1、上海外國語大學(xué)附屬外國語學(xué)校2018學(xué)年第一學(xué)期初二年級英語期中考試( IEC Book IV Unit 3-Book IV Unit 5Iteml)Paper One1. Listening15%Part A Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear. The dialogue will be read only once. 5%1 .A. He has no interest in wild life protection.B.He can't join the group.
2、C.He is sorry to fail in the examination.D.He's already busy with the Student Union issue.2 .A. She loves walking to work.B.She has to save money for her journey.C.She doesn't like the company she worked with.D.It took her loo much time to go to work.3 .A. Reasonable.B. BrightC. Serious.D Ri
3、diculous.4 .A. It is a routine offer.4.1 t is a very expensive but nice dish on the menu.C.It is quite healthy.D.It is a good bargain.5 .A. Excited. B. Dissatisfied. C. Bored.D.Exhausted.Part B You will hear two passages. Each passage will be read only once. When you hear a question, read the four p
4、ossible answers in your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard. 5%Questions 6-fi are based on the following passage.6 .A. Go to school with him. B.Give him a reason to get up earlier.C. Help him recover from his illness. D. Attend the classes for him.7 .A.
5、 No school wanted to accept him when he was 7.B.Both of his parents arc teachers.C.He never stops learning.D.He can go to school in person now.8 .A. Excited B. Indifferent. C. Disappointed. D.Grateful.Questions 9-10 are based on the following passage.New Words BASE jumping高處跳傘9 .A. Because it is rep
6、orted that extreme sports arc safer than regular sports.B.Because they are not afraid of getting hurt.C.Because they want to take the challenge.D.Because they warn to be stylish.10A South Africa and FloridaB. Florida and .AmericaC. South Africa and the IJSAD. Jacksonville and FloridaPart C Spot Dict
7、ation, l ill in the blanks with words or phrases. The passage will be read twice. 5%Not everyone 1 of fairy (ales for kids. In fact, 25% of parentsrecently surveyed said they wouldn't read fairy tales to a child under five years oldbecause they didn't teach a good lesson or were too scary. B
8、ut I want to look at why fairy tales arc important for kids.First 、we learn from the 2 in stories, even as adults. They help us because we connect to our own lives and dreams, and consider whatwe woulddo in their shoes. Fairy tales help children learn low to navigate life.Secondly, fairy tales show
9、real life issues in a fantastic scenario where mostoften the hero wins. Children need to discover in a sale3 that bad thingshappen to everyone. because guess what? No one in life is immune from challenges ?so weneed to build capacity in our children. Do we buildemotional muscles so our children can
10、4 during lough times or do weshelter our kids, protecting them, leaving them so weak they can't handle anything requiring strength?Thirdly, many cultures share common fairy tales like Cinderella, with their owncultural flavor. We read different versions and know we all share something important,
11、 the need to 5 with story, and the hope for good to triumph over evil.II.Choice. 20%11. When he saw all his books lying here and there on the floor、he knew that somethingterribleA. must have happenedB. need have happenedC. should have happenedD. could have happened12. Are you serious about the Silk
12、Road in this new era?Yes, I will set off from i'an the Mediterranean Sea in the coming November.A. walk, for B. to walk, toC.walking, for D. walking, to13. The students arc having adiscussion on which drama on the closingceremony of the International Month.A. Heated ,will they PerformB. heating.
13、 they would perform,C. heating, would they perform D. heated, they will perform14. Which of the following sentence is NOT correct?A. They all seem exhausted after a 12-hour flight.B. it seems that my mother is annoyed with me for not doing my homework.C. There seems to be plenty of time (or him to p
14、repare the duty report.D. We had no choice but to wait that seemed like ages.。 xx。 k15.I don't doubthe said will be of great value to promote ourfriendship.A. whether what B. that what C. if that D. that how16.Thespread numerals to the world, which promoted the development of mathsbecause the fi
15、gures arc easy to learn and write.A. Arabia, Arabic B. Arabs, ArabicC. Arabians. Arabian D. Arabians, Arabia17.Beware that the fierce hound was ready toyou andyou.A. attack, biteB. make an attack on, had a bit ofC. make an attack of. biteD. attacked, had u bite of18 .Which of the following sentence
16、is NOT correct?A.My suggestion is that we rent a south-facing that to get the most sunshine.B.His way of keeping in good health is to take exercise regularly.C.What surprised me was that be was made the chairman of the student union.D.This physics question is so easy that I can figure it out withins
17、econds.19 .Hehis fiancee byher baking skills , saying that her cakes were themost delicious in the world and he feltto have a taste oi' them.A. flattered, flattering, praised B. praised, flattering, flatteredC. flattered, praising. HalteredD. praised, praising , flattery20 . The wicked witch who
18、 was responsible for several murders was prison and in public.A. sent to, hungB. chased to, hungC. put to the. hanged D. thrown into, hanged21 .I Prefer Playing football _, but these days i am too busy to play with my friends.A. to playing the piano, with my homeworkB.than playing the piano, doing m
19、y homeworkC.than playing piano, about my homeworkD.to playing the piano, about my homework22 .Which of the following sentences is CORRRC T?A.She is fond to cook, while I like jogging better.B.I found the tool difficult lo use, so I wanted to return it.C.When we reached to the station, it was dark ou
20、tside.D.She has fallen in love with Simon for five years. and they will get married this 23.The problem is related_ours、 so I think we had better_.A. with, help themB. to, helping themC. with 、 help theirsD. to. help them24.lie was looking forward lo. But I have heard that he will .A. be promoted, b
21、e given the sack B. being promo led, hesackedC. promote, be sacked D. being promoted,be given a sack25 .Which of the following sentences is CORRECT?A.Mr. Harry preferred to go camping than stay indoors to play video games.B.His recreations are painting and doing need leworks.C.He has one of the bigg
22、est collection of stamps in the city.D.What do you mean by spying you have lost my dictionary?26 .Which of the following activities is probably NOT a recreation?A. making pottery B, going on an outingC.watching the stage dramaD. doing household chores27 .The salesman suggested_the coupon before we p
23、aid for lie shirts.A. us lo tear off B. that we should tear C. we tear off D. us tear off28 .The doctor said to us. Don t touch anything on the table.' That means.A. The doctor said to us not to touch anything on the table.B.The doctor asked us not to touch anything on the table.C.The doctor ask
24、ed us don't touch anything on the table.D.The doctor insisted that we mustn t touch anything on the table.29 .It took me two hours the potatoes in the kitchen. After that, 1 was_do anythingA. to peel off , too tired to B. to peel, so tired toC. to peel, too tired toD. to peel off, so tirednot to
25、30 ._makes the man different from the others is _ he is always_his friends andcolleagues.A. It, that, gentle withB. What that , gentle withC.What, / gentlyD.It,that,gently withyear.else.III. Cloze. 5%The Internet has opened up a whole new on-line world for us to meet,一 31 一 _ andgo where we've n
26、ever been before. But just as in32 communication, there arc somebasic rules of 33 that should he followed when online.The basic rule is simple treat others in the _34way you would want to betreated. Imagine how you'd feel if you were in the other person s shoes.For anything you're about to s
27、end ask 35. Would I say this to the person'sface?If the answer is 36, rewrite and reread. Repeal the process till you feel surethat you'd feel comfortable saying the words to the person's face.If you do decide to tell someone about a mistake. 37politely. At the same time,if you find you
28、are wrong* be sure to38 yourself and apologize to those that youhave offended.It is not polite to ask others personal questions such as their age, gender, andmarital status. 39 you know the person very well40 一 you are both comfortable withsharing personal information, don't ask such questions.3
29、1.A. speak B.chatC. explain D. say32.A. hand-in-hand B.arm-in-arm C.leg-to-leg D. face-to-face33.A. behavior34.A. different35.A. themB.actionB.sameB.themselvesC.reactionC.newC.youD. performanceD. rightD. yourself36 .A. yesB.no C. clear D.obvious37 .A. pick it outB.choose it out C. point it out D. wo
30、rk it out38 .A. correctB.complainC. tell39 .A. Until B.Unless C. If40 .A. as B.butC. andD. askD. WhenD. unlessIV. Reading. 10%(A)What is mythology?Long ago, people did not know much about science. For instance, they had not yet figured out why the sun rises. Ancient people saw death and disaster. Ho
31、wever, they didnot always understand what caused them. People developed stories to help make sense ofthe world. These tales were passed along through storytelling. Often, myths became partof people's religion.Most myths try to answer have questions Howwas the world created? Howdid life begin?Why
32、 is there good and evil? Cultures everywhere came up with different ideas about howthe world was formed. Somestories say an all-powerful god created it. One Polynesian mythtells about the god lo. This god formed the world out of water and darkness. Myths also explain the creation of human beings. On
33、e ancient story from India described a being called the Self. When the Self became lonely, it divided into two pans. It became a man and a woman. Their children became the human race. Many cultures also have myths about why sickness and disaster happen. For example, a famous Greek myth tells the sto
34、ry of Pandora. Out of curiosity, she opened a dangerous jar. Inside were sickness and other kinds of suffering. These evils were released into the world.Often cultures developed stories about groups of gods. The ancient Egyptians believed in many of these beings. It was said that some looked like hu
35、man while others looked like animals. Anubis was the doglike god of the dead. Re had a falcon's head and was god of the sun. The ancient Greeks also worshiped many gods. They believed that a. group of them lived on Mourn Olympus. eus was always their king. The Greeks later wrote down their myths
36、 in poems and plays. they described the adventures of the gods and human heroes. These myths influenced Greek writing and thinking. The ancient Romans borrowed manyGreek myths. They often gave (he Greek gods new names. For example, eus became Jupiter. The stories were turned into poetry, sculpture a
37、nd other art forms. They continue to show up In our art today.Choose A for T and B for F.41. Many people used ancient myths to explain events that had not been explained by science. 42.Gods from the Romanculture are so similar to gods from the Greek culture because they both try to answer the same b
38、asic questions.43. The Indians thought there were bad things in the world be cause Pandora opened a dangerous jar and released all kinds of evil into the world.44. The myth of a sun god who is half-human half- bird takes place in Egypt.45. Mythology proves important in understanding how many modemst
39、ories came into existence.(B)The Man of Many Secrets - Harry Houdini was one of the greatest American entertainers in the theater this century. He was a manfamous for his escapes - from prison cells, from wooden boxes floating in rivers, from locked tanks full of water. He appeared in theaters all o
40、ver Europe and America. Crowds cameto see the great Houdini end his “ magic tricks.powers. it was simply strength.Of course, his secrel was not magic, or supernaturalHe had the ability lo move his toes as well as he moved his fingers. He could move his body into almost any position he wanted.Houdini
41、 started working in the entertainment world when was 17. in 1891.He and his her performed card tricks in a club in Newwork. 1 her called themselves the Houdini Brothers. When Harry pol married in 1894, he and his wife Bess worked together as magician and assistant. Hut for a long time they were not
42、successful. 1 hen Harry performed his thisprison escape. in Chicago in I598. Harry persuaded a detective to let him try escape from the prison, and he invited the local newspapers to watch.§xx§kIt ls the publicity that came from this that stared I harry Houdini S success.Harry had fingers
43、trained to escape from handcuffs and toe$ trained to escape fromankle chains. But his biggest secret was how he unlocked the prison door. Every time he went into the prison cell, Bess gave him a kiss for good luck -and a small skeleton key. which is a key that fits many locks, passed quickly fr<m
44、i her mouth to his.Harry used these prison escapes lo build bis fame. He arranged to escape from thelocal jail of every town he visited. In the afternoon, the people of the town would roadabout it in their local newspapers and in the evening every seat in the local theater would be the. What was the
45、 result? World-wide fame, and a name remembered today.46. According to the passage, Hondini s success in prison escapes depends onA. his magic tricks and unhuman powersB.his special Cricks and a skeleton keyC.his unusual ability and a skeleton keyD.his unhuman talents and magic tricks47. In the four
46、th paragraph, the word this refersto .A. his first prison escapeB. the publicityC. the place. ChicagoD.the time, 189848. According to the passage, how did Houdini get the key which helped him unlock prison doors?A.He took the key from his wife.B.His wife passed it to his hand while kissing him.C.His
47、 wife gave it to him by a magic trick.D.He got it in his mouth through a kiss by his wife.49. It can be inferred from the passage that Houdini became famous A. when he was about 24 B. when he was 17C. after the year 1894D before the year 189850. According to the passage, which of the following state
48、ments is true?A.Houdini used to be a famous magician in the USA.B.Houdini was first recognized widely in Chicago.C.Houdini entered the entertainment world together with his wife.D.Houdini owed his great success to his small skeleton key.V. Read the passage and then : answer the questions in (COMPLET
49、E sentences. 5%(C)Sally Ride, the first American female astronaut lo travel in space, was born on May26, 1951.She graduated from Stanford University in 1978with a doctor degree in physics.Shortly alter that, she and sixother womenwere the first females selected for the UnitedStates astronaut trainin
50、g program.In June 1983. Ride and five male astronauts madea six-day flight on the space shuttle Challenger. Ride helped launch two communications satellites and tested the shuttle new robotic arm. The flight was a near-perfect mission.In October 1984. Ride made her second shuttle flight. Ride used t
51、he robotic arm to launch a satellite designed to measure the sun's effect on the earth weather.On January 28. 1986, Challenger went an another mission without Ride. Shortly after take, the Challenger exploded, killing all seven members of its crew. Ride was part of the group that investigated th
52、e accident to find out what went wrong.Ride resigned from the astronaut program in 1987. In 1989, she became a professor of physics at the University of California at San Diego. She was the director of the California Space Institute, where she was involved in the study and research of outer space sc
53、ience, until 1996. Hide also started programs for girls interestedin math, science, andtechnology. She wants (t> help them achieve their goals of becoming scientists or engineers.Ride was inducted (admit as a member ) into the National Women Hall of Fame in 1988 and the Astronaut's flail of F
54、ame in 2004. Since Ride's first venture into space, many other American women have become astronauts. Ride helped pave the way for them and the women who came after them.Questions1.Besides Sally Ride, how manywomenwere selected for the United States astronaut training program?2 .Ride didn't
55、avoid being killed in the explosion, did she?3 .What was the robotic arm used for? 4 .Why do you think Ride took the lead in the space mission? (2 reasons) 5munications satellite have brought convenience our daily lives. List two facts. paper Two1. Word Transformation. 10%1 .Each color of the Olympi
56、c Rings a continent. (representative)2 .The magazine had planned to write a story about the charitable work, but the donor to remain anonymous, (preference)3 .and originality are more important than technical skill, (creative)4 .Her to Sales Manager took everyone by surprise, (promote)5 .t was a bea
57、utiful summer day. Leaves moved in the breeze. What perfect weatherfor an outing! (gentle)6.1 low could you be so stupid as to fall for his! (flatter)7.David Copperfield is one of the most famous. in the world. He can make a tall building disappear in front of the audience, (magic)8.I ' m a bit
58、worried. It is the first time that I have traveled alone internationally. I ' ll make for you to be met at the airport (arrange)9.Mathilde ' s life changed after she lest her friend's diamond necklace.(drama)10.It really me when people forget to say thank you. (annoying)Fill in the blanks with the given verbs in their proper forms. 10%To celebrate his daughter's birthday, Luke Fortune1(drive) from asmall town in Central Oregon
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