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1、CONTENTMessage from the Director-General HYPERLINK l _bookmark0 04About this Preview HYPERLINK l _bookmark1 06INTRODUCTION HYPERLINK l _bookmark2 07ENERGY TRANSITION FOR 1.5C HYPERLINK l _bookmark3 09Ramping up electricity use HYPERLINK l _bookmark4 18System enhancement with green hydrogen and bioen

2、ergy HYPERLINK l _bookmark5 25Phasing out fossil fuels HYPERLINK l _bookmark6 32Energy transition investment opportunities HYPERLINK l _bookmark7 36BROAD, HOLISTIC JUST TRANSITION POLICIES HYPERLINK l _bookmark8 43JOB CREATION AND WIDER BENEFITS HYPERLINK l _bookmark9 47CO-OPERATION BEYOND BORDERS H

3、YPERLINK l _bookmark10 50MESSAGE FROMTHE DIRECTOR- GENERALThe window of opportunity to achieve the 1.5C Paris Agreement goal is closing fast. The recent trends show that the gap between where we are and where we should be is not decreasing but widening. We are heading in the wrong direction. The Int

4、ergovernmental Panel on Climate Changes (IPCCs) Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5C released in 2018 clearly indicates that a 45% reduction in global greenhouse gas emissions from 2010 levels is required by 2030.1 However, emissions have continued to increase, except in 2020, when the COVID-19

5、pandemic caused a dramatic economic slowdown. Indications are that a rebound is very likely to happen, at least in the short term.1What is at stake is the ability to avoid further irreversible warming with profound economic and humanitarian consequences. The most important variable to measure our ef

6、forts is time. The coming nine years will clarify whether we can achieve the speed and scale of deployment necessary for a 45% emission reduction. The highest levels of ambition and effort are required to change course. It will not be easy, but we have no choice. While the path is daunting, several

7、favourable elements can make it achievable.The energy transition is already taking place, and it is unstoppable. Great strides have been made in the past decade, with governments and markets including the financial market clearly opting for renewable-based energy systems. Over170 countries have rene

8、wables targets, and many have included them in their Nationally Determined Contributions. New capacity addition patterns show that renewables routinely outpace fossil fuels and nuclear combined. A clear vision of a new energy system is emerging, based on renewable technologies and complemented by gr

9、een hydrogen and modern bioenergy. This new system is technically viable and ready for accelerated and widespread adoption. 2Remarkable advances in renewable technologies, enabled by foresighted policies, have placed them well within economic reach in many countries. The abundance of renewable poten

10、tials worldwide makes them a scalable option. IRENAs analysis showsthat solutions for immediate deployment exist to substantially reduce emissions, without the need to wait for new or unproven technologies. For many countries, this translates a technical and economic challenge into a set of investme

11、nt, regulatory and societal actions. A 1.5C pathway is not only about what we can do but also what we must not do. It means that all coal plants in the pipeline should be abandoned for more economically and environmentally suitable solutions.3The COVID-19 crisis response offers an unexpected opening

12、 to change direction with careful recalibrating of stimulus packages and recovery measures. The COVID-19 crisis highlighted the cost of tying economies to the fate of fuels prone to price shocks. Theenergy system, along with the rest of the economy, has been shaken to the core. Amid this, renewables

13、 have shown remarkable resilience. Renewable power was a preferred option early on for several reasons, notably its abundance and low operating costs. The crisis was also a test case for renewables-based electricity, debunking myths around the reliability of systems with high shares of solar and win

14、d.The energy transition can no longer be limited to mitigation efforts or incremental steps. It has to become a transformational effort, a system overhaul, based on the rapid upscaling of available technologies while innovating for the future. The emerging energy system must promote a more inclusive

15、 and equitable world, with resilience against economic and environmental shocks. Governments and investors now have the opportunity, and the responsibility, to bring about lasting change.Francesco La CameraDirector-General, IRENAABOUT THIS PREVIEWThis study builds on IRENAs REmap (Renewable Energy R

16、oadmap) approach,2 which has formed the basis for a succession of global, regional, country-level and sector-specific analyses since 2014. REmap is also the foundation of IRENAs socio-economic analyses3 that capture an increasingly comprehensive picture of the impact of the energy transition on econ

17、omies and societies. This preview of the World Energy Transitions Outlook outlines a more nuanced vision of the transition of the worlds energy landscape aligned with the Paris Agreement goals. It shows the pathway to limiting the global temperature rise to 1.5C and bringing CO2 emissions closer to

18、net zero by mid- century. This publication presents high-level insights on technology choices, investment needs and socio-economic contexts involved in setting the world on a trajectory towards a sustainable, resilient and inclusive energy future. This preview will be followed by the full report of

19、the World Energy Transitions Outlook, which will delve into the factors outlined here in more depth, along with socio-economic impacts of the transition, policy recommendations and financing sources.Box 1: Scenarios in this outlookThe Planned Energy Scenario (PES) is the primary reference case for t

20、his study, providing a perspective on energy system developments based on governments current energy plans and other planned targets and policies (as of 2019), including Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) under the Paris Agreement.The 1.5C Scenario (1.5-S) describes an energy transition path

21、way aligned with the 1.5C climate ambition that is, to limit global average temperature increase by the end of the present century to 1.5C, relative to pre- industrial levels. It prioritises readily available technology solutions including all sources of renewable energy, electrification measures an

22、d energy efficiency, which can be scaled up at the necessary pace for the 1.5C goal. The 1.5-S is not limited exclusively to these technologies. It also accounts for innovation and emerging solutions, especially in the coming decades.INTRODUCTIONIRENAs World Energy Transitions Outlook provides the c

23、ontours of an energy pathway and a concise set of actions fully aligned with the findings of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and the needs of a just, inclusive and orderly transition. This preview prepared for the Berlin Energy Transition Dialogue in March 2021 provides highlights from

24、 IRENAs latest analysis and outlines immediate priority actions and investments and areas where accelerated improvement is necessary. The analysis also considers transformative technologies such as green hydrogen and sustainable bioenergy, which will play an essential role over the mid and long term

25、.A combination of technologies is needed to keep us on a 1.5C climate pathway, in particular:Stabilised energy demand through increased energy efficiency and circular economy measures while maintaining economic growth;Decarbonised power systems with supply dominated by renewables to meet growing nee

26、ds;Electrification of end-use sectors, with the increased use of electricity in buildings, industry and transport;Expanded production and use of green hydrogen, synthetic fuels and feedstocks to pursue indirect electrification;Targeted use of sustainably sourced biomass, particularly in place of hig

27、h-energy-density fuels such as those used in aviation and other transport modes, or in greening gas grids.This preview assesses these options to bring clarity to their scale, timelines and required investments. Furthermore, it explores abatement options for the last share of emissions, which will re

28、quire a limited deployment of carbon capture and storage (CCS) and carbon dioxide removal (CDR) technologies. Additional focus was placed on the use of Biomass with CCS (BECCS) as a negative emissions option.Countries and regions are increasingly making ambitious and far-reaching commitments to clim

29、ate action, with almost 30 already set to achieve net zero in the coming decades. This is creating a new political momentum and fertile ground for an ambitious energy transition pace. With the right decisions, these commitments will be translated into a new energy path. This requires a consistent fo

30、cus on the technology choices and sequencing that will bring optimal outcomes. Equally important is to avoid becoming side-tracked by seemingly viable solutions that could misdirect valuable resources and efforts in the coming years.The preview of the World Energy Transitions Outlook clarifies these

31、 choices to support informed policy and decision making for a 21st-century energy system. Following this preview and aligned with the UN High-Level Dialogue process, IRENA will release the full World Energy Transitions Outlook, also outlining a comprehensive socio-economic footprint and accompanying

32、 policy measures for the transition, along with financing sources and market insights.ENERGY TRANSITION FOR 1.5CHolding the line at 1.5C means reaching net zero by 2050 and ensuring a rapid decline in emissions beginning now. Countries around the world need to accelerate their efforts toward the ene

33、rgy transition without delay.Despite clear evidence of human-caused climate change, widespread support for the Paris Agreement, and the prevalence of clean, economical and sustainable energy options, energy- related carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions increased 1.3% annually, on average, over the period

34、2014 to 2019.4 While last year, 2020, was an outlier due to the pandemic, as emissions declined 7%,5 a rebound looks very likely, at least in the short term.Meanwhile, in the last few years the energy sector has begun to change in promising ways, enabled by supporting policy and innovations in techn

35、ologies and systems. Renewable power technologies are dominating the global market for new generation capacity. Following increasing renewables deployments in 2019 (around 176 gigawatts GW added globally6), indications are that 2020 was a record year for wind and solar photovoltaic (PV) markets, wit

36、h current market forecasts suggesting that about 71 GW7 and 115 GW8 are expected to be added, respectively. New records for low- priced solar PV were achieved (less than 2 US cents per kilowatt hour kWh). The electrification of transport is showing signs of disruptive transition the global sales of

37、electric cars grew by 43% compared to 2019, to reach 3.2 million units, accounting for 4.2% of global new car sales.9 Key enabling technologies, such as battery packs and cells for mobility applications, saw rapid cost reductions from an average USD 181/kWh in 2018 to USD 137/kWh in 202010 (the lowe

38、st-cost applications were under USD 100/kWh).However, the speed of the transition is far from what is needed to be in line with the Paris Agreement. Policies in place* will yield only global emissions stabilisation with a slight drop towards 2050 (as in the Planned Energy Scenario PES). However, if

39、these policies are not fully implemented, emissions could potentially rise 27% over the coming three decades (as indicated in the Baseline Energy Scenario BES in Figure 1). Overall, the pace of future projections indicated in the Planned Energy Scenario falls far short of what is needed for a 1.5C p

40、athway. The time dimension is crucial, and a radical shift is required, starting today, based on readily available renewable energy and energy efficiency technologies that can be scaled up now. This Outlook outlines what is required for such a shift and presents an energy pathway that is consistent

41、with limiting global temperature rises to 1.5C a pathway IRENA calls the 1.5C Scenario (1.5-S).* Based on governments current energy plans and other planned targets and policies, including the first round of Nationally Determined Contributions under the Paris Agreement (as of 2019).Aligned with the

42、Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Changes special report on global warming of 1.5C,1 the IRENA analysis starts with the goal of reducing global CO2 emissions following a steep and continuous downward trajectory from now on and reaching net zero by 2050. The energy sector is responsible for around 8

43、0% of anthropogenic CO2 emissions and has a central role in delivering the decarbonisation required. To reach net zero by 2050, CO2 emissions must decline 3.5% year-on-year, on average. The 1.5C Scenario shows that this is achievable but extremely challenging, requiring urgent action on multiple fro

44、nts.FIGURE 1For the 1.5C climate target, global CO2 emissions need to drop to net zero by 2050Annual net CO2 emissions 20212050 GtCO2/yr, Baseline Energy Scenario (BES), Planned Energy Scenario (PES) and 1.5C Scenario (1.5-S)Net annual CO2 emissions (GtCO2/yr) 2050Planned Energy Scenario36.5 GtCO2Tr

45、ansport-8.4 GtCO,Transport BuildingsOtherBuildingsOther-2.3 GtCO,-2.2 GtCO,Reductions in sectors in 2050 from PES to 1.5-SPower and heat plants-13.0 GtCO,Power and heat plantsIndustryIndustry-11.0 GtCO,Removals1.5C Scenario50454035302520151050-52021202520302035204020452050Baseline Energy Scenario46.

46、5 GtCO2-0.4 GtCO,Note: The blue shaded areas in the figure represent the remaining net CO2 emissions in corresponding sectors in the 1.5-S and the grey area represents the reductions in CO2 emissions in the 1.5-S compared to the PES. Industry includes energy and process related CO2 emissions. Intern

47、ational bunkers are included in transport emissions. Others include emissions from non-energy uses and other sectors such as agriculture, forestry etc. Emissions in industry and power and heat generation plants include CO2 emissions captured by carbon capture, BECCS and other carbon removal measures

48、. As a result, towards 2050 these two sectors become net negative, i.e., the CO2 captured more than compensates remaining CO2 emissions in those sectors. Overall, the net CO2 emissions in the 1.5-S in 2050 would reach -0.4 Gt.GtCO2/yr = gigatonnes of carbon dioxide per year; PES = Planned Energy Sce

49、nario.In the Planned Energy Scenario annual emissions reach36.5 gigatonnes of carbon dioxide (GtCO2) in 2050.For the 1.5C Scenario, emissions need to drop to net zero. All sectors need to reach almost net zero. Further efforts in sectors such as power, heat and industry are needed, with negative emi

50、ssions delivering the necessary additional carbon reductions.The World Energy Transitions Outlook identifies six main components of the CO2 emissions abatement:1. Renewables2. Energy conservation and efficiency3. Electrification in the end-use sectors4. Hydrogen and its derivatives5. CCS and CCU6. B

51、ECCS and other carbon removal measuresFIGURE 2 Six components of the energy transition strategyCO2 emissions abatement options between the 1.5C Scenario and PESAbatements 2050Renewables25 %-36.9GtCO2/yr(power and direct uses)Energy conservation25 %and eciency*Electrification in end use sectors20 %(d

52、irect) Hydrogen and its derivatives*10 % CCS and CCU industry6 %BECCS and other carbon14 %removal measuresNote: The abatement estimates in the figure between the PES and 1.5-S include energy (incl. bunkers) and process- related CO2 emissions along with emissions from non-energy use. Renewables inclu

53、de renewable power generation sources and direct use of renewable heat and biomass. Energy efficiency includes measures related to reduced demand and efficiency improvements. Structural changes (e.g. relocation of steel production with direct reduced iron) and circular economy practices are part of

54、energy efficiency. Electrification includes direct use of clean electricity in transport and heat applications. Hydrogen and its derivatives include use of hydrogen and synthetic fuels and feedstocks. CCS describes carbon capture and storage from point-source fossil-fuel-based and other emitting pro

55、cesses mainly in industry. BECCS and other carbon removal measures include bioenergy coupled with CCS (BECCS) in electricity and heat generation, and in industry and other measures in industry.BECCS = bioenergy with CCS; CCS = carbon capture and storage; CCU = carbon capture and utilisation; GtCO2 =

56、 gigatonnes of carbon dioxide.Renewable energy plays a key role in the decarbonisation effort. Over 90% of the solutions in 2050 involve renewable energy through direct supply, electrification, energy efficiency, green hydrogen and BECCS. Fossil-based CCS has a limited role to play, and the contribu

57、tion of nuclear remains atthe same levels as today.The portfolio of technologies neededto decarbonise the world energy system mostly exists today, but innovative solutions are considered as well.IRENAs 1.5C Scenario considers todays proven technologies as well as innovative technologies that are sti

58、ll under development but which that could play a significant role by 2050. For example, in the case of renewable power generation technologies, offshore renewable energy such as floating offshore wind and emerging ocean energy technologies could support sustainable long- term development and drive a

59、 vibrant blue economy. On the end use side, innovation extends from electrified transport modes (e.g. long range electric trucks) and e-fuels (e.g. green hydrogen- based ammonia and methanol) to alternative production processes in manufacturing industry (e.g. direct reduced iron production using gre

60、en hydrogen) as well as green buildings (e.g. smart buildings for energy management along with net zero buildings). Speculative solutions still at an early stage of development have been excluded.FIGURE 3 Electricity becomes the main energy carrier in energy consumption by 2050Breakdown of total fin


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