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1、Breaking the Cycle of behavioral failure with mentoring: A tertiary InterventionCheryl A. Young, Ed. D., BCABAAssistant Professor, Teacher EducationUniversity of Nebraska at KearneyLauren A. Lovell, M. Ed., BCBADist. Behavior Analyst, PBS Coord.Lee County School District, FL12Top of the Triangle Pil

2、ot Study: (6 or more referrals)82 students (18 of them were in special ed.)Total of 1,028 ODRs generated from groupAccounted for 6% of school populationNational middle school average for this group is 11% (SWIS, 2001). This group benefits from specific targeted, individualized interventions.3Cycle o

3、f FAILURE(Licht, 1984)Doubt regarding ones ability to succeedLack of effort when faced with a task that is perceived to be difficultSubsequent failure: “confirms” lack of abilityIncreased expectancy of failure in the future4The ConnectionCycle of failureStudents who receive a high number of ODRs5Re-

4、sil-ience (ri sillyanss) or Re-sil-iencySpeedy recovery from problems, the ability to recover quickly from setbacks. (Webster, 2005)The capacity to bounce back, withstand hardship and repair oneself. (Wolin, 1993)6Emmy Werner Resiliency ResearchStudied lives of nearly 700 poverty stricken youth for

5、more than 40 years Interested in youth who overcame adversity and societys problems to become successful adults. Successful: reported they had at least ONE adult who cared about them and believed in them. Having a consistent, non-judgmental, concerned adult was one of the most important reasons why

6、youngsters avoided societys problems and overcame adversity (Henderson & Milstein, 2003) 7Two Models of ResiliencyCircle of CourageBrendtro, Brokenleg, & VanBockern, 2002Henderson & Milstein, 2003 Resiliency in Schools8Resiliency Research and Positive Behavior InterventionsResilient environments:Car

7、ingPositive regardHigh encouragementClear boundariesHigh expectationsMeaningful participationHenderson & Milstein (1996)Positive Behavior Interventions:Function & Context of behaviorQuality of life & Self-determinationRespect for allTeach skills/Support needsInclusion & belongingMichaels, Brown, & M

8、irabella (2005)9Students in Pilot Study33 students were identified having a “major behavior concern” by teachers in an October email survey.Students at the top of the triangle from the previous year with 10+ were included.All students (and parents) agreed to be interviewed minus four who opted out.

9、Only one faculty member was sought twice as a mentor. 10Pilot StudyResultsTest phase before (Aug., Sept., Oct. 45 days) After (Nov., Dec., Jan. 45 days) Average ODRs per month from this group was 58 Before and 24 AfterOverall ODRs: 172 reduced to 72 11Individual Success12Essential Points of Pilot St

10、udy:Students Self-Selected their own mentorGreater efficacyMentor already established a relationshipMentors focused on positives Problem solving, focus on futureHighlight accomplishmentsSupport efforts to overcome problemsStudents GainedSense of belonging, interest in activitiesSelf-determination, s

11、elf-advocacy skills1314Interview Questions:Review SWIS Individual Student ReportAnswer Brief FA QuestionsIdentify three possible mentors 15Training for Implementation on a Grander ScaleMentor Training - broken down in two parts:Part 1: (a) What is Resiliency? (b) The Resiliency Wheel; (c) Personal R

12、esiliency Builders; (d) How to help someone develop resiliency; (e) Resiliency Quiz PreviewPart 2: (a) Questions and Answers; (b) The Circle of Courage; (c) Methods, Strategies, and Best Practices of MentoringRed Zone Mentoring16Training Documents17Resiliency Quizselected items from Section 1: Carin

13、g and support_ I have several people in my life who give me unconditional love, nonjudgmental listening, and who I know are “there for me”. Section 2: High Expectations for Success_ I have several people in my life who let me know they believe in my ability to succeed. _ I get the message “you can s

14、ucceed,” at my work or school.Section 3: Opportunities for Meaningful Participation_ My voice (opinion) and choice (what I want is heard and valued in my close personal relationships._ My opinions and ideas are listened to and respected at my work or school.Section 4: Positive Bonds_I feel “close to

15、 “ most people at my work or school.Section 5: Clear and Consistent Boundaries_ I experience clear, consistent expectations and rules at my work or in my school._ I set and maintain healthy boundaries for myself by standing up for myself, not lettings others take advantage of me, and saying “no” whe

16、n I need to.Section 6: Life Skills_ I have (and use) good listening, honest communication, and healthy conflict resolution skills._ I know how to set a goal and take the steps to achieve it. 18Best PracticesWalk & TalksMeet/GreetCheck In-Check OutLunchBreakfastSnack BreakEmailSupport at an extracurr

17、icular activityRed Zone Mentoring19What happens when a discipline problem arises?Make sure teachers and administrators know you are the mentor for this student.Consider what type and level of support is necessary for this student.Advocate for your student, he/she needs someone in their corner, no ma

18、tter what.Talk with school administrative personnel about what else can be done to support this student.Talk with the student and ask what they need.207 Reasons Why WorksPre-Established Relationship saves timeNon-Directed Style - individualizationObjective - non-judgmental (input for discipline) Pro

19、blem-Solving Skills are developedBelongingness increases Self-determination - students involved in their own destiny with shared responsibilityAppropriate self-advocacy skillsRed Zone Mentoring21Future PlansFinal Outcome Data (May 2007)Present to District School Board Results will be shared with State PBS Professional Development Partnership (previously CSPD) Grant $5,000 so that mentors can receive a stipendRed Zone Mentoring22List of ReferencesB


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