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1、南通市2022年初中畢業(yè)、升學考試試卷英 語第1卷選擇題共60分第1卷共45小題,請將答案按要求填涂在答題卡上。一、單項選擇此題共15小蘑,每題I分,總分值15分從A、B、C、D四個選項中,選出可以填入空白處的最正確選頊,并在答題卡上將該項1. Now all of us exercise atleasthour a day in and outside school.A. the; aB. a, anC.不填;aD.不填;ann some wester n coun tries shops are closedweeke nds.A. inB. toC. atD. with3. Every

2、time we perform well, our teacher, will say, "You've done a good job!"A. clearyB. cheerfullyC. calm yD. carefully4. The adva ntages of the Chon gqi Bridge have already bee n see n. good n ews to us!A. WhatB. What aC. HowD. How a5. Would you like some juice or bread? . I' m really t

3、hirsty and hungry after such a long walk.A. BothB. EitherC. Nothi ngD. None6. do you write a letter to your father?I seldom or n ever do that now. In stead, I call or email him almost every day.A. How soonB. How longC. How muchD. How ofte n7. The stude nts arethe leaflets to people over there to ask

4、 them to protect our earth.A. prin ti ng outB. givi ng outC. selli ng outD. putt ing out8. We could n't find you any where around 8:00 yesterday evening.I ' m sorry for it. My mother and Iin the square.A. dan cedB. will danceC. were dancingD. are dancing9. Si nee you have fini shed your home

5、work, how about?A. go to runB. go runningC. going to runD. going running10. Could you tell me? I ' d like to take part in it.On July 5th.A. whe n will the fashi on show be heldB. whe n the fashi on show will be heldC. where will the fashion show be heldD. where the fashi on show will be held11.S

6、 ong Ying iskind that she has don ated almost all her savi ngs to a charity.A. veryB. soC. muchD. such12. Can I walk across the road now, mum?No, you. You have to wait un til the light turns gree n.A. could n'tB. should n'tC. must n'tD. need n't13. Bob often says that swimming is tha

7、n hiking in reducing weight, but healways spe nds more time on swim ming.A. less usefulB. less in terest ingC. more usefulD. more in terest ing14. Each of the club membersready to help those who were in trouble.A. isB. areC. wasD. were15. Excuse me, but can I sit here?.The man who sat here will he h

8、ack soon.A. Yes, pleaseB. You're welcomeO. No problemD. You'd better not二、完形填空此題共15小題;每題l分,總分值15分請認真閱讀下面短文,從短文后各題所給的A、B、C、D四個選項中,選出最正確選項,并在答題卡上將該項涂黑。Do you want to be successful in everything you do? If so, then 16? Here is anexample.There was a farmer who 17 corn 玉米all his life. Eac h year

9、he took his corn tothe market. Then each time his corn was chose n as the18 a nd won the first prize.One year a n ewspaper reporter in terviewed him and lear ned someth ing19 about howhe grew it. The farmer _20 his seed做種子的 corn to his neighbors."How can you share your best seed corn with your

10、n eighbors?" the reporter asked. "You know they are tak ing part in the21 with you each year.""Why, sir," said the farmer, "didn't you know? The 22 picks up pollen 花粉from the corn and moves it quickly from field to field. If nay neighbors grow 23 corn, cross-pollina

11、tion 異花傳粉will affect the quality of my corn. So if I want to grow good corn, f must 24 my n eighbors to grow good corn."The farmer knows much about the connection of life. His corn cannot improve25his n eighbor's corn improves.As a great man says, "We make a livi ng by what we 26; we m

12、ake a life by what wegive." We can't 27 without food, clothes, and many other thin gs. However, a meanin gfI1 life is not decided by how much we can get, 28 by how much we can give others. Giving, in stead of tak ing, makes us 29 from other an imals. So those who choose to live well must he

13、lp others to live well and those who choose to be happy must help others to find_30in their life.16. A. whyB. howC. whe nD. where17. A. grewB. boughtC. soldD, collected18. A. cheapestB. prettiestC. bestD. shortest19. A. popularB, seriousC. terribleD. surpris ing20. A, le ntB. showedC. offeredD. reco

14、mme nded21. A. gameB. fightC. experime ntD. competiti on22. A. windB. waterC. farmerD. n eighbor28. A. tastyB. badC. tallD. unu sual24. A. teachB. remi ndC, helpD. require25. A. uni essB, thoughC. becauseD. whe n26. A. doB, ownC, getD. grow27. A. cheerB. moveC. workD. live28. AI andE. butC. orD. so2

15、9, A. differe ntB. freeC, safeDfar 17匚恥四30. A. hopeB. successC. frien dshipD. happ in ess三、閱讀理解此題共15小題;每題2分,總分值30分請認真閱讀以下短文,從短文后各題所給的A、B、C、D四個選項中,選出最正確選項,并在答題卡上將該項涂黑。AMany years ago, I had my first cha nee to visit Russia. "Russia ns are a very polite people,"I had been told before my arri

16、val. One of my friends explained that a gentleman will pour the lemon ade for the ladies and show other good mann ers.Toward the end of my three-week trip, I was invited by my Russian friend NicolaiVasilevich an d his wife Yulya out to dinner. At the end of a wonderful meal, Yulya asked if I would l

17、ike a banana. I politely declined婉謝and thanked her, and explained I was most satisfied with the meal. But my mind was racing: "What should I do? Should I offer her a banana though they are as close to her as they are to me? What is the polite thing to do?""Would you like a banan a?&qu

18、ot; I asked Yulya."Yes," she smiled, but did n't try to take any of the three bananas in the fruit basket."Which one would you like?" I asked aga in."That one," she pointed at one of the bananas. So thinking about Russian politeness, f picked the banana Yulya had po

19、in ted at. Then I peeled it half way and han ded it to her. Smiles on Yulya's and Nicolai's faces told me I had done the right thing. Alter this experienee, I spent much time letting the world know that in Russia, the polite thing was to peel bananas for ladies.However, sometime during my th

20、ird trip i learned I was wrong."Oh no, David," a Russia n politely corrected me. "In Russia, whe n a man peels a banana for a lady, it means he has a romantic interest in her." How embarrassed 為難I felt.So to com mun icate properly with people of differe nt cultures, we should wat

21、ch carefullyhow people of the same culture communicate with each other. Besides, don' be afraid to ask questio ns about their culture.31. Before his first visit to Russia, the writer lear ned Russia n gen tleme n are polite to.A. foreig nersB. stra ngersC. friendsD. wome n32. The un derli ned wo

22、rd "peeled" in Paragraph 6 means "".A. took the skin off someth ingB. put someth ing hackC. made someth ing clea nD. cut someth ing in two33. Which of the follow ing seems to be true accord ing to the passage?A. The writer's third trip lasted about three weeks.B. Russia n gen

23、 tleme n n ever peel bananas for ladies.C. The writer tried to follow Russia ns behavior in Russia.D. Yulya was pleased with the writer's behavior but Nicolai was n't.34. The writer wrote the passage main ly to.A. show us how polite Russia n people areB. tell us his funny experie nee in Russ

24、iaC. ask us to care about cultural differe ncesD. remind us what we should do in RussiaBWoodla nd Intern atio nal Summer SchoolOur International Summer School has been designed to provide a complete British experienee. Here pupils not only learn English but come face-to-face with history in some of

25、Europe's oldest cultural cen tres. They can also enjoy excit ing activities.About the 2022 CourseThis course is designed for boys and girls from I0-16 years and provides a wonderful cha nee to experie nee life in a traditi onal British board ing (') school.En glish Less onsOre" programm

26、e provides 24 hours of En glish teach ing each week. Stude nts study grammar, writi ng, speak in g, liste ning, readi ng and comprehe nsion. They can practise their new skills while interviewing visitors and local people in the town of Woodland andvillages around.Excursions (遠足)& EntertainmentEa

27、ch week includes cultural and activity trips. In 2022 our e xcursions will be to:12th July - Man chester19th July - York26th July - Edi nburgh2nd August - LiverpoolDates & PricesNo. of CourseArriveLeaveCourse FeeCon tact UsWoodland School, Cumbria , LAl0 5HG, UKTEL :什44)1-539 622613 (Overseas)or

28、 01 5396 22613 (UK)EMAIL: enq uirieswoodla 35. The main purpose of the summer school is to help the studentsA. get used to hoard ing school lifeB. improve their En glish skillsC. lear n about the tow n of Woodla ndD. develop their abilities to live36. If you want to visit Liverpool

29、 duri ng the 2022 Course, you can't atte nd.A. Course No. 3B. Course No. 4C. Course No. 5D. Course No. 637. This advertiseme nt is used to attract childre n from 10-16 years.A. in Brita inB. all over EuropeC. in Woodla ndD. all over the worldCPeople have bee n in terested in color and its effect

30、s for hun dreds of years. More rece ntly, research has turned to the question of how different colors can help students learn better.Believe it or not, some colors can affect a child's IQ 智商.For example, a simple black and white color scheme may cause IQ to become low, while the good use of reds

31、 and oran ges may raise it as much as 15 polnts2 Be careful n ot to use too much, however ; a little red is exciting, but too much makes people uncomfortable. Bright yellow is exciting to the brain, while the color gree n is thought to en courage creativity.Use blue and green to calm yourself. Blue,

32、 especially, can cause you to calm down. Something blue in a reading area, for example, may help you focus 集中于on what you are readi ng. But too much dark blue can make you sad, so use light blue on walls or large floor areas.If you are struggling to read, try a different color of paper. According to

33、 a study, 80 percent of children who had difficulty in reading improved their understanding when they put someth ing grey or blue over their pages. Do not use bright colors here, as they become difficult to look at after a while.However, use bright colors like red, orange and yellow for important po

34、ints. These colors attract the eye and may help you no tice details.The same color of the wails of a room do riot help you focus on your studies, but make you slow in un dersta nding. Colors, on the other hand, make the sen ses active and en courage lear ning. Use primary colors red, yellow and blue

35、 in a proper Way. The n how do you make your choices of color? It mainly depends on 取決于your space, the lighting and the function of the room.38. The color grey may help you.A. read better B. calm dow nC. raise IQD. feel creative39. If you want to remember some importa nt facts, you may use the color

36、s.A. gree n and blueB. grey and blueC. red and yellowD. black and white40. Which is most importa nt whe n you choose the color for your room?A. Your IQ and abilities.B. The use of your room.C. Your likes and dislikes.D. The locati on of your room.41. Which might be the proper tide for the passage?A.

37、 What should we lear n about colors?B. Why are people in terested in colors?C. Where should' we be careful with colors?D. How do colors affect our lear ning abilities?DJohn and Bobby joined the same company together just after they completed their uni versity studies the same year. Both o them w

38、orked very hard. Several years later, however, the boss promoted 提拔Bobby to manager but John was still a worker. John could not take it, and gave his resignation 辭呈to the boss. He complained that the boss did not chink much of those who were hard working, but promoted only those who flattered 奉承him.

39、The boss knew that Joh n had worked very hard for the years. He thought a mome nt and said, "Tha nk you for what you said, but I hope you will do one more thing for our compa ny before you leave."John agreed. The boss asked him to go and find anyone selling watermelons in the market. Joh n

40、 went and retur ned soon. He said he had found a man selli ng water melons. The boss asked how much they cost every kilogram. Joh n shook his head and went back to the seller to ask and returned to tell the boss $1.2 every kilogram.The boss told Joh n to wait a sec ond, and he called Bobby to come t

41、o his office. He asked Bobby to go and find anyone selling watermelons in the market. Bobby went and returned, saying, "Boss, only one person is selling watermelons. every kilogram, and $10 for 10 kilograms. The seller has 340 melons. On the table there are 58 melons, and every rad on weighs ab

42、out 2 kilograms. They were brought from the South two days ago. They are of good quality."Hearing w hat Bobby said, John realized the differe nee between himself and Bobby. He decided to stay and lear n from Bobby.42. How did Joh n feel whe n Bobby was promoted to man ager?A. An gry,B. Nervous.

43、C. Un lucky.D. Helpless.43. The boss gave Joh n a task because.A. he wan ted Joh n to do more for his compa nyB. he wan ted Joh n to learn more about himselfC. he wan ted to punish Joh n for what he saidD. he wan ted to prove what Joh n said was right44. We can infer 推斷from the passage that.A. Bobby

44、 was un selfishB. Joh n was lazyC. the seller was dish on estD. the boss was wise45. What can we lear n from the passage?A. The boss should treat all his workers n a fair way.B. The boss should not promote one who flatters him.C. One should not only work hard but also use his head.D. One should try

45、to get every detail of watermelons.第口卷非選擇題共60分第n卷共36小題.請將答案按要求寫在答題卡上。四、詞匯此題共15小題;每題1分,總分值15分A.請根據(jù)括號中的中文提示、英文釋義或句意,寫出句中所缺單詞,使句子通順。46. We should n't run away from the problems, but face them 勇敢的and try to solvethem.47. Could you 郵寄the books for me on your way to school, Amy?48. Though these ears a

46、re having a high price, some farmers can afford them.45. The a place where planes arrive and Leave in Nantong is Larger than before.50. Televisi on was inven ted by Joh n Baird and it is one of the greatest in the world.B請根據(jù)句意從方框中選擇適宜的單詞,并用其適當形式填空,使句子通順。heavy safe our snowthousa nd51. The weather in

47、 January here is not as cold and as in the north,52. The villagers are fighting against the flood that they have ever had in the pastfifty years.53. The old town attracts o foreign visitors every year.54. Mary comes from England and her old school is smaller than .55. These many people are talking a

48、bout the of food.C.請根據(jù)句意從方框中選擇適宜的動詞,并用其適當時態(tài)填空,使句子通順。take win realize clap teach56. Yesterday Jim the wrong bus, so he was late for the meeting.57. Can' t you hear me, Tom? Louder, please. I can hardly hear you, The students their hands so loudly,58. We all hope that our sportsmen and sportswomen

49、 new honours for China at theLondon Olympic Games this summer.59. I hear you once studied in Sunshine Middle School. Who you En glish there?60. We the importa nee of low-carb on 低碳life and will take actio n right now.五、句型轉換此題共5小題;每題l分,總分值5分 請根據(jù)要求改寫以下句子,每空一詞。61. Our first class in the morning begins

50、at 7:30.對劃線局部提問 does your first class in the morning beg in?62. We will plant more trees so that we can improve our environment. 保持句意不變 We will plant more trees to improve our environment.63. "Kitty, are you going to see the film this evening?" Tom said. 改為間接引語Tom asked Kitty was going to

51、see the film that evening.64. Diana made great success in her research because she put her effort into it.改為簡單句 Diana made great success in her research her effort.65. Nothing is more important than life in the world, so we must prevent all the accidentslike these.改為被動語態(tài)Nothing is more important tha

52、n life in the world, so all the accidents like these must.六、短文填空此題共10小題;每題I分,總分值l0分請認真閱讀下面短文,并根據(jù)各題所給首字母的提示,寫出一個適宜的英語單詞完整、 正確的形式,使短文通順。If you think of after-school activities as a waste 浪費of time, you are wrong! After-school activities help us grow up in many 66w . Above all, they offer us chances to

53、 practisewhat we lear n in 67 c . Through various activities, we can also lear n more about today'ssociety 社會and a lot of 68n things that we can't learn from our hooks. What's more, they help to develop our abilities that we n eed both for our studies now and for our work and lifein the

54、(69)f .We are busy with our studies in school, so after school we all need to (70) r ourselves.After-school activities just make it possible for us to breathe (71) f air and removetiredness. Then, we can pay (72)a to our studies and achieve good results.Some after-school activities will make us usef

55、ul and helpful to (73)o; some cankeep us strong and (74)h ; some may even change our life. So, all the students, get out andtake an (75)a part in various after-school activities!七、閱讀與答復以下問題(此題共5小題;每題2分,總分值10分)請認真悶讀下面短文,并根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容答復悶題。Team spirit means the willi ngn ess of people to work together and he

56、lp each other as part of a team. With this spirit, people try hard to make their team the best of all. Every one has experieneed team spirit one way or another, whether they were part of a team or saw a group of people cheer for their favourite player.There are different kinds of team spirit. One ki

57、nd is the connection between a team of people because their efforts and cooperation (合作)are necessary in reaching a particular goal. Ano ther kind is whe n a group of people support a pers on or a team. Ano ther is people's n atural love for and pride in their country, when a whole nation cheer

58、for its country in competitions. Team spirit can also he seen in the workplace or in some activities.Team spirit creates various good effects. It creates frien dship and trust betwee n people who may not get along whe n they don't have such team spirit. There may also be bad effects. Too great team spirit may ca


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