1、用心 愛心 專心1Module 5 Unit 2 New words and expressionsPart 1 Words from page 22 to 251.debatedebate 既可用作名詞,又可用作動詞,意為“辯論,爭辯,爭論”。用作名詞時有如下用法:After a long debate David was chose n capta in of our school football team.The proposal un der debate was put forward by our mon itor.用作動詞時,過去式和過去分詞分別是debated, debate
2、d;現(xiàn)在分詞為 debating。常構成短語 debate about sth. with sb.意為“與某人爭論某事”等。舉例如下:What are they debati ng about?They were debating whether to go to the mountains or to the seaside for their holidays?Before we make a final decision, we must debate the question with the rest of the members.We debated for more tha n
3、an hour on the adva ntages and disadva ntages of that pla n to protect our en vironment.名詞 debater 的意思是辯論者2.laylay 在本單元是用作動詞,意思有“產(chǎn)卵,下蛋,放置,擺放”等。其過去式、過去分詞分別為laid,laid, 現(xiàn)在分詞是 laying。lay 的主要用法有:How many eggs does the hen lay each week?New laid eggs, one dollar each doze n.She laid her hand on my shoulde
4、r.Please lay dow n your pens and just liste n to me carefully.I carefully laid my new jacket on the bed.Then both sides started laying the blame on each other.Why don you lay that problem aside for a while and think about it later?He was willing to lay down his life for his country.lay 構成的詞組Please l
5、ay the table for dinner.擺設餐具(2) The couple laid aside some money for their old age. 儲蓄(3) The preside nt laid great emphasis on would peace. 放重點在.上(4) Don lay all the blame for the accident on_me. 歸罪于(5) Some workers were laid off because of a shortage of materials. 暫時解雇注意 lay 與 lie 的區(qū)別。lie 有兩種意思,一是
6、“說謊”,過去式、過去分詞分別為lied, lied;現(xiàn)在分詞是 lying;二是“位于,躺”,過去式、過去分詞分別為lay, lain ;現(xiàn)在分詞是 lying。Please lay the book where it lay.(2)The little boy lied that he had laid theegg laid by the hen lyingunder the tree in the box.3.approachapproach 既可用作及物動詞,又可用作不及物動詞,意為“接近,靠近”,分別可指距離上、時間上,或某種狀態(tài)上的接近。如:The little boy appr
7、oached the mouse quietly and watched it.As summer approached, the weather became hotter and hotter.His work is approach ing perfect ion.He is rather difficult to approach. = Its not easy to get on friendly terms with him.approach 也可用作名詞,指“接近,漸近”或“(人)易、難親近”。如:The birds flew away in all direct ions at
8、 my approach.The approach of the exam in ati on made him n ervous.My class teacher is easy of approach.4.ben eficialbeneficial 是形容詞,意為“有益的,有利的,有幫助的”,是正式用語。常構成短語“be beneficial to”, 意為“對有幫助的”,如:Eno ugh sleep, good food and some exercise are ben eficial to the health.I hope this holiday will be ben efi
9、cial for my husba nd, who is un der high pressure of work.beneficial 的名詞和動詞都是benefit。作為名詞時,意為“利益,幫助,恩惠,益處”,常構成短語 beof benefit to,意為“對.有裨益”;以及 for the benefit of,意為“為了.的利用”,用法如下:I got a lot of ben efit from traveli ng around the world.These collected money will be used for the ben efit of the people
10、from flood-stricke n areas.benefit 既可用作及物動詞,又可作不及物動詞,意為“有益于;對.有益,因.得到利益”。如:The project for environmen tal protecti on will ben efit us eno rmously.I benefited a lot from my teacher duct ionproduction 作不可數(shù)名詞時,意為“生產(chǎn),產(chǎn)出,產(chǎn)量,生產(chǎn)量”。如:The compa ny is famous for the product ion of mobile phon es.
11、Production has been increased by using better methods.This type of cars is produced in mass production.用心 愛心 專心2production 的動詞是 produce,意為生產(chǎn)”;形容詞是productive”,意為多產(chǎn)的”;另外一個名 詞是可數(shù)名詞 product,意為產(chǎn)品,生產(chǎn)物”,如:What are the chief farm products in your province?6.responsibilityresponsibility 是不可數(shù)名詞,意為“責任,職責,負責” ,
12、如:He don t have a sense of responsibility, so he isn t popular with his classmates.He tried to avoid taking responsibility for the accident.It is the responsibility of every of us to protect our environment.responsible 是形容詞,意為有責任的,應負責任的”,如:Parents are responsible for their children s safety.Who is r
13、esponsible for the mess in the classroom?Isn the too young for such a responsible job?7.effectiveeffective 是形容詞,意為“有效的” ,如:The local government has already taken some effective measure to develop the city without damaging theecosystem.This medicine is highly effective against bird-flu.The new law be
14、comes effective on October 1st.effective 的比較級和最高級分別為 more effective”和the most effective。其副詞為 effectively, 意為有效地”。 反義詞是 ineffective, 意為無效的”; 名詞是 effect, 意為功效, 作用”, 常構成 詞組 have a/aneffecton,意為對產(chǎn)生的作用”。effect 一詞的用法舉例如下:This medicine had a good/a bad/a side/an ill/an instant/a negative effect on that pat
15、ient. Punishment had very littleeffect on those factories, which created harmful waste. The plans of protecting the endangered animals will soonbe carried into effect.8.willingwilling 是形容詞,意為“樂意的,自愿的” 。如:Are you willing that he should be admitted into our club?Are they willing workers for environmen
16、tal protection?willing 的比較級和最高級分別是more willing 和 the most willing ,其副詞是 willingly ,意為樂意地”,名詞是willingness,意為心甘情愿”,如:He gave up his seat to the old lady willingly.Those volunteers showed great willingness to serve in the 2008 Olympic Games.9.figurefigure 可用作名詞,意為“數(shù)字” ,如:It is reported that a lot of pe
17、ople in China are infected with AIDS. The figure is really incredible.He has an income of six figures.The price of the house is in seven figures.figure 用作名詞還有其他意思,如“圖形,身材,大人物”等。如:The blackboard was covered with interesting figures.I take exercise every morning to keep my figure.Bill Gates is an outs
18、tanding figure in IT.figure 也可用作動詞,構成詞組figure out,意為計算出,理解”,如:I can t figure out why she dropped school.Part 2 Words from page 29 to 351.statestate 在本單元用作名詞,意為“狀態(tài),狀況,情形”。用法如下:Generally speaking, matter has three states solid, liquid and gas.The patient is in a poor state of health.state 用作名詞還可指“國家、(
19、構成聯(lián)邦共和國的)州、國家的” 。如:How many states are there in the United States of America?The railroads belong to the state in this country.state 也可用作動詞,意為“陳述、聲明” 。如:The visiting Prime Minister stated that several agreements had been reached during the state visit.2.shockedshock 是及物動詞,意為“使震驚,使震動”。The result of t
20、he tsunami is very shocking, with dead bodies here and there.I was shocked at the n ews of his sudde n death. = I was shocked to hear the n ews of his sudde n death.shock 也可用作名詞,意為“震驚、沖擊、震動” 。如:The news of his sudden death was a great shock to us.Three shocks of the earthquakes were felt last night.
21、拓展 同 shock 一樣,還有一些不可數(shù)名詞,女口 success failure, honor, danger, surprise 等;用心 愛心 專心3當指具體的每個人或某件事時,前面可加a 或 an,如:Liu Xiang is really a great success.My class teacher turned up at my birthday party, which was really a big surprise.3.disappointeddisappoint 是及物動詞,意為使失望”。常以過去分詞 disappointed 作形容詞,意為失望的,沮喪 的”,構成
22、詞組 be disappointed at/about/with ,意為對而感到失望”,及 be disappointed to do sth., 意為“做而感到失望”。用法舉例如下:The result of the experiment really disappointed us.Please dont disappoint me.What are you looking so disappointed about?He was disappointed to hear the news that his visa was refused.We were disappointed tha
23、t our team had lost the game.disappointing 是形容詞,意為“讓人失望的,令人掃興的” ,如:How disappointing the weather this summer is!disappointment 是名詞,意為“失望,灰心,掃興” ,如:When he heard the bad news, his disappointment was obvious.Much to my disappointment, the picnic was put off because of the bad weather.4.shameshame 在本單元
24、用作名詞, 意為“可恥的事或人” 時可用作可數(shù)名詞,“羞恥,羞愧”時是不可數(shù)名詞。如:What a shame to take in the old lady!He was called a shame to his class for his cheating in the exam.To my shame, I made the same mistake again.The boy hung his head in shame.I felt shame at having told a lie.shameful 是形容詞,意為“可恥的” , shamefully 是副詞,意為“可恥的” 。
25、5.arrivalarrival 是名詞,意為“到達者;到達物;到達,到來” 。如:Our time of arrival in Sydney is eight o clock.On his arrival home, he kissed both of his kids.We are waiting for the arrival of the news.There are several new arrivals at the hotel.arrive 用作不及物動詞,意為“到達,抵達” 。arrive 后面加介詞 at,則為到達較小的場所,如:家、店、鎮(zhèn)等;后面加介詞 in,則為到達較大
26、的地 方,如:國家、大都市等;而 on 則用于島嶼及現(xiàn)場等,如:When shall we arrive at the airport?I ll phone you the time I arrive in New York.The police arrived on the scene in no time.It took them a long time to arrive at a conclusion.At last the day they had been looking forward to arrived.6.limitedlimited 為形容詞,意為“有限的” 。如:His
27、 knowledge of history is rather limited.The limited edition made the stamp move valuable.You should drive within the limited speed in this area, otherwise you ll be fined.limit 作名詞時,意為“極限,限度,界限” 。如:The task is too much for me. I know my limits.Her patience reached its limit.If only the banks would l
28、end money without limit?limit 作動詞時,意為“限制,限定”。常用詞組 limit sb./sth. to sth.,意為“把限制在內”。如:We must limit the expense to what we can afford.Mother limited us to an ice-cream each.7.decreaseddecrease 既可作動詞用,又可作名詞用,反義詞為increase 作動詞時,意為“減少,使減退”。如:Thanks to the new traffic law, the number of traffic accident h
29、as decreased.The number of milu deer has decreased to 250 in that area.The conductor decreased the speed of the train because of the traffic accident ahead.decrease 作名詞時,意為“減少的數(shù)量”。詞組 on the decrease 相當于 decreasing,意為“在減少中”。如:There has bee n a decrease in the nu mber of smokers this year.Is theft on
30、the decrease?用心 愛心 專心48.equipme ntequipment 是不可數(shù)名詞,意為設備,器材,裝備”。如:What the cost of equipme nt?Wevisit a factory with moder n equipme nt this after noon.He spe nt much time and money on the equipme nt of his new house.equip 是動詞,意為裝備于,使本身具備”,過去式、過去分詞分別為equipped、equipped,現(xiàn)在分詞為 equipping。用法舉例如下:Shall we
31、equip our office with a prin ter?We found our new school equipped with differe nt kinds of sports facilities.The more we learn, the more equipped for deali ng with all kinds of problems in the moder n society we become.9.measuresmeasure 在本單元作可數(shù)名詞用,意為措施,方法”,通常以復數(shù)形式出現(xiàn)。如:The took strong measures aga in
32、st dan gerous drivers.The school has take n some measures to preve nt cheati ng.measure 作名詞時,還有尺寸,大小,基準”等。如:I had a coat made to my own measure.I took the measure of my study.Wealth is not always the measure of success.measure 可用作動詞,意為“測量(長度,大小,重量等),測定;測的尺寸”。如:The tailor measured me for a suit.The p
33、oliceme n are measuri ng the speed of cars.鞏固練習:Key: 1. shocked 2. arrival 3. disappoi nted4. state5. shame 6.decreased 7. equipme nt8. limited 9.measuresPart 3 Words on page 381.raisedraise 是及物動詞,在本單元意為“引發(fā);提出” 。如:His long abse nee raised fears about his safety.The tsun ami in Indon esia raised conc
34、ern both at home and abroad.The report on UFO raised the curiosity of the kids.Does anyone have any points to raise?raise 還有許多其他意思(1)Please raise your hands if you are for the plan. 舉起,抬起(2)His father raised his voice in an ger. 抬高,提高(3)The farmer raised 20 pigs and some chickens. 飼養(yǎng)(家畜等)(4)They rai
35、sed eno ugh money for the en vir onmen tal producti on project. 籌款,籌措(5)They planned to raise a monument for the dead. 建立,建造注意:raise 是及物動詞,其過去式、過去分詞分別為raised, raised;現(xiàn)在分詞是 raising。而 rise 是不及物動詞,過去式、過去分詞分別為rose, risen;現(xiàn)在分詞是 rising。請試著以 raise 和 rise 的不同形式填寫以下句子。(1)He told us that he was raised by his
36、aunt.(2)As we all know, the sun rises in the east and sets in the west.(3)The river has risen 3 in ches since it rain ed.(4)He stood there with his right hand raised.(5)A great number of nations rose and fell in the course of history.(6)The price of a cup of coffee has risen/has been raised by te n
37、cen ts.(7)I saw tears .rising to her eyes.(8)He rose to his feet, raising his voice in an ger.2.concernconcern 在本單元作名詞用,意為“關心,關注”。如:The famous sin ger expressed particular concern for those childre n in fected with AIDS.His greatest concern is whether the endan gered an imals will be protected.It no
38、 concern of mine.The mother showed a great deal of concern for her son illness.詞組 as far asbe concerned 意為“就而言”。如:As far as Im concern ed, Im not aga inst the pla n.concerned 為形容詞,意為“擔心的,擔憂的”,女口:We are all concerned about her safety.concerning 為介詞,意為“關于,涉及”。如:The problem concerning the protect ion o
39、f Taihu Lake will be discussed tomorrow.Concerning his proposal, there were pros and cons.3.importance importance 為不可數(shù)名詞,意為“重要性” 。如: That s a matter of great importance to us.The educator emphasized the importance of developing team spirit between children.注意be+of+ 抽象名詞(importance, value, use, help)
40、=be+該抽象名詞的形容詞(important, valuable,用心 愛心 專心5useful, helpful )。女口:His advice is of great value. = His advice is very valuable.important 為形容詞,意為“重要的” ,常用于以下句型:It is important for us to master a foreign language in the modern society.It is importa nt that you (should) keep your promise. = It is importa
41、nt for you to keep your promise.4.adviseadvise 是及物動詞,意為“建議,勸告” 。常有以下用法:The doctor advised a complete rest. /taking a week s restI advised him to stop smok ing and drinking. = I advised him that he (should) stop smok ing and drinking.I advised her aga inst marrying that disho nest man. = I advised he
42、r not to marry that dish on est man. advice 是名詞,意為“建議,勸告” 。如:You won tget well unless you take/follow the doctor s advice.I llask my teacher for advice on this matter.Thats a good piece of advice you gave me.5.endangeredendanger 是及物動詞,意為 使受危險,危及” 。如: His laz in ess endan gered his cha nces of succes
43、s.endangered 是形容詞,意為“瀕臨絕種危險的” 。如: Are pandas endangered in China? danger 是名詞,意為“危險,危險物” 。如: The drowning boy is in danger of losing his life.The tiger is a great danger to the villagers. dangerous 是形容詞,意為“危險的,不安全的” 。如: Its dangerous to play on a road.6.remainedremain 是不及物動詞,意為“留存,剩余,逗留,仍然是” 。如:If yo
44、u take 3 from 10, 7 remains.Who would like to remain and help me do the dishes?Who stole the famous painting remains unknown.It remains to be seen whether he will pass the driving test.They remain good friends though now they study in two different cities. The boy bought his mother a birthday giftwi
45、th the remaining three dollars.7.efforteffort 是名詞,意為“努力” 。如:He spared no effort to help me with my English.All my efforts were in vain.He lifted the heavy rock without effort.Please make an effort to arrive early.The efforts of the government to help the disabled made a deep impression on all the pe
46、ople who attended themelting.8.appreciateappreciate 是及物動詞,意為“贊賞,欣賞,賞識” 。如:You cantappreciate the novel unless you know its background.His works were not appreciated until after his death.We all appreciate a holiday after a year of hard work.I appreciate it when you help others when they are in troub
47、le.appreciate 還有“感激”的意思。如:I appreciate your timely help.appreciation 是名詞,意為“鑒識,鑒賞力”等。如:He has a deep appreciation of literature.9.reservereserve 即可用作名詞,意為“保護區(qū),保留” ,也可用作動詞,意為“保留,保存” 。如:After a long journey, we came to a forest reserve.I have little money in reserve.We discussed the problem without re
48、serve.I must reserve strength for climbing the mountain tomorrow.reserve 還有“預訂,留作專用”之意。如:All seats reservedThe first three rows of the hall are reserved for special guests.鞏固練習: Key: 1. reserve 2. efforts 3. endangered4. remain 5. advised6.importa nee7. appreciate 8. raise 9. concernPart 4 Phrases f
49、rom page 22 to 251.In additi on用心 愛心 專心6in addition 意為另外,加之,又”,作副詞用,相當于 besides 或 as well。如:He had no time to prepare this lecture, in addition, he was unwell。There was a big earthquake and, in additi on, there were terrible tsun amis.In addition, there is one more point I would like to make.in addi
50、tion to 作介詞用,意為加之,除了之外”。如:He speaks French in additi on to En glish.In addition to the sandwiches, Aunt Mary gave us cookies to bring to the picnic.此外,addition 的動詞是 add,能構成不同的詞組。add something to,意為把添加入”up to,意為總計” ;add to 意為增添”。如:Please add some more salt to this soup.All his school educati on added
51、 up to no more tha n one year.The n ews that the road was blocked added to her an xiety.2.wiped outwipe out 在本單元意為掃除,消滅”,還有擦洗的內部,雪恥”等意思。如:I hope that the terrible sce ne will be wiped out from the little boy memory.It is reported that the imported plant will wipe out some of the original species the
52、re.All the in formati on saved in the computer was wiped out by the virus.The deadly disease almost wiped out the en tire populati on.The houses were wiped out by the flood.Could you wipe the bath out?wipe 還能構成其他詞組:宀(1) Will you please wipe off the drawing from the blackboard? 擦掉(2) Please wipe up t
53、hat spilt coffee.(把濺出的水等)抹掉(3) She wiped her tears away with her handkerchief. 擦去(眼淚等)(4) Please wipe the glasses dry.把擦干3.cut back oncut back on 意為削減,縮減,減少”。女口: They ve already cut back product ion by twenty perce nt.You have to cut back on spe nding.由 cut 構成的詞組:The electricity was cut off because
54、of the terrible storm. 切斷(電力、煤氣、自來水等)(2) They should n have cut dow n those young trees. 砍倒(3) To make the dish, you should first cut up the vegetables into small pieces. 切碎(4) He cut out an article about Liuxiang from the newspaper. 剪下(5) The moment I began to speak, he cut in. 插嘴(6) The village wa
55、s cut off by the heavy snow. 使孤立4.It is obvious that It is obvious that是個固定句型,意為是顯然的” 。如:It is obvious that he told her a lie.It is obvious that he didn do it himself.It is+形容詞+ that 這種句型比較多見,同學們要學會自己歸納。如:It is impossible that he will come this after noon.It is likely that he will give a speech.It i
56、s important that you should keep obey the school rules.It is strange that you don tknow him.It is necessary that you should buy so many dresses at a time?5.ope n the flooropen the floor 意為自由發(fā)言”。如:The club members ope ned the floor for their discussi on whether they should give up the pla n or not. o
57、pen 的意思有很多。請試著說出下面這些句子中open 的含義。(1) The lovely view opened out before our eyes. 展現(xiàn)(2) He opened his heart to the girl.告知,表明(3) My dream is to open a restaura nt. 開張(4) The Red Army men opened fire at the enemy. 開火(5) He opened out a folding map for all of us and began his story. 展開,打開。6) The story o
58、pened with a love story between a prince and a princess. 以開始6.run out ofrun out of 意為用完,耗盡”。如:I have run out of my pocket mon ey. = My pocket money has run out.We are running out of fuel. = Our fuel is running out.;add用心 愛心 專心7由 run 構成的短語很多,請試著說出下列各句中run 或其詞組的含義。Luckily, they ran away from the fire.
59、 逃出,逃跑(2) I ran across one of my old friends in the street this morning. 偶然遇見(3) The two policemen are running after a thief. 追趕(4) The color of this T-shirt runs easily. 褪色(5) His car ran into the post. 撞上(6) The little girl ran a high fever. 發(fā)燒(7) He will run on for hours if you don stop him. 連續(xù)跑7
60、.What ifwhat if 常用于口語中,意為如果怎么辦? ”或即使又有什么關系?”。如What if what he said is true?What if it rains while we are still on our way home?What if he gets an gry?what 或其構成的短語經(jīng)常出現(xiàn)在口語中,表達不同的意思。請根據(jù)句意選擇合適的答案。(1) What about going out for a walk after supper?(2) Ill go to Paris nest mon th? What for?.(3) What! Did yo
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- 7. 本站不保證下載資源的準確性、安全性和完整性, 同時也不承擔用戶因使用這些下載資源對自己和他人造成任何形式的傷害或損失。
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