已閱讀5頁,還剩13頁未讀, 繼續(xù)免費(fèi)閱讀




1、Ther e is no t hi ng w r ong w i th the m a chi n e.這機(jī)器沒出什么毛病° (形容詞)This is s om e thin g s p e ci a 1這是種特別的東西。(形容詞)there a nyt h ing impor t ant in today '' s newspaper?今天報(bào)紙上有什么重要消息嗎?(形容詞)D o y ou want a nyt h i ng to drink ?你想喝點(diǎn)什么嗎? A I f there is an y t h ing lean d。f o r you , pie a

2、 s e tell me.如果有什么我能幫你的,請告訴我。除與-th i n g構(gòu)成的復(fù)合不定代詞外,RP e v e r y o ne、e ve r ybod y、someo ne, s omeb o dy都有所有格形式;當(dāng)其后有else時(shí) 's要加在else后而。如:Tha t must be somebody el se's coat; i t isn't mine.那一定是別人的外衣,不是我的。 e ver yone二everybody, any o n “anybody,只指人,不能與 of 短語連用;every o n e, any one可指人也可指物,一

3、定要與of連用才可以。如:I s anybody here?有人嗎?You ca n t ake any on e of these.你可以隨便拿一個。與s o me-, a ny-構(gòu)成的復(fù)合不 定代詞的用法與some, any的用法相同。與any-構(gòu)成的復(fù)合不定代詞一般用于否定句或疑問句 中,notany-構(gòu)成完全否定旭沒有any-.n。t的說法;與some一構(gòu)成的復(fù)合不定代詞用于肯定句、 預(yù)料作肯定回答的疑問句、建議或請求的疑問句中【巧記復(fù)合代詞分合】:分合皆能單獨(dú)用,后加。f合不成?!厩蓪W(xué)不定代詞】:不定代詞美名揚(yáng),修飾成分后邊藏;單數(shù)動詞作謂語,何時(shí)何地都一樣。b u y s t h.

4、 fo r sb. / buy s b . s th.為某人買某物tas t e + a d j.嘗起來.look+adj.看起來smell聞起來s ou n d聽起來feel感覺起來taste delic i o u s.look b e autif u 1 .smell terrible . sound wonder f ul. feel com f orta b 1 e /tired/ bo r ed / n ot h i n gbut+動詞原形除了之外什么都沒有s eem+ (to b e)+ a dj. 看起來 N o one se e med to be bo r ed.seem

5、t o d o sth.a r r i ve in+大地點(diǎn)/ a rr i v e at+小地點(diǎn)到達(dá)某地decide to do s t h.決定去做某事tr y do i ng sth .嘗試做某事/ t ry to do sth.盡力去做某事 f orget doing sth.忘記做過某事/ forget to do s t h.忘記做某事 e njoy d o ing sth,喜歡做某事 di s I i k e d o in g s th.不喜歡做某事 w a nt to d o s t h.想去做某事s tart do i n g s th.開始做某事s to p doing s

6、th,停止做某事stop to do st h .停下來去做某事keep do i ng sth.繼續(xù)做某事 keep on do i n g s t h.反復(fù)做某事有小停歇 Why n ot do. sth.?為什么不做呢?s o +adj.+tha t +從句 如此以至于i t is + a dj. + fo r s b. +t o do sth對某人來說做怎么樣tell sb. (no t) t o do s th.告訴某人(不要)做某事ask sb. (n o t) t o d o st h .要求某人(不 要)做某事want sb. (n o t) to do st h .想要某人(

7、不要)做某事1. . a nywhere與somew h er e兩者都是a n ywhere 在任何地方,常用于否定句和疑問句中。I can' t fi n d i t a n y wh ere.som e where 在某處,到某處,常用于肯定句© I lost my key s omewhere near h e re.2. s eem +形容詞 看起來You seem happy t oday.se e m + to d o sth. 似乎、好像做某事I s e e m to h a ve a co 1 dI s e ems/ seemed + 從句 看起來好像;似乎

8、.11 seems th a t n o on e believe you. se e m like .好像,似乎.11 seem s li k e a god idea.3. dec i d e to do s t h,決定做某事 T h ey decide to v isi t t he museum.decid e + 疑問詞 + 動詞不定式 He can no t dec i de w h e n to Ie a v e .4. s t a rt doing sth = s t a r t to d o st h .開始,可與 b egin 互換 . He st a rt e d do

9、 i ng his h omewo rk.但以下幾種情況不能用be gin.1)創(chuàng)辦,開辦:He st a rted a n ew bookshop last month.2)機(jī)器開動:lean' t start my car.3)出發(fā),動身:I w i II start tom o r row morni ng.5. ov e r介詞,多于,超過,在以上(表示數(shù)目、程度)=more thanMy fa th er is ove r 4 0 y e ars o 1 d.在之上,與物體垂直且不接觸,與und e r相反。There is a mapo ve r the bl a ckbo

10、ard .超過: I h e a rth e news ove r the r adio.遍及:I w a nt to trave 1 all over the wor 1 d.6. t oo m a ny 太多,后接可數(shù)名詞復(fù)數(shù):Mo t h e r bought too man y e g gs y e sterday.to o much 太多,修飾不可數(shù)名詞,修飾動詞作狀語。w e ha v e too m u c h work to do.Do nltalk t o o much.Much too太,修飾形容詞或副詞。The h at i s much t o o big for me

11、.YouY e walking much too fast.分辨三者的口訣:t。mu c h, mu ch too,用法區(qū)別看后頭:mu ch后接不可數(shù),to。后修飾形或 副。to o many要記住,后而名詞必復(fù)數(shù)。7. bee a u se of介詞短語,因?yàn)?,由于,后接名詞、代詞或動名詞,不能接句子。Hec a n't tak e a wal k b e cause of the rain.because連詞,因?yàn)?,引?dǎo)狀語從句,表示直接明確的原因或理由。I don't buy the shirt be c ause it wa s too ex p e ns i ve.

12、U nit2 How often d o you e x ercise ?help with hous e wor k 幫助做家務(wù)on w e eke n d s 在周末 h ow o f ten 多久一次 hard1 y e v e r幾乎從不once a w e ek 每周一次g o to t he movi e s 去看電影 ay ten n is打網(wǎng)球s tay up la t e熬夜;睡得很晚 琴課g o to bed early早點(diǎn)睡覺 be good for對有好處光b e bad for對有壞處間/金錢be good with與友好相處費(fèi)時(shí)間/金錢t wice a mo n t

13、h 每月兩次 every day 每天 be fr e e 有空use the In ter net 用互聯(lián)網(wǎng) swi n g d an c e 搖擺舞 p 1a t 1 e a st 至少 have dan c e a n d p iano 1 e ssons 上舞蹈課和鋼p I ay sp o rt s進(jìn)行體育活動sb. spend t i me wi t h sb.和某人一起度過時(shí)s b.spen d time / mone y on sth,在某方而花費(fèi)時(shí)sb. spend t i me /m o ney i n doing sth.在做某事上花be goo d a t s th./

14、do i ngs t h 擅長某事/做某事 b e f rien d ly with s b .與某人友好相處be fr i en d ly to sb.對某人友好b e kind t o sb.對某人友好 go camping去野營not. a t a 11一點(diǎn)兒也不 in one's free t i me 在某人的業(yè)余時(shí)間the most popular 最受歡迎的su ch as 比如;諸如 old ha b i t s d i e hard 積習(xí)難改 g o to t h e d e n t i st 去看牙醫(yī) mom than多于:超過 less t han少于h el p

15、 sb. wit h s th ,幫助某人做某事How abo u t.?怎么樣?/好不好?want sb. to d o sth.想讓某人做某事How m a n y+可數(shù)名詞復(fù)數(shù)十一般疑問句? 有多少 9 主語+ f ind+t h at從句. 發(fā)現(xiàn)11 ad j . + t o do sth.做某事的的。ask sb. about st h ,向某人詢問某事a s k sb. t o d o sth ,要求某人做某事by doing st h .通過做某事Whaf s y ou r fa v o r ite?你最喜愛的是什么?th e be s t way t o do sth ,做某事

16、的最好方式Wh i c h .d o you like b e s t?你最喜歡詞語辨析:1 . how often多久一次,用來提問動作發(fā)生的頻率°回答用:once, twice, th ree times等詞語。 How oft e n do you p I ay sports? T h ree t im e s a week, how Io ng 多長,用來詢問多長時(shí)間,也可詢問某物有多長。How Ion g doe s it ta k e t o get to Sh a nghai from h ere? How long i s th e ru 1 e r ? how fo

17、r多遠(yuǎn),用來詢問距離,指路程的遠(yuǎn)近。How far is i t from he r e to the p ark? I fs abou t 2 kilo mete r s.1. fre e空閑的,有空的,反義詞為b u s y. be free有空,閑著,相當(dāng)于h a ve time.IJ I I be free n ext we e k. = II 1 hav e time next wee k .還可作“免費(fèi)的、自由的"解。be fre e t o do sth.自由地做某事。The tickets are free.You're free to go or to st

18、a y .2. now come?怎么會?怎么回事?表示某件事情很奇怪,有點(diǎn)想不通:可單獨(dú)使用,也可引導(dǎo)一個問 句,相當(dāng)于疑問句why,但howcome開頭的特殊疑問句使用的仍然是陳述語序。How c o me Tom d i dnl come to t h e party? = why d i dn't T om come t o the part y?3. stay up lat e 指“熬夜到很晚,遲睡工 Do n't stay u p late next t ime.st a y u p 指“熬夜,不睡覺He sta y ed up all nig h t to wri

19、te his story.4. go t o bed強(qiáng)調(diào)“上床睡覺”的動作及過程,但人不一定睡著。I wen t to bed at ele ven las t nightg o t o si e e p 強(qiáng)調(diào)“入睡,睡著,進(jìn)入夢鄉(xiāng):She was so t i red th a t s h e went t o sie ep soon.5. f i nd + 賓語 + 名詞,發(fā)現(xiàn) :We have found h i m (to b e) a good boy. find + 賓語 + 形容詞,發(fā)現(xiàn):H e found t h e r oom d i r t y.f i n d + 賓語 +

20、 現(xiàn)在分詞,發(fā)現(xiàn):I f ound h e r standin g at t h e doo r.6. pe rcent百分?jǐn)?shù),基數(shù)詞+ p e reen t : percent沒有復(fù)數(shù)形式,作主語時(shí),根據(jù)所修飾的名 詞來判斷謂語的單復(fù)數(shù)。 Fo r ty p ere e nt o f t h e stu d ents in o u r cl a ss are g irl s. Thirty pe r c e n t o f t ime pass e d.7. more t han超過,多于,不僅僅,相當(dāng)于over.在句型轉(zhuǎn)換中考查兩者的同義替換。反義詞組為: 1 ess than.I liv

21、e d in Shan g h ai for more than / over ten year s.9. afraid形容詞,擔(dān)心的,害怕的,在句中作表語,不用在名詞前作定語。I'm a f r aid we can't c ome here o n t i me.be a fraid of sb/ sth 害怕某人 / 某事;b e af r a id of doin g sth.害怕做某事,D o nJ t be a f raid of asking qSome ch i 1 dr e n are afra i d of t he dark.u e sti o n.I&#

22、39;m a f r ai d + 從句,恐怕,擔(dān)心:I'm afraid I hav e to go now.be afraid t o do sth害怕做某事I 0 . some t imes , some t i me, some times , s o me time 的區(qū)別:sometimes頻度副詞,有時(shí)。表示動作發(fā)生的不經(jīng)常性,多與一般現(xiàn)在時(shí)連用,可位于句首、句中或句 末。So metimes I get up very early. -How of t en d o you get up?sometime副詞,某個時(shí)候。表示不確切或不具體的時(shí)間,常用于過去時(shí)或?qū)頃r(shí),對

23、它用疑問詞when.I will go t o S h anghai sometime ne x t w e ek.When w i II you go to S hangh a i n e xt week?some times名詞詞組,幾次,幾倍。其中tim e 是可數(shù)名詞,對它提問用how many times.I have r ead t h e story some tim o s. -How m a ny time s h a ve y ou r ead the sto ry?some time名詞短語,一段時(shí)間.表示“一段時(shí)間”時(shí),句中謂語動詞常為延續(xù)性動詞,提問時(shí)用Ho w I

24、o ng.r 1 I stay here fo r s o me t i m e . -How I o ng w i II you s t ay here?U n it3 I'm more ou t going t h an m y sis t enBoth Sam and Tom can play t he d r ums, bu t Sam p 1 a ys t hem bett e r th a n Tom.Tha t Js T ara, isn't i t ?A r e yo u as fr i e n d ly as yo u r si ster?I'm sh

25、y soit'snot e a s y for me to make f rie n ds.more outgoing 更夕卜向a s .as 與一樣 th e singin g c omp e ti t i o n唱歌比賽be similar to與相像的/類似的b e t he same as和相同;與一致be d i f f eren t from 與不同ca re about 關(guān)心;介意 look a fter 照顧 take car e of 照顧 be 1 i ke a mir r o r 像一面鏡子 the m o st import a n t 最重要的as Ion g

26、 as只要;既然brin g out使顯現(xiàn);使表現(xiàn)出g et better g r ad e s取得更好的成績r(jià)each f or伸手取 h e other其他的t o u ch one's heart 感動某人 be good at 擅長f a ct事實(shí)上;實(shí)際上make f rie n d s 交朋友beta lented in music 有音樂天賦 b e g o od with善于與相處h a ve fun doin g s t h,享受做某事的樂趣be good a t do i n g s t h擅長做某事make sb. do sth,讓某人做某事want t o d

27、o sth.想要做某事as+ a dj./adv.的原級+as與一樣II s+ad j. +for sb. t o do sth.對某人來說,做某事的。詞語辨析:lau g h v . & n. 笑We a 11 laughe d loudly wh e n she made a joke.她說了個笑話,我們都大聲笑起來。We all 1 a u ghed a t his joke.聽了他的笑話我們都笑起來。He 1 au gh s be s t wh o 1 a ug h s 1 a s t.誰笑在最后,誰笑得最好。/不要高興得太早。(與at連用)嘲笑Don't 1 augh

28、 a t him.別嘲笑他。People ha v e oft e n 1 au g h e d a t st o r i e s tol d b y se a m e n .人們常常嘲笑海員所講的故 事。Eve r yone la u ghed a t hi s foolish ant i cs.大家都笑他那種愚蠢的滑稽動作。笑;笑聲 We h ad a good 1 augh a t his joke.我們被他的笑話逗得哈哈大笑。t h ough conj.雖然;縱然;即使;盡管=a ithoug hThough i t was r a i n ing,h e went there.雖然當(dāng)

29、時(shí)正下著雨,他還是到那里去了。Thoug h h e was p o orhe wa s h a p p y.雖然他很窮卻很快樂° 注意:不能受漢語的影響,在though引導(dǎo)的從句后使用but。如:T h o u gh he was poor, b ut he was happ y .(誤)though adv.不過,可是,然而,常用于句末,用逗號隔開。Jim sa i d that h e would come, he did n11 , thou g h .形容詞和副詞的比較級、最高級大多數(shù)形容詞和副詞有三個等級:1)原級(不作比較),修飾詞very, s o, too,pret

30、t y , r e ally;2)比較級, 表示“較”或“更”的意思(兩者之間進(jìn)行比較),標(biāo)志詞th an, A or B.of thetwo,修飾 詞much,a lot, a 1 ittl e ; 3)最高級,表示“最”的意思(三者或三者以上作比較),形容詞最高 級前面一般要加定冠詞the,后面可帶in (of)短語來什么比較的范圍。形容詞和副詞的比較級和最高級規(guī)則變化:a s .(原級)as 與一樣 no t as/ s o.as 不如Liming i s a s t all a s Jim. Jack r u n s a sfast as Tom.Li 1 y i s n ot as/

31、so t all a s Luc y . = L i ly is s h o r t e r t h an L u cy.Unit 4 W h at's t he best mov i e theater?1. 11 h as the biggest scr e e n s.2. Th e DJschoose songs t he m o s tcarefu uly .3. Howdo you like it so far? 到目前為止,你認(rèn)為它怎么樣?4. T hanks f o rg e t tel I ing m e .5. Can I ask you some que s t

32、ions?mo v ie th e at e r 電影院 c 1 ose t o.離近 cl o t h es store 服裝店 into wn 在鎮(zhèn)上sofa r到目前為止10 min u tes by b us坐公共汽車10分鐘的路程 tai e nt s h ow才藝表演in c o mmon共同;共有 ar o und the world世界各地;全世界mor e and more越來越and so on等等all k ind s of各種各樣的b e up to是的職責(zé);由決定not everybody并不是每個人mak e up編造(故事、謊言等)pla y a role i n

33、在方面發(fā)揮作用/有影響for exam pie例如 takes eriously認(rèn)真對待 gi v e s b .s th ,給某人某物com e tni e (夢想、希望)實(shí)現(xiàn);達(dá)到Can I ask you some?我能問你一些嗎?11 ow do you 1 ike?你認(rèn)為怎么樣? Th a nks f or doing st h ,因做某事而感謝,1 /1What do you t h ink of?你認(rèn)為怎么樣? much+ a d j . / ad v.的比較級 得多watch sb. do sth,觀看某人做某事play a rol e i n do i n g sth ,發(fā)揮

34、做某事是作用/在做某事方而扮演重要的角色one of+可數(shù)名詞的復(fù)數(shù)之一形容詞和副詞的最高級比較級有變化,一般詞尾加 e r, 詞尾若是啞音e,直接加r就可以, 輔音字母加y,記得把y變i加er, 一輔重讀閉音節(jié),末尾雙寫加一er, 形副音節(jié)123,比較等級m ore在前。1 .表示由動詞加ing或-ed構(gòu)成的形容詞。2 .表示由形容詞加后綴一 ly構(gòu)成的副詞。最高級有變化,詞尾加上一 e s t,詞尾若是啞音e , 直接加上輔音字母加y, y變i再加-e s t, 一輔重讀閉音節(jié),末尾雙寫加est, 形副單詞多音節(jié),最高級前t he mosto1 /1Unit5 D o you want t

35、o watc hag ame show?think of認(rèn)為 lea r n f rom從獲得;向?qū)W習(xí) find out查明;弄清楚talk s how談話節(jié)目gam e show游戲節(jié)目so apoper a肥皂劇 g o on發(fā)生 w a t c h a movi e看電影a pair of 一雙;一對t r y o n e's b est盡某人最大努力 as fam o us as與一樣有名ha v e a discussio n about 就討論 one day 有一天 s uc h a s 例如 d re s s up 打扮;梳理t a ke sb/ s pl a c e

36、代替;替換d o a good job 干得好 som e thing e njo y able 令人愉快的東西i n t ere sting informat ion有趣的資料one of之一 look like 看起來像 a r ou n d t h e wo rid 全世界 a s ym b olof的象征1 et sb . do s t h ,讓某人做某事 h.希望做某事hap p en to do s t h,碰巧做某事 doing.?做怎么樣?be ready to do st h .樂于做某事plan t o do sth ,計(jì)劃/打算做某事hope to d o s texpe

37、c t t o d o sth,盼望做某事try one's best to d o s t h,盡力做某事How ab o u t1. t he o t her, the other s , oth e r, o th e rs» anot her 辨析the other表示特指兩個或者兩部份中的另一個或另一部分,可直接單數(shù)名詞或復(fù)數(shù)名詞。表示兩個中的一個另一個時(shí),常用one t h e o t her*%例:He h a s two b roth e rs> o ne i s a t e acher, t he ot h er i s a doc t or.Ther

38、e are fo r ty s t ud e n t s i n ou r cla s s. twenty- one are g i r Is, the oth e r ninete e n a re b oys.t he oth ers特指某一范科內(nèi)的其他的(人或物),是th e oth er的復(fù)數(shù)形式,相當(dāng)于the ot her+復(fù)數(shù)名詞,the other +復(fù)數(shù)名詞=a n y oth er +名詞單數(shù)。例: Y ou two s ta y h e re, th e others g o with me.I' m different f r om Je f f because

39、I' m loud e r than the othe r k i d s (any ot h e r ki d) in m y class.other作代詞或形容詞,可修飾可數(shù)名詞單數(shù)或復(fù)數(shù)。例:W e 1 e a rn Chin ese, Math s , E ngl ish and other su b j ect s .others 作代詞,泛指“其他的人或物”。例:Some s tu d en t s are doing h om e wo r k , othe r s are talki n g loudly.anot h e r泛指同類事物中的三者或三者以上的“另一個”,

40、只能代替或修飾單數(shù)可數(shù)名詞。例: I d on' t lik e this o ne. Pl e a se show me anoth e r one.3. find out查明,弄清楚,f i nd找到Please f ind out when Mrs Green will go t o Beij i ng.4. go on 發(fā)生,與 take p 1 ac e 同義I wonder what wa s goi n g o n .翻譯:隔壁發(fā)生了什么??1) happen v.發(fā)生,一般指偶然發(fā)生,主語為事,不能為人。S t h + h appe n s t o sb. A traf

41、fic ac c i d en t ha p p en e d to his elde r br o th e r y e st e rd a y .Sth + hap p e n s +地點(diǎn)/時(shí)間,意為:某地/某時(shí)發(fā)生了某事An acc i dent ha p p e n ed o n Pa r k Stree t .happ e n v,表示“碰巧”,主語可以是人,后常跟動詞不定式to,表示“碰巧”.S b + h a ppe n s t o do sth.I hap p ened to see my u n cle o n the s t reet.* take p】ace意為“發(fā)生,舉

42、行,舉辦”,一般指非偶然性事件的“發(fā)生”,即這種事件的發(fā)生一定 有某種原因或事先的安排。例:Great chang e s h a ve take n p lace i n Ch i na.The me e ti n g w i 11 t a ke p lac e n e xt F r ida y .2) ex p e c t v.期待,盼望,預(yù)期,后常接四種結(jié)構(gòu):1)e xpect +名詞/代詞,期待某事/某人,預(yù)計(jì)可能發(fā)生。 I'mexpect i ng Li Lin, s let t er.3) e x pec t to do sth.預(yù)計(jì)做某事Lily ex p ects to

43、 come back next week.I ex p ect my 4 )ex p ec t lex pect e d 7. seri o us b e seri o us4) e xp ect sb. t o d o sth.期望某人做某事moth e r t o come back early.+從句預(yù)計(jì)t hat I' 11 come b a ck ne x t Monday.a.嚴(yán)肅的,認(rèn)真的. He i s a serious ma n .abo ut sb/s th.對某人/某事當(dāng)真Pet e r i s s eriou s ab o ut Jenny. He want

44、s to get marr i ed to her.be serious abo u t doing s t h.對某事當(dāng)真 He' s seriou s abou t sei i ing hi s h ota ke s th. seriously認(rèn)真對待某事動詞不定式做賓語Unit 6 rm going t o study computer s c i e nee.g row u p 成長;長大 ever y day 每天 b e sure abou t 對有把握 make sure確信;務(wù)必send to.把送到 be able to 能 th e meaning o f的意思 d

45、 i ff e rentk i n ds of不同種類的write down寫下;記下hav e to do with關(guān)于;與有關(guān)系take up開始做;學(xué)著做h ardly e v e r幾乎不;很少too .to太而不能/太be goi ng to+動詞原形 打算做某事 做某事le a r n t o do st h ,學(xué)會做某事sth.許諾去做某事hel p sb. to do s t h.幫助某人做某事 意做某事love to do s th ,喜愛做某事p r actice doing練習(xí)做某事以至于不能keep on doi n g sth.不斷地f inis h doing s

46、t h.做完某事rememb e r t o d o s t h,記住做某事wanttodo sth ,想要做某事promi s e to d oa gree to do sth,同1 prom i se vt. 保證,許諾。有三種結(jié)構(gòu):1) pr o m i se to do sth. 2) p r omise sb. sth. 3)p r omi s e + that 從句prom i se n.允諾,諾言 make aLi 1 y i s a disho n est g irl.MyMy auntmothe r prom i sed to buy a promis e d me a bi

47、ke.pi a no forTom pr o raise s th a t he can r eturn o n time.p r omiseShe never k e eps a p r om i se.me.1 / 12 . when與wh il e的區(qū)別:wh e n表示“當(dāng)時(shí)候”,既指時(shí)間點(diǎn),又指一段時(shí)間,when引導(dǎo)的時(shí)間狀語從句中的動詞可以是終止性 的也可以是延續(xù)性的。W h en th e teacher c a me i n , the st u d e nts were talking.Wh e n she arrives, I ' 11 cal 1 you.wh i

48、 le表示“當(dāng)時(shí)候”,僅指一段時(shí)間,從句中的動作必須是延續(xù)性的,一般強(qiáng)調(diào)主從句的動作同時(shí) 發(fā)生,while還可以作并列連詞,意為“而、卻”,表示對比關(guān)系。Lisa was singing whil e her mot h er was pla y i ng pian o .Tom i s strong while hi s young e r brother is week.3 . pra c t ice vt. 練習(xí),后接名詞,代詞或w i ng作賓語。You r e 1 der siste r i s p r actici n g pla y ing the guitar i n the

49、room.常跟v-ing 作賓語的動詞有:考慮建議盼原諒:c on sider, s ugg e st/ a dvis e , look f o rward t o , e x cus e , pard o n.承認(rèn)推遲沒得想:adm i t, delay/put o ff, f ancy.避免錯過繼續(xù)練:avoid, mi s s, keep/keep on, p r a c t i c e.否認(rèn)完成能欣賞:den y , f in i s h, enjo y , appr e c iate.不禁介意與逃亡:ca n ' t help, min d , e s c a pe.不準(zhǔn)冒險(xiǎn)

50、憑想象:forbid, ris k , imag i ne.4 . e ve r yda y 與 e v e ry day 區(qū)別everyd a y adj.每天的在句中作定語,位于名詞前。This isour e veryday home wo every day 副詞短語,在句中作狀語,位于句首或句末。He reads b ooks e v ery d ay.b e going to的用法1) be g o ing t o +動詞原形 表示將來的打算、計(jì)劃或安排.常與表示將來的tomorrow, next y ear等時(shí)間狀語或when引導(dǎo)的時(shí)間狀語從句連用。各種句式變換都借助be動詞完成

51、,be隨主語有a m, i s, a re的變換,goi n g to后接動詞原形??隙ň洌褐髡Z + be goi n g to + 動詞原形 + 其他0 H e i s going t o t a ke the bus t here.否定句:主語 + b e not goin g to + 動詞原形 + 其他 I ' mnot goi n g to see my friends thi s w e eken d .一般疑問句:Be +主語+ going to +動詞原形+其他肯定回答:Yes,主語+ b e .否定回答:No,主語+ be no t .Are y ou going t

52、 o se e y o ur frie n d s this wee ken d ? Yes , I am. / No, I' m not. 特殊疑問句:疑問詞+ be +主語+ going t。+動詞原形+其他?What i s he go i ng t o do this weeke n d? When are you going to se e y o ur f r ie n ds?2)如果表示計(jì)劃去某地,可直接用be going to +地點(diǎn) We a re go i n g to Be i j i n g f or a hoi iday. 3)表示位置移動的動詞,如g。,co

53、me, leave等常用進(jìn)行時(shí)表示將來。 The bus i s comi n g.My a u nt is le a ving for B ei jing next week.4 ) b e g oin g t o 與 w ill 的區(qū)別:對未來事情的預(yù)測用“ will +動詞原形”表達(dá),wi 1 1沒有人稱和數(shù)的變化,變否定句要在will后 而加not,也可用w i 11后面加not,或者縮略式won' t,變一般疑問句將w i 11提至 句首。Wi 1 1 pla n e s be 1 a rge in the f u t u re?Yes, t h ey will. / No,

54、 they won' t .w i 11常表示說話人相信或希望要發(fā)生的事情,而be going to指某事肯定發(fā)生,常表示事情很 快就要發(fā)生。 I b e li e v e Luc y wil 1 b e a g r e at d o c t or.陳述將來的某個事實(shí)用will.I will ten y e a rs o Id next yea r .表示現(xiàn)在巨大將來要做的事情用Wil 1 .I' m tired I will go to bed.表示意愿用 wil 1 . I* 1 1 tell y ou the t ruth.表示計(jì)劃、打算要做的事情用b e going t

55、o, 而不用will.I'm g o ing to b u y a comput e r this mo n t h .Let * s discuss the plan, shal 1 we?Not now. I to a n i n t e rvie w.A. goB. wentC. am g o i ngD. wa s goingJack is b u sy p acking luggage. Yes. H e for Ame r i ca o n v a catiA. lea v e sn aw ayB. leftC. i s le a vingD. h as beeUnit 7

56、 Will p e o pl e hav e robo t s ?短語:o n c o mpute r so n pape r1 iv e to b e 20 0 years oldfree t i mebe in d angero n the earth play a pa r t in sth/ d o ing sthlive on a space s t a t io n I ook forc o mpute r programmer in t h e f u tureh u an dr e d s oft he sam e a sover a nd ove r agai nget bo

57、 r e dwak e up loo k 1 ike = b e like 像一f all do wn用法:will +動詞原形將要做h a ve to do st h不得不做某事fewer/more +可數(shù)名詞復(fù)數(shù) 更少/更多I e s s/mor e +不可數(shù)名詞更少/更多agree with s b .同意某人的意見try to do sth.盡力做某事di s a g r e e with sb.s u ch + 名詞(詞組) 與做某事m a ke sb d o sth 某事ma k e sb 4-adj.做某事不同意某人的意見 如此讓某人做某事讓某人怎么樣try d o ing s th.嘗試做某事pl a y a par t i n d o i ng sth 參h elp sb wit h s th幫助某人做help s b (t o ) do sth 幫助某人m a ke sb. s t h.


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