1、OFM User Operation ManualOFM用戶操作手冊一、Create OFM project 建立 OFM 項目Learning objectives 學習目標() The data connection 數(shù)據(jù)的連接(二)Data attribute Definition 數(shù)據(jù)的屬性定義(三)The data connection 數(shù)據(jù)的連接Create an empty project建立空項目1. Start the OFM program, expand the File menu, click New Workspace, display as shown in the
2、 | following illustration shown.啟動 OFM01 序,展開 File 菜單,點擊 New Workspace,顯示如下圖所 示所示。2. Click on the button as shown in the graph, and then select the save path, file name (such asDemo_Link).點擊圖中所示按鈕,然后選擇保存路徑,給出文件名(如Demo_Link)。3. The other option is reserved for the default. Click OK. 其他選項保留為默認。點擊 OK。4
3、. Right click on the OFM Representation frame in HeaderId. Select Delete in the shortcut menu, delete the HeaderId table .右鍵點擊 OFM Representation 框中的 HeaderId。在快捷菜單中選擇 Delete ,刪除 HeaderId 表。rl RflnaiHRiC. -iirn-riEdk1rl由二黑H黑B HLoading data加載數(shù)據(jù)1. Double click " OFM 軟件學習.acc .雙擊“OFM 軟件學習.accVMlf)
4、 ffSM JRCTl4. Select the HEADERID$, click OK 選擇 HEADERID$ 點擊 OK國合到無B -共哀 卦區(qū)特it玄I在映他注日期大小9Esj DFM軟件?習2Q14/U/4 8:5£Mkrcsoffi Office Access 2GG7 荔圉莊工i£訪閭的回以 OFMEH-江:hfkrmoFt Office A- 2DD7 郎節(jié)H OFMETi 種;3乃 MB日期:#毋1Mkroso Offict Accm Record'LaOFM Workspace file1 K®g理KB品型171七2. Find ”外部
5、數(shù)據(jù)”EXCEL找到”外部數(shù)據(jù)”EXCEL心打開GO欣歌湘曜惘K -日Ml阻手及也jm口葬即卜FMRItiaUBfm r dfE博蒼數(shù)宙E阻衣,嘛M五件其巨 D3 )/ TH* £1.西應的曲3JHEJ&DER1D2 加州 12 1026MicrosaH Offfce.3j HaudyProd2OW2F13 12;10>Mier 口r* Office.刃 LEASEDATA2QCM5/3/12 l(h2&Microwh Office.舊月31上:】5QfHr弧“旬 MONTHLYOfiOD2CO9/3/2 1041MicrQSfiR Office.3J MONT
6、HLVPROD.Jippending2gB/n 12 21:50Micrcuft OffTce.SJ MONTHLVPROD.appending.12OM/3/12 1341Miur 口 rH Office.叫 RES.POO2DCH5/3/L2 1a26MkroMih Office.Ir名株際說日晨*,立4iMtN|: HEADCRJD打JT(Q)MicrOfO Lb£«I4. Select a primary key loading data.選擇主鍵加載數(shù)據(jù)。Add the main table 添加主表1. Click on the lower right corn
7、er of the Add Link Tables button. 點擊右下角 Add Link Tables按鈕。2. Find the main table path, the file type Files type is .Xls.找到主表路徑,文件類型Files of type選擇H EADERI嗪格,點擊 Open改為.xls。3. Select the HEADERID table, click Open.Select Table(s) to LinkOKHEADERlDtCancelSelect N |Deselect AI I5. Click on the figure bl
8、ock, the activation of the HEADERID form. Click OK點擊如圖方框,激活HEADER叫格。點擊 OK6. Well coordinate loading in fig .井位坐標加載入圖Map display settings底圖顯示設置1. Find GridType in the Properties menu bar, and select Grid and Frame 在屬,住菜單欄中,找至1JGridType,并選擇 Grid and FramePro partiesfeW zX 芭=| Grid TfpbGrid and FrarneG
9、rid CentralDaf at# .Rounded Grid LimitsINcrieGrid arid FrwinEiFrarrie Minimum1 .6&5e+0063840002. Find WellName in the Properties menu bar, and select Alias Name .在屬性菜單欄中,找到WellName,并選擇 Alias Name。寸 uoorainacesranzorraiFontN詢i日 Well Name PropertiesBWell Marne| AJIb NamezlSireNonenVefticd PMitiori
10、Weil Name1 Alias Name日FontMap Legend Properties(Map Label3. Find Legned in the menu bar, attributes, and select Yes .在屬性菜單欄中,找至1J Legned,并選擇 Ye&4. Map display as shown in fig.底圖顯示如圖所示Loading other data table添加其他數(shù)據(jù)表1. Click on the Setup> Schema>Schema 點擊 Setup> Schema>Schema2. Select
11、the SortCategory table, select Static in the Table Type.選擇 SortCategory 表格,在 TableType 處選擇 StaticI dH thfmn Irtf-hirlr rw N-fraft tMr (IN I'HCMuN InElnElElElEIE日曰s回同同科匹卜山 hkufyFljdLndypuit P'n-xeP-ad MUhrH-rWiL MJ MDItfrHIL'-iFIEEi Ffcbn;ACS PROD c曠rrFM出 正ST 網(wǎng)JJEJAU WtfLrURtz, H£_PF
12、JU1l 同 Mrfrwr 向 I'i-M | Cw&sl小JHHJL: I iDLl M IrifilN IL.前五區(qū)I心苑HiStatic-Static data 靜態(tài)數(shù)據(jù)Monthly-Mmonthly production data 月頻率數(shù)據(jù)Daily-Daily production data 日頻率數(shù)據(jù)Sporadic-Sporadic data 離散數(shù)據(jù)Sporadic Dualkey- Sporadic Dualkey dat翦散雙鍵Look Up-Look Up查詢信息Xref- Cross correlation information data 交叉相關
13、信息數(shù)據(jù)4. Click OK. According to this method, add other data table. 點擊 OK。按照這個方法,添加其他數(shù)據(jù)Auto-associate FieldsOFM has guessed at the following OFM key associations. Do you wtsh to use them?UNIQUEID to UNIQUEIDSelect well category 井另的選擇1. Click Setuo>Association. 點 擊 Setuo>Association2. Select SortC
14、ategory.WELLTYPE in the Well Type. Click OK. (Note: the choice of coordinate system in XCoordinate and Y Coordinate option) 在 Well Type 處選擇 SortCategory.WELLTYPE。點擊OK (注意:在XCoordinate 和丫 Coordinate 選項中選擇坐標系統(tǒng))3. Select use default symbol, in the well file,click OK. You can see in the end in the figur
15、e legend becomes as shown in figure. (Note: if set up their own project should choose Create from data) 在井號 文件處選擇使用默認符號,點擊OK可以看到底圖中圖例變?yōu)槿鐖D所示。(注意:如果建立自己的項目應選擇 Create from data)5. Taking RES_PROD table as an example, it records the reservoir monthly oil production data. So choose Monthly in Table Type,
16、In the Key Type should be set to Category.以RES_PROD1格為例,它記錄了油藏的月產(chǎn)量。所以在Table Type處應選擇Monthly。在Key Type處應選擇Category。6. Select RESERVOIR in the Category.在 Category處選擇 RESERVOIR7. Click Yes.點擊 YesData attribute definition數(shù)據(jù)的屬性定義1. Click Setup>Schema> Schema. In the table, list manager left the fin
17、d and expand the Monthlyprod, select Oil. Right click on the Units page, set the Oil field of the data in the Monthlyprod table of the unit, and the provisions of the input and output units (metric or imperial). Set as shown in figure.點擊Database>SchemaTables;在表格管理器左側的列表中找到并展開Monthlyprod ,選擇Oil。在右
18、側點擊Units頁面,設置Monthlyprod表格中Oil字段數(shù)據(jù)的單位,并對輸入和輸出單位進行規(guī)定(公制還是英制)。設置如圖Field Units | Math | Rep»t | Plotr Units E 的EK UnitM etnic U nit|bbl => m3"|Display Unit S/stemr DvarTide system 癡dm display uM seeing. Always eHdw using:A English C Me帥DalafaasB Unit Sywba而 作 Engksh C Melnic2. Click on the
19、 Plot page, f川 in the monthly production in CurveName, and the change curve of the attributes (such as color, line width etc.). This completes the properties defined in this field. Please field according to the above method definition needs to be defined. ,點擊 Plot 頁面,在 CurveName 中填寫 月產(chǎn)油,并更改曲線的屬性(如顏色
20、、線寬等)。這就完成了這一字段的屬性定義。請按照以上方法 定義需要定義的字段。二、Map management底圖的管理Learning objectives 學習目標_ well category symbol底圖井類別符號Set the headers 設置標題Add a comment file添加注釋文件Create annotated documents倉 U建注釋文件Well category symbol 井類別符號1. Click Format>Symbols 點擊 Format>Symbols2. In the dialog box in Name options
21、, select the Oil Producer, in the Color options, select the Red. Click OK. The same method will be changed to yellow brown GasProducer. 在對話框中 Name選項中,選擇Oil Producer,在Color選項中,選擇 Red。點擊OK。同樣的方法將 GasProducer改為棕黃色3. Base map change as shown in figure.底圖改變如圖中所示。Set the headers 設置標題I.Click Setup>Heade
22、rs.點擊 Setuo>Header$2. Click the Add button. Then click the Assist button. 點擊 Add 按鈕。然后點擊 Assist按鈕。3. Enter headers in the text box, click OK. Then click on the Font, modify the font and color. Click OK.在文本框中輸入"DemO點擊OK然后點擊Font ,修改字體和顏色。點擊 OK4. The headline figure.標題顯示如圖。iHaxo'wiwoif?wnDK
23、>井坐標CMZ *修H-3 *GrIH 尚IA田-39X00»oon-a)吁H3*83一吟“黑2* %壁日工*0忠- AM學 g宅室a 管連呼,丁望FT也收!4-聽警R-7O-H 1 .3ABOO3-A-j- 器1«L 3” * 4.E-J-lidCO:,蛾勒isabHM1 *iffl+ OyZFVu«3|r a Qi Fndjtf * MiWn>g»uiMS m三、The calculated variable計算變量1. Click Setuo>CalculatedVariables.點擊 Setuo>CalculatedVa
24、riablesjEd;Wg' _匕中“1gfine Jri«t5He port : Plot II Mfith DirtianaryX2蜘 EtDidkrxiiy N*nf ¥Dr>pi 州 gnwaC* in L迪一中4Umf0m3E守加疇ft2ft北冏慟范MMKBM q Eji b 口 E .口"噓of博h od 口 財F1 CVflffDGASCV.fGAS詔M u nih lyp red j5 cn thred.Qvyi3cvww 阪砌M Gffti冷口 rxri M *r#dcn th 種皿.閑34m吸51M cn ih lp red .O
25、i * MoHENprod Wala,5。網(wǎng)儀a岡也JCVDif6CV.MCWmfK:m:脈里)M 亡nlh&piHW* 兀工 LJ 中 IDO7sawzMHti/rfE£MAPH£2Z7/cv PilDWA雁叭VM518H皿如蜩不號1於廿如 wIMw 曲(y0red.OUI9GIGAftWCy.CUMOAS珂HO-relnputfMorrthred 白at 110ee峙®腳*1中Cgn M1 附 mrUi 8 口 gd .¥V 14tr IlimcumpecumuqW1CV CUk1PR0D-.CUMWA.TER12'?|Mcnthtr
26、prd.Wiw / Mcrrtti&gad.CM時WAXHiCtfr卜制后血燈卬Mcnthly'prcd.V/Hfiw- / 11MoEJi加rod.09 + Menu常|frfWKWPDKti'wr I'dStl' :» 1hi| AddiCltairttdiihriiMiu | Ceipy Sriidri Varitbli-11CikMhbri Wriil|3| ,C<*l2. Click Add Calculated Variables 點擊 Add Calculated VariablesEdrt CHmbtud Variable
27、3. Edit calculated contents of variables, such as writing Monthly.Oil+Monthly.Water.編輯計算變量的內容,如寫入 Monthly.Oil+Monthly.Water。O4. The attribute is given to calculate the variable name. He finished writing the calculated variables給出計算變量名稱的屬性。就完成了計算變量的編寫(計算變量是獨立的)5. Set variable unit under Units intefac
28、e.在 Units 界面下設置變量單位。Wrwwj J k'ariab-# Ldnv“射 rr3>d邛i + kCh«wt«» rtJUdCwt4 /門困W r rajCfa«wt,附皿” TUdCir-wi:C*Fwi:4I -'JUThWCuT J,1 -himMawCbWtCarwi*1 cVfljrtJWW出E才Cwi:CMWii:號I EiWtUJd K"Cmni:CvHKd:W(»匚*wtCaMiriW» "?C.MH:CaMH:H j s 碇wan.Cmh:Cawri: mlMC
29、aMH!Ripiit U-MAM k*CulKW6. Set curve properties under Plot interfaced Plot 界面下設置曲線屬性:二,二 7 七口Hrw| Woe RWHiMwh也Hr"r 竽Cwi >hiCri I Cfl>wCje LeTjut"ji U JvrM *% |餐-5*HhE»% rrosWHcfiGMZGUCVJTOGA3. lUwmHHmw-Hci知3HemCV PH>MkTR.一*5"WMfrrowlJHc»l4CVS口(UQ Ckz游SowHwHcr«U
30、M=r-i5Q即快 I-P-1?口f 船口tfTMKMF介 MKM4CV716 MomHWCUT 'G PHIWW 4TU-nh"Hei知 3M=r«i.hi4virvaJ4JH<nqi1CVGUIMWXItv tUNfflOC Ud CVUW YMk MdHen-HzrwUH=r«二uCPtUNFHi'MCv WNWHltt一p p.ui QvWUdi一為MHeth-Hcrw«U- S*Mhi4MHcv4wulHhm州immzrWOfewta 4«fch'l'ATTKUT (bill-S*WHemHcr&
31、#187;»UHeraS*M阮*HciiMH出k*KMS-24wfcH-cntHar£a*UifcM11rjuiir-J-iwi Ufi1*1 a |41MlMi四、Report報表Learning objection 學習目標_ single well report 單井報表_ Multi well report 多井報表_ Report output報表的夕卜輸single well report 單井報表1、 Click Home>Report. ,點擊 Home>Report。2、 In the report editor interface as sh
32、own in figure input content,click OK can complete a simple report editor.在報表編輯界面中如圖輸入內容點擊 OK便可完成簡單報表的編輯。3、 I n the column in the Properties menu ,The selected report row can change the name, decimal places ofdata etc.選中報表單列就可在屬性菜單中更改該列的名稱、數(shù)據(jù)小數(shù)位數(shù)等等。 Cokjnn AttributesDefaultWidth10Decimal Places2JUrtf
33、lcattanRightLkiitscF =2scmDisplayMetricMultiplier1Heading First R口科Heading 5econd Row月產(chǎn)氣Heading TWrcI Row4. In the column in the Properties menu ,select date format in Data Format在屬性菜單中,在 DataFormat中選擇日期格式??赗eport1Date FormatYYYY-MMI-DDShaw null as aslensNoTNegative Values in RN。TDisplay carte gar)1
34、 narvetDlspla- entity nameFrequencyAll Rows日 ColumnsCurrent ColumnIDMeB Column Attribute!CustomWidlti6DeciTTial Places0Justilicati&niLeftDis SlavCurrentVDate月產(chǎn)油 由月Fc11999-1201440 0D22000-01-D6061.00?32000-02)5152.001?42000-03-06347.00152000-54-04642 001162000-05-D5264 QO£T20(KWM5247 008G933
35、153 00105. Check monthly production of a column, find Subtotal in the Properties menu can be a simple statistical calculation. (contains the sum, average). But statistics can be frequency in the Break option choice.(according to the month, quarter, year)選中月產(chǎn)油一列,在屬性菜單中找到Subtotal 可以進行簡單的統(tǒng)計計算。(包含求和、平均)
36、。而在Break選項中可以進行統(tǒng)計頻率的選擇。(按照月、季度、年等)Heading First RowHeading Second Raw月產(chǎn)油Heading Third RowHid日口耳恥曰!:口5NoSubtotalNoneWBre5k when this colinn changNoBreakNone6. Select AtCondition is in the Break option, if you choose will be a condition for editing options used to edit the statistical conditions.在Brea
37、k選項中有AtCondition 一個選項,如果選擇就會出現(xiàn)一個條件 編輯選項,用來編輯統(tǒng)計的條件。丁VI W" 1 t| W P S 'l> mMl " 1, IMF Y|BreakAt ConditionEdit Condition.7. Such as the statistics at the year Apri. Click OK, report will be statistics in accordance with theconditions .如編寫每年四月進行統(tǒng)計。點擊OK報表就會按照條件進行統(tǒng)計。Ereate Eandition0/13不
38、片下0加63CVD雙 ME。CV. morWhil0/. dafei_ mortlhl_TI國 皿國加J J Jd9 一 9 一 3 3一2ZJdjddJdJEondKoriK | CAnoel8. Reports can be complex screening. As shown in the graph, can be a screening out June and Decemberdata報表可進行復雜的篩選。如圖中所示,可以一次篩選出來六月和十二月的數(shù)據(jù)。Multi well report 多井報表1. Click Format>ByItem, can view multip
39、le well report.點擊 Format>ByItem 可以查看多井才艮表。GRMKiE 西四KMWN 口JHJA5QMSOCQkS dIM商 bUCVLJQ btiM'PRDOL bwaCW d?£IM0W413PitHBWnzmM?5«MH?1 拈ClEHi&T由IEWdd引刊m舊E力ilti71iSWWrllGTPitMW盯74HIM仃iSW-tl-tlC-T田gM M3£»TII1HCKI1GT frTtH3!»3AB拈311?GT315-U-ilGA結mml«”10IdDHE3掘的WjME5S9
40、5I5WM1r*麗0中,如'll »的H父0H融MFCdMHE1E£VIHW11 It51 WZWWWmII1融埠E1依&H彳通的ioaIM物31IMfrHMI»»1.WTIXi甘9MI'M4WH1660-11410-6UH332xaxi1 H45S110» 1241G-6tit11TZW儂wIMiira乳iStl-tl-tl*泡m物rmM J式七IJisei kuS»H4ZWWITMW!Mt.«WHSyirfnUiGifrit砸m心mUS M演*G4OHQIBl蟠M?!>«4TOHi
41、sCi-c-ii“*1若8牯知時Report output報表的夕卜輸2. The report output to the Excel table, right-click on the report, select Excel the shortcut menu .報表的輸出至Excel表格中,右鍵點擊報表,選擇快捷菜單中的Excel。3. Click Close and Update 點擊 Close and Update。4. Excel auto start and writes the results. Then the form to save.Excel自動啟動并且將結果寫入。
42、然后將表格保存。ABCDE國忖白山efjDeleMonChlyprOd. GasMflfflhlypiCd OilMorflhlypiod WaterELUE 1 Ho口口1科中第E29BOOCEH1E191 01ELUE iHg 031力弼79300CIMi5Sf?aaBLUE l:He 71bm. 1BZ35.EK1BLUE,H口 口4431/lffiGiDCKaaQtDiBi37aaELUE IHe 0DM1/1996i 儂me oa10:BLUE l:H& 1545Cm.D29327.CHBLUE 1:Hg D77D1由第E1479OK 0023149 mELUE 1:He 0
43、D0AJ1/109G1051000 0025975.00ELUE l:He DM11/19H53360310024157.mBLUE 1:Hn ID/DIdHSGEi32mca27E21 BLUEJ:He_0GMoaaoa302婦 COBLUE l:H& W1A9H5sjsm.cDXH37.OTBLUE 1:Hg D1431/15B74510X1 oanas mELUE iHe 002ml力期美如g2®72 COBLUE l:H& Emm33M3.aaBLUE 1:Hg D4431X13B7779OK EDjzsaaaELUE THe 0DM1四期27900).003
44、2390 CCELUE l:He am. 31 moaBLUE 1:Hg isiroam1012 mELUE IHe 0DM1 Jl 9972500100949.0032104 0aBLUE l:H& na/niflS0r224OD.ED929.0031SQ.CHBLUEJ:H» 口1M31/1997151QX1CD073 CO32B98CKELUE 1:He 011和1四新aiooooa國6H320 閣 oaELUE l:H& 12CI1/1S07Bcncnm,的加33532 00BLUE_1:H&_DD1431/19SS121 EDO DO724 CO5.
45、 Open again and transferred to the Excel interface, to activate the automatic updates and use the interface of the existing file. And select the saved file. Click on the Close and Update. Then after each update statements will automatically start the selected files, and will f川 contents to table .再次
46、打開外輸?shù)?Excel 的界面,激活界面中的自動更新和使用已存在的文件。并選擇已保存的文件。點擊Close andUpdateo然后每次更新報表之后便會自動啟動選擇的文件,并將內容填寫到選擇好的表單中去。6. The report output to the Access database, right click on the report, select AccesS.報表外輸?shù)?Access數(shù)據(jù)庫中,右鍵點擊報表,選擇 AccessReport Parameters.,Report Display.Report Font Access.Excel Text.,.Find.Header a
47、nd Footer.CclumnHeader Font.7. Write down the input to the database table name. Click Close andUpdate, data is written to the database.寫下輸入到數(shù)據(jù)庫中的表格名稱。點擊Close andUpdate ,數(shù)據(jù)就寫入數(shù)據(jù)庫中了。8. Right click the report also can choose Send To Plot will report the data directly in the map. (in thedrawing has the
48、same settings can be sent directly said drawing repor極表的右鍵中還可以通過選擇SendTo Plot將報表中的數(shù)據(jù)直接成圖。(在繪圖中也有同樣設置可以將繪圖直接發(fā)送稱報表)Report Parameters. Report Display,.Report Font,.Access.,.Excel.lext.H.Find.,Header and Footer,.Column Header Font.HSend To Plot五、Drawing繪圖Learning objection學習目標_ Simple drawing簡單繪圖_ Multi
49、 curve drawing 多曲線繪圖_ Drawing Multi pictures繪制多圖_ Multi axis diagram drawing繪制多軸圖_ The curve markup曲線的標注Simple drawing簡單繪圖1. Click Home>Plot.點擊 Home>Plot2. In this interface, select the drawing variables在這一界面中,選擇繪圖中的變量3. In the step column select target well在步進欄中選擇目標井LJ BLUE_i:He_p 一 4. The re
50、sults showed as figure結果顯示如圖5. In the Properties menu click Headers>Setup. Can add the titled屬,性菜單中,點擊 Headers>Setup??梢蕴砑訕祟}。6. In the title edit interface can add text captions (e.g., "drawing", pay attention to double quotation marks can not be less), can also add pictures, add pict
51、ures first click Assis在標題編輯界面中可以添加文本標題(如,”繪圖”,注意雙引號不可少),也可添加圖片,添加圖片先要點擊 Assist o7. In the title editor interface using the Image function (as shown in parentheses), the content is double quotation marks and pictures the full path and file name.在標題編輯界面中使用 Image 函數(shù)。(如圖所示),括號中內容是雙引號加圖片全路徑和文件名稱8. The im
52、age size is controlled by the font.圖片大小通過字體來控制9. Results figure.結果如圖單圖單軸10. The vertical axis in the click graph, then to find ScaleType in the Properties menu, you can change thecategory in the axis type options (e.g., linear or logarithmic)點擊圖中的縱軸,然后在屬性菜單中找到ScaleType,在坐標軸類型選項中可以更改類別(如,線性或對數(shù)坐標)ScaleScale MinDefault5 Hg MaxDefaultJ# log CyclesDeFaultyScale TypsLogarithmicMulti curve drawing 繪制多曲線圖1. Double click the drawing, the
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