1、38高頻詞匯被整理出來了SAT考試閱讀的核心詞匯。這些詞匯是在SAT-OG&OC&真題的基礎上整理出來的,其實研究SAT考試首先應該對其OG有一個充分的理解和認識,因為上面的文章都是不折不扣的真題,文章、題目和選項的設置是任何輔導教材不能取代的。而很多同學在使用OG的時候其實都是走馬觀花, 心想做個幾題感受一下就好了,如果真是如此,那么OG為啥要印那么厚呢?整理的詞匯分別有四個部分,第一個部分是重要概念詞匯,里面包含了TOEFL詞匯與SAT詞匯。對于這部分的詞匯同學們可以結合文章內容理解,這點是任何詞匯書都無法取代的。第二部分是重要觀點類詞匯,SAT閱讀真正變態(tài)之處在于作者的觀
2、點、語氣、態(tài)度、情感和人物表情用詞都相當的復雜。這里給大家做了詳細的分類,希望大家可以高效的記憶這些詞匯。第三部分是基本邏輯類用語,這類詞匯在文章當中其實出現的并不多,而再選項上面出現的相當的多,很多詞匯是我們高中階段就學過的單詞,但是放在SAT考試當然你敢說你有信心知道出題者運用他們的真正目的嗎?第四部分據很多同學反應就是SAT的句子即便單詞意思全知道,但是放在一起就會產生幻覺, 那你就需要好好研究我列出的長難句了!其實很多句子寫的特別生動,我們寫作的時候也是很有模仿的。P 391-海豚智力研究1. 重要概念類詞匯Sophisticate/individuality/intelligence
3、/appropriate/captivity/sensitive/self-awareness/emotional/possess/transmit/interaction/objectivity/2. 觀點類用語Show/also/ believe/prove/recognize/even/demonstrate/maybe/unusually/?(這個符號代表的修辭疑問句,我們在文章當中看到修辭疑問句一定要引起重視,因為后面對于這個疑問句的回答就是很有可能是這個段落甚至這個篇文章的主要觀點)/but/suggest/argue/the fact is/not/unique(獨一無二其實是一
4、種極端性限制,相當于only)/uncommonly/usually/virtually / impossible /question/ little is actually/contend/point out/fully/signify/very few/*be aware of /all we can say/roughly/highly/3. 基本邏輯類用語重點放在對比和因果上Also/another/because/is equal to/outperform/more(less)than/while/4. 復雜句型(1) This behavior demonstrates that
5、 dolphins are aware of their own individuality, indicating a level of intelligence that may be very near own. 長難句分析,這個句子要注意的就是有兩個平行的表語從句。注:黑體字是這句話的邏輯連接點;下面劃線是表示作者的觀點態(tài)度。P392 揭秘印第安神話1. 重要概念類詞匯Motives/customs/aspiration/tendency/ motivated/mysticism/ambition/introspection / pristine / incomprehensible
6、/ deductive / automatically / reserve / civilized / occasion / attempt / formulate / ancestor & descendant / encompass / pleaser / difficulty / philosophical / satisfying / dependable / vanish / monopoly / divergent / cast on / viable / exclusive / perceive / deal in / expedient / dissemination
7、/ accomplish / literate / chronological / tribal / preservation / religious rituals / strike / evidence / archaeology / documentation / void / educated guess / expose / abrupt / wrenching / reflection / establish / colonial / current / replenish cultural bias / diversity / argument / anthropological
8、 / novelty / stereotype(critical point) / essential / precondition / influence / disadvantage / credential / predecessor / complication / statistics analyses / measurement / fossil / physical / characteristic / artifact / homogenization / universality / scholar / academia / objective / culpable igno
9、rance / error2. 觀點類用語fundamentally/ profoundly / self serving / self righteous / certainly/ simply/ assume seldom /rarely/ preconception(先入為主的觀點比較容易形成prejudice & stereotype)/ prejudge/ behold/ wander/ obviously/ ordinary/ must /consistently/ reluctance/misconception/ subjective/particularly/ dem
10、anding/ reassuring/ inexact /unreliable/ culture-bound/ absolute/ rigorous/ prejudice/ impression/ initially(最初的想法,與finally & ultimately 對應)/ disillusionment / demythologize(critical 的標志詞匯,破除迷信) fantasy/ abandon/ suggest/ debunk/ exclusively/ contradiction(矛盾也是critical 的詞匯,在CR中,矛盾通常是指(1)第一人稱小說當中
11、的主人公的心里矛盾(2)idealism Vs. realism 的矛盾)/ must/ criticism/ oblivious/ overly/ excessively/ anxious/ faulty /conclusion(下結論之后的觀點一般是主要觀點)/ unlikelihood/ settle the differences/ rebelliousness/ inertia(懶惰)/self-denial(自我否定是放棄類的詞匯,多數不選除非懷此心態(tài)者是反面典型)/ / shortage/challenge/ original/ may(原文是可能,選項是事實為錯;反正不能算錯)
12、/ would/ doubt / declaim(不要與disclaim混淆) acknowledge/ fallible/ beneficial/ possibility/ false3. 基本邏輯類用語stem from/since/ though/ just/ like/ equivalent/ however/ longevity(這里表示一個事物的延續(xù)時間,等同于continuity)/ fuel(生動的表現了因果關系) /but /more/ associate/ with/ outside/ as/ progressive/ in that /but /rather /less
13、than /therefore /drew a parallel /determine /base on4. 復雜句型(1)Part of problem may well stem from the long-standing tendency of European or Euro-American thinkers to regard Native Americans as fundamentally and profoundly different, motivated more often by mysticism than by ambition, charged more by
14、unfathomable visions than by intelligence or introspection.點評: A. stem from 表現的意思是由于,但是為啥這里要用stem這個單詞而不用result 或者come呢,原因我想應該和這篇文章作者的意圖是有直接關系的,文章中作者想去批判一個根深蒂固的偏見,所以提到這個偏見原因的時候用了stem(根)這個單詞的時候是非常合適和生動的。B. motivated 和charged 這兩個動詞在這句話中的作用是運用過去分詞修飾前面的Native Americans的觀點,所以這兩個單詞的意思應該一樣的,如果遇到詞匯題,那么同學們要學會
15、通過這兩個平行動詞去確定意思。C. may 和regardas是觀點標志詞,注意may是一種假設不是事實就可以了(2)Native Americans, though obviously contemporary with their observers, were somehow regarded as ancient, examples of what Atone Age Europeans must have been like. 點評:A. 插入語要學會跳躍,把他放在文章的最后去讀這樣讀起來比較輕松,否則,你自己就是沒事找事了。B. Must have been like看似好像是一種
16、假設語氣,但是這里加了must了語氣就很極端了,在我看來不夠客觀,存在潛在的批判點。(3)Western historians, cultural-bound by their own approach to knowledge, are apt to declaim that next to nothing, save the evidence of archaeology, can be known of early Native American life.點評:A.插入語故技重施B. Save的意思是通過這些證據,科學家可能知道早期NA的生活。Bbound & own 在這里的
17、意思是限制的意思,一語道破了這些歷史學家的問題,那就是受到文化和自身學術研究方法的限制,換言之,這群人不愿意從別人的文化去思考問題或者做學問。同學們以后都是準備去美國名校讀書了,你想想這些名校會選擇被這寫偏見占據思維了的人嗎?顯然不會,所以通過SAT閱讀就能夠知道你的思維是不是一個思想保守,固守偏見的一個人了。P402+403糾結賣畫1. 重要概念類詞匯Grease(在變形金剛第一集中女主角像Sam介紹自己父親職業(yè)的時候就是Grease Monkey全身都是機油的猴子,即機械工)/ spring/ explanation/ posit/ cite/ veil/ incident(這個單詞是事件
18、的意思,但是做形容詞是incidental這個意思是附帶的意思,TOEFL考試考過這個意思)/ origin/ function/ draw/ savor/ statistical/ analysis/ approach/ depict/ involve/ architectural/ challenge(選項當中的高頻詞匯,一般情況下有連個意思(1)挑戰(zhàn)、質問指對文中的觀點不滿(2)特別艱巨的工作)/ care/ perfectly/ / enjoy / draw/ exile(流放banishment)/ mellow / melon / atmosphere/ justice/ glow
19、 / dramatic/ / grasp(grasping是貪婪的意思) / willful / exhibition / catalog / gallery / torture / recite / poem(SAT考試不會直接考查詩歌,但是會放在文章當中,在預覽文章的時候可以忽略) / sense as / audience / excite / prospective(是潛在的意思,不要和perspective混淆) / buyer / company / idealism & practicality / expectation / reality / /investigati
20、on/ achievement/ surround/ souvenir/ collector/ aura(指氣氛) memory / may / pleasure / essential / identity(注意be identical to 是相似的意思) / represent / preserve/ encounter/ pressure/ extent/ quality/ artistic/ genre(可通過gene去記憶,不同的gene代表不同的流派)/ miss /2. 觀點類用語Impression/ powerful/ Speculation(推測)/glorious/ s
21、tunning/ confidence/ at ease /signify/ unpersuasive/ invalidate/ puzzling/ accusation/ concern/ justify/ defend/ suggest/ uncomfortable/ awful/ embarrass/ realize/ fiercely/ insult/ terrible/ admire/ grieve/ folly/ possessive/ maudlin(沒得你感情脆弱的) stupid/ uneducated/professional rained/ slight/overly/
22、respectful/ intrusive/apparently/ appreciative/ reject/praise/ acquisitive/inquisitive/exquisite/generous giving/ believe/ insecure/ regard/ eccentric/ anticipation/disappointment/ generosity/possessiveness/ assume/ would be/ recognize/ unique/ best/ elegant/exceptional/ pragmatic concern(現實SAT中不乏理想
23、主意與現實主意的思考,很多時候我們看似為了現實放棄了自己心里想要的東西然后終身抱憾,我覺得這是十分愚蠢的,其實就是擔心現實的磨難自己無法承受,如果你已經有了自己的夢想那就勇往直前吧,前面肯定會有很多的困難和阻礙,但是因為這些障礙,你才會變得更加優(yōu)秀和成熟。 其實夢想絕對不是虛無縹緲的東西,每個人都有夢想,有人想做個一個老師,有人想去做一個成功的商人,有人想去當運動員,對于我們很多同學而言我們的理想就是出國,接受多文化的熏陶,掌握多門語言,以后找到一個收入豐厚的工作。理想其實很平凡也很實際,而實現理想的方式更是簡單,那就是每天多做一些平凡的事你就能實現自己的夢想! 我很喜歡一個單詞這個單詞就是e
24、xtraordinary因為這個單詞構成其實就說明了實現理想其實并不是我們想的那么遙不可及extra是多一些的意思,ordinary是普通的意思,那么這個單詞合在一起不就是多做一些平凡的事就能成為一個可以實現自己理想的卓越人才嗎?)/ premature(這個單詞很容易誤解成早熟,真正的意思是應該是成熟前)/ decision / valuable/ appreciate(這個單詞有三個意思A .欣賞B. awareness C. 增值 / unable to attitude (這個單詞的構成很有意思,如果你把這個單詞拆分成單個的字母,并把字母在26個字母表中的位置加起來的話正好是100的意
25、思A+T+T+I+T+U+D+E=1%+20%+20%+9%+20%+21%+4%+5%=100%,態(tài)度決定了一切!) / longing for/ vivid/ emphasize/ empathy(移情作用)/ nostalgia(有這個單詞的選項一般不選,因為比較空)/controversial/ undue(過分的、過度的)/ overlooked / ignorance apprehensive(這個單詞的意思有三A. 憂慮 B. 理解C. 拘捕 很多時候我們會因為無法與自己心愛的溝通而變的非常的憂慮)/ doubt(懷疑不是猜忌jealous) / seems to / 3. 基本
26、邏輯類用語Or / but / summarize / ensure / because / promote / arouse / provoke / override / contrast / enhance / stimulate/ whereas / same / for example /4. 復雜句型(1) Savoring cities in ignorance or drinking them in visually is not enough.(2) I grieved for it and wished I could buy it back, marry it again
27、after the folly of a divorce.點評:這兩句話寫的實在是太生動了!A. Savor 和 drink都是吃飯的詞匯,這里的意思是說我們不能囫圇吞棗的去了解城市,或者只是表面上去欣賞一個城市。其實我們現在的生活節(jié)奏都非常快,每天活的都很繁忙也都很累,但是這樣繁忙的生活或許增加了一些我們的物質生活,但是我們卻失去了一個本該精彩的人生。我們現在對于自己生活的城市再也沒有我們父輩或者祖父輩的感情了,這點我不知道是幸運呢還是可悲呢?我們每天在這樣繁忙而空虛的生活中過著自己欺騙自己的日子,試問原來的夢想哪去了?原來的激情哪去了?原來的沖動哪去了?有的時候真該自己暫時停下自己疲憊的腳
28、步用一顆熾熱之心去思考我們生活的這個世界,我們身邊應該去珍惜的人,有很多東西錯過了也不會再回來了。人生最大的悲哀不在于失敗,而是在于錯過。B. 后句話寫的就是一個錯過的人的心態(tài),從他生動的語言中可以體會到他是多么的惋惜和后悔啊!405飛翔夢1. 重要概念類詞匯Revolve / brute power / withstand /rage(多義) / at the cheap end / maneuver / intersect / gravity / earthbound / enclose / soul / meditation(contemplation)冥想 / glide / whet
29、 / comb / uninitiated / swing / eloquent / inaccessible / obsess / glamour/ profile / personalities / principle / nontechnical(就是通俗易懂的語言) capture / of inefficient / transportation / solution / advantage / overlook / lyrical quality / legacy / survey2. 觀點類用語這篇文章談的是人類對于飛翔的早期夢想,所以理所應當會遇到很多理想化的詞匯opposit
30、e / possible / in effect / in fact / fascinate / imaginative / discover spectacularly(這個單詞的詞根是pect意思是看,擁有這個詞根的單詞有spectacle / spectator / spectacular / expect / perspective / prospective / introspect / 提到前面3個單詞我一般會用它們舉個例子去記憶,那就是I am a spectator with spectacle to watch a spectacular game) / seem / cla
31、im / examine / explain / preoccupy / immense / overrate(指過高估計) / hinder(阻礙) / unwarranted and petty criticism 沒有根據并且心胸狹窄的批評 / extravagant(奢華的是一個比較極端的意思) / modest (在SAT考試中考過的意思有A. humble B. moderate) / reiterate (這個單詞經常出現在寫作手法的選項中,比如reiterate the main thesis of the passage ) / generally / accepted /
32、misunderstood(看到這個詞匯證明作者要批判某個理解錯誤的觀點了) / reassess / longing / inspiring(這個單詞根來源與spirit所以有激勵的意思)/ criticize(區(qū)分critical and criticize)/ demystify(和misunderstood一樣,證明作者要批判了)/ utterly(一個加強語氣的副詞)/ all / scarcely(稀有) / pretension / happen(碰巧)3. 基本邏輯類用語but / over / contrast / Because / outweigh / more than
33、 / perpetuate(使之永恒下去,那就是趨勢的延續(xù)了) / effect / accelerate(表趨勢加快) / compare 4. 復雜句型(1) It was about weight and brutal powerbeautifully machined heavy steel, burnished bronze, polished copper pipes, ornamental cast ironeverything built, with no expense spared, to withstand great pressures and last any num
34、ber of lifetimes.點評:這句話難就難在有兩個插入語干擾了我們快速把握句子的核心。(2)The GardenAndrew Marvell (1621-1678)Casting the body's vest aside, My soul into the boughs does glide: There like a bird it sits, and sings, Then whets, and combs its silver wings;And, till prepared for longer flight, Waves in its plumes the var
35、ious light.點評:這是詩歌”The Garden”的節(jié)選,這段節(jié)選表現了人類對于飛翔的夢想,里面用了詩歌常用的押韻和比喻。那么SAT考試考察詩歌嗎?其實SAT考試中并不會直接考察詩歌,因為在SSAT考試當中也就是美國的中考中已經考過了,那么走到高考這個階段其實是把詩歌當成一種用來支持作者寫作目的的手法去考察的,所以遇到詩歌可以不用去讀,但是要清楚作者在這里引用這個詩歌的目的。即關注詩歌前后的作者觀點就可以了。P420 long pair1. 重要概念類詞匯conventional double calculation conceal insecurity slope smolderi
36、ng snobbery distinction adventure philanthropy inherit hospitality rough-edgedness entertain vitality feast stimulating conclusion simply change perhaps esoteric sensitivity metamorphose hypocrite reputation inhabitant crave/desire social obligation belatedly gossip spirituality urbane/urban ruthles
37、s/relentless meticulous class distinction escape individual identity 2. 觀點類用語refusal eagerness fail to intolerant self-conscious silly respect reluctantly suspicion outright mistrust estrangement camaraderie despondency apprehensiveness reveal rejection resent pretend to vicariously preoccupy famili
38、ar suspicious suggest self-created de-emphasize charm crucial consider Deceitful egotism probably bizarre genuine impossible could dispute finally anxious crude betray suspect bore dried-up banal horror distaste3. 基本邏輯類用語while differentiate more than change consequence constrain impossible undergone
39、 a change inferior more than both neither nor either or only confinement but though yet only butP455 1. 重要概念類詞匯Financially duplicate penetrate intuition wretch exonerate lackluster 2. 觀點類用語could be irony appalled to insensitive awkward seems but suggest especially convincingly insight evident unreas
40、onable possible 3. 基本邏輯類用語foster P4551. 重要概念類詞匯Duplicate intuition spring from surgeon role model pressure medicine community interviewer profession childhood recollection collaborate2. 觀點類用語Could be irony appall insensitive awkward seems not wretch indeed fame beyond suggest flaunt swagger adequate
41、 inevitably concern perception reluctance gratitude encouragement never would be 3. 基本邏輯類用語While soon after swagger share compare 4. 復雜句型(1) Life is prison, and only imagination can open its doors. P456維多利亞時期女權問題 long pair1. 重要概念類詞匯Assign domestic stricture(strict) bound inheritance stumbling blocks
42、 gentility economic exertion opprobrium inequality masculine identity discharge(多義) occupy either or carry proprietor retain auctioneering business occupation withdrawal from marriage offer faint shadow behind the scene in the course of economically unescorted guidebook missionary work escape from i
43、ncentive social restriction impose individual gesture housebound autonomy fetter obligation responsibility arbitrary artificial hail temporary emancipation prowess campaign agitate single out political repression die out dedication struggle personal motive educational aristocrats pursuits fragmentar
44、y/humanitarian concern/entrepreneurial interests vocation/vacation ambassador nursemaid committed advocates2. 觀點類用語Severely limited not respectable assume either or support possible shame consider anomalous exclusively but it requires no argument to prove that exceedingly no ordinary should only con
45、fidently more than ever only undoubtedly found oppose simply chagrin to confirm outspoken distaste actually implicit celebration ironically fail to identify could assume throughout examine Affectionate nostalgia/analytical detachment/personal regret/righteous indignation/open hostilityDiscourage uni
46、versally 3. 基本邏輯類用語Progress but unlike active let along thus other than likewise in relation to comprise serve to whereas increased division became increasingly because of although increasing prosperity begin ranging from to less both neutralize disparity exclusion influence more than equality antag
47、onism striking inconsistency link contradiction exempt from4. 復雜句型(1) This serves to confirm the view of one Victoria man, born in 1790, that whereas his mother has confidently joined in the family auctioneering business, the increased division of the sexes had seen the withdrawal of women from busi
48、ness life.(2) Despite her often outspoken distaste for the “new women” agitating for greater freedom, the travel books that she and others has written still suggested, as Paul Fussell has argued, “an implicit celebration of freedom.”P466 干盡苦差事-農民1. 重要概念類詞匯Efficiency schedule endure take off consume/
49、assume/presume/presumptuous/resume alumnus scheduled vacation psychologist distance from moral majority great discomfort ethnical implication explain a study/offers a solution/argues a position/discussion a phenomenon/quotes an authority 2. 觀點類用語Only brutal few could tolerate demanding must just *pe
50、rspective *benefit literally cannot nostalgically little wonder that would be bore admire arduous 3. 基本邏輯類用語Without except superior to relatively tendency romanticization P467 都是玉佩惹的禍1. 重要概念類詞匯Jade pendant intricately fertility/posterity medallion covenant Caucasian symbolize mystery widely observed
51、 tradition/plea for forgiveness extravagance bartender purity and honesty 2. 觀點類用語Lighthearted funny say sophisticated surprise humiliated outsmart betray garishly ornate grieve always nosy/cozy unsophisticated and heavy-handed/somber and convoluted/clear and concise/humorous and effective/clever an
52、d lively stuff emotional vulnerability exasperate/exacerbate amaze guilty resent private understanding inadequate talented take great pains to criticize side against anger lie only ponder generosity unremarkable as though3. 基本邏輯類用語Previous more than different are easier tothan unprecedented 4. 復雜句型(
53、1) Its as though we were all sworn to the same secret covenant, so secret we dont even know what we belong to.P469 恐怖的蝙蝠1. 重要概念類詞匯Nocturnal temperate species feed on exotic carnivorous vampire incision victim saliva anticoagulant get over intimately chauvinistic associate with fascinating circadian
54、rhythms warp defenseless accustom to prey terror supernatural mythology religion superstition ghoulish pottery ornament engraving ultimate underworld bloodsucking monster Dracula cruelty passion individuality obsession anthropology/autobiography/fiction/psychiatry/biology different sides of a single
55、 issue/details that culminate in truth/a thesis followed by specific illustrations/a common argument followed by a refutation of it/a common opinion and the reasons it is held folklore 2. 觀點類用語Predictable take for granted only especially may only potentially commonly know little about emphasize crit
56、icize demonstrate agreement detract do not positive sweet-tempered reveals always curious 3. 基本邏輯類用語Basis more than has it source better 4. 復雜句型(1) Because this anticoagulant is not toxic to humans, vampire bats may one day play an important role in the treatment of heart patientsthat is, if we can
57、just get over our phobia about them.(2) The long-standing fear that many people have about bats tells us less about bats than about human fear. (3) Chauvinistic about our human need to wake by day and sleep by night, we come to associate night dwellers with people up to no good, people who have the
58、jump on the rest of us and are defying nature, defying their circadian rhythms. P484看電視會變白癡嗎?1. 重要概念類詞匯Commentator evaluate manipulation ideological wire-puller imitation moral dangers medium habituated libertinism/liberty irresponsibility crime violence social virtues simulation render(多義) phantoml
59、ike/phantom/illusion/delusion stupefaction/stupefy zombie mutant superfluous criterion plausibility soup opera defenseless victim polarity subjective to miracle diagnose veteran campaign register enthusiasm preoccupation appeal(多義) literary origins ideal democracy artifact populace/popular morality elite mystics conspiri
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