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2、, with confidence rising by the most in the history of the survey. The approval and deployment of several effective vaccines has dramatically improved the prospects of an end to the COVID crisis. A very large US fiscal stimulus has also boosted global economic prospects this year. The global orders

3、index, which is less volatile than the confidence measure, also increased in the Q1 survey and is consistent with further recovery in the global economy into the second half of 2021.The two fear indices measured by concern that customers and suppliers may go out of business gave contrasting messages

4、 in the Q1 survey. Fear that customers would go out of business fell significantly while fear that suppliers would do so edged very slightly higher.Both are still at relatively high levels, underscoring the high degree of uncertainty still prevalent in the global economy (Chart 2).Looking at a regio

5、nal breakdown, confidence jumped the most in North America where the combined effectsCHART 1: Global activity set to recover furtherIndex%06-54-102-150-20-2-25-4-30-6-35-8-40201220132014201520162017201820192020-10GECS index: global ordersWorld GDP (G20) growth y/y % (RHS) Source: OECD. ACCA/IMA (201

6、221)FEAR THAT CUSTOMERSWOULD GO OUT OF BUSINESS FELL SIGNIFICANTLY WHILE FEAR THAT SUPPLIERS WOULD DO SO EDGED VERY SLIGHTLY HIGHER.CHART 2: The fear indices give mixed messagesIndex50403020100Q1 2012Q3 2013Q1 2015Q3 2016Q1 2018Q3 2019Q1 2021GECS: index of concern about customers going out of busine

7、ss GECS: index of concern about suppliers going out of businessSource: ACCA/IMA (201221)GLOBAL ECONOMIC CONDITIONS SURVEY REPORT: Q1, 2021of vaccines and fiscal stimulus have transformed the outlook in recent months. South Asia and Asia Pacific also recorded much improved confidence, reflecting bett

8、er domestic and global demand prospects. Western Europe, Africa and the Middle East all showed more modest increases in confidence, but sentiment in all major regions improved (Chart 3).With orders the proxy for real economic activity the biggest gain in Q1 camein North America. The Middle East also

9、 showed recovery in orders, helped by the rise in oil prices. The rise in orders reported in Western Europe was small, reflecting the continued high COVIDinfection rates and associated restrictions. Africa was the only major region to record a fall in orders, albeit a very small one (Chart 4).Sectio

10、n 2 of this report provides a detailed global economic outlook, painting a fairly optimistic picture for the rest of 2021. Three factors will heavily influence economic prospects in the coming months. Most significant is the rate of vaccination which varies greatly across countries. Put simply, vacc

11、ination can replace lockdown as ameans of controlling COVID-19, thereby allowing economic conditions to return to normal. Policy is also very importantand a major fiscal stimulus in the US will have positive spill-over effects on many other economies this year. Especiallyin advanced economies, there

12、 is also a large pile of savings accumulated during periods when spending was severely restricted. This can be a source of extra demand when economic conditions improve. On these criteria, the US and UK have better growth prospects than the euro-zone, while China is likely to continue to experience

13、strong growth in any case. Many emerging markets will benefit from increased global demand, but vaccination rates are likely to remain low over the rest of 2021.LOOKING AT ACHART 3: Confidence recovers everywhereREGIONAL BREAKDOWN,CONFIDENCE JUMPED THE MOST IN NORTH AMERICA WHERE THE COMBINED EFFECT

14、S OF VACCINES AND FISCAL STIMULUS HAVE TRANSFORMED THE OUTLOOK IN RECENT MONTHS.Index points50403020100Change in GECS confidence index between Q4 2020 and Q1 2021North America South AsiaAsia PacificGlobalW EuropeAfricaMiddle EastSource: OECD. ACCA/IMA (201221)CHART 4: Orders increase in all regions

15、except oneIndex points20Change in GECS orders index between Q4 2020 and Q1 2021151050-5North America Middle EastAsia PacificGlobalSouth AsiaW EuropeAfricaSource: OECD. ACCA/IMA (201221)GLOBAL ECONOMIC CONDITIONS SURVEY REPORT: Q1, 2021Risks from the evolution of the virus and the variable speed and

16、effectiveness of vaccination rollouts remain high. Chart 5 shows scenarios for the global economy. Reflecting a much-improved outlook, the three scenarios all show a higher profile for global activity than the corresponding chart in the Q4 2020 GECS report published in January. Now the central scena

17、rio has the level of activity returning to pre-pandemic levels by early 2022 and there is a good chance that this point is reached later this year.A strong economic rebound with continued easy monetary and fiscal policy globally has raised concerns about the risks of a sustained increase in inflatio

18、n.Headline inflation rates will rise from very low levels in coming months as higher prices for commodities, electronic components and shipping feed through into consumer prices. But this cost-pushinflation will be temporary unless matched by sustained demand-pull inflation caused by rapid economic

19、growth. The likely strength of US GDP growth this year hasraised inflation expectations there, but elsewhere the lagged effect of the deep 2020 recessions will suppress inflation over the next year or so. Even so, on a three-to-five-year view, the risks are that inflation will trend a few percentage


21、onstant pricesQ3 2021 return topre-crisis level of activitySecond/thirdwave effects1101051009590Q1 2019Q1 2020Q1 2021Q1 2022Pre-crisis trendUpside scenarioDownside scenarioCentral scenarioSource: OECD (2021) ACCA estimates (unpublished)Global and regional analysisTHIS GECS HAS RECORDED THE BIGGEST R

22、ISE IN GLOBAL CONFIDENCE SINCE THE SURVEY BEGAN IN 2011.This GECS has recorded the biggest rise in global confidence since the survey began in 2011. Between the Q4 survey conducted last December and the Q1 survey in March there has been a significant improvement in the outlook. The regulatory approv

23、alof several highly effective vaccines against COVID-19 and the subsequent introduction of vaccination schemes in many countries has boosted confidence that a permanent solution to the health crisis is within reach. Activity indicators covering orders, capital spending andemployment all increased to

24、 some degree in the Q1 survey (Chart 6). These arenow at, or close to, levels in 2019 Q4 just before the pandemic struck. Meanwhile, the fear indices concern that customers and suppliers may go out of business remain at high levels, underlining that uncertainty remains elevated.In this survey, respo

25、ndents were again asked when they expected substantial economic recovery in their region (Chart 7). Responses illustrate the divergence across the global economy with Asia Pacific and North America most frequently reporting that economic recovery is already established, while those in Western Europe

26、 were by far the least likely to beof this view. As on previous occasions with this question, there is a general tendency for expectations to be pushed further out into the future. In the Middle East, Africa and Western Europe, over 40% did not expect significant economic recovery until Q4 this year

27、 or later.ACTIVITY INDICATORSCHART 6: Global indices continue to regain groundCOVERING ORDERS,CAPITAL SPENDING AND EMPLOYMENT ALL INCREASED TO SOME DEGREE IN THEQ1 SURVEY.Index3020100-10-20-30-40-50-60GECS Global indicesQ1 2012Q3 2013Q1 2015Q3 2016Q1 2018Q3 2019Q1 2021Confidence indexOrders indexCap

28、ital expenditure indexEmployment indexSource: ACCA/IMA (201221)CHART 7: Expectations of economic recoveryWhen do you expect significant economic recovery in your economy?% responding for each time period6050403020100Already establishedMiddle EastAfricaQ2AsiaPacificSouth AsiaQ3North AmericaWestern Eu

29、ropeAfter Q3GLOBAL ECONOMIC CONDITIONS SURVEY REPORT: Q1, 2021The GECS index of concern about operating costs increased in the latest survey, but remains below its long-run average (Chart 8). This is to be expected given the rebound in commodity prices and shipping costs over recent months. A degree

30、 of cost-push inflation is inevitable this year, but the scale of this is likely to be modest.Despite this, there is some concern about higher inflation on a medium-term view (see discussion in Section 2.) In the Q1 survey respondents were asked about inflation expectations over the next five years

31、(Chart 9). In all regions at least two- thirds of respondents expect inflation to be slightly or much higher than now.There is a marked contrast between the relatively high expectations of North America, South Asia and Africa and rather lower expectations in Western Europe.THE GECS INDEX OFCONCERN A

32、BOUT OPERATING COSTS INCREASED IN THE LATEST SURVEY, BUT REMAINS BELOW ITS LONG-RUN AVERAGE.CHART 8: Concern about operating costs%GECS: percentage concerned about rising costs605550454035302520Q1 2012Q3 2013Q1 2015Q3 2016Q1 2018Q3 2019Q1 2021Source: ACCA/IMA (2012-21)CHART 9: Inflation expectations

33、What is your expectation for inflation compared with now over the next five years?% responding for each category6050403020100Already establishedMiddle EastAfricaQ2AsiaPacificSouth AsiaQ3North AmericaWestern EuropeAfter Q3GLOBAL ECONOMIC CONDITIONS SURVEY REPORT: Q1, 2021Regional pictureNORTH AMERICA

34、In the latest survey confidence jumped by the most since the GECS began over 10 years ago and the orders and employment indices both reached the highest level in over two years. The combined effect of good progress with vaccination and the huge US fiscal stimulus has transformed the economic outlook

35、 in the region.Growth forecasts for the US, Canada and Mexico have all been upgradedthrough into the second half of 2021.Q1 2012Q3 2013Q1 2015Q3 2016Q1 2018Q3 2019Q1 2021Confidence indexOrders indexrecently. The North America region GECS is consistent with a very strong recoveryCHART 10: North Ameri

36、caIndex6040200-20-40-60Capital expenditure indexEmployment indexSource: ACCA/IMA (2012-20)ASIA-PACIFICAfter faltering in 2020 Q4, confidence and other indicators rebounded in the latest survey. The Asia-Pacific region suffered relatively modest falls in output last year and China recovered quickly a

37、nd continues to grow strongly. As wellas reasonable prospects within the region, the prospect of a wider global economic recovery is brightening the regions economic prospects this year.CHART 11: Asia-PacificIndex3020100-10-20-30-40-50-60-70Q1 2012Q3 2013Q1 2015Q3 2016Q1 2018Q3 2019Q1 2021Confidence

38、 indexOrders indexCapital expenditure indexEmployment indexSource: ACCA/IMA (2012-20)WESTERN EUROPEWestern Europe joined in the improving economic picture in this survey, but toa more modest degree than other regions i.e., the change from Q4 last year to Q1 was relatively modest. The region includes

39、 both the UK and EU, with the latter making slow progress with vaccinations. The country readings for the UK are stronger than for the region as a whole. Nevertheless, with the ordersbalance at a two-year high, the Q1 survey points to economic recovery gathering momentum in coming months.CHART 12: W

40、estern EuropeIndex 3020100-10-20-30-40-50-60Q1 2012Q3 2013Q1 2015Q3 2016Q1 2018Q3 2019Q1 2021Confidence indexOrders indexCapital expenditure indexEmployment indexSource: ACCA/IMA (2012-20)GLOBAL ECONOMIC CONDITIONS SURVEY REPORT: Q1, 2021MIDDLE EASTConfidence in the Middle East region increased mode

41、stly in Q1 but activity indicators, such as orders, showed a strong relative increase. Confidence was supported by a further rise in oil prices this year, touching US$70 per barrel in March. In addition, some countries in the region, Israel, UAE and Bahrain especially, are well advanced in vaccinati

42、on schemes. Improved oil revenues and a relaxation of social restrictions suggest economic recovery.CHART 13: Middle EastIndex40200-20-40-60-80Q1 2012Q3 2013Q1 2015Q3 2016Q1 2018Q3 2019Q1 2021Confidence indexOrders indexCapital expenditure indexEmployment indexSource: ACCA/IMA (2012-20)SOUTH ASIACon

43、fidence rose sharply in South Asia with only North America recording a bigger increase. A shift in gear to greater fiscal ease in India has significantly improved the economic outlook there with economic activity already having regained its pre-pandemic level. Activity indicators in the region impro

44、ved butby less than the global average. There remains a legacy of tens of millions of people in the region who have fallen into poverty as a result of the COVID crisis.CHART 14: South AsiaIndex40200-20-40-60-80Q1 2012Q3 2013Q1 2015Q3 2016Q1 2018Q3 2019Q1 2021Confidence indexOrders indexCapital expen

45、diture indexEmployment indexSource: ACCA/IMA (2012-20)AFRICAConfidence improved across Africa in the Q1 survey, albeit more modestly than in most other regions. Africa is the only region to record a fall in the orders index in Q1, although the other activity indicators of employment and capital spen

46、ding both rose. Previous experience of pandemics and a relatively young population prevented dramatic falls in output last year. But negligible progress on vaccination plus a continued absence of foreign tourists, suggests there will be no strong recovery in many countries.Commodity exporters will f

47、are better as prices and demand have rebounded.CHART 15: AfricaIndex40200-20-40-60-80Q1 2012Q3 2013Q1 2015Q3 2016Q1 2018Q3 2019Q1 2021Confidence indexOrders indexCapital expenditure indexEmployment indexSource: ACCA/IMA (2012-20)Thematic analysisTHE LONG SHADOW CAST BY THECOVID-19 PANDEMIC IS BEGINN

48、ING TO LIFT IN MANY PARTS OF THE GLOBAL ECONOMY.The global economy climbing out of the abyssThe long shadow cast by the COVID-19 pandemic is beginning to lift in many parts of the global economy. Prospects are rising that, by the end of this year, the level of global economic activity will have rega

49、ined its pre-pandemic level at the endof 2019. Uncertainty is still very high, about both the health crisis and how economies may perform once the crisis is finally over.Three main factors will affect the global economic outlook in the coming months.Vaccination SchemesVaccination is the way out of t

50、he pandemic and the route to returning economic activity to normal by allowing the removal of restrictions. Last autumn there was no approved vaccine against COVID-19 and it was uncertain whether there would even be one. Six months later, and several highly effective vaccines have regulatory approva

51、l and are now being given to people in many countries. Vaccines will almost certainly bring an end to this pandemic, even allowing for the emergence of new variants of the virus.For the time being there are significant differences in vaccination rates across countries (Chart 16). This will greatly i

52、nfluence relative economic prospects.FOR THE TIME BEINGTHERE ARE SIGNIFICANTDIFFERENCES IN VACCINATION RATES ACROSS COUNTRIES. THIS WILL GREATLY INFLUENCE RELATIVE ECONOMIC PROSPECTS.CHART 16: Multi-speed vaccinationVaccination RatePer 100 population*Israel UAEChile UK USSpain Italy FranceGermany020

53、406080100120* Chart shows total number of vaccination doses administered per 100 people in the total population.This is counted as a single dose, and may not equal the total number of people vaccinated. Where two doses have been given to a large share of the population this number of vaccinations pe

54、r 100 can exceed 100.Source: Our World in Data (Data as of 29 March)GLOBAL ECONOMIC CONDITIONS SURVEY REPORT: Q1, 2021Policy StimulusGovernments across the globe have spent trillions of dollars on supporting the incomes of households and businessesas lockdown measures took their toll on economic act

55、ivity. In many countries, these support measures are likely to remain in place through much or all of this year. But there is now the issue of additional fiscal stimulus in order to boost economic growth as the health crisis fades. For example, the EUs Recovery Fund is likely to start distributing f

56、unds, probably worth around 1% of EU GDP in the second half of this year. But this is as nothing compared with the US$1.9 trillion US COVID Relief Act. This is equivalentto around 9% of US GDP and comes on top of a US$0.9 trillion package passed last December. As well as significantly boosting growt

57、h in the US, the spill-over effects will also lift growth among its trading partners (Chart 17).Accumulated savingsLockdowns that restricted spending opportunities plus massive fiscal support that sustained disposable incomes had the inevitable consequence of pushing savings rates to extreme levels.

58、 As a consequence, over the last 12 months households in many countries have accumulated a large stock of excess savings. This pile of cash represents pent up demand that may be unleashed when economic conditions return to normal, giving a major sugar rush spurt to growth. How strong this effect wil

59、l be in a particular economy depends on the total size ofaccumulated funds. But it will also depend on how much of these savings are spent as opposed to retained as additions to household assets. An important factor here is the distribution of savings across the income distribution: the greater savi

60、ngs are skewed towards the upper end of the income distribution, the more moderate the spending boost is likely to be. (Technically, those on higher incomes have a lower marginal propensity to consume.)In March, the OECD interim Economic Outlook updated forecasts made last December. (Table 1.) Globa


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