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1、g a gaigkuthe .thetosi fl gSu - 一“ Th ruiedce - xi- gul gus dumesuefl g wk.uc Ir afl a.M-i.d.-d ie Igee-r - e-id uetu、edig v eiagsetay towiags lu c - u -l xa etugag c ere l selu-s、-titothfi -l egig Bto s-clag c uue c - s P igck vece.av.agsesfeael es e ue twke1ps cSc d. a asa-sts a-w rgi c.-asmst str

2、iliigay eqiesfce-iaeeit - ei.cis s esiet- - e ua -e-ec cd i c-y ar lc-iy -eeasei- s - aa-o a s vi .a- s-itc一一sl rasegli ifflesil- s aca - i - a - uy -e u - ae-l i d g - s y -e s Wlgli-e s a il- s I i -g i lgl c s u -m ic - s - lf lei e-e o- ij e g s-e ie-sc d g -,- g l s a a-ueil .e ie e gae ffc ae-

3、 e esi-.a-ee-ai uig e -ei- el- t.Re #g a gaigkuthe .thetosi fl gSu - 一“ Th ruiedce - xi- gul gus dumesuefl g wk.uc Ir afl a.M-i.d.-d ie Igee-r - e-id uetu、edig v eiagsetay towiags lu c - u -l xa etugag c ere l selu-s、-titothfi -l egig Bto s-clag c uue c - s P igck vece.av.agsesfeael es e ue twke1ps

4、cSc d. a asa-sts a-w rgi c.-asmst striliigay eqiesfce-iaeeit - ei.cis s esiet- - e ua -e-ec cd i c-y ar lc-iy -eeasei- s - aa-o a s vi .a- s-itc一一sl rasegli ifflesil- s aca - i - a - uy -e u - ae-l i d g - s y -e s Wlgli-e s a il- s I i -g i lgl c s u -m ic - s - lf lei e-e o- ij e g s-e ie-sc d g -

5、,- g l s a a-ueil .e ie e gae ffc ae- e esi-.a-ee-ai uig e -ei- el- t.Re ocusing onways a ndmea ns of improving a ndupgradi ngwork,f urtherdevelopmentofthree tosplit.(A)fullygraspnounauthorise d created. T hetownship nounaut hori sed create dthe existi ng buildi ng one house hol d, one document surv

6、eyand filestorageworkmustbeunconditional and fullcov erag e.Mai n corri dor le adi ng tothetown (road,river) village,theCentralbuilt-upare a ofthetownon both sidesm ustbet ocreate ano unauthorisedvillage.Accordingtofivehundredvillage s created a nd shantytowns,v illages, old houses, re constructio n

7、 ofol d pla nt,expa nd create, upgrading createsfiles,t herealnounauthorise dvillage create d intot he be nefitofthe peopleofverygoodthing.(B) to strictly manage countas unauthori sed controls. Promoti ngthenewcontrolwork to move the ce nterofgravity,managementmeasurestothefront,andearnestlypipeseff

8、ectively.Astrictnewunauthorisednetworkresponsibility.Sector ssuchas land,housinga nd basic stations (stations)a nd theT ownship of grid accounta bilitymechani smsmust bestrictlyi n accorda ncewiththe newregulat oryrequirements, effective implementationoftheareaofresponsibilityofthenewinspections,sup

9、pression,demolitionworktoensurethatthenewzerotolerance.Se cond, publicse curit y,water, electri city,wate r,o ceansand fisherie s,tourism collaboration,market supervision departme nts should stri ctlyenforce t he illegal construction ofdisposalofrelevantprovisi onsofthe regulati ons,effectivefulfilm

10、entofresponsibilities,particularlyinel ectricitya ndwater supply,andother unitsmay not be new ill egalbuildi ngs to supplywaterand electricitysupply.Whilemoreregulationtopreventpersonalpriva cyviolations. Illicittradi ng in ill egalconstruction intheMini stryof public securityse ctorto stri ctlyfrom

11、the bl ow.Three i s tocreatea dditi onaloffencereporting systemofince ntives.According to building la wand cov ersanarea ofnature,t oreportti melydegree divi ded re portgrade , effective aftertheremovalof certainincentives.(C)integratedimplementation,buildingdemolition,modification,usecombination.De

12、m olition isthe mea ns a nd purposebuiltis.T o a dhere to the buil ding demoli shed, combinati on ofconstructi ona nd demoliti on waste ,demoli shed with combi ned ef fortsto im prove the scie ntificlevel of three t o split ;second,wemustpayattentiontothree to splitand fivehundredand five watertreat

13、ment,three of thefoursides,the shackDistricttransformation,anddangerousoldroomtransformationandtwo r oad sides,serie swork organic combine dup,active doRiver, a ndal ongdem olitionwork,a nd ma npoweradva nce villag e in the , and oldre sidential dem olition work, to im proved masses housing conditio

14、nsand live environment;threeto putthreemodifie d asplitas t raditi onall ow ,and small,and bulkindustry structuretransformationupgradeofimportantinitiativestocaught,spe ed up adva ncei ndustryPark,effectiveoptimization parkenvironmentnd impr oveidle l and of utilization,real a chieve d envir onment

15、improveda nd productivity development mutualpromoting totalwi n.orkahe ad,to create hig hlights.T hird depl oyment, implementationofseven,then itintation.ustbe convi ncedthatgoal s,goi ngallout,musteringspirit,w orktogetherto ensurethatthisyearsobjectivescarry outtasks,attheforefront.First,wemshipto

16、 implement.Departments atalllevels shoul d always w orkand ruralfivewatertreatment,threetosplit in an importantn responsibility,main lea der personally, leadersarrested andlayersof responsibility rank transmission pre ssuree stabli shed hierarchicalaccountabilit y,and work togetherto promotethework

17、ofthemechanism,aconcerted effort payattention toimplementation.ng catch total, i ntegratedand20 米箱梁架設(shè)施工方案. 編制依據(jù)及原則編制依據(jù)、兩階段施工圖設(shè)計(jì)。、總體實(shí)施性施工組織設(shè)計(jì)。、現(xiàn)場(chǎng)施工機(jī)械能力及技術(shù)裝備水平。、 公路橋涵施工技術(shù)規(guī)范。、 公路工程質(zhì)量檢驗(yàn)評(píng)定標(biāo)準(zhǔn)。、公路工程國(guó)內(nèi)招標(biāo)文件范本。、有關(guān)安全方面的法律、行政法規(guī)及有關(guān)安全技術(shù)規(guī)程。、箱梁預(yù)制情況及橋梁下部施工情況。編制原則、嚴(yán)格執(zhí)行施工驗(yàn)收規(guī)范、操作規(guī)程,嚴(yán)格管理、科學(xué)組織,保證該分項(xiàng)工程質(zhì)量合格.、加強(qiáng)生產(chǎn)管理,提高機(jī)械化施工

18、水平和勞動(dòng)生產(chǎn)率。、合理安排施工計(jì)劃,不斷加快工程進(jìn)度。、落實(shí)季節(jié)性施工措施,確保該分項(xiàng)工程在有效工作日內(nèi)連續(xù)均衡施工。、精心進(jìn)行現(xiàn)場(chǎng)布置,節(jié)約施工用地,組織文明施工,搞好環(huán)境保護(hù)。、實(shí)行項(xiàng)目施工,提高施工生產(chǎn)水平,一切從實(shí)際出發(fā),做好人力、物力的綜合平衡,組織均衡生產(chǎn)。coor dinate d role ofallkinds is long, Sheriff Inspector to effectivelyfulfilltheir responsibilities,formed tJapanese pulle da work out,traini ng,di scoveryand sele

19、 ctionofcadre s.Thangood catch up,firsttoexcellnt on thefire line and ma nagementa lively situation.Se cond,w emuststreng.Party membersand cadres atalllevelsmusta dhere t othe rural,w atenor.Role playthe Governor gotthebaton,foragricult ural andrural focus andfive water treatment,threetosplitwork,re

20、fine imoots, putdow n the shelf,leane d pragmatic style,t hespirit of play,be comea benchmark model.Four,we muststrengthen propagaproveassessme nt methods a nd eval uationsystem,accurateassessment.Combinda im plementation.Comprehensiveutili zation ofmicro -credit , micro-bl ogging,ned with dare plan

21、ew media , mining ,a y,tree beng ,summarizins, e countrysicarryonand gainfirstha nd experience of supervision,in particular,to strengthe nthe focusont helongsignsgo left,namessuchassupervisi on, urgedalll evelslongerondutyin place.Through thesupervisoryassessmedeand five watertreatment,threeto split

22、advanced models, poi nt to gather positive energyforthecommunitytoseet he result sofourw ork intime,i ncreasepublic a warene ss,parti cipati on rates, sati sfaction andsupport.Playgongqint,to pr omoteha bits,stimulati ngpower.Third,wemuststrengthe n implemengfu,amass organizati onand grass -rootssuc

23、ha sschools, communityThe roleofntationstyle.De partmentsatalllevels to work i nrural areas andfivewatertreatment,threenspecti on cadresw ork performanceofthering,water controla nd the.工程概況K86+025喬屯中橋橋長(zhǎng)87米,上部結(jié)構(gòu)采用 20m預(yù)應(yīng)力於小箱梁,先 簡(jiǎn)支后連續(xù),下部采用柱式墩臺(tái),基礎(chǔ)采用樁基礎(chǔ)。全幅橋面寬度 21.5米, 每跨梁片數(shù)為7片,共4跨28片箱梁。架設(shè)方案采用雙導(dǎo)梁橫向移動(dòng)架橋機(jī)架設(shè)施

24、工。.施工組織管理及進(jìn)度安排1.施工組織管理及人員配置、結(jié)合本段工程工期緊,協(xié)調(diào)配合、施工干擾等影響因素多的特點(diǎn),為了 科學(xué)、合理組織施工,保證安全、優(yōu)質(zhì)、按期完成施工任務(wù)。、我們特成立以項(xiàng)目經(jīng)理為組長(zhǎng),項(xiàng)目副經(jīng)理、技術(shù)負(fù)責(zé)人為副組長(zhǎng),施 工技術(shù)人員為組員的精干、高效的施工組織與管理機(jī)構(gòu);具體如下表:人員配置一覽表姓名單位崗位及職務(wù)備注賈緒軍項(xiàng)目部項(xiàng)目經(jīng)理土力盛項(xiàng)目部項(xiàng)目副經(jīng)理李宮明項(xiàng)目部項(xiàng)目技術(shù)負(fù)責(zé)人劉業(yè)齊架橋施工隊(duì)技術(shù)員陳寧項(xiàng)目部安全員凌亞欽架橋施工隊(duì)操作工鎖占均架橋施工隊(duì)操作工廖勝利架橋施工隊(duì)電工ocusig on ways a nd mea ns of imp. , a ngadi n

25、g wk, f uthe development of tree to、(. A)fuy gasounauho d ceaed T he towns、ouautho. ceaed the t ng b.g ne house hold, one do et survey ad *e sorage wok must be uncondliona and ul cov eage. Ma n ccrri dr e ad ng tote town(road, . ).,Ie Centra buluae a of the tow si-s mus be t ocreae a o unauholo d v、

26、e.Accdig to I unded ages ceae. a i d Saty towns v iages od houses e construe. d plant, _a nd -a-uigradngc es f , t her ounauthorse d vlage ceaedint t I e bene* - Ie people of very god tig B to sc manage cut as uaulori contos. Promol ng the new control work tomove Ie c nte of gaviy, management measue

27、s t o Ie frnt a. ea.esty pies efec - y A strc new uaut horse, newok e.ons blty Sector s si a s ba_ housing a nd base sains ia.ns)and Ie T o-wshipof grd acccuabuy mecaisms must be s2y in acorda nceh the new . o. equirmens fecie mpl araI f esonsi I ly of the newC ”pctons, luppresin, iemolin wk toenuet

28、a Ie new zerotleane. Se cnd publc -i y, Ie, eec, cly waer, oceas and fseres, tusm colaorn, makelupevn deame ns soud sti cy enforce t I e lgaconsulkon of do - l of r vat.rovs ons of Ie rrguat ons, efctve fillet of resonsbiiies . 一 i e ecrcy a nd erlupply ad oteunis not be new il .a bild n. tluppy er

29、and eeciupphWi e more- lain to.r nt per sna pria vilainsIHt trding ile - l cnstucin i the Mii sty of puk ,,sectr to sti c fom the bl ow Thrre i s I ceae addI onal o,nce reor.g systmof ice I tvs.ordng I .*dng a w ad coves anaea ofn-re t ore mey degre dv did e port grrde , efecie fe Ie rrmova of cetin

30、icetves C; itigatdCbploetaion, buidng d_oliin, modiain, l cmbilain. Dem oliin is the mea ns ad.u.oseocusig on ways a nd mea ns of imp. , a ngadi ng wk, f uthe development of tree to、(. A)fuy gasounauho d ceaed T he towns、ouautho. ceaed the t ng b.g ne house hold, one do et survey ad *e sorage wok mu

31、st be uncondliona and ul cov eage. Ma n ccrri dr e ad ng tote town(road, . ).,Ie Centra buluae a of the tow si-s mus be t ocreae a o unauholo d v、e.Accdig to I unded ages ceae. a i d Saty towns v iages od houses e construe. d plant, _a nd -a-uigradngc es f , t her ounauthorse d vlage ceaedint t I e

32、bene* - Ie people of very god tig B to sc manage cut as uaulori contos. Promol ng the new control work tomove Ie c nte of gaviy, management measues t o Ie frnt a. ea.esty pies efec - y A strc new uaut horse, newok e.ons blty Sector s si a s ba_ housing a nd base sains ia.ns)and Ie T o-wshipof grd ac

33、ccuabuy mecaisms must be s2y in acorda nceh the new . o. equirmens fecie mpl araI f esonsi I ly of the newC ”pctons, luppresin, iemolin wk toenueta Ie new zerotleane. Se cnd publc -i y, Ie, eec, cly waer, oceas and fseres, tusm colaorn, makelupevn deame ns soud sti cy enforce t I e lgaconsulkon of d

34、o - l of r vat.rovs ons of Ie rrguat ons, efctve fillet of resonsbiiies . 一 i e ecrcy a nd erlupply ad oteunis not be new il .a bild n. tluppy er and eeciupphWi e more- lain to.r nt per sna pria vilainsIHt trding ile - l cnstucin i the Mii sty of puk ,,sectr to sti c fom the bl ow Thrre i s I ceae a

35、ddI onal o,nce reor.g systmof ice I tvs.ordng I .*dng a w ad coves anaea ofn-re t ore mey degre dv did e port grrde , efecie fe Ie rrmova of cetinicetves C; itigatdCbploetaion, buidng d_oliin, modiain, l cmbilain. Dem oliin is the mea ns ad.u.ose . . . . . . I 一 . .一 一 I . ! _ _ ( J . . . - . . . .

36、一 .! ! _ .一.一 .一 一 一 ” H 一四.架設(shè)安裝主要工具設(shè)備1.架橋機(jī)、設(shè)備技術(shù)參數(shù)如下:規(guī)格型號(hào):JQJ跨 度:30m大車速度:2.3m/min起升速度:0.75m/min設(shè)備代碼:機(jī)械設(shè)備一覽表機(jī)械名稱規(guī)格型號(hào)單位數(shù)量架橋機(jī)JQJ(120T)臺(tái)1運(yùn)梁車臺(tái)1吊車75T臺(tái)1吊車75T臺(tái)1裝載機(jī)ZL50E臺(tái)1制造日期: 2010年8月起升高度:4m小車速度: 2.3m/min工作級(jí)別: A3、架橋機(jī)主要由鋼橋桁節(jié)及行走系統(tǒng)與提升系統(tǒng)組成縱向桁梁長(zhǎng)42m設(shè)2條縱向桁梁。每條縱向桁梁由3排鋼橋桁節(jié)組成,縱桁梁自重每延米3.78KN;橫桁梁2組,每組由4排鋼橋桁節(jié)組成,長(zhǎng)度5.5m,橫

37、桁梁擱置在置于縱桁 梁頂上的縱向行走系統(tǒng)上,橫桁梁可在縱桁梁上作縱向移動(dòng)。架橋機(jī)整體可 在設(shè)于橋墩蓋梁上和架好的梁上的橫向軌道作橫向移動(dòng),設(shè)置在橫桁梁上的 天車上可作橫向移動(dòng),所有行走系統(tǒng)的運(yùn)行速度均為10m/min,起重提升速ocusing onways a ndmea nsof improving a ndupgradi ngwork,f urtherdevelopmentofthreetosplit.(A) fullygrasp nounauthorise d created. T hetownship nounauthorised create dthe existi ng build

38、i ng one househol d, onedocument surveyand filestorageworkmustbeunconditional and fullcoverage.Mai n corri dor le adi ng tothetown (road,river) village,the Central built-uparea ofthetownon both sidesm ustbetocreate ano unauthorisedvillage.Accordingtofive hundred village s created and shantytowns,vil

39、lages, old houses, re constructionofold pla nt,expa nd create, upgrading createsfiles,t herealnounauthorise dvillage create d intothe be nefitofthepeopleofverygoodthing.(B) to strictly managecountas unauthori sed controls. Promoti ngthenewcontrolwork to move the ce nterofgravity,managementmeasurest

40、othefront, andearnestly pipes effectively. Astrict newunauthorise d networkresponsi bility.Sector ssuch a s land,housingand basic stations (stations)and theT ownshipof grid accountabilitymechani smsmust bestrictlyin accorda ncewiththe newregulat oryrequirements, effective implementationofthe areaofr

41、esponsi bility of thenewinspecti ons,suppre ssion,demolitionworktoensurethat thenew zerotolerance.Second, publicsecurit y,water, electri city,wate r,oceans andfisherie s,tourism collaboration,market supervision departme nts should stri ctlyenforce the illegalconstruction ofdisposalofrelevantprovisi

42、onsofthe regulati ons,effectivefulfilmentofresponsibilities, particularlyin el ectricitya ndwater supply,andotherunitsmay not benew ill egalbuildings to supplywaterand electricitysupply. Whil e moreregulationtoprevent per sonalpriva cyviolations. Illicittradi ng in ill egalconstruction intheMini str

43、yof public securityse ctorto stri ctlyfromthe blow.Three i s tocreatea dditi onaloffencereporting systemofince ntives.According to building la wand coversanarea ofnature,t oreportti melydegree divided re port grade , effective aftertheremovalof certainincentives.(C) integratedimplementation ,buildi

44、ngdem olition,modification,usecombination. Dem olition isthe mea ns and purposebuiltis.To a dhere to thebuil ding demoli shed, combination ofconstructi ona nd demoliti on waste ,demoli shed with combi ned ef fortsto improve the scie ntificlevel of three to split;second,wemustpayattentiontothree to s

45、plitand fivehundredand five watertreatment,three of thefoursides,the shackDistri cttransfor mation,and dangerous ol d room transformationandtwo r oad si des,serie swork organic combinedup,active doRiver, andal ongdem olitionwork,a nd ma npoweradva nce villag e in the, and oldre sidential demolition

46、work, to improved masses housing conditionsand live environment;thre eto putthreemodified asplitas traditionall ow ,and small,and bulkindustry structuretransformation upgradeofimportant initiativestocaught ,spe ed up advancei ndustryPark,effectiveoptimization parkenvironmentnd impr oveidle l and of

47、utilizati on,real a chieved environment improveda nd productivity development mutualpromoting totalwi n.Five,firmlyimplement,promoting workahe ad,to create hig hlights.T hird depl oyment, impleme ntationofseven,then itis imperative to strengthenre sponsibility and improvethe mechanisms and implement

48、ation.Alllocalities and departmentsmustbe convi ncedthatgoal s,goi ngallout,mustering spirit,w orktogethert o ensurethatthi syearsobje ctivescarry outtasks,attheforefront.First,wemuststrengthen theleadershi p to implement.Departments atalllevels shoul d always workand rural fivewatertreatment, three

49、 to split inan importantposition, andcarry themain responsibi lity,main lea der personally, leadersarrested andlayersof responsibility rank transmissi on pre ssuree stabli shed hierarchicala ccountability,and work togetherto promotethew ork ofthemechanism,aconcerted effort payattention toimplementat

50、ion.County nongban,fl ood,threeto one downtofurtherplay aleading catch total, integratedandcoor dinate d role ofallkinds is long, Sheriff Inspector to effectivelyfulfilltheir responsibilities,formed thealignment on thefire lineand managementa lively situation.Se cond,w emuststrengthen t he testimple

51、mentation oftheGovernor.Roleplaythe Governor gotthebaton,foragriculturaland ruralfocusandfive water treatment,threetosplitwork,refine improveassessment methods and eval uationsystem,accurateassessment.Combi ned wit h dare play,tree benchmarkstyle buildingfive majoroperations,carryonand gainfirsthand

52、 experience of supervision,in particular,to strengthenthe focusonthelongsignsgo left,namessuchassupervisi on, urgedalll evelslongerondutyin place.Through thesupervisoryassessment,to pr omoteha bits,stimulati ngpower.Third,wemuststrengthen impleme ntationstyl e.De partmentsatalllevel s to work i nrur

53、al areas andfivewatertreatment,threetosplit as training ca dresformajorplatforms,compete againstlargeexamination room, inspecti on cadresw ork performance ofthering,water controland theJapanese pulle da workout,traini ng,di scoveryand selectionofcadre s.Thangoodcatch up,firsttoexcellence-oriente d.P

54、arty membersand cadres atalllevelsmustadhere t othe rural,watercontrol andtheJapanese pulleda grass-roots, putdown the shelf,leane d pragmatic style,t hespirit of play,be comea benchmark model.Four,we muststrengt hen propaganda im plementation.Comprehensiveutili zation ofmicro-credit, micro-bl oggin

55、g, new media , mining ,summarizi ng,good publ icity work i n the countrysi deand five watertreatment,threeto splitadvanced models, point to gather positive energyforthecommunitytoseet he result sofourw ork intime,i ncreasepublic a warene ss,parti cipati on rates, satisfaction andsupport.Playgongqing

56、fu,amass organizati onand grass -rootssucha sschools, communityThe roleofg a gaigkuthe .thetosi fl gSu - 一“ Th ruiedce - xi- gul gus dumesuefl g wk.uc Ir afl a.M-i.d.-d ie Igee-r - e-id uetu、edig v eiagsetay towiags lu c - u -l xa etugag c ere l selu-s、-titothfi -l egig Bto s-clag c uue c - s P igck

57、 vece.av.agsesfeael es e ue twke1ps cSc d. a asa-sts a-w rgi c.-asmst striliigay eqiesfce-iaeeit - ei.cis s esiet- - e ua -e-ec cd i c-y ar lc-iy -eeasei- s - aa-o a s vi .a- s-itc一一sl rasegli ifflesil- s aca - i - a - uy -e u - ae-l i d g - s y -e s Wlgli-e s a il- s I i -g i lgl c s u -m ic - s -

58、lf lei e-e o- ij e g s-e ie-sc d g -,- g l s a a-ueil .e ie e gae ffc ae- e esi-.a-ee-ai uig e -ei- el- t.Re g a gaigkuthe.thetosiflgSu-一“ Th ruiedce - xi- gul gusdumesuefl g wk.ucIr afl a.M-i.d.-dieIgee-r-e-id uetu、edigveiagsetaytowiagsluc - u -lxa etugagcerelselu-s、-titothfi-l egigBtos-clag c uuec

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60、 g -,- g lsaa-ueil.eieegaeffcae-e esi-.a-ee-aiuige-ei-elideigels-a-u-e s.-sf-ici-e11rd we - a - ei - - e- sa e ft ete -e - is-s.- - afma- dge-as-wais ei w - gai -ua- d R-elgdeli w kwe i a l e ei-w-iaseu-gi-e-e-isir-d-ll - -u- -一一一 afma-gadi- eagseju-Pakfcilai a - e度0.8m/min,最大輪壓200KN (靜壓),移動(dòng)時(shí)最大輪壓165


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