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1、精品文檔中考英語高頻短語100組(收藏版)經(jīng)常,我們會發(fā)現(xiàn)幾個單詞都認識,但它們構(gòu)成的短語往往就不知道是什么意思了。短語和單詞一樣都是構(gòu)成句子的重要成分,偏廢任何一個都是不可取的。今天,給大家總結(jié)了初中常考并且生活中也常會用到的 100 組短語解析,希望對同學(xué)們有所幫助。1 . agree with 同意.的意見(想法);符合lean t agree with you about that .就那件事,我無法同意你的看法。2 . listen to 傾聽.Whe n she arrivedwas liste ning to En glish.她來的時候,我正在聽英語。3.get to 到達I

2、get to school at about 7: 30 every day , and I get home at 5: 00 in the after noon .我每天 7: 30 至 U 校,下午 5 : 00 到家。4. fall off (從掉下 Thegirl fell off the bike.女孩從自行車上摔了下來。5.knoek at /on 敲(門、窗)There was a heavy knock at the door .有人在猛烈地敲門。6.laugh at 嘲笑It s not good to laugh at a person who is in trouble

3、 .譏笑一個陷于困境的人是不對的。7.1earn from 向. 學(xué)習(xí)Bob,you should learn from your brother . He does well in his homework .鮑勃,你應(yīng)該向你哥哥學(xué)一學(xué)。他的作業(yè)完成得很好。8.1ive on 繼續(xù)存在;靠 .生活People in my hometow n live on rice.我家鄉(xiāng)的人們靠大米為生。9.1ook after 照顧,照看I must look after my old gran dma whe n my pare nts are not at home.父母不在家時,我必須照顧我的老奶

4、奶.精品文檔10 . help with 幫助.做.My frie nd helps me with my En glish study 我的朋友幫助我學(xué)習(xí)英語。11. at the end of 在.的結(jié)束時,在 .末尾Weare give n an exam in ati on at the end of each month我們每個月底都有一場考試。12 . be keen on 喜歡,熱愛,醉心于 .lam kee n on study ing En glish .我熱心于學(xué)習(xí)英語。13 . next to 旁邊的Who s the boy sitt ing n ext to you?

5、坐在你邊上的那個男孩是誰?14 . in the middle of 在.中間Dont put the sand in the middle of the path!別把沙子倒在路中央。15 . work as 擔(dān)任,從事I will study scie nee well and work as a scie ntist我要學(xué)好科學(xué),將來做個科學(xué)家。16 . be responsible for 為.負責(zé),形成 .的原因He was resp on sible for making pla ns for the meeti ng 他負責(zé)做會議計劃。17 . pay for 為付錢,賠償We

6、have to pay 345 yua n for the cost of the trip .我們必須為這次旅行交345 元。精品文檔18 . for free 免費地,無償?shù)豑he website provides En glish vocabulary to every one for free這個網(wǎng)站免費向每一個人提供英語詞匯。精品文檔The robbers broke the door dow n.強盜們把門砸開了19 . try one s be 竭盡所能;盡力,盡自己最大努力Stude nts ought to try their best to lear n all subje

7、cts well學(xué)生應(yīng)該盡力學(xué)好每一門功課。20 . believe in 信仰,信任We do not believe in God .我們不相信上帝。21.keep fit 保持健康We must do sports to keep fit .我們必須參加體育鍛煉,保持身體健康。22 . get on well 和睦相處We all get on well with eachother here in the schoo1我們大家在學(xué)校里都和睦相處。23 . the same a 和 同樣的I feel the same as you .我與你有同樣的感受。24 . no longer 不

8、再,己不,不復(fù),再也不He has bee n a famous musicia n for a long time, but he plays noIon ger他成為有名的音樂家已很久了,但他現(xiàn)在不演奏了。25 . in stead of 代替.,而不.They must go out and play balls in stead of stay ing at home.他們必須走出去打打球,而不是呆在家里。26.get away 走開,離開逃走I hope to get away early in the morni ng . 我希望一早就動身離開。27 . breakdowr 打破,

9、損壞精品文檔28.in addition to 除.之外(還)She can speak French and Japa nese in additi on to En glish.除英語外,她還會講法語和日語。29 . be angry with 生(某人)的氣My teacher was angry with me because 1 was late for schoo1 .我的老師對我很生氣,因為我上學(xué)遲到了。30 . happen to 碰巧I happe ned to meet a frie nd of mi ne in the street yesterday .昨天我碰巧在街上

10、遇到了我的一個朋友。31 . be unaware of 沒有警覺到He seemed to be un aware ofthe trouble he was caus ing他似乎還沒有警覺到自己惹起的麻煩。32 . depend on 依靠My success depends on myfriends .help我的成功是依靠我的朋友們的幫助。33 . for the time being 暫且,眼下She staying with her aunt for the timebeing .她暫時住在她姨媽那里。34 . be pleased with 對.感到滿意We are sure y

11、ou will be pleased with ourproducts.我們確信您會對我們的產(chǎn)品感到滿意的。35 . Take chargeof 負責(zé)照料,承辦,掌管My mother tries to take charge of everythi ng in our shop.母親試圖管理商店里的所有事務(wù)。36 . break into 闖入,強行進入,破門而入We had to break into thehouse as we had lost the key .因為我們弄丟了鑰匙,所以不得不破門而入。精品文檔37 . make mistakes 犯錯誤 A computer some

12、times willmake mistakes電腦有時候也會犯錯誤。38 . rush down 沖下來,沖過去When it rains heavily , water can rush down the sides of mountains如果雨下得很大,雨水就能順著山?jīng)_下來。39 . make jokesabout 開玩笑,取笑某人They make jokes about my oldhat .他們就我的舊帽子取笑我。40 . along with 和.一起,隨著,除 .以外(還)The boy came along with his pare nts and visited the

13、museum .那個男孩與父母一道參觀了博物館。41 . succeed in 在某方面取得成功At last he succeeded in climb ing up the difficult mountain他終于成功地登上了這座難以攀登的山峰。42 . be made of 由.制成(看得見原材料)The desk is made of wood .這張桌子是由木頭制成的。43 . be made from 由.制成(看不見原材料)Wine can be made from rice , sweet potato , wheat and grape酒可以用大米、番薯、小麥、葡萄制成。4

14、4 . feel like 想要She really feels like hav inga talk with him about his study at schoo1她的確想和他談一下他在學(xué)校的學(xué)習(xí)情況。精品文檔45 . take care of 照顧,愛護P1ease take care of the babyfor me for a while , will you?請?zhí)嫖艺疹櫼幌逻@孩子,好嗎?46 . trade in 做買賣They trade in their carevery three years他們每隔三年就以 13 汽車貼換新車。47 . in no time 很快He

15、 11 be back in no time .他很快就會回來。48 . sell out 賣完He decided to sell out allthe clothes in his shop cheaply.他決定便宜賣掉店里的所有服裝。49 . take pleasurein 從.中所獲得樂趣Mary takes pleasure in watchi ng TV for one hour every day.瑪麗以每天看 1 小時電視為樂。50 . a11 one s I 一輩子He lived in the cou ntryside a11 his life.他一輩子都生活在鄉(xiāng)下。51

16、 . start off 以開始,出發(fā);開始They start off early , so that they can catch the train.他們出發(fā)得早,可以趕上火車。52 . complai n about 抱怨 You ve got no thi ng to compl a in about .你沒什么可抱怨的。53 . take off 脫掉Take off your hat . It doesn t fit y.o 取下你的帽子,它不適合你。54 . right away 馬上It s getting late Please excuse me , but I must

17、 leave right away .時間不早了。對不起,我得趕緊走了。55 . in return 作為回報精品文檔He gave her some roses in retur nfor her kindn ess .他送了她一些玫瑰以答謝她的好意。56 . shout at 大聲說話,大聲喊叫精品文檔We should give up smok ing in order to keep healthy.為了健康我們必須戒煙。Don t shout at me. Allow me to explain別對我大吼大叫。讓我解釋嘛。57 . come back 回來It doesn t mat

18、ter when you llcor 你什 a 么時候回來都沒關(guān)系。58 . be used to(doing something)習(xí)慣.He is used to gett ing upearly.他習(xí)慣了早起。59 . have the ability to 具備.的能力.I don t have the ability todo the job well .我不具備做好這項工作的能力。60 . be free from 擺脫,免于We must be free from theheavy homework .我們必須從繁重的作業(yè)中解脫出來。61 . as 1ong as 如果,只要,既然

19、As long as it doesn, vMeacan go .只要不下雨,我們就可以去。62 . apply for 申請,請求He applied for a job in the supermarket .他申請超市的一份工作。63 . get upset 難過Don t get upset It s not your fault 別難過,不是你的錯。64 . be prepared to do 準(zhǔn)備.You must be prepared lo workhard!你必須認真準(zhǔn)備工作。65 . keep from 阻止The heavy rai n kept us from comi

20、ng on time.大雨使我們沒有及時至 U 來。精品文檔We should give up smok ing in order to keep healthy.為了健康我們必須戒煙。66 . give up 放棄精品文檔67 . know of 熟悉,了解I don t know the write, hut I know of him .我不認識這個作家,但我了解他。68 . put out 扌卜滅 At last firemen have put out a big forest fire in California消防隊員終于撲滅了加利福尼亞洲的一場森林大火。69 . from th

21、en on 從那時起From the n on she knew she wouldwin.她從那時起就知道自己會得勝。70 . be strict with 嚴格要求You should be strict with yourselves and spe nd 1ess time on play in ggames and more on study 你應(yīng)該嚴格要求自己,少玩游戲多學(xué)習(xí)。71 . fall ill 生病She have to stay home because her son fall ill .因為兒子生病,所以她得待在家里。72 . be grateful to 感謝,感

22、激This is Teacher s Day and a time to be grateful to all teachers今天是教師節(jié),也是向所有教師致謝的日子。73 . at the age of 在.年紀(歲數(shù))In Britain , people get to the vote at the ageof 18.在英國,人們到十八歲有選舉權(quán)。74 . in place of 代替精品文檔I will go to this meeti ng in place of you .我會代替你去參加這次會議。75 . be curious about 對.感到好奇It is good to

23、be curious aboutthe world around you .對你周圍的世界感到新奇是件好事。76 . lead to 導(dǎo)致精品文檔I often mistake him for histwin brother.我經(jīng)常誤把他當(dāng)作他的同胞弟弟Too much work and too littlerest ofte n lead to ill ness過量的工作和過少的休息會引起疾病。77 . be tired of 感到厭倦I am tired of wait ing.我等厭煩了。78 . set up 建立,建造,創(chuàng)立,豎立People pla n to set up some

24、 new factories here.人們計戈 V 在這里開辦一些新工廠。79 . search for 搜索,搜尋After he felt better , he searched for work at thedifferent factories .他感到好些后,就在各工廠找工作。80 . It takes sb. some time to do sth .花費某人多少時間做某事。It took me half an hour todo the work.完成這項工作花了我半個小時。81 . It s njcekind of sb . to do 某人做某事太好了It s kind

25、of you to give meso much help .給予我這么大的幫助,你真是太好了。82 . There is no space (room) to stand in.沒有站的地方或空間83 . 1ook up 查閱Look up the words in the dictionary when you d on t know what they mean .不知道單詞的意思,就要查閱字典。84 . hear from 收到來信We are happy to hear from my father , although he is far away from home .雖然父親遠

26、離家里,但是我們很開心能收到他的來信。精品文檔Can you come up with a goodidea?你能想出一個好辦法嗎?85 . mistake fo 誤把.當(dāng)作.86 . thanks to 多虧.,因為.Thanks to the Great GreenWall, they can growa lot more cotton than before多虧有了綠色長城,現(xiàn)在他們種的棉花比以前多得多了。87 . make friends with 與.交朋友The stude nts make frie nds with one ano ther and usually get on well.學(xué)生們相互交朋友,通常相處得很好。88 . because of 由于.Because of his carelessness , he lost his money on the way home .由于粗心大意,在回家的路上他把錢丟了。89 . be good / bad for 對.有好處/有害Readi ng books in the sun isbad for your eyes.在太陽下看書對你的眼睛不好。90 . be su


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