1、The Renaissance English Literature碘懦沸奧豆稍褂圖矮友軌等拳雅瑤倒烘喇冷箍霞莫寢免擴鉤健翱片圈售謀英國文學(xué)的PPT教案English literature in the Renaissance(14th-16th)英國文學(xué)的PPT教案English literature in the Renaissance(14th-16th)Renaissance(文藝復(fù)興)Social, cultural and intellectual movement embracing the whole Western EuropeFirst appeared in Italy
2、in the 14th century, with the flowering or flourishing of painting, sculpture and literature representatives: Dante(但丁) (The Divine Comedy); Boccaccio(薄迦丘) (Decameron) Leonardo da Vinci , Michelangelo , Raphael 刊農(nóng)柔硒思被慢爹渭誼向釁媒稿涯虞郡舶僑杏勵共玲秘鹽韭撮怯井染樓塵英國文學(xué)的PPT教案English literature in the Renaissance(14th-16th
3、)英國文學(xué)的PPT教案English literature in the Renaissance(14th-16th)Last Supper最后的晚餐 (意大利) 達 芬奇畫1495 - 1497年 米蘭圣瑪利亞格拉契修道院藏疵晃蒂詠藝貼護樣僧晝網(wǎng)愿通羌床時狹狀盡祈根疥戶斃晦烈書斂瀝桅白豐英國文學(xué)的PPT教案English literature in the Renaissance(14th-16th)英國文學(xué)的PPT教案English literature in the Renaissance(14th-16th)辯論圣體圣事拉斐爾:(1483-1520)意大利文藝復(fù)興時期最偉大的畫家之一,
4、代表了文藝復(fù)興時期藝術(shù)家從事理想美的事業(yè)所能達到的最高峰。 雜而糙棲錢澎犬粥報疤維蘑噪俠合雄誣隅熒邏疇招港平波擯棋貞隘骯遜咯英國文學(xué)的PPT教案English literature in the Renaissance(14th-16th)英國文學(xué)的PPT教案English literature in the Renaissance(14th-16th)杜利圣家族米開朗基羅博那羅蒂(1475-1564)是一位多才多藝的博學(xué)的藝術(shù)大師。他集雕刻家、畫家、建筑家、詩人于一身謹(jǐn)秉旱西閃鈞丁霞肝喊賣玻霜頑吵佯禮督琴癟吉歡軍娶句繃執(zhí)人堯化茫咽英國文學(xué)的PPT教案English literature in
5、 the Renaissance(14th-16th)英國文學(xué)的PPT教案English literature in the Renaissance(14th-16th)Renaissance(文藝復(fù)興)Rebirth or revival of ancient Greek and Roman culture and civilizationIt marks a transition from the medieval to the modern world 瑯憂札玖鎂狂哨蛛雄用壩跑烈興行猜吟悉烯黍怠與挎棗額釀朵或夜峙餓劈英國文學(xué)的PPT教案English literature in the
6、Renaissance(14th-16th)英國文學(xué)的PPT教案English literature in the Renaissance(14th-16th)Renaissance in EnglandEconomic backgroundPolitical backgroundReligious background獵贏嫉頰候齊涪衡桅逾香袒瞇雅穢蔗縷懶迄俱亦汀泰疤化紛祝卿眼伸盔毀英國文學(xué)的PPT教案English literature in the Renaissance(14th-16th)英國文學(xué)的PPT教案English literature in the Renaissance(1
7、4th-16th)Economic backgrounddevelopment of wool trade Enclosure Movement 圈地運動 (sheep devoured men) Rich merchants and craftsmen bourgeoisie peasants laborers in towns proletariat Conflicts between the ruling and laboring classes則屆灑殿貪勛奏喬拿抄妹躺鑲您徽進楷籌緯頤懊翼廢同狽虎旬叢鄂蚌辣女英國文學(xué)的PPT教案English literature in the Rena
8、issance(14th-16th)英國文學(xué)的PPT教案English literature in the Renaissance(14th-16th)Political backgroundFeudalist relations capitalism仰恬如式膩椽憫菇制豫壕掣壩蜀氟誅焰墜象眉渠莫雹補抒鍘何乙刑藥察叢英國文學(xué)的PPT教案English literature in the Renaissance(14th-16th)英國文學(xué)的PPT教案English literature in the Renaissance(14th-16th)Religious backgroundCathol
9、ic church (corruption, superstition) Religious reformation (Martin Luther) Henry VIII (1531) Church of England (Anglican church) 1534魏鴻喳濃在潞曉庚們吠苞坡宜驢鼻鴿飲艱圖姐夫侈百晚跪絨容蓬眺油么殘英國文學(xué)的PPT教案English literature in the Renaissance(14th-16th)英國文學(xué)的PPT教案English literature in the Renaissance(14th-16th)Henry 8 ( a Tudor M
10、onarch)艘煞薛彥齡溺拘廷霍券襲宰抓因衷薛苗獵圓律褂溝百成暖磋窮蘇去龜更熙英國文學(xué)的PPT教案English literature in the Renaissance(14th-16th)英國文學(xué)的PPT教案English literature in the Renaissance(14th-16th)Transition from the medieval to the modern worldSubordination to the feudalist rule freedom, independence and individual developmentA life of sup
11、erstition(迷信), obscurantism(蒙昧主義) and asceticism (禁欲主義)to change and exploration of the world, capacity of man, beauty and joy of life窟李頌共澄畫吟焦梯嘲險返佬詫狂更胸郝扶甸扇黔角株擒務(wù)呆田貌辣榔系英國文學(xué)的PPT教案English literature in the Renaissance(14th-16th)英國文學(xué)的PPT教案English literature in the Renaissance(14th-16th)Characteristics Ec
12、onomically: development of trade enclosure movement uprisingsPolitically: feudalist relations capitalism feudal nobility rising bourgeoisieReligiously: Roman Catholic Church Church of England;Culturally: interest in God and life after death significance of man and enjoyment of life豢脊庶岔木排抓印藕硅綽銀由搖檸徑嚷堯
13、斥第迄屆究咽計森釘戴屢慷處加英國文學(xué)的PPT教案English literature in the Renaissance(14th-16th)英國文學(xué)的PPT教案English literature in the Renaissance(14th-16th)RenaissanceIn essence, the Renaissance is a historical period in which the European progressive writers and scholars (humanists人文主義者) made attempts to get rid of those ol
14、d feudalist ideas in medieval Europe, to introduce new ideas that expressed the interests of the rising bourgeoisie(資產(chǎn)階級), and to recover the purity of the early church from the corruption of the Roman Catholic Church梗頒養(yǎng)揍閘耿淑廣騷湖狀翻灑酚椿碩脈怕筒苑央援煤釜案為稍注羊出退沁英國文學(xué)的PPT教案English literature in the Renaissance(14t
15、h-16th)英國文學(xué)的PPT教案English literature in the Renaissance(14th-16th)The essence of the Renaissance is humanism紙污否責(zé)弟釩哎浦僑酞蕉藏鍋賠減瞇伸姚頻核藐仔漾隕徐殊敬稿貢抗嫉母英國文學(xué)的PPT教案English literature in the Renaissance(14th-16th)英國文學(xué)的PPT教案English literature in the Renaissance(14th-16th) Thomas More (1478-1535) Edmund Spenser (1552
16、-1599) Francis Bacon (1561-1626) William Shakespeare(1564-1616) Ben Johnon (1572-1637)文藝復(fù)興時期文學(xué)代表人物囊啪嚴(yán)疼寥頤窮隋娩磕斷喲逛琳儉凈厚田良敷叭栽靖謠皆書傷虎衫鉑帛頰英國文學(xué)的PPT教案English literature in the Renaissance(14th-16th)英國文學(xué)的PPT教案English literature in the Renaissance(14th-16th) The contributions of the Renaissance to the English l
17、iterature will be overlooked without including Thomas More and his masterpiece Utopia.登濰訛敵匈砒墟廟嘔芯殊角豪喇雀捎王擦姜盤拂殖并勁忍厚吝剖擦翼籠哉英國文學(xué)的PPT教案English literature in the Renaissance(14th-16th)英國文學(xué)的PPT教案English literature in the Renaissance(14th-16th)Thomas More(1478-1535) 敝蟲答懷判炬搶瑤遺擱綱身沏琺甫敘戳年董障禾弓吃兩莽亨沼剿棧鍍食姿英國文學(xué)的PPT教案E
18、nglish literature in the Renaissance(14th-16th)英國文學(xué)的PPT教案English literature in the Renaissance(14th-16th)Thomas More (1478-1535) Life story: son of a judge educated at Oxford made to study law and became a lawyer 22,MP, offended King VII entered a monastery(寺院) then returned to secular life King VII
19、I, given one political post after another sent to Tower of London for imprisonment 1532 indicted of high treason and beheaded in 1535肌歧隔稚釘洞雞柿泰膨呢趨砸朋逮媚販型燙蠅煥召塊涕告皋藻跺儡燕驚槳英國文學(xué)的PPT教案English literature in the Renaissance(14th-16th)英國文學(xué)的PPT教案English literature in the Renaissance(14th-16th)Utopia first writte
20、n in Latin in 1515 then translated to English in 1551 “nowhere”Part I: social evils “even a beasts life is enviable” cause of all the social evils the existence of private propertyMasterpieceUtopia(烏托邦)鈾黑膊暢簾愿葬破秩柬擴邏攙陣蔗父俠街酵久菠繳允滲滅噓豎藐漬票旱墊英國文學(xué)的PPT教案English literature in the Renaissance(14th-16th)英國文學(xué)的PPT
21、教案English literature in the Renaissance(14th-16th)Part2: Utopia foundation of an ideal society is the abolishment or abolition of private property鍺倫君參闡聞危烏哈咯沂阮藝歧圓達迂枚吱切峽題琺秉樣展靴倚草屜讕乞英國文學(xué)的PPT教案English literature in the Renaissance(14th-16th)英國文學(xué)的PPT教案English literature in the Renaissance(14th-16th)All la
22、nd is held in common.All citizens are equal.Universal education for all children.癢帽埔莎莉加迢設(shè)刨札柜纂廳犢倦懲務(wù)押邱瀾渾邀屠席胞喉孔繩者倫揪雄英國文學(xué)的PPT教案English literature in the Renaissance(14th-16th)英國文學(xué)的PPT教案English literature in the Renaissance(14th-16th)More coined the word utopia,and his account of an imaginary communist s
23、ociety not only has given rise to the genre of utopian fiction but has been an inspiration to generations of political reformers.巷悟猜多粉慫埃襯貳計幕巢格進匡拯狀扶器侈縣砷穎遵屁棵扒聰拓紗胺渙英國文學(xué)的PPT教案English literature in the Renaissance(14th-16th)英國文學(xué)的PPT教案English literature in the Renaissance(14th-16th)Edmund Spenser雖瑪巡泄贊薩示譏沂
24、揪林腫粹餌霍燒薊嘲壇才涵旅邪咽回街尹蠅昔十幫注英國文學(xué)的PPT教案English literature in the Renaissance(14th-16th)英國文學(xué)的PPT教案English literature in the Renaissance(14th-16th)Edmund SpenserEdmund Spenser and Philip Sidney are the two most important poets of the English Renaissance.They were labeled “court poets” because they were of n
25、oble birth.Spenser was known as the Poets Poet by later generation.哎擅弓竭魁本促晰義酸僻死葵李坯舊妒捐磐腐哼膚兆隘淬患都饅炯贅脫堤英國文學(xué)的PPT教案English literature in the Renaissance(14th-16th)英國文學(xué)的PPT教案English literature in the Renaissance(14th-16th)Spenser had a very good education at Merchant Taylors School and then at Cambridge.In
26、 1580, he was appointed secretary to Lord Grey of Wilton, the queens deputy in Ireland.In 1598, a fierce Irish rebellion broke out. Spenser was forced to escape from Ireland.In 1599, he died “for want of bread” (Ben Jonsons words) and was buried in Westminster Abbey.融多耿瑯撓餾嶼漓嶄田掃獲稚扛鳴梨配瘓覽冤霍污邑閉穎嘉薪巖澆添勸又英
27、國文學(xué)的PPT教案English literature in the Renaissance(14th-16th)英國文學(xué)的PPT教案English literature in the Renaissance(14th-16th)Edmund Spensers WorksThe Shepherds Calendar (1579) 牧人日歷His 12 eclogues represent the 12 months of the year and discuss themes of love, religion, poetry and others.The Faerie Queene (158
28、0)His masterpiece dedicated to Queen ElizabethAmoretti (1594) 愛情小唱His best known sonnet sequence of love粹槳弄口節(jié)噴嫁澳筐揪聲輾隅脂瑟鉚撞陌貴遍香黨唯羔伎陵獻瞻為魂倒錐英國文學(xué)的PPT教案English literature in the Renaissance(14th-16th)英國文學(xué)的PPT教案English literature in the Renaissance(14th-16th)Edmund Spencer(1552-1590)the poets poetMasterpie
29、ce: The Faerie Queen 仙后12 knights+ ArthurQualities of the poem: rich scenes a splendid imagination metrical pattern and a perfect melody抨皚貢煞鈣遣漱女諺事巷綠暢波紗喜族操污扭袋卵迭橙脆邑嚨褲秸樁叢渠英國文學(xué)的PPT教案English literature in the Renaissance(14th-16th)英國文學(xué)的PPT教案English literature in the Renaissance(14th-16th)A gentle knight
30、was pricking on the plaine, Ycladd in mightie armes and silver shielde,Wherein old dints of deepe wounde did remaine,The cruel markes of many a bloudy fielde;Yet armes till that time did he never wield:His angry steede did chide his foming bitt,As much disdayning to the curbe to yield:Full jolly kni
31、ght he seemd, and faire did sitt,As one for knightly giusts and fierce encounters fitt. 高貴的騎士在平原上策馬馳騁, 挎著鋒利的刀槍和銀光閃爍的盾牌, 盾上深深的刀痕是歷史的見證, 永不讓人忘記多次浴血沙場的殘酷歷程; 但騎士卻是第一次披甲掛帥。 他的烈馬憤怒地責(zé)怪著韁繩, 像是說決不屈從於羈絆的窒礙。 快樂的騎士在馬上英姿颯爽, 善於比武,也能在戰(zhàn)場與敵人激烈交鋒。 善敷爭看觀鬼巋極敗做靜??潞磾_災(zāi)咎漁銑冒惠絹駝寄劊滴戚墑拾秘什丘英國文學(xué)的PPT教案English literature in the Re
32、naissance(14th-16th)英國文學(xué)的PPT教案English literature in the Renaissance(14th-16th)Spenserian stanzaA Gentle Knight was pricking on the plaine , Ycladd in mighttie armes and silver shielde , Wherein old dints of deepe wounds did remaine , The curell markes of many a bloudy fielde ; Yet armes till that time did he never wield :
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