài)的越來越多,因其有助于文字清晰、簡潔及表達有力。vThe author systematically introduces the history and development of the tissue culture of poplarv 比 The history and development of the tissue culture of poplar are introduced systematically語感要強。v英文摘要的人稱。原來摘要的首句多用第三人稱This paper等開頭,現(xiàn)在傾向于采用更簡潔的被動語態(tài)或原形動詞開頭。v例如:To de

37、scribe, To study, To investigate, To assess,To determine,v行文時最好不用第一人稱,以方便文摘刊物的編輯刊用。 提高英文摘要的文字效能v1) Limit the abstract to new information(摘要中只談新的信息)。)strive for brevity(盡量使摘要簡潔)。就目前來看,由于大多數(shù)作者在英文寫作方面都比較欠缺,因此,由作者所寫的英文摘要離要求相距甚遠(yuǎn)。有的作者寫出很長的英文摘要,但文字效能很低,多余的字、句很多;有的作者寫的英文摘要很短,但也存在多余的字句。總而言之,就是文字的信息含量少。中國信息部還

38、對英文摘要的寫作提出了以下幾點具體要求。v1) 盡量用短句(use short sentences)。2) 描述作者的工作一般用過去時態(tài)(因為工作是在過去做的),但在陳述由這些工作所得出的結(jié)論時,應(yīng)該用現(xiàn)在時態(tài)。v3)熟悉英文摘要的常用句型v奧運會籃球比賽是世界最高水平的籃球賽事,奧運會籃球比賽是世界最高水平的籃球賽事,2008年北京奧運會美國男年北京奧運會美國男子籃球隊再次集結(jié)了子籃球隊再次集結(jié)了NBA最頂尖的職業(yè)選手參賽,以及中國籃壇驕傲最頂尖的職業(yè)選手參賽,以及中國籃壇驕傲-姚明的參賽,使男子籃球比賽成為本屆奧運會上最引人注目的賽事。姚明的參賽,使男子籃球比賽成為本屆奧運會上最引人注目的

39、賽事。vBasketball games in the Olympic Games are the highest level game in the world. The American mens basketball team built up by a group of top professional players participating in the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, and Ming Yaothe pride of Chinese basketball, his participation, brought the mens baske

40、tball game to the spotlight of this Olympic Games.vBasketball games in the Olympic Games are the highest level in the world. The American mens basketball team participated in the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games with a group of top professional players , including Ming Yaothe pride of Chinese basketball,

41、which constituted the most spectacular part in this Olympic Games.v淺談籃球比賽中的攻守轉(zhuǎn)換v摘要:摘要:籃球比賽中的攻守轉(zhuǎn)換是籃球比賽的重要組成部分,在現(xiàn)代籃球運動中起著越來越重要的作用。因此,運用文獻資料法、專家訪談法和綜合分析法對籃球比賽中的攻守轉(zhuǎn)換的幾個關(guān)鍵問題進行分析探討,以期給廣大的籃球愛好者提供參考。v關(guān)鍵詞:關(guān)鍵詞:籃球;比賽;攻守轉(zhuǎn)換vOn the Change of Basketball MatchvAbstract:Change of the game of basketball is an importa

42、nt part of the basketball competition. In modern basketball playing an increasingly important role. Therefore, the method of documentation, expert interviews and comprehensive analysis of the game of basketball and defending the key issues discussed. to provide information to the vast number of bask

43、etball fans.v因此,運用文獻資料法、專家訪談法和綜合分析法對籃球比賽中的攻守轉(zhuǎn)換的幾個關(guān)鍵問題進行分析探討,以期給廣大的籃球愛好者提供參考。vSome key issues in transition ( or change-over) of basketball is discussed in this article (by means of documentary review, experts interview and comprehensive analysis), to provide reference for basketball fans.vKey words

44、: basketball; competition; change Students workv優(yōu)秀男子足球守門員年齡、身高、體重的比優(yōu)秀男子足球守門員年齡、身高、體重的比較研究較研究v摘要:摘要:運動數(shù)理統(tǒng)計法、資料分析法,對參加2006賽季我國中超足球聯(lián)賽守門員,2005-2006賽季意大利甲級足球聯(lián)賽守門員和第17屆世界杯前四名隊伍守門員的年齡、身高、體重等指標(biāo)進行比較研究,揭示我國足球守門員的年齡、身高和體重特征,為足球選材、訓(xùn)練提供參考依據(jù)。v關(guān)鍵詞:關(guān)鍵詞:足球守門員;年齡;身高;體重v優(yōu)秀男子足球守門員年齡、身高、體重的比較研究優(yōu)秀男子足球守門員年齡、身高、體重的比較研究vThe

45、 Compared Research on Outstanding Man soccer Goalkeepers Age, Height, Weightv運動數(shù)理統(tǒng)計法、資料分析法,對參加2006賽季我國中超足球聯(lián)賽守門員,2005-2006賽季意大利甲級足球聯(lián)賽守門員和第17屆世界杯前四名隊伍守門員的年齡、身高、體重等指標(biāo)進行比較研究,揭示我國足球守門員的年齡、身高和體重特征,為足球選材、訓(xùn)練提供參考依據(jù)。vAbstract: Using the mathematical and the material method, to analysis the goalkeepers age, he

46、ight, body weight of our Superior Football League Game in 2006 season and Italy A-grade Football League Game in 2005-2006 season and the first four teams of the 17th session of World Cup and so on. Carry on the study of our soccergoalkeepers age, the height and the body weight characteristic to prov

47、ide the reference for the soccer selection and the training.vKey words: Goalkeepers; Age; Height; Weightv對高校開展五人制足球教學(xué)比賽的研究對高校開展五人制足球教學(xué)比賽的研究v中文摘要中文摘要: 調(diào)查研究表明:在高校開展五人制足球比賽,不但有利于提高大學(xué)生的體育興趣,推動高校大學(xué)生的全民健身運動,促進高校大學(xué)生健身運動的廣泛開展,對緩解高校體育活動場所供需矛盾,而且不允許有任何沖憧和鏟斷球,可以杜絕或減少運動傷病的發(fā)生,是發(fā)展學(xué)生身體素質(zhì)的最佳方式。v關(guān)鍵詞關(guān)鍵詞:高校;五人制足球;教vRe

48、search on the Five Teaching Soccer Match in CollegevAbstract: Research shows that: the five teaching soccer match not only will help improving students interested in sports and promote the college students nationwide fitness campaign to promote college students in a wide range of fitness exercise, t

49、o ease the contradiction between supply and demand of college sports venues, but also not allow any conflict , you can eliminate or reduce the incidence of sports injuries, it is the best way to develop physical fitness.vKey words: College; Five Teaching Soccer Match; teachv淺析高科技在足球比賽中的應(yīng)用淺析高科技在足球比賽中

50、的應(yīng)用vReflection on high technology using in the soccer gamev中文摘要:高科技在現(xiàn)代足球比賽上的應(yīng)用越來越多,特別中文摘要:高科技在現(xiàn)代足球比賽上的應(yīng)用越來越多,特別是在是在2006年德國世界杯新技術(shù)手段和成果應(yīng)用更加廣泛,年德國世界杯新技術(shù)手段和成果應(yīng)用更加廣泛,進一步體現(xiàn)現(xiàn)代足球發(fā)展方向和特點。進一步體現(xiàn)現(xiàn)代足球發(fā)展方向和特點。vAbstract: More and more high technology was used in the modern soccer game. Especially, many methods and

51、 fruit of new technology was used in the FIFA world of Germany in 2006, in this way, to advance to show the development trends and the characters of modern soccer.vkey: modern soccer, high technology, use, the FIFA world of Germany in 2006v關(guān)鍵詞:現(xiàn)代足球關(guān)鍵詞:現(xiàn)代足球 ,高科技,高科技 ,應(yīng)用,應(yīng)用,2006年德國世界杯年德國世界杯當(dāng)今世界和中國男子籃球

52、的發(fā)展現(xiàn)狀v奧運會籃球比賽是世界最高水平的籃球賽事,奧運會籃球比賽是世界最高水平的籃球賽事,2008年北京奧運會美國男年北京奧運會美國男子籃球隊再次集結(jié)了子籃球隊再次集結(jié)了NBA最頂尖的職業(yè)選手參賽,以及中國籃壇驕傲最頂尖的職業(yè)選手參賽,以及中國籃壇驕傲-姚明的參賽,使男子籃球比賽成為本屆奧運會上最引人注目的賽事。姚明的參賽,使男子籃球比賽成為本屆奧運會上最引人注目的賽事。vBasketball games in the Olympic Games are the highest level game in the world. The American mens basketball tea

53、m built up by a group of top professional players participating in the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, and Ming Yaothe pride of Chinese basketball, his participation, brought the mens basketball game to the spotlight of this Olympic Games.vBasketball games in the Olympic Games are the highest level in t

54、he world. The American mens basketball team participated in the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games with a group of top professional players , including Ming Yaothe pride of Chinese basketball, which constituted the most spectacular part in this Olympic Games.vThe Olympic Basketball Game is the highest level

55、 in the world. The American mens basketball team built up by a group of top professional players and Ming Yaothe pride of Chinese basketball in the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, brought the mens basketball game to the spotlight of this Olympic Games.v American mens basket ball team was built by a grou

56、p of top professional players in the 2008 Olympic games. Together with the participation of Yao Ming, the Pride of Chinese basket ball, it brought the mens basketball game to the spotlight of this years Olympic Games.vThe Olympic basketball games are the worlds highest level of basketball games. In

57、the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games U.S. mens basketball team has once again assembled the NBAs top professional players to participate it. and Ming Yaothe pride of Chinese basketball, his participation, that make the mens basketball game to be the spotlight of this Olympic Games.v, and the participation

58、 of Ming Yaothe pride of Chinese basketball, makes the mens basketball game to be the spotlight of this Olympic Games.vThe Olympic Basketball Games are the highest level basketball matches in the world.The American Baskstball mens team built up by the top nba players again to participate in 2008 Bei

59、jing Olympic Games ,and the Chinese basketball pride-Yao Mings participation in the games ,which both work out together to make Basketball games being the most spectacular part in the Olympic Games.vthe Olympic basketball matches are the highest level in the world. the American mens basketball team

60、built up by a group of top professional NBA players to participate in the 2008 Beijing Olympic games ,and the pride of Chinese basketball -Yao Mings participation in the games, which both constituted the most spectacular in the Olympic games. vBasketball game of the Olympic Games is the highest leve


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