1、Unit 1TEXT IComprehe nsionAn swers for referen ce:A. 1. As the saying goes,“ As you sow, so will you reap , which means whatever a man sows hewill reap. The writer intends to convince the reader that making New Years resolutions alsofollows this maxim. The more resoluti ons you make at the beg innin
2、g of the year, the better results you will have.2. He had read a number of books on self improvement before he made his resolutions. Hewrote out a long list of resoluti ons. He wan ted to make a differe nt man of himself a lovi ngfather and an ideal husba nd by trying to atte nd to every on es n eed
3、s.3. Having writte n a long list of resoluti ons, he Ion ged to put them into practice, thinking that they would be a great success.4. Judgi ng from the in formati on give n in the text, he was a serious and strict father to the childre n. He did not like to be bothered with questi ons. He n ever tr
4、eated them as his equals. He showed no in terest i n their friends nor in what they were doing. Having a quick temper, he got excited easily and ofte n yelled at them. He did not allow any mischievous behaviour to go on at home. He was one of those husba nds who did not like to lift a fin ger to hel
5、p his wife and do household chores. What he did in his free time was enjoy himself thoroughly. He had a good time at parties and liked to stay out late even if this meant he had a headache the n ext day. At home, what he did most of the time was either watch a footfall match or read the n ewspaper.5
6、. He tried to be con siderate and helpful, but failed. All his efforts to be a good busba nd went con trary to his expectati ons. The whole family was throw n into disorder and con fusi on. His wife was anno yed by his good manners and smart remarks, thinking they were affected and that he was being
7、 sarcastio on purpose. She attributed his cheerfu In ess, good temper and thoughtfu In ess to not feeli ng his best after stay ing out late.6. He wan ted to do better but did not know how to do it appropriately. On New Years Day, he was in a particularly cheerful and good mood, eager to ren der any
8、service to his wife and childre n. Hedid everythi ng of his own accord. He was con siderate to his wife to the minu test detail and he graciously con desce nded to play jacks with Gretche n, build a sno wma n for the boys and strike up a con versati on with Kit. But the result in every case proved t
9、o be just the opposite to what he had expected. The writer behaved like a cha nged man. What he did was sudde nly totally differe nt from what he used to do, so his family was unprepared for this change. Thats why, to them, his behaviour was too good to be true his temper was too good to be believed
10、, and his thoughtfu In ess was too great to be n atural.7. It means:“ The whole family are happy to see that your have come to be your usual self aga inand you are behav ing n aturally. At last everyth ing will go back to no rmal.B. Refere nee version:1. Quite obviously, anyone who was determ ined t
11、o be guided by the rules of self improveme nt I collected would be happy and have a richer life, i nfinite affectio n from his family and the love and respect of the com muni ty.2. Show your love readily and willi ngly.3. Whole hearted and genuine praise is really valuable.4. Join your childre n and
12、 treat them as your equals.5. I heard screams dow n the hall one after ano ther and I found Gretche n crying.6. The most uni mporta nt light task may turn out to be worthwhile if it is dealt with eagerly and with in terest.7.1 started to have a con versati on with Kit in a frien dly way and tried my
13、 best to achieve close agreeme nt and un dersta nding betwee n us.8. You n ever troubled yourself to chat with people in the past. Why do you want to start doing it now?TEXT nComprehe nsion1. F (He knew this beforeha nd, but he had to go there because he felt the bank was the only place to keep his
14、money safely.)2. T3. F (The manager said“Good morning not to Mr. Montgomery, but to the writer. “ Goodmorning in this case is not a greeting, but a farewell, meaning “ Good bye .)4. F (The clerks were at first ast oni shed, and the n amused.)5. F (He was n ever very rich. All he saved were some silv
15、er dollars in a sock.)K 1 3TEXT 川Comprehe nsion1. C2. B3. A4. C5. AGUIDED WRITINGSentence Comb in ati onRefere nee version:It is much less com mon for people to carry cash in the West tha n it is for people to carry cash in China. Often it is not safe to have large amounts of cash on hand in the Wes
16、t.Most people use cheques or credit cards to avoid carry ing cash with them. Cheques are com monly used to pay rent, for utilities, and teleph one bills and can also be used to make purchases while credit cards are mainly used to make purchases.Credit cards are pieces of plastic, usually 5.5cm. by 8
17、.5cm. They are issued by banks and stores that want people to spe nd more mon ey. When purchas ing someth ing, the buyer will give his credit card to the seller. The seller will check the in formati on on the card and record it, accept the card in stead of accepti ng mon ey. The seller will give the
18、 buyer a receipt and ano ther receipt goes to the bank. The bank will the n send a bill to the buyer, usually after 30 days.COMPREHENSIVE EXERCISESI . Spelling1. dow nstairs2. spontan eous3. creativity4. jovially5. wan der6. shriek7. chore8. pois onous9. relieve10 .in terrupti on 11. reckless12. wre
19、tchedn . DictationThe United States is becoming more and more a“ cashless society . Pedpasese making purcby cheque, charge acco unts or credit cards, rather tha n carry ing large amounts of money in their pockets or purses.Normally people pay by cheque at the end of each month at department stores a
20、nd some food markets and drugstores. They also pay monthly by cheque for rent, telephone calls, electricity, milk, n ewspaper deliveries, and similar household expe nses. Mary have charge cards to pay for petrol and service stati on expe nses and credit cards for restaura nt, hotel, and travel costs
21、.Many other people, however, prefer to pay as they go and not accumulate mon thly bills.Most people work out a comb in ati on, pay ing some bills in cash and charg ing others. This is a matter of pers onal choice. But if you have charge acco un ts, be sure to pay promptly; the in terest charged for
22、late payme nts can be high.K 14 川.Liste ning Comprehe nsionA. In come: 2000 a yearExpensesHousing: 50 a month for mortgageFood: 60 a monthCar: a large repair bill every now and the nElectricity: 16 a yearGas: 70 a yearBooks: /B. The man on the doorstep says he is doing a survey for the Departme nt o
23、f Health and Social Security. He is actually a salesma n, tryi ng to sell The New World Childre ns En cyclopaedia.IV. Tran slati onA. 1. Every time he returned home from work at midni ght, he would tiptoe upstairs, tryi ng not to disturb his n eighbours.2. To establish some kind of rapport with his
24、new n eighbour, Mr.J ones lost no cha nee in offeri ngto carry her luggage into the house.3. The article recomme nded by Dr. Miller cen tres on the problem of air polluti on; mea nwhile, it touches upon other issues such as water polluti on, no ise polluti on and visual polluti on.4. If it had not b
25、ee n for the con sta nt en courageme nt and help from her frien ds, she could nt have accomplished anything.5. It was only a few days ago that he was full of con tempt for the new project, but he is now work ing hard with zest for its realizati on. What a baffl ing cha nge!6. Judging from what she w
26、rote in her autobiography, she always had mixed feelings for that pia nist.7. While waiting in the lounge for the flight, he struck up a conversation with two American travellers and touched on many in teresti ng cross cultural issues.8. These girls all dread work ing alone on ni ght duty.9. I dont
27、mind work ing overtime. What I do mind is work ing on those in sig ni fica nt trivial thingsduri ng the weeke nd.10. Actually nobody asked them to do anything on the first day of school. When they saw the classroom in such a mess, however, they clea ned it spontan eously.B. Refere nee version:K 1 5J
28、oe had dodged the police many times, but never like this. He was afraid. He was sprawled on the rooflistening for sounds. Somewhere below people were yelling and shrieking, but he was not concerned about the commotion. He looked round, searching for any sign of a policema n. Whe n he heard some foot
29、steps on the corrugated iron roof, he was seized with fear. What made them chase after me, he thought. I have nt done anything. You should nt have sn eaked up here, he said to himself.Then he saw the shape of a policema n approach ing. He did not want to give up. He still wan ted to make an effort t
30、o escape. He rose to his feet quietly and tiptoed over to the far end of the roof, thinking that he could perhaps slide dow n the drain pipe. Just at that mome nt, the policema n strode forward and was about to grab the boy by the collar whe n, un aware of a clothesli ne in his way which caught his
31、cap, he almost stumbled. Joe was startled, but he could go back no further. The policema n steadied himself and reached out for the boy.V.Bla nk Filli ngA. 1. down 2. for 3. dow n, dow n4. after5. back6. on 7. i n8. off9. out10. for11. i n, out12. out13. to14. over15. upB. (1) name(2) sell(3) thin g
32、s(4) excha nge(5) shares(6) other(7) bus in ess(8) partial(9) the n(10) compa ny(11) kin ds(12) shares(13) wealthy(14) expe nses(15) hope(16) stock(17) rich(18) mon ey(19) reaso ns(20) gen eral(21) in vestors(22) gamble(23) in vest in g(24) glad(25) willi ng(26) worldC. (1) failed(2) game(3) sketche
33、s(4) dow n(5) On ly(6) that(7) weap on(8) comic(9) did(10) characters(11) to(12) for(13) ra n(14) dropped(15) turned(16) up(17) title(18) made(19) later(20) fans(21) funn y(22) bei ng(23) put(24) reach(25) inD. (1) was blessed with(2) boun dless love(3) en couraged creativity in the young(4) was spo
34、ntan eouson(6) tired of(7) with more zest(8) worth its weight in gold(9) admirati on of the com munity(10) swarmed aroundK 16(11) draw n by(12) struck up a con versati on with(13) established a kind of rapport(14) was about four fifths done(15) was in a pois onous mood(16) sn eak up on(17) ten year
35、old(18) would have throw n in the sponge(19) were about to perform ope nheart surgery on disappo in tme ntdisappo in tdisappo in ti ngdisappo in ti nglyNounV erbAdjectiveAdverb1.beautybeautifybeautifulbeautifully3. moralitymoralizemoralmorally5.suggestio nsuggestsuggestivesuggestively7. admirati on
36、admireadmirableadmirably9.imagi natio nimagi neimagi nativeimagi natively11. impressive nessimpressimpressiveimpressively13. expla nati on expla in expla natoryexpla natorily15.creativitycreatecreativecreatively2. resoluti on resolveresoluteresolutely4. illustrati on illustrateillustrativeillustrati
37、vely6. collectio ncollectcollectivecollectively8. differe ncedifferdiffere ntdiffere ntly10. harm on yharm oni zeharm onio usharm onio usly12. distributi on distributedistributivedistributively14.Unit 2TEXT IComprehe nsionAn swers for referen ce:A. 1. English has now become one of the most widely us
38、ed Ianguages in the world. In 1500, En glish was an in sig ni fica nt Ian guage, spoke n by the people livi ng on a small isla nd. Now it is spoken as the first Ianguage by over a quarter of a billion people and as a second Ianguage by many millions more. When people speak English, we may be able to
39、 tell which English it isAmerica n En glish, Australia n En glish, British En glish, In dia n En glish and so on. Besides, for differe nt purposes, we use differe nt En glishes: everyday En glish, bus in ess En glish, commercial En glish, diplomatic En glish, medical En glish, scie ntific En glish,
40、tech ni cal En glish, legal En glish, journalistic English and so on. We also use different degrees of formality and can differentiate betwee n formal En glish, in formal En glish, and colloquial En glish.2. Style expresses the writers in dividuality through his choice of words and sentence patter n
41、s, and his selectio n and arran geme nt of material. Style freque ntly reflects the writers pers on ality, mood, attitudes, educati on, and gen eral backgro und. There are differe nt kinds of styles: homely, coarse, refin ed, iro nic, vulgar, pla in, childlike, formal, i nformal, wordy, colloquial,
42、direct, gra ndiloque nt, and so on. We choose words to suit the audie nee, the occasi on, the topic, and the genre (e.g., short story, essay, argume ntati on). Certain words, exact and con crete as they are, are excluded from formal use, because they are not appropriate for formal occasions. It woul
43、d be absurd if slang terms or vulgarisms were used to address an audie nee at comme nceme nt, or the other way round, if a very formal style, lo ng sentences and complex grammatical structures were used in a frie ndly letter. Yet if we have some idea of different styles, but dont know when to use wh
44、ich, this kno wledge is worse tha n useless.3. This is an example of a very formal expressi on alon gside a colloquialism. Bags of fun is a sla ng term whereas extremely gracious is very formal Ian guage.Here is ano ther example of the same ki nd to show the in appropriate ness of a formal style mix
45、edwith colloquialism .In a letter of applicati on, you begi n thus:Dear Sirs,I am writi ng to you in the hope that you still have a vaca nt place in your departme nt. If you hve not yet employed anyon e, I should like my applicati on for the positi on to be con sidered.And you con clude with:As to m
46、y character and fitn ess for the job, please rest assured that I am sure smart .In this last senten ce, job may be rather too in formal; employme nt or post would be more suitable. Smart is a colloquialism that means “ men tally alert, quickwitted, and t ale nted . Moreover, the sentence Iam sure sm
47、art is very in formal and colloquial, and so it is in appropriate for the letter.4. Good use of En glish requires the appropriate choice of words for the expressi on of thoughts. To be in “ gooduse of English therefore, a word must be used appropriately in a specific set of circumsta nces.K 225. Coy
48、 means “ shy, diffident, bashful . What the writer means here is: “ Do away withyour shyn ess. Decide what you want to say and say it as directly as possible in pla in words. Stop deceiv ing people and beati ng about the bush. Call a spade a spade.6. Some examples of euphemisms:1) a men tal home (=
49、an insane asylum)slow (= dull in mi nd)reside nee (= house)a recon diti oned automobile ( = a used car)stout (= fat)The above words and phrases in italics are supposed to be more pleasa nt substitutes for those in pare ntheses.2) sk in tonic ( = cold cream. The term sk in ton ic may help the manu fa
50、cturer to sell his productsmore easily.)3) Good ness me! Good ness gracious! Thank good ness. For good ness sake! (It is supposed tobe blasphemous to use the word God in on es speech, so good ness is used in stead of God.)4) “ Millions of peasants are robbed of their farms and sent trudging along th
51、e roads with no moretha n they can carry: this is called tran sfer of populati on. (This is quoted from George Orwells“ Politicsand the English Language . Euphemisms used here to hide some brutal, harsh, starkpolitical realities.)7. The writer means that in spite of the fact that he stron gly object
52、s to the use of euphemisms, some euphemisms, having considerable vigour and vitality, can still be used as far as he is concern ed.8. It shows that the writer can foresee the in evitable fate of any euphemism, i.e., that any effort toavoid unpleasantness will end in failure, because a euphemism will
53、 quickly acquire the same“ n egative conno tati on as the word it has replaced. There is thus no sense in using euphemisms.B. Refere nee version:1. The richer life experie nee we have, and the more people from all walks of life we know, we will develop more exte nsive and flexible kno wledge of diff
54、ere nt En glish styles and the ability to use each style appropriately whe n the occasi on arises.2. If we do not know whe n to use each style appropriately, or if we con fuse one style with ano therin appropriately, an un systematic and casual kno wledge of styles is of no use, or even worse.3. Nei
55、ther “ bagsof fun nor “ extremelygracious in its suitable con text is a careless / casual expressi on of on es ideas.4. It would, however, also be absurd / foolish to turn the judgment completely the other way round.K 235. Except in cases where they are used to achieve humorous effect, con temporary
56、 writersthink that euphemisms are too disgust ing, artificial and prete ntious.6. Suppori ng the argume nt made by using the outdated and stereotyped phrases that are often usedby trade union leaders would be as easy as shooti ng birds that n ever fly away.7. Some euphemisms are unu sual eno ugh to
57、be funny. They are so unu sual that they become quite funny.8. Some people may also like extreme un derstateme nt.TEXT nComprehe nsion1. C2. C3. A4. B5. B6. CTEXT 川Comprehe nsion1. F (The euphemistic term for“ dustmen in the U.S. simply sounds more prosperous.)2. T3. F (He is put in prison, but the
58、name for prison is“ adjustment centre .)4. F (There are, but the term “ poorpeople has been replaced by the euphemism: the“ underprivileged.)5. F (There are more euphemisms in En glish tha n in many other Ian guages.)GUIDED WRITINGSentence Comb in ati onRefere nee version:Proverbs, probably as old as our civilizati on, form an importa nt part of our heritage. Childre n can learn basic less ons from them. For example, they may lear n thrift by hea
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