1、寧波大學(xué)翻譯碩士英語學(xué)位 MTI 考試真題 2014 年( 總分: 150.00 ,做題時間: 90 分鐘 )一、I. Tran slate the follow ing two passages into En glish:(總題數(shù):2,分數(shù):75.00)1. 如果說“義”代表一種倫理的人生態(tài)度,“利”代表一種功利的人生態(tài)度,那么,我所說的“情”便代 表一種審美的人生態(tài)度。它主張率性而行,適情而止,每個人都保持自己的真性情。你不是你所信奉的教 義,也不是你所占有的物品,你之為你僅在于你的真實“自我”。 生命的意義不在奉獻或占有, 而在創(chuàng)造, 創(chuàng)造就是人的真性情的積極展開,是人在實現(xiàn)其本質(zhì)力量
2、時所獲得的情感上的滿足。創(chuàng)造不同于奉獻,奉 獻只是完成外在的責(zé)任,創(chuàng)造卻是實現(xiàn)真實的“自我”。至于創(chuàng)造和占有,其差別更是一目了然,譬如寫 作,占有注重的是作品所帶來的名利地位,創(chuàng)造注重的只是創(chuàng)作本身的快樂。有真性情的人,與人相處唯 求情感的溝通,與物相觸獨鐘情趣的品味。更為可貴的是,在世人匆忙逐利又為利所逐的時代,他接人待 物有一種閑適之情。我不是指中國士大夫式的閑情逸致,也不是指小農(nóng)式的知足保守,而是指一種不為利驅(qū)、不為物役的淡泊的生活情懷。仍以寫作為例,我想不通,一個人何必要著作等身呢?倘想流芳千古,一首不朽的小詩足矣。倘無此奢求,則只要活得自在即可,寫作也不過是這活得自在的一種方式罷了。
3、(分數(shù): 40.00 ) 正確答案: ()解析: If to be righteousness is said to be an ethical way of life and to seek interests is an utilitarian one, to keep yourtemperament, in my opinion, is an aesthetic way of life. It advocates doing everything at will and everyone shouldmaintain his natural temperament. You are ne
4、ither dependent on the doctrine nor the possession, but on your true self.The meaning of life lies neither in contribution nor possession but creation. To create is to develop actively your truetemperament and give you a feeling of satisfaction after your inner power is released. Different from cont
5、ribution whichis made to shoulder responsibility, creation intends to help you fulfill your true self. And creation is distinct frompossession. Take writing as an example, to write to possess is to get the fame and status while to write to create is toget the pleasure of writing itself. The person w
6、ho has natural temperament would like to seek emotional communicationwhen dealing with others, with a focus on the taste of appeal when possession is concerned. More importantly, whenothers are chasing interests, he can feel leisurely comfortable towards the outer world. I dont meanthe insouciance o
7、fthose intellectuals and officials in the feudal China or the innate conservatism of the peasant, but a sentiment of beingfree of material. As for writing again, I do not understand why a writer should be prolific? A short poet is enough for youto be well-known for eternity. If you dont care about t
8、hat, you can just take writing as a way of getting leisure. 解析 如果說“義”代表一種倫理的人生態(tài)度,“利”代表一種功利的人生態(tài)度,那么。我所說的“情”便代表 一種審美的人生態(tài)度。本句結(jié)構(gòu)簡單,屬于條件句“如果那么”類型。條件句中,有兩個并列句,第一小句的主語是“義”,謂語動詞是“代表”,賓語是“人生態(tài)度”。第二小句主語是“利”,謂語動詞是“代表”,賓語是“人 生態(tài)度”。主句主語是“情”,謂語動詞是“代表”,賓語是“人生態(tài)度”。“義”也就是“正義”的意思,在漢語中“義”代表“堅持正義”這樣一種人生態(tài)度。但在英語中,“righteous
9、ness ”不是一種“態(tài)度”, 挖掘出的內(nèi)涵“堅持正義”也不能在英語中說是一種態(tài)度, 而是一 種生活方式,故譯為“ to be righteousness is said to be an ethical way of life ”,對于下文的“利” 和“情”的翻譯同樣如此。但要注意此“情”不是“ emotion” ,根據(jù)對下文的理解可知此“情”指“性 情”,故譯為“ to keep yourtemperament ”。If to be righteousness is said to be an ethical way of life and to seek interests is an
10、utilitarian one, to keep yourtemperament, in my opinion, is an aesthetic way of life. 漢語表達重意合,一個詞往往具有深刻的含義,在翻譯為英文時,要把內(nèi)涵翻譯出來,而且不能照搬漢語 的詞匯搭配,要轉(zhuǎn)換為適合英文表達的搭配方式。 生命的意義不在奉獻或占有,而在創(chuàng)造,創(chuàng)造就是人的真性情的積極展開,是人在實現(xiàn)其本質(zhì)力量時所獲 得的情感上的滿足。根據(jù)句義把句子分層,第一層是“生命的意義不在奉獻或占有,而在創(chuàng)造”,指明生命的意義是什么。第 二層是“創(chuàng)造就是人的真性情的積極展開,是人在實現(xiàn)其本質(zhì)力量時所獲得的情感上的滿足”
11、,是寫創(chuàng)造 的含義?!皩崿F(xiàn)本質(zhì)力量”不符合英文的表達,力量是無法“實現(xiàn)的”,漢語中可以這樣表達,但是英文中無此搭 配,“力量”是被“釋放出來的”,這才是“實現(xiàn)”的真正含義,故“實現(xiàn)”譯為“ release ”。 The meaning of life lies neither incontribution nor possession but creation. To create is to develop actively your true temperament and give you a feelingof satisfaction after your inner power i
12、s released.本句第二層的定語太長,在翻譯時要轉(zhuǎn)換為英文的表達方式“創(chuàng)造就積極展開真性情,是釋放本質(zhì)力 量后給予的滿足感”,句子結(jié)構(gòu)變得簡單,主謂賓分明,符合英文表達方式。故對于在英文中無法理解的 漢語句子,要先轉(zhuǎn)換為英文的表達方式,然后再翻譯。我不是指中國士大夫式的閑情逸致,也不是指小農(nóng)式的知足保守,而是指種不為利驅(qū)、不為物役的淡泊 的生活情懷。本句句式簡單,表達直接,“我”后接了三個并列賓語“閑情逸致”、“知足保守”和“生活情懷”,分 別帶有定語修飾“中國士大夫式的”、“小農(nóng)式的”和“不為利驅(qū)、不為物役的淡泊的”。“閑情逸致”的意思就是“無憂無慮”, 故譯為“ insoucianc
13、e ”表“無憂無慮, 漫不經(jīng)心”之意。 “知足 保守”就是“保守”的意思,故譯為“ conservatism ”表“保守,守舊”之意。而“不為利驅(qū)、不為物役 的淡泊”就是“不為外物所動”的意思,譯為“ free of material ”。I dont meanthe insouciance of those intellectuals and officials in the feudal China or the innate conservatism of thepeasant, but the life sentiment of being free of material. 對于漢語
14、四字詞語,要在解釋的基礎(chǔ)上進行翻譯,并且對于多個詞表達同一意思的情況,只要譯出一個詞 的意思即可。2. 在“我”和“我們”之間,是以“他人”作為連接點的?!拔摇币颉八恕倍蔀椤拔摇保弧拔覀儭币?“他人”而成為“我們”。當(dāng)“我們”過度地強化、放大“我”,而舍棄“他人”的時候,“我”便處于 四面受敵的孤立無援之中。在我們的傳統(tǒng)習(xí)性中,“他人”這一概念,更多的情況下,只是一種被供奉的 虛設(shè)牌位。我們的成語中曾有“以鄰為壑”一詞,可以佐證;有“只掃自家門前雪,哪管他人瓦上霜”的 諺語,可以證言。即便在集體主義理想教育最為鼎盛之時,“他人”不僅未能成為國人的自覺意識,“他 人”反而意味著告密、背叛、異
15、己、危險、離間等等。這種體制下的集體主義文化,終于導(dǎo)致了“他人即 地獄”的嚴酷后果。聞“他人”而心顫,近“他人”而喪膽。也許正是由于對“他人”的恐懼,“文革” 之后,“我們”迅速土崩瓦解,“我”自仰天長嘯而“他人”卻不得不退出公眾的視線,淡化為一個 可有可無的虛詞,成為公民道德的模糊地帶。(分數(shù): 35.00 ) 正確答案: ()解析: Others serves as a bridge to connect me and us. I ammyself just because of others and webecomeourselves also because of others. Wh
16、enwe exaggerate the importance of myself at the expense ofothers, I will be embattled and helpless. Based on our traditional ideas, we generally only play lip service to theconcept of others. It can be testified in our idiomDivert the flood to the neighbors courtyard, as well as the proverb Mind you
17、r business and pay no heed to the rest ofthe world. Even in the climax of collective education, the awareness of others also couldnt be accepted by people,but the word others meant revealing secrets, betrayal, enemy, danger and alienation. The collective culture under thesystem finally resulted in t
18、he destructive consequence, which can be expressed as the phrase Hell is other people.People shiver and feel scared at the mention of others. Due to the fear, the concept of us fell apart after the CulturalRevolution. I got triumph while others faded away from public concern tobecome a nominal word
19、with little value for public moral. 解析 在我們的傳統(tǒng)習(xí)性中,“他人”這一概念,更多的情況下,只是一種被供奉的虛設(shè)牌位。句子結(jié)構(gòu)較為簡單,位置狀語“在中”,主語是“他人”,“這一概念”作同位語,謂語是“只是一 種被供奉的虛設(shè)牌位”。Based on our traditional ideas, we generally only play lip service to the concept of others. 本句包含一個中國特色的表達法“只是一種被供奉的虛設(shè)牌位”,在英語國家中沒有“牌位”一說,這句 話的意思就是“只是表面上畢恭畢敬,口是心非”,在英語
20、中使用“ play lip service ”,是“口頭上說 一些好聽話”的意思,與原意相符。所以,對于文化缺失的問題,使用意譯的辦法來解決。 這種體制下的集體主義文化,終于導(dǎo)致了“他人即地獄”的嚴酷后果。本句結(jié)構(gòu)簡單,主語是“集體主義文化”,謂語動詞是“導(dǎo)致”,賓語是“嚴重后果”,“他人即地獄” 作定語。The collective culture under the system finally resulted in the destructive consequence, which can be expressed as thephrase Hell is other people.
21、句中“他人即地獄的嚴酷后果”, 在漢語中是定語結(jié)構(gòu), 但在英文翻譯中,不能用 of 來連接“他人即 地獄”和“嚴重后果”, 轉(zhuǎn)化為英文的表達方式就是通過增譯“ which can be expressed as the phrase” , 轉(zhuǎn)化為一個定語從句,符合英文表達習(xí)慣。二、n. Tran slate the follow ing three passages into Chin ese:(總題數(shù):2,分數(shù):75.00)3.And I want beauty in my life. I have seen beauty in a sunset and in the spring wood
22、s and in the eyes of diverswomen, but now these happy accidents of light and color no longer thrill me. And I want beauty in my life itself, ratherthan in such chances as befall it. It seems to me that many actions of my life were beautiful, very long ago, when I wasyoung in an evanished world of fr
23、iendly girls, who were all more lovely than any girl is nowadays. For women now aremerely more or less good-looking, and as I know, their looks when at their best have been painstakingly enhanced andedited. But I would like this life which moves and yearns in me, to be able itself to attain to comel
24、iness, though but intransitory performance. The life of a butterfly, for example, is just a graceful gesture: and yet, in that its loveliness iscomplete and perfectly rounded in itself, I envy this bright flicker through existence. And the nearest I can come to myideal is punctiliously to pay my bil
25、ls, be polite to my wife, and contribute to deserving charities: and the program doesnot seem, somehow, quite adequate. There are my books, I know; and there is beauty embalmed and treasured up inmany pages of my books, and in the books of other persons, too, which I may read at will: but this desir
26、e inborn in me isnot to be satiated by making marks upon paper, nor by deciphering them. In short, I am enamored of that flawlessbeauty of which all poets have perturbedly divined the existence somewhere, and which life as men know it simply doesnot afford nor anywhere foresee.(分數(shù): 40.00 ) 正確答案: ()
27、解析:我希望我的生活里有美的身影。我曾經(jīng)在夕陽西下時發(fā)現(xiàn)了美,在春天的樹林里發(fā)現(xiàn)了美,在形形 色色的女人眼中發(fā)現(xiàn)了美,但現(xiàn)在這些光怪陸離的艷遇不再給我以心靈一顫。我想要的是生命本身的美, 而不是像這樣需要上天賜福。很久以前,在那個消逝的世界里,好像以前我生命中的各色活動中也充滿著 美,那時我還很年輕,許多女孩子不僅友善可親而且比現(xiàn)在的女孩子漂亮多了?,F(xiàn)在的女人們只是湊合著 還有幾分姿色,而且據(jù)我所知,她們?yōu)榱似烈呀?jīng)煞費苦心地涂抹了好幾層胭脂香粉。但我希望在我心中 涌動和希冀的生命可以綻放出自己的光彩,盡管可能只會曇花一現(xiàn),但我還是有所希冀。比如,蝴蝶的生 命只是一個優(yōu)雅地身影:但就在這一瞬間
28、,它得以集可愛優(yōu)美于一身,我很嫉妒它生命中的這一閃爍。對 于我理想的生活,我最先想到的就是支付賬單要分文不差,要對妻子畢恭畢敬,捐善款還要合乎分寸:而 這些還遠遠不夠。我還想到了我的書籍。我知道在我所撰寫的書以及隨意翻閱他人撰寫的書中,充滿書香 氣的美麗就珍藏在厚厚的書頁之中。但我與生俱來領(lǐng)略美麗的欲望,并不是說寫在書上或是從書中獲取知 識就可以滿足的。簡而言之,我醉心于這種完美無缺的美,所有的詩人都曾在字里行間苦心地去憧憬,但 在人世間無法獲得也無法預(yù)見。 解析 But I would like this life which moves and yearns in me, to be ab
29、le itself to attain to comeliness, though but in transitoryperformance.本句主句是“ I would like this life.tobe able to attain to comeliness ”, 包含一個定語從句“ whichmoves and yearns in me 修飾“ life ”,主句后接一個條件句“ though but in transitory performance ”。 但我希望在我心中涌動和希冀的生命可以綻放出自己的光彩, 盡管可能只會曇花一現(xiàn), 但我還是有所希冀。 在翻譯文學(xué)性材料時要在立
30、足原文的基礎(chǔ)上發(fā)揮想象,運用文學(xué)性語言,使翻譯達到最佳的表現(xiàn)效果,如 本句中“ attain to ”翻譯為“綻放”,“ in transitory performance ”譯為“曇花一現(xiàn)”。There are my books, I know; and there is beauty embalmed and treasured up in many pages of my books, and in thebooks of other persons, too, which I may read at will: but this desire inborn in me is not t
31、o be satiated by making marksupon paper, nor by deciphering them.本句較長, 可斷為三層, 第一層是“ There are mybooks, I know”, 第二層是“ there is beauty embalmed andtreasured up in many pages of my books, and in the books of other persons, too, which I mayread at will ”,第三層是“ but this desire inborn in meis not to be s
32、atiated by making marks upon paper, nor bydeciphering them. ”第一層是簡單句,第二層是“ there be ”結(jié)構(gòu),主句是“ there is beauty” ,“ embalmedand treasured up in many pages of my books, and in the books of other person,which I m ay read at will ”是分詞作狀語修飾“ beauty” ,在這個狀語中包含兩個地點“ in many pages of my books,and in the books
33、 of other person”,后接定語從句“ which I may read at will ”修飾“books”。第三層是被動句,包含兩個方式狀語“ by making marks upon paper”和 “nor by deciphering them”。我還想到了我的書籍。我知道在我所撰寫的書以及隨意翻閱他人撰寫的書中,充滿書香氣的美麗就珍藏在 厚厚的書頁之中。但我與生俱來領(lǐng)略美麗的欲望,并不是說書中的文字或內(nèi)容就可以滿足的。本句第二層在翻譯中, 遵循倒著翻譯的原則, 先翻譯地點, 再翻譯主動詞。 而在第三層的翻譯中, 對方式 狀語“ by makingmarks upon p
34、aper, nor by deciphering them ”采用意譯的方法,在理解的基礎(chǔ)上轉(zhuǎn)化 動詞形式,使語句表達更加通順。4.What is it that we mean by literature?Popularly, and amongst the thoughtless, it is held to include everything that is printed in a book. Little logic is required todisturb that definition. The most thoughtless person is easily made a
35、ware that in the idea of literature one essentialelement is some relation to a general and common interest of manso that what applies only toa local, or professional, or merely personal interest, even though presenting itself in the shape of a book, will not belongto Literature. So far the definitio
36、n is easily narrowed; and it is as easily expanded. For not only is much that takes astation in books not literature; but inversely, much that really is literature never reaches a station in books. The weeklysermons of Christendom, that vast pulpit literature which acts so extensively upon the popul
37、ar mindto warn, to uphold,to renew, to comfort, to alarm does not attain the sanctuary of libraries in the ten-thousandth part of its extent. TheDrama again as, for instance, the finest of Shakespeares plays in England, and all leading Athenian plays in thenoontide of the Attic stageoperated as a li
38、terature onthe public mind, and were (according to the strictestletter of that term) published through theaudiences that witnessed their representation some time before they were published as things to be read; and theywere published in this scenical mode of publicationwith much more effect thanthey
39、 could have had as books during ages of costly copying or of costly printing.(分數(shù): 35.00 ) 正確答案: ()解析:我們所說的文學(xué)是什么呢 ?對于大眾來說,尤其是欠考慮的那些人,只要是印在書里的就都是文學(xué)。 但這個定義經(jīng)不起推敲。即使再沒有頭腦的人也能弄明白,文學(xué)或多或少與人們共同而普遍的興趣愛好有 著一定的聯(lián)系,如此而言,那些只是適用于某些局部或是某些行業(yè),又或僅僅出于個人愛好的作品,即使寫成一本書也不算是文學(xué)。這樣的話,文學(xué)的定義很容易變得狹隘,也可以被輕而易舉擴展。即使在書卷 中取得一席之地的作品也不算
40、是文學(xué),反之,許多真正的文學(xué)也不一定會在書卷中需要占有一席之地。比 如基督教每周的布道辭,這種龐大的講壇文學(xué),可以暖人心靈、給人以支持,以信心,以安慰,以警示, 對大眾思想的影響不可謂不深刻而悠遠,但能進入圖書館的不到萬分之一。過去,戲劇在人們的意識中是 以文學(xué)的形式出現(xiàn)的,比如,英國莎士比亞最優(yōu)秀的戲劇以及雅典戲劇藝術(shù)鼎盛時期的全部主流劇作,而 且這些戲劇在作為書籍作品出版之前,已經(jīng)在觀眾面前“出版”了(根據(jù)“出版”一詞最嚴格的意義) ,而劇作以戲劇表演的形式呈現(xiàn)出來,比書籍的形式更具影響力,因為在那個年代抄寫和印刷的代價還是很高 昂的。 解析 The Drama again as, for instance, the finest of Shakespeares plays in England, and all leadingAthenian play
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