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1、 1998年4月5日,世界上目前最長的吊橋日本明石海峽大橋正式通車。大橋坐落在日本神戶市與淡路島之間(東經(jīng)134度59分,北緯34度36分),全長3911米,主橋墩跨度1991米。兩座主橋墩海拔297米,基礎(chǔ)(jch)直徑80米,水中部分高60米。NO.1明石(mn sh)海峽大橋共六十四頁NO.2西堠門大橋(d qio) 西堠門大橋是連接舟山本島與寧波的舟山連島工程五座跨海大橋中技術(shù)要求最高的特大型跨海橋梁,主橋?yàn)閮煽邕B續(xù)鋼箱梁懸索橋,主跨1650米,是目前世界上最大跨度的鋼箱梁懸索橋,全長在懸索橋中居世界第二、國內(nèi)第一,但鋼箱梁懸索長度為世界第一。設(shè)計(shj)通航等級3萬噸、使用年限10

2、0年。2007年12月16日上午11時18分,舟山連島工程西堠門大橋第126段鋼箱梁完成吊裝、連接,至此,世界最長的鋼箱梁懸索橋西堠門大橋主橋宣告全線貫通。 共六十四頁NO.3大貝爾特海峽(hixi)大橋 1998年6月14日竣工通車。大貝爾特海峽大橋位于丹麥的菲英島 Funen島和丹麥西蘭島 Zealand島(哥本哈根所在處)之間,全長17.5km。大橋工程由3個部分組成:跨越東航道的一條鐵路隧道(sudo),一座高速公路高架橋和一座公鐵兩用橋。 共六十四頁NO.4潤揚(yáng)長江大橋 潤揚(yáng)長江大橋即鎮(zhèn)江-揚(yáng)州長江公路大橋。潤揚(yáng)長江大橋于2000年10月20日開工建設(shè),她跨江連島,北起揚(yáng)州,南接鎮(zhèn)江

3、,全長35.66公里,主線采用雙向6車道高速公路(o s n l)標(biāo)準(zhǔn),設(shè)計時速100公里,工程總投資約53億元,工期5年,2005年10月1日前建成通車。潤揚(yáng)大橋連接京滬、寧滬、寧杭三條高速公路,并使這三條高速公路和312國道、同三國道主干線、上海至成都國道主干線互連互通,成為長三角地區(qū)又一重要的路網(wǎng)樞紐。 共六十四頁NO.5亨伯爾橋 英國亨伯爾橋(又譯恒貝爾橋),主跨1410米(280+1410+530),正交異性板橋面,橋?qū)?8.5米,混凝土橋塔高155.5米,三道橫梁(hn lin)支撐,1981年建成。共六十四頁NO.6江陰長江大橋 江陰長江大橋位于中國江蘇江陰市與靖江市之間,是規(guī)劃

4、的沿海南北主干線跨越長江的位置。橋型方案為中跨1385m的大跨徑懸索橋。它是中國的第一座跨經(jīng)超千米的橋梁,全橋總長近3km。 1994年11月22日開工,1999年9月28日竣工通車。江澤民同志為大橋(d qio)題名,并為大橋(d qio)開通剪彩。共六十四頁NO.7青馬(qn m)大橋 青馬大橋(Tsing Ma Bridge),是配合香港國際機(jī)場(赤蠟角機(jī)場)而建的十大核心工程之一。于1992年5月開始興建,歷時五年竣工,造價71.44億港元。青馬大橋橫跨青衣島及馬灣,橋身總長度2,200米,主跨長度1,377米,離海面高62米,青馬大橋除創(chuàng)造世界最長的行車、鐵路兩用吊橋紀(jì)錄外,包括青馬

5、大橋在內(nèi)的機(jī)場核心計劃還于1999年榮獲美國建筑界權(quán)威(qunwi)及編輯選為“二十世紀(jì)十大建筑成就獎 Top 10 Construction Achievements of the 20th Century”得主之一 共六十四頁NO.8韋拉扎諾橋 韋拉扎諾海峽大橋:全長1298米,位于美國紐約,1964年建成。 跨越(kuyu)韋拉扎諾海峽的雙層公路懸索橋。上下層各六車道。橋跨37333m129845m370 33m。雙面懸索,每面均為雙索。鋼加勁桁架用剛構(gòu)式橫斷面以增加抗扭剛度,桁距為30 632m,高7315m。鋼塔高19196m。共六十四頁NO.9金門大橋(jn mn d qio) 金

6、門橋(Golden Gate Bridge)是世界著名的橋梁之一,也是近代橋梁工程的一項(xiàng)奇跡。大橋雄峙于美國(mi u)加利福尼亞州舊金山長1900多米的金門海峽之上,歷時4年,利用10萬多噸鋼材,耗資達(dá)3550萬美元建成,由橋梁工程師約瑟夫施特勞斯(Joseph .Struss, 18701938年)設(shè)計。因其歷史價值,于2007年由英、美兩國合拍成同名紀(jì)錄片。寬約100 共六十四頁NO.10陽邏長江大橋 武漢陽邏長江大橋于2007年12月28日通車 國道主干線的咽喉,同時還是杭州至蘭州重點(diǎn)干線公路及湖北省“四縱兩橫一環(huán)”公路的主骨架。大橋(d qio)北岸起于該市新洲區(qū)的施崗,南岸止于青山

7、區(qū)的北湖,建設(shè)里程約為十公里,其中橋梁部分長二點(diǎn)七公里,橋面凈寬三十三米,總投資近二十億元人民幣。該橋主橋采用主跨為一千二百八十米的雙塔單跨懸索橋,這也是武漢市的首座懸索大橋(d qio),其跨度居全國第三,世界第八,建設(shè)工期為四年。 共六十四頁Lesson 17 The longest suspension bridge in the world The Verrazano Bridge共六十四頁維拉薩諾大橋(d qio) The introduction of Verrazano維拉薩諾橋(Verrazano Suspension Bridge)是為紀(jì)念意大利探險家維拉薩諾命名(mng m


9、(shyng) 介詞(jic)+which的定語從句長度,寬度,深度的表達(dá)法寫作模板描述特點(diǎn) 4123Contents共六十四頁New words and expression suspension n.懸,吊;暫停suspensionbridge 吊橋 suspension of business 停業(yè)suspend vt.吊, 懸掛 - Thelightissuspendedfromtheceiling.suspend vt.暫停, 暫緩 - Thetrainwassuspendedbecauseoftheheavyrain.suspense n.擔(dān)心、掛念、懸念(in suspense)

10、- The wonderful film gave me a good expression because of its suspense. (懸念)- He didnt tell me the truth. It kept me in suspense all day.suspender n.吊襪帶,(褲子(k zi)或裙子的)背帶共六十四頁agreeable adj.宜人的(- Todayisagreeable.) agreeablesituation宜人的地方 - His house is in a agreeable situation.Place: pleasant or comf

11、ortablePerson: easy-goingShe was a very cheerful, agreeable woman.The students were agreeable to my suggestion.學(xué)生(xu sheng)們欣然贊成我的提議。situation n.地點(diǎn),地方(= location = position)situate vt.使位于, 使處于locate v.位于- BeijingislocatedintheNorthofChina.- Japan islocatedto the east of China.共六十四頁 the domestic situ

12、ation 國內(nèi)形勢 the international situation 國際形勢 the current situation 時局 the political situation 政局(zhngj) the actual situation at a given time and place當(dāng)時當(dāng)?shù)氐膶?shí)際情況 a difficult situation 困難處境 a thrilling situation 緊張的局面 共六十四頁immortal adj.永生的,流芳百世的 n. 神仙,流芳百世的人mortal adj.致命的,終有一死的。n. 凡人(fnrn),人類Eg.Truth is

13、 immortal;error is mortal.真理永恒,謬誤短暫。mortality. n.必死的命運(yùn),死亡數(shù)近義詞:eternal,monumental 共六十四頁Brooklyn n.布魯克林(紐約一區(qū)名)Staten n.斯塔頓(島)span n.跨度;一段時間 如:the whole span of English history 英國歷史的全程cable n.纜索(ln su)concrete n.混凝土suspend v.懸掛hang freelyThese small animals can suspend from the branches by their tailsl

14、ength n.根,段共六十四頁estimate v.估計 evaluate,guess at, measure- underestimate 低估 / overestimate 高估- Ataroughestimate, thecarisworth500thousandRMB. 粗略(cl)的估計以下They estimated the number of visitors at 10 million.estimation n.判斷(= judgement = judgment n.審判, 判決)- inmyestimation = in my view = in my opinion共六十

15、四頁capacity n.承受量(容量(rngling), 生產(chǎn)量, 接受力)Areyouclearaboutthecapacityofthe cinema?What does change is the memory duction capacity 生產(chǎn)力environmental capacity 環(huán)境承載力capacity n.做某事的能力haveacapacityfordoingsomething haveacapacitytodowe have a capacity to study English well.共六十四頁ability n.能力(nngl),

16、 才干(已經(jīng)做到了)- Wehaveabilitytofinishtheworkintwodays. = we manage to finishcapability n.潛在的能力havecapabilitytodo / havecapabilityofdoing- Every child has capability to study a foreign language.faculty n.先天的智能或能力competence n.勝任工作的能力、資格 - I have competence for this job.共六十四頁immensity n.巨大 infinite,vastnes

17、sFor a time our team hesitated before the immensity of the task.我們隊(duì)在面對這項(xiàng)浩大的工程面前猶豫了一個時期。elegant adj.優(yōu)美別致的 eleganceelegant 還表示(biosh)人的舉止很得體、大方 - Theladyiselegant. / elegant behaviorThe design of this fashion designer is in simple and elegant style. 崇尚簡樸高雅,是這位服裝設(shè)計師的風(fēng)格。graceful adj.優(yōu)美的(強(qiáng)調(diào)一個人的體型優(yōu)美)delic

18、ate adj.精巧的, 精致的faintly adv.微細(xì)地faint共六十四頁midst n.中間 prep.在.中間flow vi.流動n.流動account n.計算, 說明, 帳目platform n.平臺(pngti), (車站)月臺,講臺, 講壇共六十四頁wire n.金屬絲, 電線pack vt.塞滿, 擠進(jìn), 擠滿strength n.強(qiáng)度, 力量fulfill / fufil vt.履行, 實(shí)現(xiàn), 完成(計劃等)draw vt.vi.(drew, drawn, drawing)拉, 曳, 牽, 畫, 繪制create vt.創(chuàng)造(chungzo), 創(chuàng)作, 引起, 造成共六

19、十四頁Questions Howisthebridgesupported?共六十四頁More questions1.What is the name of the bridge?2.What is its span?3.How many towers has it got?4.What do these towers support?5.What are the towers built on?6.How far under the sea do the platforms go?7.How far above the surface do the towers rise?8.What is

20、the bridge suspended from?9.How many lengths of wire does each of these cables contain?10.How is the bridge?共六十四頁Text in detailsVerrazano,anItalianaboutwhomlittleisknown,sailedintoNewYorkHarbourin1524and nameditAngouleme.sailedinto. 是句子的主干aboutwhom(whom指代(zh di)Italian)有一位鮮為人知的意大利人,叫Verrazano。在1524,

21、共六十四頁Hedescribeditasaveryagreeablesituationlocatedwithintwosmallhillsinthemidstof whichflowedagreatriver.describesomethingas 把某物描述成- Ishoulddescribetheattemptasafailure. 我把這次(zh c)嘗試描述成失敗。后面可以加as的動詞:see, view,look upon, recognize, regard, treat, accept- Hismotherregardshimasgenius.(genius n.天才, 天賦)-

22、 I accepted his words as truth. 我對他的話信以為真。共六十四頁located過去分詞做定語修飾situationIlikethevillagelocatedwithintwosmallhills. = I like the village which is located within two small hemidstofwhich.Agreatriverflowedinthemiddleofthetwohills.in the midst of = in the middle ofin the middle of不僅可以表示方位上的中間,

23、還可以表示時間上的中間。- in the middle of the river / night /winter介詞短語(duny)在which前, which引導(dǎo)的從句要倒裝。- We arrived at a farmhouse in front of which was a mountain. 共六十四頁拆句法(jf)理解長難句He described it as a very agreeable situation located within two small hills (in the midst of which flowed a great river.)-He descri

24、be that it was a very agreeable situation.-It was located within two small hills.-In the midst of the two small hills flowed a great river.共六十四頁ThoughVerrazanoisbynomeansconsideredtobeagreatexplorer,hisnamewillprobablyremainimmortal,foronNovember21st,1964,thelongestsuspensionbridgeintheworld wasname

25、dafterhim.though / although / eventhough引導(dǎo)(yndo)讓步狀語從句用了though, although不能使用but但可以用yet來強(qiáng)調(diào)轉(zhuǎn)折關(guān)系- Though they managed to take photographs, yet they got into trouble soon.共六十四頁bynomeans(= notbyanymeans = notatall)Itisbynomeanspleasanttotakeacrowdedbus. 乘坐一輛擁擠的公共汽車絕對不是(b shi)一件讓人高興的事。- Heisntsatisfiedwit

26、hajobatall. = Heisntsatisfiedwithajobby any means.innoway, innocase, innosense, innocircumstances (circumstance n.環(huán)境,詳情,境況)on no account, at no time 都表示決不共六十四頁TextDo you think their table tennis team will win the first place at the coming Asian Games? _. Ours is much stronger than theirs. (10 江蘇) A.

27、 By all means B. It depends C. Dont mention it D. By no meansD-May I bring my son to the party? - By all means.(no problem)共六十四頁benamedafterbenamedfor takeonesnamefrom 都表示(biosh)用來命名共六十四頁TextTt哈佛大學(xué)以他的創(chuàng)立者的名字(mng zi)約翰 哈佛命名。 Harvard university was named after its founder, John Harvard. 共六十四頁TextThe sc

28、hools themselves admit that not all children will be successful in the jobs _ they are being trained. (05 江西(jin x) A. in that B. for that C. in which D. for whichI saw a woman running toward me in the dark. Before I could recognize who she was, she had run back in the direction _ she had come. (06

29、重慶) A. of which B. by which C. in which D. from whichDD共六十四頁ExerciseHe was educated at the local high school, _ he went on to Beijing University. (07 江蘇) A. after which B. after that C. in which D. in thatLook out! Dont get too close to the house _ roof is under repair. (06 福建) A. whose B. which C.

30、of which D. thatAA共六十四頁Text如何表達(dá)一座橋的長度,深度(shnd),高度?共六十四頁TextThe bridge is long/deep/high.The length/depth/height of the bridge is 共六十四頁TheVerrazanoBridge,whichwasdesigned byOthmarAmmann,joinsBrooklyntoStaten Island. Ithasaspanof4,260feet. jointo=connecttohave aspanof 跨度、橋長Thebridgeissolongthattheshap

31、eoftheearthhadtobetakenintoaccountbyitsdesigner.earth: the land(地表(dbio)takeintoaccount = takeintoconsideration = takeaccountof 考慮到Wehavetotakethedateintoaccountwhenwehavethemeeting.共六十四頁TextTwo great towers support four huge cables. support = holdup 舉起, 支撐(zh chng)共六十四頁TextThe towers are built on i

32、mmense underwater platforms made of steel and concrete. 共六十四頁The platformsextendtoadepthofover 100feetunderthesea.extend(延伸(ynshn), 伸展)= reach, stretch- arailwayextendstothenextcity. Compare :The platform are over 100 feet deep under the sea.共六十四頁Thesealonetooksixteenmonthstobuild.= It took the work

33、ers sixteen months to build the platforms.alone(放在名詞(mng c)后面)=only She alone can decide what to do.Only she can decide what to do.=Nobody else can do it for her.共六十四頁Abovethesurfaceofthewater,thetowersrisetoaheightofnearly700feet.extend to a depth of 伸展的深度extend to a length of 伸展的長度extend to a widt

34、h of 伸展的寬度 (width n.寬度, 寬廣(kungung) )rise to a height of 伸展的高度Compare:The towers are nearly 700 feet high.共六十四頁Theysupportthecablesfromwhichthebridgehasbeensuspended.which指代先行詞cablesEachofthefourcablescontains26,108lengthsofwire.Ithasbeenestimatedthatifthebridgewerepackedwithcars,itwouldstillonlybec

35、arrying athirdofitstotalcapacity.Ithasbeenestimatedthat.(Itissaid thatItisreported that)were虛擬語氣(橋上不可能(knng)擺滿汽車)carry v.承載 a third of 的1/3共六十四頁 It has a span of 長度(chngd)深度(shnd)高度The platforms extend to a depth of The towers rise to a height of 共六十四頁Text然而,這座橋的重要性在于其規(guī)模(gum)和強(qiáng)度。However, the importa

36、nce of this bridge lie in its size and strength.However, size and strength are the important things about this bridge. Whats important about this bridge is its size and strength.寫作模板描寫(mioxi)特點(diǎn)及有該特點(diǎn)的原因共六十四頁 Despiteitsimmensity,itisbothsimpleandelegant,fulfillingitsdesignersdreamtocreateanenormousobj

37、ectdrawnasfaintlyaspossible.immensity指代sizedespite = inspiteoffulfill vt.履行, 實(shí)現(xiàn), 完成(計劃等)fulfilling 分詞做狀語表示(biosh)結(jié)果- Thebuswasheldupbythesnowstorm, causingthedelay.(hold up 阻擋, 攔截)- Her husband died in 1970, leaving her with her children.- Atlasthepassedhisexamination, fulfillinghisdreamtogoabroad.共

38、六十四頁Main ideaThe first passage:The origin of the bridge(overview)The second passageThe basic facts of the bridgeDesignerlocation-span-structure (towercableplatform)-the difficulties in designing- designerfulfill his dream.共六十四頁 A descriptive essayHow to achieve clarity?Tips: use verb phrases follow

39、the direction all the time共六十四頁Topics for discussion1 Tell us what you know about any great construction in the world.2 Tell us about famous bridges of the world you know about.共六十四頁The bridge I know best is called the Sydney Harbor Bridge. It joins either side of Sydney Harbor. From far away it looks like a great arch, but when you get near, you can see a great deck under the arch. It is made of steel and supported by two towers. If you stand on the bridge early in the morning, you can see t


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