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1、.:.;2. Normative referencesThe following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this standard. For dated references,only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document(including any amendments or corrigenda) applies.2.1 IEEE do

2、cumentsIEEE Std 802, IEEE Standards for Local and Metropolitan Area Networks: Overview and Architecture.IEEE Std 802.15.2, IEEE Recommended Practice for Telecommunications and Information exchange between systemsLocal and metropolitan area networksSpecific RequirementsPart 15.2: Coexistence of Wirel

3、ess Personal Area Networks with Other Wireless Devices Operating in Unlicensed Frequency Band.2.2 ISO documentsISO/IEC 3309, Information technology Telecommunications and information exchange between systems High-level data link control (HDLC) procedures Frame structure.ISO/IEC 7498-1, Information t

4、echnology Open Systems Interconnection Basic Reference Model: The Basic Model.ISO/IEC 8802-2, Information technology Telecommunications and information exchange between systems Local and metropolitan area networks Specific requirements Part 2: Logical link control.ISO/IEC 10039, Information technolo

5、gy Open Systems Interconnection Local Area Networks Medium Access Control (MAC) service definition.ISO/IEC 15802-1, Information technology Telecommunications and information exchange between systems Local and metropolitan area networks Common specifications Part 1: Medium Access Control (MAC) servic

6、e definition.2.3 ITU documentsITU-T Recommendation G.711, Pulse code modulation (PCM) of voice frequencies.ITU-T Recommendation O.150, Digital test patterns for performance measurements on digital transmission equipment.ITU-T Recommendation O.153, Basic parameters for the measurement of error perfor

7、mance at bit rates below the primary rate.ITU-T Recommendation X.200, Information technologyOpen systems interconnectionBasic reference model: The basic model.2.4 Other documentsIETF RFC 3, A Proposed Flow Specification.IETF RFC 1661, The Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP).IrDA Object Exchange Protocol (

8、IrOBEX), Version 1.23. DefinitionsFor the purposes of this standard, the following terms and definitions apply. The Authoritative Dictionary of IEEE Standards Terms, Seventh Edition B7, should be referenced for terms not defined in this clause.3.1 active slave broadcast (ASB): The logical transport

9、that is used to transport Logical Link Control and Adaptation Protocol (L2CAP) user traffic to all active devices in the piconet.3.2 ad hoc network: A network typically created in a spontaneous manner. An ad hoc network requires no formal infrastructure and is limited in temporal and spatial extent.

10、3.3 authenticated device: A device whose identity has been verified during the lifetime of the current link,based on the authentication procedure.3.4 authentication: A generic procedure based on link management profile authentication that determines whether a link key exists or, on Link Manager Prot

11、ocol (LMP) pairing, whether no link key exists.3.5 authorization: A procedure where a user of a device grants a specific (remote) device access to a specific service. Authorization implies that the identity of the remote device can be verified through authentication.3.6 authorize: The act of grantin

12、g a specific device access to a specific service. It may be based upon user confirmation or given the existence of a trusted relationship.3.7 baseband (BB): The part of the system that specifies or implements the medium access control (MAC) layer and physical layer (PHY) procedures to support the ex

13、change of real-time voice, data information streams, and ad hoc networking between devices.3.8 beacon train: A pattern of reserved slots within a basic or adapted piconet physical channel. Transmissions starting in these slots are used to resynchronize parked devices.3.9 Bluetooth device address (BD

14、_ADDR): The address used to identify a device conforming to this standard.3.10 Bluetooth wireless technology: The general term used to describe the technolgy orginally developed by the Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG). It defines a wireless communication link, operating in the unlicensed indus

15、trial, scientific, and medical (ISM) band at 2.4 GHz using a frequency hopping transceiver.The link protocol is based on time slots.3.11 bond: A relation between two devices defined by creating, exchanging, and storing a common link key The bond is created through the bonding or Link Manager Protoco

16、l (LMP) pairing procedures.3.12 channel: Either a physical channel or an Logical Link Control and Adaptation Protocol (L2CAP) channel,depending on the context.3.13 connect (to service): The establishment of a connection to a service. If not already done, this also includes establishment of a physica

17、l link, logical transport, logical link, and Logical Link Control and Adaptation Protocol (L2CAP) channel.3.14 connectable device: A device in range that periodically listens on its page scan physical channel and will respond to a page on that channel.3.15 connected devices: Two devices in the same

18、piconet and with a physical link between them.3.16 connecting: A phase in the communication between devices when a connection between them is being established. (Connecting phase follows after the link establishment phase is completed.)3.17 connection: A connection between two peer applications or h

19、igher layer protocols mapped onto a Logical Link Control and Adaptation Protocol (L2CAP) channel.3.18 connection establishment: A procedure for creating a connection mapped onto a channel.3.19 controller: A subsystem containing the physical layer (PHY), baseband (BB), resource controller, link manag

20、er (LM), device manager, and a host controller interface (HCI) conforming to this standard.3.20 coverage area: The area where two devices can exchange messages with acceptable quality and performance.3.21 creation of a secure connection: A procedure of establishing a connection, including authentica

21、tion and encryption.3.22 creation of a trusted relationship: A procedure where the remote device is marked as a trusted device.This includes storing a common link key for future authentication and pairing (if the link key is not available).3.23 device: A device that is capable of short-range wireles

22、s communications using this standard.3.24 device address: A 48-bit address used to identify each device.3.25 device discovery: A procedure for retrieving the device address, clock, class-of-device field, and used page scan mode from discoverable devices.3.26 discoverable device: A device in range th

23、at periodically listens on an inquiry scan physical channel and will respond to an inquiry on that channel. Discoverable devices are normally also connectable.3.27 estimated clock (CLKE): Estimate of another devices clock. CLKE may be a slaves estimate of a masters clock, a paging devicess estimate

24、of the paged devices clock, or other such use.3.28 host: A computing device, peripheral, cellular telephone, access point to public switched telephone network (PSTN) or local area network (LAN), etc. A host attached to a controller may communicate with other hosts attached to their controllers as we

25、ll.3.29 host controller interface (HCI): A command interface to the baseband (BB) controller and link manager (LM) that provides access to hardware status and control registers and provides a uniform method of accessing the BB capabilities.3.30 idle: Description of a device, as seen from a remote de

26、vice, when no link is established between the devices.3.31 inquiring device: A device that is carrying out the inquiry procedure.3.32 inquiry: A procedure where a device transmits inquiry messages and listens for responses in order to discover the other devices that are within the coverage area.3.33

27、 inquiry scan: A procedure where a device listens for inquiry messages received on its inquiry scan physical channel.3.34 isochronous data: Information in a stream where each information entity in the stream is bound by a time relationship to previous and successive entities.3.35 known device: A dev

28、ice for which at least the Bluetooth device address (BD_ADDR) is stored.3.36 link: Shorthand for a logical link.3.37 link establishment: A procedure for establishing the default ACL link and hierarchy of links and channels between devices.3.38 link key: A secret key that is known by two devices and

29、is used in order to authenticate each device to the other.3.39 LMP authentication: A procedure on the Link Manager Protocol (LMP) level for verifying the identity of a remote device. The procedure is based on a challenge-response mechanism using a random number, a secret key, and the Bluetooth devic

30、e address (BD_ADDR) of the noninitiating device. The secret key used can be a previously exchanged link key.3.40 LMP pairing: A procedure that authenticates two devices, based on a personal identification number (PIN), and subsequently creates a common link key that can be used as a basis for a trus

31、ted relationship or a (single) secure connection. The procedure consists of the following steps: creation of an initialization key (based on a random number and a PIN), creation and exchange of a common link key, and Link Manager Protocol (LMP) authentication based on the common link key.3.41 logica

32、l channel: Identical to a Logical Link Control and Adaptation Protocol (L2CAP) channel, but deprecated due to inconsistent usage in IEEE Std802.15.1-2002.3.42 logical link: The lowest architectural level used to offer independent data transport services to clients of the system.3.43 logical transpor

33、t: Used to represent commonality between different logical links due to shared acknowledgement protocol and link identifiers.3.44 L2CAP channel: A logical connection on the Logical Link Control and Adaptation Protocol (L2CAP) level between two devices serving a single application or higher layer pro

34、tocol.3.45 L2CAP channel establishment: A procedure for establishing a logical connection on the Logical Link Control and Adaptation Protocol (L2CAP) level.3.46 master clock (CLK): Native clock of the piconets master.3.47 mode: A set of directives that defines how a device will respond to certain ev

35、ents.3.48 name discovery: A procedure for retrieving the user-friendly name (the device name) of a connectable device.3.49 native clock (CLKN): A 28-bit clock internal to a controller subsystem that ticks every 312.5s. The value of this clock defines the slot numbering and timing in the various phys

36、ical channels.3.50 packet: Format of aggregated bits that are transmitted on a physical channel.3.51 page: The initial phase of the connection procedure where a device transmits a train of page messages until a response is received from the target device or a timeout occurs.3.52 page scan: A procedu

37、re where a device listens for page messages received on its page scan physical channel.3.53 paging device: A device that is carrying out the page procedure.3.54 paired device: A device with which a link key has been exchanged (either before connection establishment was requested or during connecting

38、 phase).3.55 parked device: A device operating in a basic mode piconet that is synchronized to the master, but has given up its default ACL logical transport.3.56 parked slave broadcast (PSB): The logical transport that is used for communications from the master to parked slave devices. These commun

39、ications may also be received by active devices.3.57 participant in multiple piconets: A device that is concurrently a member of more than one piconet. It achieves this status using time division multiplexing (TDM) to interleave its activity on each piconet physical channel.3.58 personal identificat

40、ion number (PIN): A user-friendly number that can be used to authenticate connections to a device before pairing has taken place.3.59 physical channel: A channel characterized by synchronized occupancy of a sequence of radio frequency (RF) carriers by one or more devices. A number of physical channe

41、l types exist with characteristics defined for their different purposes.3.60 physical link: A connection on the baseband (BB) level between two devices established using paging.3.61 piconet: A collection of devices occupying a shared physical channel where one of the devices is the piconet master an

42、d the remaining devices are connected to it.3.62 piconet physical channel: A channel that is divided into time slots in which each slot is related to a radio frequency (RF) hop frequency. Consecutive hops normally correspond to different RF hop frequencies and occur at a standard hop rate of 1600 ho

43、p/s. These consecutive hops follow a pseudo-random hopping sequence, hopping through a 79-RF channel set, or optionally fewer channels when adaptive frequency hopping (AFH) is in used.3.63 piconet master: The device in a piconet whose clock and device address are used to define the piconet physical

44、channel characteristics.3.64 piconet slave: Any device in a piconet that is not the piconet master, but is connected to the piconet master, and that controls piconet timing and access by its transmissions to slaves.3.65 prepaired device: A device with which a link key was exchanged and stored before

45、 link establishment.3.66 scatternet: Two or more piconets that include one or more devices participating in more than one piconet.3.67 service discovery (SD): Procedures for querying and browsing for services offered by or through another device.3.68 service layer protocol: A protocol that uses a Lo

46、gical Link Control and Adaptation Protocol (L2CAP) channel for transporting protocol data units (PDUs).3.69 silent device: A device appears as silent to a remote device if it does not respond to inquiries made by the remote device.3.70 trusted device: A paired device that is explicitly marked as tru

47、sted.3.71 unknown device: A device for which no information (e.g., device address, link key) is stored.3.72 unpaired device: A device for which there was no exchanged link key available before connection establishment was requested.6. Architecture This standard is a formalization of Bluetooth wirele

48、ss technology, a short-range communications system intended to replace the cable(s) connecting portable and/or fixed electronic devices. Key features are robustness,low power, and low cost. Many features of the core specification are optional, allowing product differentiation. The term core system i

49、s used in this clause to denote the combination of a radio frequency (RF) transceiver, BB, and protocol stack. The system offers services that enable the connection of devices and the exchange of a variety of classes of data between these devices. This clause of this standard provides an overview of

50、 the system architecture, communication topologies, and data transport features. This clause is informative.6.1 General description The RF (PHY) operates in the unlicensed ISM band at 2.4 GHz. The system employs a frequency hop transceiver to combat interference and fading and provides many frequenc

51、y hopping spread spectrum (FHSS) carriers. RF operation uses a shaped binary frequency modulation to minimize transceiver complexity. The symbol rate is 1 Msymbol/s supporting the bit rate of 1 Mb/s. During typical operation, a physical radio channel is shared by a group of devices that are synchron

52、ized to a common clock and frequency hopping pattern. One device provides the synchronization reference and is known as the master. All other devices are known as slaves. A group of devices synchronized in this fashion form a piconet. This is the fundamental form of communication in the technology.

53、Devices in a piconet use a specific frequency hopping pattern, which is algorithmically determined by fields in the device address and the clock of the master. The basic hopping pattern is a pseudo-random ordering of the 79 frequencies in the ISM band. The hopping pattern may be adapted to exclude a

54、 portion of the frequencies that are used by interfering devices. The adaptive hopping technique improves coexistence with static (non hopping) ISM systems when these are collocated and implements some of the recommendations of IEEE Std 802.15.2-2003. The physical channel is subdivided into time uni

55、ts known as slots. Data are transmitted between devices in packets, which are positioned in these slots. When circumstances permit, a number of consecutive slots may be allocated to a single packet. Frequency hopping takes place between the transmission or the reception of packets. This standard pro

56、vides the effect of full duplex transmission through the use of a time-division duplex (TDD) scheme. Above the physical channel, there is a layering of links and channels and associated control protocols. The hierarchy of channels and links from the physical channel upwards is physical channel, phys

57、ical link, logical transport, logical link, and L2CAP channel. These are discussed in more detail in 6.4.4 through 6.5, but are introduced here to aid the understanding of the remainder of this clause. Within a physical channel, a physical link is formed between any two devices that transmit packets

58、 in either direction between them. In a piconet physical channel, there are restrictions on which devices may form a physical link. There is a physical link between each slave and the master. Physical links are not formed directly between the slaves in a piconet.The physical link is used as a transp

59、ort for one or more logical links that support unicast synchronous, asynchronous and isochronous traffic, and broadcast traffic. Traffic on logical links is multiplexed onto the physical link by occupying slots assigned by a scheduling function in the resource manager. A control protocol for the BB

60、layer and PHY is carried over logical links in addition to user data. This is the LMP. Devices that are active in a piconet have a default asynchronous connection-oriented (ACL) logical transport that is used to transport the LMP signalling. For historical reasons, this is referred to as the ACL log


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