



1、Casabla ncaAbout the filmSet during , it focuses on a man torn between, in the words of one character, love and virtue. He mustchoose betwee n his love for a woma n and help ing her and her leader husband escape from the-controlled city of to continue his fight against the .World War IIIt was a glob

2、al military conflict lasting from 1939 to 1945, which involved most of the worlds n ati ons,in clud ing all of the great powers: eve ntually forming two oppos ing military alliances, the Allies and theAxis.Vichy regimeVichy Fran ce, or the Vichy regime (or French States was the French gover nment of

3、 19401944during the Nazi Germa ny occupation of World Warn.In itially it ruled an uno ccupied zone in Souther nFrance and some French coloni es, but Nazi Germa ny invaded the zone under its control on November 11,1942, in operation. The Vichy France regime was headed by Marshal Philippe Pai n. Vichy

4、eFra nee, whileofficiallyneutral in the war, was essentially a Nazi puppet state.The Casabla nca cityCasablanca is Moroccos largest city as well as its chief port. It is also the biggest city in the Maghreb.The 2004 cen sus recorded a population of 2,949,805 in the prefecture of Casablanca and 3,631

5、,061 in theregion of Grand Casablanca.Casabla nca is con sidered the econo mic and bus in ess centre of Morocco, while the political city ofMorocco is .Themes1. Love in the war and Sacrifice for love: Love is regarded as the most eter nal themein films, and it is the same in Casabla nca. Rick beg in

6、s as a cyni cal bar owner. By the endof the film, however, Victor Laszlo has welcomed Rick“back to the fight,”and Ricgives up Ilsa. So Ilsa can c ontinue to help Victor work for the“cause.”It mustbeun derstood that roma ntic love must be sacrificed for more importa nt values. The theme of sacrifice

7、runsthrough the whole film: Ilsas sacrifice in Paris when she abandons Rick toreturn to Victor, th e Bulgarian brides sacrifice when she is ready to yield herself to helpher husband, Victors sacrifice whenhe is prepared to let Ilsa go with Rick so long as she is saved.2. Difficulty of Neutrality: Th

8、e controlling theme of this movie is of course thedifficulty of n eutrality .In love and in war, n eutrality is difficult for Rick, Ilsa, and Louisto maintain. Rick makes a point of not being invo Ived in politics. He refuses to discussthe war, shuts up Carls attempts to tell him about meetings of t

9、he underground, and does everyth ing inhis power to prese nt himself as non partisa n. Later on, though, just as the United States abandonedneutrality in December 1941, Rick shifts from neutrality to commitme nt.Con flictsa. Hope vs. Despair: Casabla nca is a city of hope and despair. refugee who ar

10、ewealthy or in flue ntial are an ger to acquire quick-exit visa by which they can leaveCasablanca, and then fly to America for new life. But most people have to wait and wait, and they findthemselves resorted in Casabla nca.b.Rick vs. Renault: Rick and Renault are obviously making use of each other,

11、 they n ever get closeand always keep a suspicious eye on each other.c. Love vs. sacrifice: lisa loves rick, but she chooses to stay here in stead of leav ing with Rick for shehas to take care of her husba nd, shesacrifices her love. Later, Rick let Ilsa to leave with her husband and himself to unde

12、rtake all the pinishme nt it may be, he also sacrifices his love. Thattheir love.Performa nces1. Ingrid Bergman (29 August 1915 -29 August 1982 was a Swedish actress who starred in a variety ofEuropea n and America n films.She won three Academy Awards, two Emmy Awards, and the Tony Awardfor Best Act

13、ress. She is ran ked as the fourth greatest female star of American cinema of all time by theAmerican Film Institute. She is best remembered for her roles as Ilsa Lund in Casabla nca (1942.2. Humphrey DeForest Bogart (December 25, 1899-Ja nuary 14, 1957 was an actor. He is widelyregarded as a Americ

14、an Film Institute ranked Bogart as the in the history of America n cin ema.(1944, (1946, (1947 and (1948, with his wife ; (1948; (1951, for which he won his only ; (1954 and(1954. His last movie was (1956. Duri ng a film career of almost thirty years, he appeared in 75 .DirectorMichael Curtiz (Decem

15、ber 24, 1886April 10, 1962 was a Hun garia n-America n film director.1 Hehad early credits as Mih ly Kert sNancbMichael Kert sz.He directed more than fifty films in Europe andmore than one hundred in the United States. The best-k nown were The Adve ntures of Rob in Hood, Angels with Dirty Faces, Cas

16、abla nca, Yan kee Doodle Dan dy, and White Christmas. He thrived in the heydayof the Warner Bros. studio in the 1930s and 40s.? 1935 Best Director (as Writein can didate Captai n Blood? 1938 Best Director An gels with Dirty Faces Four Daughterss the approves(? 1942 Best Director Yan kee Doodle Dandy? 1943 Best Director Casabla nca? Casablaca won three Academy Awards, (Best Picture. Its characters, dialogue, and music havebecome iconic, andCasablanca has grown in popularity to the


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