1、Word文檔5霧冊(cè)劣曉畢業(yè)設(shè)計(jì)(外文翻譯)英文題目 Electromechani cal in tegrati ontech no logy and its applicati on中文題目 機(jī)電一體化技術(shù)及其應(yīng)用研究系(院)機(jī)電工程系_專(zhuān) 業(yè) 機(jī)械設(shè)計(jì)制造及其自動(dòng)化_學(xué)生姓名_學(xué) 號(hào)_指導(dǎo)教師_職 稱(chēng)_助教_二0四年四月Word文檔Electromecha ni cal In tegrati on Tech no logy and ItsApplicati on1. An electromecha ni cal in tegrati on tech no logy developme ntM
2、echatronics is the machinery, micro-, control, aircraft, information processing, andother cross-disciplinary integration, and its development and progress depe nds onthe progress of tech no logy and developme nt, the main directi on of developme nt ofa digital, i ntellige nt, modular, and huma n n a
3、ture , miniaturization, integration, withsource and green.1.1 DigitalMicrocontroller and the development of a number of mechanical and electricalproducts of the base, such as the continuous development of CNC machine tools androbots, and the rapid rise of the computer network for the digital design
4、andmanufacturing paved the way for, such as virtual design and computerin tegratedmanu facturi ng.Digital request electromecha nicalintegrationsoftwareproducts withhigh reliability,easy operability,mai ntai nability, self-diag no stic capabilities, and frie ndly man-mach ine in terface.Digital will
5、facilitate the realizati on of Ion g-dista nee operati on, diag no sis and repair.1.21 ntellige ntMechanical and electrical products that require a certain degree of intelligenee, itis similar to the logical thinking, reasoning judgement, autonomous decision-makingcapabilities. For example, in the C
6、NC machine in crease in teractive features, set up Intellige nt I / O in terface and in tellige nt database tech no logy, will use, operati on andmaintenance of bring great convenien ce. With fuzzy con trol, n eural n etwork, gray,wavelet theory, chaos and bifurcati on, such as artificial in tellige
7、 nee and tech nological progress and development and the development of mechanical and electricalintegration tech no logy has ope ned up a vast world.1.3ModularWord文檔As electromecha ni cal in tegrati on products and manu facturers wide variety ofresearch and developme nt of a sta ndard mecha ni cal
8、in terface, dyn amic in terface,the en vir onment in terface modules electromecha nical in tegrati on products is acomplex and promising work. If the development is set to slow down. VVVF integratedmotor drive unit with vision, image processing, identification and location of the motorfunctions, suc
9、h as integrated control un it. Thus, in product developme nt, desig n, wecan use these sta ndards modular unit quickly develop new products.1.4NetworkAs the popularity of the network, network-based remote control and mon itori ngof various tech ni cal asce ndant. The remote con trol device itself is
10、 the in tegratio n ofmecha ni cal and electrical products, fieldbus tech no logy to household appliancesand LAN network possible, use a home network to connect various home appliancesinto a computer as the center of computer integrated appliances system, so thatpeople in the home can be full enjoyme
11、nt of the ben efits of various high-tech,therefore, electromecha ni cal in tegrati on products should be no doubt North Korea networks.1.5Huma nityElectromechanical integration of the end-use product is targeted, how to givepeople electromecha ni cal in tegrati on of in tellige nt products, emoti on
12、 and humanity is beco ming more and more importa nt, electromecha ni cal in tegratio n productsin additi on to impro ving performa nee, it also urged the color, shape and so on and envir onmen tal coordi nati on, the use of these products, or for a person to enjoy, suchas home robot is the highest s
13、tate of human-machine in tegratio n.1.6Min iaturizatio nMicro-fi ne process ing tech no logy is a n ecessity in the developme nt, but alsothe n eed to improve efficie ncy. MEMS (Micro Electro nic Mecha ni cal Systems, orMEMS) refers to qua ntities can be produced by the micro-collect ion age ncies,m
14、icro-sensors, micro actuators and signal processing and control circuit until interface, com muni cati on and power is one of the micro-devices or systems . Si neeWord文檔1986 the Un ited States at Sta nford Un iversity developed the first medical microprobe,1988 at the University of California, Berke
15、ley developed the first micro-motor, both athome and abroad in MEMS tech no logy, materials and micro-mechanism muchprogress has been made, the development of all sorts MEMS devices and systems,such as the various micro-se nsors (pressure sen sors, micro-accelerometer,micro-tactilesen sor),variousmi
16、cro-comp onent(micro-film, micro-beam, microprobes, micro-link, micro-gear, micro-bearings,micro-pump , microcoil and micro-robot, etc.).1.7In tegrati onIn tegrati on in cludes a mutual pen etrati on of various tech no logies, andintegration of various products of different structural optimizationan
17、dcomposite, and in cluded in the product ion process at the same time process ing,assembly, testi ng, man ageme nt, and other processes. In order to achieve morevariety, small batch product ion of automatio n and high efficie ncy, the system shouldhave a more exte nsive flexible. First system can be
18、 divided in to several levels, allowing the system to fun cti on dispersed, and security and coord in atio n with other partsof the operati on, and the n through software and hardware at various levels will beorganically linked to its optimal performanee, the most powerful.1.8With source ofElectrome
19、cha ni cal in tegratio n refers to the product itself with en ergy, such assolar cells, fuel cells and large-capacity battery. As on many occasions not be able touse electricity, which campaigns for the mechanical and electrical in tegratio nproducts, has a unique power source comes with the ben efi
20、ts.Sources with the in tegrati on of mecha ni cal and electrical product developme ntdirecti on of.1.9GreenThe developme nt of tech no logy in peoples lives brought great cha nges in thematerial at the same time has also brought rich resources, deteriorati on of theecological environment consequence
21、s. Therefore, people calling for the protect ion ofWord文檔the en vir onment,regressi on, and achiev ing susta in abledevelopme nt in the con cept of gree n products such calls have emerged. Gree nproducts is low-power, low-woodcon sumpti on,clea n, comfortable,coordination and utilization of renewabl
22、e products. In its design, manufacture, use anddestruction of human beings should be in line with environmental protection andhealth requirements, electromechanical integration of green products is mainly refersto the use of time is not pollute the ecological environment, at the end of product life,
23、and regeneration of decomposition products.2.electromecha ni cal in tegratio n in the applicati on of tech no logy in the iron andsteelIn the iron and steel enterprises, the integration of mechanical and electricalsystems are at the core microprocessor, the computer, i ndustrial computer, data commu
24、ni cati ons, display devices, meters and the comb in ati on of tech no logies such asorganic, assembled by the merger means for the realization of a large-scale integratedsystem create conditions for effective integration, enhanced system control precision,quality and reliability. Electromechanical
25、in tegrati on tech no logy in the iron and steelen terprises in the mai nly used in the follow ing areas.2.1Intelligent Control Technology (IC)As a large-scale iron and steel, high-speed continuous and the characteristics ofthe traditi onal con trol tech no logies encoun tered in surm oun table diff
26、iculties, it is necessary to adopt very in tellige nt con trol tech no logy. Con trol tech no logies includeintelligent expert system, neural and fuzzy control, intelligent control tech niq ues insteel product desig n, manu facturi ng, con trol, product quality and diagnosticequipment, and other asp
27、ects, such as blast furnace control system, electric furnaceand continuous casting plant, steel rolling system , steelmaking - Casting integratedscheduling system - rolling, cold rolling, etc.2.2Distributed Control System (DCS)Distributed con trol system uses a cen tral comma nd for the con trol of
28、a numberof Taiwan-site monitoring and intelligent computer control unit. Distributed con trolWord文檔systems can be two, three or more levels. Using computers to concen trate on theproducti on process mon itori ng, operati on, man ageme nt and dece ntralized con trol.With mon itori ng and con trol tec
29、h no logies, and the functions of distributed controlsystem more and more. Not only can be achieved control of the production process,but also can be achieved online optimizati on, the product ion process real-timescheduli ng, product ion pla nning statistical man ageme nt fun cti ons, as ameasureme
30、 nt, con trol, i ntegrati on of the integrated system. DCS control functionswith diverse features and easy operation, the system can be extended, easymaintenance and high reliability characteristics. DCS is decentralized and centralizedcontrol monitoring, fault-minor, and the system has the chain pr
31、otection features, theuse of manual control system failure operational measures, the system is highlyreliable.Distributed control system and centralized control system compared to their morefunction al, with a higher level of security. Is the large-scale in tegrati on of mecha nical and electrical s
32、ystems main trend.2.3Ope n Control System (OCS)Open Control System (Open Control System) is the development of computertech no logy led by the new structure con cept. Ope n mea ns a standard for theexchange of information in order consensus and support this standard design systems,different manufact
33、urers products can be compatible and in teroperable, and the sharing of resources. In dustrial con trol systems through ope n com muni catio n n etworkso that all con trol equipme nt, man ageme nt, computer in terc onn ecti ons, toachieve con trol and man ageme nt, adm ini strati on, in tegrated dec
34、isi on-mak ing,through fieldbus to the sce ne and control room instrumentation control equipmentinterconnected to achieve in tegrated measureme nt and con trol of.2.4Computer In tegrated Man ufacturi ng System (CIMS)CIMS is the iron and steel enterprises will be and the production and operati on,pro
35、ducti on man ageme nt and process con trol connecting to achieve from rawmaterials into the pla nt, product ion and process ing of shipme nts to the entireWord文檔production process and the overall integration process control. Curre ntly iron andsteel en terprises have basically achieved process autom
36、ati on, but this kind ofautomated island of single automation lack of information resources and the shari ngof the un ified man ageme nt of the producti on process, can hardly meet therequireme nts of the iron and steel product ion. Future competition iron and steelenterprises is the focus of many v
37、arieties, small batch product ion, cheap and of goodquality, timely delivery of goods. In order to improve productivity, sav ing en ergy,reduc ing staff and the exist ing inven tory, accelerate cash flow, production, operationand management of the overall optimizatio n, the key is to stre ngthe n th
38、e man agement, access to the ben efits of rais ing the competitive ness of bus in esses. The Un itedStates, Japa n and some other large-scale iron and steel enterprises in the 1980s hasbeen widely realization of CIMS.2.5Fieldbus Tech no logy (FBT)Fieldbus Tech no logy (Fied Bus Tech no logy) is the
39、connection sett ings in thefield of in strume ntati on in stalled in the con trol room and con trol devices for digital,bi-direct ion al, multi-stati on com muni cati on link. Fieldbus tech no logy used toreplace the exist ing sig nal tran smissi on tech no logy (such as 4 to 20 mA, DC DCtransmissio
40、n), it will enable more information in the field of IntelligentIn strume ntati on devices and higher-level con trol system in the joi nt betwee n thecom muni cati ons media on the two-way tran smissi on. Fieldbus conn ecti on can bethrough save 66% or more on-site sig nal connecting wires. Fieldbus
41、lead to theintroduction of the reform and the new generation of DCS around open fieldbusautomation system of instruments, such as intelligent transmitter, in tellige nt, fieldbusdetect ion in strume nts, fieldbus of PLC (Programmable Logic Con troller) local control stati ons and field developme nt.
42、2.6AC drive tech no logyTran smissi on tech no logy in the iron and steel in dustry plays a crucial role.With power tech no logy and the developme nt of microelectr onics tech no logy, thedevelopment of AC variable speed very quickly. The AC drive to the adva ntages ofWord文檔electric drive tech no lo
43、gy in the n ear future from AC drive completely replace DC transmissi on, the developme nt of digital tech no logy, complex vector con trol tech nologies to achieve practical, AC variable speed system speed and performa nee hasreached more tha n DC con verter level. Now whether small or large-capaci
44、tyelectrical motor capacity synchronous motor can be used to achieve reversible in duction motor or smooth ing gover nor. AC drive system in the product ion of steel rolli ngemerged as a welcome users, applicati ons continues to expa nd.Word文檔機(jī)電一體化技術(shù)及其應(yīng)用研究1機(jī)電一體化技術(shù)發(fā)展機(jī)電一體化是機(jī)械、微、控制、機(jī)、信息處理等多學(xué)科的交叉融合,其發(fā)展
45、和進(jìn)步有賴(lài)于相關(guān)技術(shù)的進(jìn)步與發(fā)展,其主要發(fā)展向有數(shù)字化、智能化、模塊化、 化、人性化、微型化、集成化、帶源化和綠色化。1.1 數(shù)字化微控制器及其發(fā)展奠定了機(jī)電產(chǎn)品數(shù)字化的基礎(chǔ),如不斷發(fā)展的數(shù)控機(jī)床和 機(jī)器人;而計(jì)算機(jī)網(wǎng)絡(luò)的迅速崛起,為數(shù)字化設(shè)計(jì)與制造鋪平了道路,如虛擬設(shè) 計(jì)、計(jì)算機(jī)集成制造等。數(shù)字化要求機(jī)電一體化產(chǎn)品的軟件具有高可靠性、易操 作性、可維護(hù)性、自診斷能力以及友好人機(jī)界面。數(shù)字化的實(shí)現(xiàn)將便于遠(yuǎn)程操作、 診斷和修復(fù)。1.2 智能化即要求機(jī)電產(chǎn)品有一定的智能,使它具有類(lèi)似人的邏輯思考、判斷推理、自 主決策等能力。例如在 CNC 數(shù)控機(jī)床上增加人機(jī)對(duì)話功能,設(shè)置智能 I/O 接口 和智能
46、工藝Word文檔數(shù)據(jù)庫(kù),會(huì)給使用、操作和維護(hù)帶來(lái)極大的便。隨著模糊控制、神經(jīng) 網(wǎng)絡(luò)、灰色、小波理論、混沌與分岔等人工智能技術(shù)的進(jìn)步與發(fā)展,為機(jī)電一體 化技術(shù)發(fā)展開(kāi)辟了廣闊天地。1.3 模塊化由于機(jī)電一體化產(chǎn)品種類(lèi)和生產(chǎn)廠家繁多,研制和開(kāi)發(fā)具有標(biāo)準(zhǔn)機(jī)械接口、動(dòng)力接口、環(huán)境接口的機(jī)電一體化產(chǎn)品單元模塊是一項(xiàng)復(fù)雜而有前途的工作。如研制具有集減速、變頻調(diào)速電機(jī)一體的動(dòng)力驅(qū)動(dòng)單元;具有視覺(jué)、圖像處理、識(shí) 別和測(cè)距等功能的電機(jī)一體控制單元等。這樣,在產(chǎn)品開(kāi)發(fā)設(shè)計(jì)時(shí),可以利用這 些標(biāo)準(zhǔn)模塊化單元迅速開(kāi)發(fā)出新的產(chǎn)品。1.4 網(wǎng)絡(luò)化由于網(wǎng)絡(luò)的普及,基于網(wǎng)絡(luò)的各種遠(yuǎn)程控制和監(jiān)視技術(shù)興未艾。而遠(yuǎn)程控制的終端設(shè)備本身
47、就是機(jī)電一體化產(chǎn)品,現(xiàn)場(chǎng)總線和局域網(wǎng)技術(shù)使家用電器網(wǎng)絡(luò)化 成為可能,利用家庭網(wǎng)絡(luò)把各種家用電器連接成以計(jì)算機(jī)為中心的計(jì)算機(jī)集成家 用電器系統(tǒng),使人們?cè)诩依锟沙浞窒硎芨鞣N高技術(shù)帶來(lái)的好處,因此,機(jī)電一體化產(chǎn)品無(wú)疑應(yīng)朝網(wǎng)絡(luò)化向發(fā)展。1.5 人性化機(jī)電一體化產(chǎn)品的最終使用對(duì)象是人,如給機(jī)電一體化產(chǎn)品賦予人的智能、情感和人性顯得愈來(lái)愈重要,機(jī)電一體化產(chǎn)品除了完善的性能外,還要求在色彩、 造型等面與環(huán)境相協(xié)調(diào),使用這些產(chǎn)品,對(duì)人來(lái)說(shuō)還是一種享受,如家用機(jī)器人 的最高境界就是人機(jī)一體化。1.6 微型化微型化是精細(xì)加工技術(shù)發(fā)展的必然,也是提高效率的需要。微機(jī)電系統(tǒng)(Micro Electronic Mech
48、anical Systems,簡(jiǎn)稱(chēng) MEMS)是指可批量制作的,集微型 機(jī)構(gòu)、微型傳感器、微型執(zhí)行器以及信號(hào)處理和控制電路,直至接口、通信和電 源等于一體的微型器件或系統(tǒng)。自 1986 年美國(guó)斯坦福大學(xué)研制出第一個(gè)醫(yī)用微 探針,1988年美國(guó)加州大學(xué) Berkeley 分校研制出第一個(gè)微電機(jī)以來(lái),國(guó)外在 MEMS 工藝、材料Word文檔以及微觀機(jī)理面取得了很大進(jìn)展,開(kāi)發(fā)出各種MEMS 器件和系統(tǒng),如各種微型傳感器(壓力傳感器、微加速度計(jì)、微觸覺(jué)傳感器),各種微 構(gòu)件(微膜、微粱、微探針、微連桿、微齒輪、微軸承、微泵、微彈簧以及微機(jī) 器人等) 。1.7 集成化集成化既包含各種技術(shù)的相互滲透、 相
49、互融合和各種產(chǎn)品不同結(jié)構(gòu)的優(yōu)化與 復(fù)合,又包含在生產(chǎn)過(guò)程中同時(shí)處理加工、裝配、檢測(cè)、管理等多種工序。為了 實(shí)現(xiàn)多品種、小批量生產(chǎn)的自動(dòng)化與高效率,應(yīng)使系統(tǒng)具有更廣泛的柔性。首先 可將系統(tǒng)分解為若干層次,使系統(tǒng)功能分散,并使各部分協(xié)調(diào)而又安全地運(yùn)轉(zhuǎn), 然后再通過(guò)軟、硬件將各個(gè)層次有機(jī)地聯(lián)系起來(lái),使其性能最優(yōu)、功能最強(qiáng)。1.8 帶源化是指機(jī)電一體化產(chǎn)品自身帶有能源,如太陽(yáng)能電池、燃料電池和大容量電池。 由于在多場(chǎng)合無(wú)法使用電能,因而對(duì)于運(yùn)動(dòng)的機(jī)電一體化產(chǎn)品,自帶動(dòng)力源具有 獨(dú)特的好處。帶源化是機(jī)電一體化產(chǎn)品的發(fā)展向之一。1.9 綠色化技術(shù)的發(fā)展給人們的生活帶來(lái)巨大變化,在物質(zhì)豐富的同時(shí)也帶來(lái)資源減 少、生態(tài)環(huán)境惡化的后果。所以,人們呼喚保護(hù)環(huán)境,回歸,實(shí)現(xiàn)可持續(xù)發(fā)展, 綠色產(chǎn)品概念在這種呼聲中應(yīng)運(yùn)而生。綠色產(chǎn)品是指低能耗、低材耗、低污染、 舒適、協(xié)調(diào)而可再生利用的產(chǎn)品。在其設(shè)計(jì)、制造、使用和銷(xiāo)毀時(shí)應(yīng)符合環(huán)保和 人類(lèi)健康的要求,機(jī)電一體化產(chǎn)品的綠色化主要是指在其使用時(shí)不污染生態(tài)環(huán) 境,產(chǎn)品壽命結(jié)束時(shí),產(chǎn)品可分解和再生利用。2.機(jī)電一體化技術(shù)在鋼鐵中應(yīng)用在鋼鐵企業(yè)中,機(jī)電一體化系統(tǒng)是以微處理機(jī)為核心,把微機(jī)、工控機(jī)、數(shù) 據(jù)通訊、顯示裝置、儀表等技術(shù)有機(jī)的
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- 2025年度企業(yè)借款風(fēng)險(xiǎn)控制保險(xiǎn)合同范本
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