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1、nd the Gover nment, underminings.Ca usedbypubli cserva nts 'dutyngtostatisticsfrom related departments,since 2004,t he correct inve stigation i n our Countyserve s nearly30cars for privatepurpose s,onlythe firsthalf of thisyear, carsfor private pur posesorpositi on-related consum ption of civils

2、e rvantsha sbeen sw eptbyfina nce , consumer,regar dless ofcost,extravagance andwaste in thecivilservi ce position-relatedconsumption, a buse,corruption andembezzlement,corruptionis important.Then, underthe co nditi onsofmarket economy,how to reformthe existing civil duty consumpti on management, ex

3、plores asour ce to preve ntand curbthe postconsumptioncorruptionwa y, iscurrentlya majorissue facedbyhonestw ork.Recently, I conducted research ont hisissue,t hispr oblem on some humble opi nions.First, t heexisting public servant s 'duty consumpti ont he main pr oblem s see n fromthe investigat

4、ionand reasons,inrecentyears, publicservants 'duty consumptthe relationshi p betw een partyand themasses,effect,opening upa nd e conomic construction.FromI Countyin recentyears ofgoverna nce situati on see,positi onsco nsumptionin t heproduced of"twonot" phe nomenon r enderingfourafeat

5、ures:a is positionsconsumpti on sy stem lost ha s dueo fbindi ng,right isgreatert han r ules,a nd rig htis greatertha nmethod of phenomenon more highl ight;II i sin positions consumpti on inthe CameraObscuraoperation,using terms,will positionsconsumpti on i nto hasper sonal consumpti on,w illcor por

6、ate poi nts toint opersonalpointsto,makespositionsconsumption insome aspe cts has into positions enjoy andself-dealing ofmeans;three i s topositi onsconsumptionforname,fraud,faconsumpti on ofmany "two"phe nomenon i n whi ch people reflectt he biggest problems are: (a) theofficialcar proble

7、ms. Mainly i nthree aspe cts:one ist helarger buses cost ex penditure.A ccordi ng tostatistics, untilNovember2003,XXCounty township Departmentbus 159cars,w hich de partme ntowns thebus 145vehicles,and showeda n increasi ng trend.Fina ncialex penses cost perbus peryearto35,000yuan, andin fact every c

8、ostup to 50,000yuan. Some unit salso hiringtemporarydrivers and ex penditure onwagesa nd subsidi es. Nece ssary to "keepa car",but al so "de pe nda nts", le adingtolargerexpenses.Second, gongchesiyong bree dunhealt hy tendencies.S ome pe ople believet hat now some busdriversuseon

9、e-toring, cars for privatepurposes,violati ng theself-diyandG overnme ntorgans,seri ously damaging theimageofthe partyadpostconsumpti on became a symbol ofshowing offtheirindividualcasci plinereg ulations,and eve n leadto traffic acci dents.Accordipacitie sseries ofgoverna ncesystemssuchas t he civi

10、l servi ce examination ofresponsicks. NPC deputiesa ndCPPCCmember s andthe br oad massesare concerneda安徽省 2002年普通高等學(xué)校專(zhuān)升本招生考試英語(yǔ)試題I Vocabulary and Structure (1point each;35points in all )Directions : or each of the following blank1 , four choices are given. You are required to choosethe most appropria

11、te one and put the corresponding letter in the bracket before each sentence 1.I won t pay them they work hard erAifBin caseCunlessDlest2. They succeeded at last after adopting anmethodAeffectBaffectCeffectiveDefficient .3. My problems are very to yours.A likeB sameC paidD exact4. He demanded that It

12、he bill by Friday at the latest A must pay B payC paidD to paidD .to paid to like it nowD. used to likingD .rememberedD .rouse5. The population of China is bigger than A IndiaB. India s C. the one of India6. When I was a child ,Iice cream ,but I donA. used to likeB,was likingC. use to like7. The mov

13、ie us of the pains brought by World War II A .was thought of B. keptC .reminded8. New problems willas the construction is under way A. riseB .ariseC. arouse9. He would ratherhis opportunity to study abroad tan leave the research unfinishedD. carry outD. byBesides ,he has anotherD. resultD .closeA, .

14、made up B .take upC .give up1.1 I paid a visit to him last night .We had a chat coffee A .make upB inC. over11 .David makes about 2,00a month as an engineer in a company of income by writing technical books in his spare timeA. resourceB. sourceC. course12 .Hats in this style arewith the young people

15、 this year A. widespreadB. welcomedC. popular13.1 t was believed there was no limit the energy resources onour earth A. forB .offC .toD .on14 .His parents asked him to buy books he found useful and necessary for his studyA .whichever B .whateverC. whenever15 .Which is yourway to travel , by plane, b

16、y ship or by car ?A. favorB .favoredC .favorite16 .Computers can solve many difficult A. filesB .questionsC. query17 .He has his purpose with the help of his friends A. filesB. finishedC. accomplished18 .Television can be a for spreading information A .middleB .mediumC. media19 .Rodert is reliable Y

17、ou canhimA. count onB. count up C .count toD. howeverD. favorableD .issueD. completed:D. ,mereD. count forhigha nd l owpositi ons, butal sothe nat ureofthemonetization reformsupportofthe consumpti ont here arebig drawbawork a nd the workl oad.bobuitli.tvyS,ecsyosntdelmyv,tlowvfaa ultinvestigationsys

18、tem,thereportsaid.While heo "big unified,ahe operating cost sof taxis forthe 8200/.Is afundamentalimplementati onon m onetizatin unifiedsto adheretotstandard Shi has m ustofflexibleonsystem, measures to develop andmonitprinciples:first,underthe exo impleme ntation.(C) reformpackage.seriouscases

19、 t odealwith.Public servants' duty consumpti .I - .servantsre sponsibleforauthorizedpublic servants ' duty consumptistandards,Three i deas, public servants' dutyon elasticity ofconsum一 -一consum ption monetiption to-L.一zationrto limitconsumptiJonreform ofpolition,t urning mess intcs, thee

20、 conomy andtheo kitchen afterdidee peningofthe reform,nner,foll owthe civilservantwit-L .-ha howtopu blic servants' duty consumptiusepersonaltitleonas somewheresubsidie s,or how to managebetween areformalsodemonstrated its ima personaldutyconsumptiportanceaon use ofsubsidies.Therefore,w emustest

21、a- II _ Ind urgency.First ofall,civi lservantsespeciallyblish and perfectpartyand Government lpublic servants 'eadersdutyconsumptiand publi cservantnd the Gover nment, underminingpacitie s.Ca usedbypubli cserva nts 'dutyngtostatisticsfrom related departments,since 2004,t he correct inve stig

22、ation i n our Countyserve s nearly30cars for privatepurpose s,onlythe firsthalf of thisyear, carsfor private pur posesorpositi on-related consum ption of civilse rvantsha sbeen sw eptbyfina nce , consumer,regar dless ofcost,extravagance andwaste in thecivilservi ce position-relatedconsumption, a bus

23、e,corruption andembezzlement,corruptionis important.Then, underthe conditi ons ofmarket economy,how to reformthe existing civil duty consumpti on management, explores asour ce to preve ntand curbthe postconsumptioncorruptionwa y, iscurrentlya majorissue facedbyhonestw ork.Recently, I conducted resea

24、rch ont hisissue,t hispr oblem on some humble opi nions.First, t heexisting public servant s 'duty consumpti ont he main pr oblem s see n fromthe investigationand reasons,inrecentyears, publicservants 'duty consumptthe relationshi p betw een partyand themasses,effect,opening upa nd e conomic

25、 construction.FromI Countyin recentyears of governa nce situati on see,positi onsconsumption int heproduced of"twonot" phe nomenon r enderingfourafeatures:a is positionsconsumpti on sy stem lost ha s dueofbindi ng,right isgreatert han r ules,a nd rig htis greatertha nmethod of phenomenon m

26、ore highl ight;II i sin positions consumpti on inthe CameraObscuraoperation,using terms,will positionsconsumpti on i nto ha sper sonal consumpti on,w illcor porate poi nts toint opersonalpointsto,makespositionsconsumption insome aspe cts ha s into positions enjoy andself-dealing ofmeans;three i s to

27、positi onsconsumptionforname,fraud,faconsumpti on ofmany "two"phe nomenon i n whi ch people reflectt he biggest problems are: (a) theofficialcar problems. Mainly i nthree aspe cts: oneis t helargerbuses cost ex penditure.A ccordi ng tostatistics, untilNovember2003,XXCounty township Departm

28、entbus 159cars,w hich de partme ntowns thebus 145vehicles,and showeda n increasi ng trend.Fina ncial ex penses cost perbus peryearto35,000yuan, andin fact every costup to 50,000yuan. Some unit salso hiringtemporarydrivers and ex penditure onwagesa nd subsidi es. Nece ssary to "keepa car",b

29、ut al so "de pe nda nts", le adingtolargerexpense s.Second,gongchesiyongbreedunhealt hy tendencies.S ome pe ople believet hat now some busdriversuseone-tusedbythe a buses a or,Trendsince 2004,t he correct inve stigation iposesorhird, one -thir dleadi ng privateonend nota per sonof integrit

30、y,i sone ofthemajorproblems in t heparty inof negative corrupti on phenome nasuch as corruption andmisappropriation; four- IL. - -.-I -third usedforofficialpurposes.Some publicservant s,especia lly leadi ng officials mot oring, cars for privatepurpose20 .The thought came to him his mother had been o

31、ut for several hours .A .thatB. whoC. whichD .whomconsumpti ont here arebig drawba cks. NPC deputiesa ndCPPCCmember s andthe br oad massesare concernedabout.Secondly, the521 .At that time,committee, so far as I know, of three scientists, two professors ,and foursenior engineers.A. composed B. compri

32、sed C. consistedD .made up22.It wasthen that I realiaed the importance of a good mastery of the language.A .untilB. unlessC. not untilD .not unless23.1 ll spend more time on EnglishI can pass the exam easily.A. so thatB .in order toC .evenD. in order24.8 ecause of the adjustment the total output val

33、ue if industry has deen ten times .A increasedB doubled C. as much as D. the size of24.9 ritish peoele would find it difficult to driving ,on the right .A. get accustomed toB .get along withC .make sense ofD. make sureimitation ” meansD.模仿制品26.The fabric is not real silk ,only an imitation. HereA.假裝

34、B.效法C.模擬27.Ithave rained last night , for the ground is wet .A. willB canC .shouldD. must28 .They have developed techniques which are to those used in most factories .A. more talentedB .better C. greater D. superior29 .Only after a year to see the result of my experiment.A.I beganB.I had begun C. ha

35、ve I begun30 .Neither John nor his parents at home .A ,isB. hasC. are31 .in the fields for two hours ,.they took a rest .A .Having workedB. WorkingC .WorkedD. did I beginD .wasD Being worked32,The soldiers marched down the street ,their flags.A. wavedB. wavingC. being wavedD .wave33 .Man must stop t

36、he earth s atmosphere.A. fillingB. emittingC .pollutingD .wasting34 .The three hours I spent in the school library my old passion for reading .A. brought aboutB .brought overC. brought forthD. brought back35 .He was disappointed so often that he became A. hopelessnessB .hopelesslyC. hopeful D .hopel

37、essII Cloze (1 point each; 10 points in all)Directions: There are 10 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A,B,C and D.You should choose the one that best fits into the passage and put the corresponding letter in the bracket before each choice .When people die

38、, different cultures dispose _36_their bodies in different ways .Sometimes bodies are burned. Sometimes bodies are buried in the ground,In many _37_in the past, people were buried with food ,weapons,jewellery, and othereaders drivi ng avehi clea cci dentca usedbyroa d accide nts,1, 1 pe oplekill ed

39、and dire cteconomiclosse samountingto moret han 100,000 yua n.Thir d, high efficiencyand l owcost ofthe bus. Surveys showthat,the operati ng costs oftaxis forthe 8200/.Isafundamentalpri ority ofthereform, it isa difficult problemthatmustbesolved int hereformprocess. Clearl y,the postconsumpti onaver

40、agest hreeyears beforeasa ba se andfine -tunedon the basis ofthissi nglepra ctices m ust be impr oved. Improveme nts toadhere to t hree pri nci ples: first,under theexistingpolicyprovi sionsa pprove dforpubli cservant s' duty consumpti onsta ndar ds, calibrati on,is not contrary to poli cy.Secon

41、d,a ccordi ngto thel ocalfina nci alsituati on a nd people'ssustainability, publi cservant s'dutyconsumpti on sta ndar ds approve d,bothfina ncialrea ch,a nd people pa ssi ng through.T hird,a ccordi ng to theoperationalneedsof civilserva nts responsi bleforaut horize d publi cservant s'

42、duty consumpti onsta ndar ds,bothhighand low positions, butalso thenatureofthew ork andthew orkloa d.In reformof method Shang,approve d civilservants positi onsconsumptionstandardto"bigunified,andsmalldi spersed" suita ble,thatmost positionsconsumption proje ct shoul d accor ding to poli c

43、y provides pr oposedunifie d standard, considerto ranks,a nd units nd t heworktask of differences sex,unifie d ofstandard should has elasti cofand dynamic of,makesregions,and unitsin implementation unified standardShihasm ustofflexible di sposalright ;butsince setofstandard mustafterfinancia l,and a

44、udit, sectora udita pprove dHouto impleme ntation.(C) reform package.Public serva nts' duty consum ptionelasticity ofconsumpti ontolimitconsum ption,turni ng mess int o kitchenafterdi nne r,followt hecivil servant wit h ahowto usepersonaltitlesubsidi es,or howt omanagea per sonaldutyconsumption

45、use ofsubsidies.T herefore,we m ustestabli sh and perfectwith publicservants 'duty consumptionmonetization reformsupportoftheseriesofgoverna ncesystemssuch as thecivilservi ceexaminati onof responsi bility, sy stem, low fault investigation system,t hereportsaid.Whileot hermeasure sto keep up.Dis

46、ciplinei nspecti ona nd supervisionorga ns,fina ncial,a uditi ngdepartments should strengthe nsupervi sionand inspe ction ofpublicservants 'duty consumption monetization reform progress,tostrengthen t hereform of publicservants' dutyconsumption monetization system,measuresto devel opa nd mon

47、itortheimplementation ofinspecti on, notconsumpti onasre quire d, evenshifting consumer behavi orto stop,serious ca ses to dealwith.T hree i deas, publicservants 'duty consumptionmonetization reformof politics,the economyan d the deepeni ng ofthe reform,publi c servant s 'dutyconsumpti on a

48、ssomew here betwee n a reform alsodemonstrated itsimportancea nd urge ncy.Firstofall, civilserva ntsespecia llypartyand Gover nmentlea dersand publi c serva nts' dutypositi on-related consum ption of civilse rvantsha sbeen sw eptbyfina nce , consumer,regar dless ofcost,extravagance andwaste in t

49、hecivilservi ce position -related consumpti on, a buse,corruption andembezzlement,corruptionis important.Then, underthe conditi ons ofmarket econom y, how to reformthe existing civil duty consumpti on management, explores asour ce topreve ntand curbthe postconsumptioncorruptionwa y, iscurrentlya maj

50、orissue facedbyhonestw ork.Recently, I conducted research ont hisissue,t hispr oblem on some humble opi nions.First, t heexisting public servant s 'duty consumpti ont he main pr oblem s see n fromthe investigationand reasons,inrecentyears, publicservants 'duty consumptthe relationshi p betw

51、een partyand themasses,effect,opening upa nd e conomic construction.FromI Countyin recentyears of governa nce situati on see,positi onsconsumption int heproduced of"twonot" phe nomenon r enderingfourafeatures:a is positionsconsum pti on sy stem lost ha s dueofbindi ng,right isgreatert han

52、r ules,a nd rig htis greatertha nmethod of phenomenon more highl ight;II i sin positions consumpti on inthe CameraObscuraoperation,using terms,will positionsconsumpti on i nto hasper sonal cons umpti on,w illcor porate poi nts toint opersonalpointsto,makespositionsconsumption insome aspe cts has int

53、o positions enjoy andself-dealing ofmeans;three i s topositi onsconsumptionforname,fraud,faconsumpti on ofmany "two"phe nomenon i n whi ch people reflectt he biggest problems are: (a) theofficialcar problems. Mainly i nthree aspe cts: oneis t helargerbuses cost ex penditure.A ccordi ng tos

54、tatistics, untilNovember2003,XXCounty township Departmentbus 159cars,w hich de partme ntowns thebus 145vehicles,and showeda n increasi ng trend.Fina ncialex penses cost perbus peryearto35,000yuan, andin fact every costup to 50,000yuan. Some unit salso hiringtemporarydrivers and ex penditure onwagesa

55、 nd subsidi es. Nece ssary to "keepa car",but al so "de pe nda nts", le adingtolargerexpenses.Second, gongchesiyong bree dunhealt hy tendencies.S ome pe ople believet hat now some busdriversuseone-tncausedbythe a buses a nd nota per sonof integrity,i sone ofthemajorproblems in t

56、heparty in Gover nment,its operationor derhave a nimpersonator,Trendof negative corrupti on phenome nasuch as corruption andmisappropriation; fourpalace s,followthefashion, rivalries,wahird, one -thir dleadi ng privateone -third usedforofficialpurposes.Some publicservant s,especia lly leadi ng offic

57、ials mot oring, cars for privatepurposes,violati ng theself-diyanonsumpti on becamsci plinereg ulations,ntorgans,seri ously damaging theimageofthe partyam e a symbol ofshowing offtheirindividualca- - > I -.I . _ - _ _ Itions,and eve n leadto traffic acci dents.Accordithings_38_might be useful in the next life. 39_,the ancient Egyptians buried peoplewith little human figures _40_clay. These clay figures were supposed to work for the dead person in the other world.A religious group called the Parses exposed their dead on platforms for birds to eat .Some


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