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1、 八年級上冊英語閱讀理解(共二十篇)AMany students in China are learning English. Some of these students are smallchildren. Others are teenagers(十幾歲的青少年). Many are adults. Some learn at school, others study by themselve楞s. A few learn楞English languag靡e (語言)over the靡radio, on telev靡ision, or in fi靡lms. One must w靡ork

2、hard to lea靡rn another lang靡uage.Why do all靡these people w靡ant to learn En靡glish? It is di靡fficult to answ靡er that questio鎳n. Many boys an鎳d girls learn E鎳nglish at schoo鎳l because it is鎳one of their s鎳ubjects. They s鎳tudy their own鎳language and ma鎳ths and English鎳. Some peopl鎳e learn English漫becaus

3、e it is漫useful for thei漫r work. Many pe漫ople often lear漫n English for t漫heir higher sut漫dies, because a漫t college or un漫iversity(大學(xué)) so漫me of their boo漫ks are in Engli蔓sh. Other peopl撾e learn English撾because they w撾ant to read new撾spaper and maga撾zines in Englis撾h.()1. Many stu撾dents in China撾are le

4、arning En撾glish, arent t桅hey? _.A. No桅, they arentB.桅No, they areC.桅Yes, they areD恃. Yes, they are恃nt()2. If one恃wants to learn恃another languag恃e well, he must恃_.A. learn恃at schoolB. stu巷dy by himselfC.巷work hardD. st巷udy hard()3. Th巷e sentence It巷is difficult to巷answer that qu卵estion means _卵_.A. t

5、hat que卵stion is not di卵fficult to answ卵erB. that quest卵ion is difficul卵t to answer itC卵. it is difficu餒ltly to answer餒that questionD.餒it is hard to餒answer that que餒stion()4. Thei餒r own language餒means _.A.餒ChineseB. Engli扭shC. FrenchD. J扭apanese()5. Wha扭ts the Chinese扭of study by t扭hemselves?A. 和亮他們

6、一起學(xué)習B. 自學(xué)C. 向亮他們學(xué)習D. 通過學(xué)習BOnc絨e upon a time,絨there lived a r絨ich man. He had絨a servant (仆人)絨. He and the se絨rvant loved win絨e and good food絨very much. Eac絨h time the rich絨man left his h絨ome, the servan桅t would drink t桅he wine and eat桅up all the nic桅e food in the h桅ouse. The rich桅man knew what h桅is s

7、ervant did,桅but he had nev桅er caught his s桅ervant doing th桅at.One morni甲ng, when he lef甲t home, he said甲to the servant甲, “Here are two甲bottles of poi監(jiān)son (毒藥) and so班me nice food in班the house. You班must take of t班hem.” With thes班e words, he wen班t out.But th會e servant knew會that the rich m會an had said

8、was會untrue. After會the rich man wa會s away from his會home, he enjoy姑ed a nice meal.姑Because he dra姑nk too much, he姑was drunk and姑fell to the gro姑und. When the r姑ich man came ba姑ck, he couldnt勾find his food挫and his wine. H挫e became very a挫ngry. He woke t挫he servant up.挫But the servant挫told his story挫ver

9、y well. He挫said a cat had挫eaten up everyt挫hing. He was af挫raid to be puni活shed(懲罰), so he活drank the pois活on to kill hims活elf.()6.In th活e story, _活_ liked wine an活d good food ver簧y much.A. th馮e rich man B.馮the servant 馮C. both A and B馮D. neither A馮and B()7.The膊rich man knew膊that it was _膊_ that drank

10、膊the wine and a膊te up all the n膊ice food.A.膊the cat B.遏himself C.遏nobody D. t遏he servant()8遏.The rich told遏the servant tha遏t there was poi遏son in the two遏bottles, becaus姐e _.A姐. there was in姐fact poison in姐the bottlesB筆. did not want筆the servant to筆drink his wine筆C. he wanted筆to kill the cat筆D. he w

11、anted賤to kill the se賤rvant()9.In f賤act, _ at賤e all the nice賤food and drank賤the wine.A.腦the servant B腦. cat C. the腦rich man D. no腦body( )10.Fro妹m the story, we妹know that the妹servant is very妹_.A.妹lazy B. bad 獰C. clever D.獰kindCEveryone獰likes living in獰a clean and co獰mfortant enviro獰nment. If the e獰nvi

12、onment(環(huán)境) a捏re bad, it will茸affect(影響)our茸body, and make茸us not feel wel茸l. Sometimes we茸may be terribl茸y ill. At that索time we dont w索ant to work, an捅d we have to st捅ay in bed and r捅est at home. So捅the envrionmen捅t is very impor捅tant to us.I捅ts germs that捅makes us ill. T捅here are germs捅everywhere,

13、The捅y are very smal勸l and you cant勸find them with勸your own eyes,勸but you can se勸e them with a m勸icroscope(顯微鏡)T勸hey are very sm勸all and there m勸ay be hundreds勸of them on a ve勸ry small thing,勸Germs can alwa增ys be found in增dirty water. Wh增en we look at d增irty water unde增r the microscop增e, we shall see

14、增them in it. Ge增rms can also be增found in air a增nd dust(灰塵). If增you cut your f酗inger, some of酗the dust from t酗he floor may go酗into it, and y酗ou will have mu酗ch pain in it.酗Sometimes the g酗erms will go in酗to all of your酗boby, and you w酗ill have pain e酗verywhere.To張keep us health張y, we should tr張y to o

15、ur best t張o make our envi張ronment become張cleaner and tid張ier. This needs張us to act toge張ther.11.The wri議ter tell us tha議t_.A. we議like working w議hen we are ill議B. germs c議ant live in th議e water.C. we愉cant feel ill愉if the environm愉ent is bad.D.愉we feel well w愉hen the environ愉ment is good.1愉2.Germs are

16、_愉_.A. very sm伊all things that伊you cant see伊with your eyes.伊B. the things t伊hat dont effec伊t people.伊C. the things伊that you can fi伊nd with your ey伊es.D. the thing涌s that are very涌big.13. Where涌can germs be fo涌und? They can b涌e found_涌_.A. on the sma涌ll thing涌B. in ai抑r and dustC. on抑ly in dirty wat抑

17、er抑 D. everywhere1抑4.How will you抑feel if germs g抑o into the fing抑er that is cut?原A. I will feel原nothing.原B. I wo原nt mind.C. I w原ill feel tense.原原D. I will fee夜l painful.15. F夜rom the passage夜we know that_夜_.A. envir夜onment doesnt夜affect our life夜B. we don夜t need to impro夜ve our environm繡entC. germs

18、 ma繡y make us illD繡. if the enviro繡nment is better繡, germs will be繡more.DIf you g繡o into the fore繡st with friends茵, stay with the茵m .If you dont茵, you may get l茵ost. If you do茵get lost, this茵is what you sho茵uld do.Sit d茵own and stay wh茵ere you are. Do茵nt try to find茵your friends.依Let them find y依ou.

19、 You can hel依p them to find依you by stay in依one place.Th依ere is anther w依ay to help your依friends or oth依er people to fi依nd you. Give th印em a signal(信號)印outing or whist印ling (吹口哨) thre印e times. Stop.印Then shout or w印histle three ti印mes again. Any印signal given th印ree times is a印call for help.印Keep on s

20、hou郵ting or whistli郵ng, always thre郵e times togher.郵When people he郵ar you, they wi在ll give two sho在uts or two whis在tles. When a si在gnal is given t在wice, it is an在answer to a cal在l for help.I在f you dont thi在nk that you wil在l get help befo盞re night comes,盞try to make a盞small room with盞branches.(樹枝)盞Wh

21、at should盞you do if you g盞et hungry or ne盞ed drinking wat盞er ? You would盞have to leave y盞our little bran粘ch room to look英for something英to eat and drin英k. Dont just w英alk away. Pick英up small brunch英es and drop the英m as you walk s英o that you can英find your way b英ack.The most愿important thing愿to do when

22、you愿are lost -st愿ay in one place愿.根據(jù)文章判斷正(T)、誤(F愿)()16.If you ge愿t lost in the f愿orest, you shou椰ld walk everywh椰ere to find you椰r friends as so椰on as possible.椰(盡快)()17.You c椰an keep on shou椰ting or whistli椰ng always three椰times toghethe椰r for help.()18娛.When you hear娛two shouts or w娛histles, you k

23、n娛ow that people娛will come to he娛lp you.()19.You娛cant go anywh娛ere even when y娛ou feel thirsty姚(口渴的) or hungry姚.()20.You can f姚ind your way ba姚ck to your bran姚ch room easily姚without leaving姚any branches a姚s you walk.E根據(jù)短姚文內(nèi)容,判斷正誤,正確的寫T,姚不正確的寫F。Mr. an姚d Mrs. Brown li姚ved in a small姚town near Londo姚n

24、with their ch姚ild. Sometimes姚Mr. Brown came姚back home from姚work very late,姚when his wife需and the child w需ere asleep, and需then he opened需the front door需of this house需with his key(鑰匙需)and came in ve需ry quiet.But需one night when需he was coming需home very late,尤he lost(丟)his尤key, so when he尤reached his ho尤

25、use, he rang th尤e bell. Nothing尤happened. He r尤ang it again. A尤gain nothing ha尤ppened.Nobod尤y moved inside尤the house. Mr.幼Brown knocked a幼t(敲)the bedroom幼window, he spo幼ke to his wife,幼he shouted, bu幼t she didnt wa幼ke up. At last幼he stopped and幼thought for a m幼oment. Then he幼began to speak幼like a sm

26、all ch眨ild. ! Mother!?!県e said. ! I眨want to go to眨the toilet! ”He眨spoke quite qu眨ietly but at on茵ce(立刻)Mrs. Brow馮n woke up. Then馮he spoke to he馮r, and she open馮ed the door for馮him.21The馮Browns lived in馮a small town n馮ear London.2馮2Mr. Browns w疆ife and his chi疆ld went to slee疆p after he came疆back fro

27、m work疆. 23One nig疆ht Mr. Brown lo疆st his key to t疆he door, so he疆knocked at the疆front door and渾the bedroom win渾dow. 24Mr.渾Brown said! Mo渾ther” like a sm渾all child becau渾se he wanted hi渾s wife to wake渾up. 25Mrs.渾Brown woke up a慌t once when she汾heard the bell汾rang. She open汾ed the door for汾her husban

28、d.F汾The sun is alwa汾ys shining. But汾it can only sh汾ine on one side斥of the earth a斥t one time. Whe斥n the sun is sh斥ining on one si斥de of the earth斥, it is night o斥n the other sid斥e.At night,斥you can see the斥stars(星星). The斥stars are in t傀he sky all day.傀But the light傀from the sun is傀so bright that傀you

29、 cant see傀them. When nigh傀t come, there i傀s no light, and傀the stars are傀bright enough t傀o see. The star傀s look very sma玻ll. But some of玻them are even玻bigger than the玻sun. They look玻small because玻they are so far玻away from you.玻Big things loo玻k much smaller玻when they are f玻ar away. The su搏n is closer(

30、近)t邦o the earth tha邦n other stars,邦so it looks big邦ger.26When it邦is night, the邦sun _ .A邦. doesnt shine邦B. shines for邦a short timeC.靠disappears(消失)D靠. shines on the靠other side of靠the earth27We靠cant see the s靠tars in the sky靠at daytime(白天)靠because _靠_ .A. there are靠no stars there儈儈B. the stars儈are muc

31、h smalle儈r than the sunC儈. the bright li儈ght from the su儈n makes them no儈t seen(被看見) D.儈the stars come儈out only at ni儈ght28The stars眷look small bec眷ause _ .眷A. they are far眷awayB. they a眷re smallC. the眷y have no light眷D. they are in眷the sky29.Smal眷l things may lo眷ok _ whe構(gòu)n they are clos構(gòu)e.A. bigger

32、B.構(gòu)smallC. nearD.構(gòu)far away30The構(gòu)sun looks bigge構(gòu)r than other st根ars because _根_ .A. its根biggerB. its f根ar away in the根skyC. it gives根much bright lig跟htD. its close班r to the earth班than other star班sGOnce an old m班an went to see班a doctor. The d班octor looked hi班m over carefull班y and said,“ Me販dicine won

33、t he販lp you. You mus販t have a good r販est. Go to bed販early, drink mi販lk, walk a lot販and smoke one c販igar(雪茄煙) a day販. Go to the cou販ntry place for戌a month.”After戌a month the man戌came to the do戌ctor again,“ Ho戌w are you?” sai戌d the doctor. “戌Im glad to se戌e you again. Yo戌u look much you戌nger” “Oh, doc

34、t戌or! I feel quit皂e well now,” sa皂id the man “ I皂had a good rest皂. I went to bed皂early, drank a皂lot of milk an皂d walk a lot. Y皂our advice cert皂ainly helped me皂, but that you皂told me to smok馴e one cigar a d馴ay almost kille馴d me first.”(馴)31. The doct馴or told the man馴_A. to go馴to bed early B馴. to drin

35、k milk馴C. to walk a巖lot D. all a巖bove( )32. W巖hich of the fol巖lowing sentence巖s is true?The巖doctor told the巖man to visit a巖beautiful city巖of the country裔for a month.Th裔e doctor didnt裔t(yī)ell him what裔t(yī)o do.After a m裔onth, the old m裔an felt better.裔The old man was裔younger than b飲efore after a m勻onth.( )

36、33.勻The doctors wo勻rds were _勻for the old man勻s health.A勻. useless勻B. good勻C. well朽D. strong( )朽34. The doctor朽wanted the old朽man _.朽A. to get worse朽B. to smok朽e less than bef朽oreC. to he謅lp him D.謅to start smokin謅g( )35. From謅what the old m謅an said at last謅, we think _謅_one cigar a d謅ay was really

37、h謅elpful to himon虛e cigar a day w虛as better than虛beforehe didnt虛understand the虛doctors advic虛esmoking made h虛im feel better虛than beforeHHi,須Louis!Im須writing to tell須you something須about the custo須ms and festival須s.Everyone須loves holidays洲since one doesn洲t need to go t洲o school or wor洲k. Although all洲

38、holidays mean洲no school and w洲ork, but not al洲l of them are t洲he same. On som洲e of them you g洲o out with frie蘊nds; on others蘊you stay home t蘊o eat, talk, an蘊d have fun with蘊your family. F蘊or example in t蘊he U.S., everyo蘊ne thinks New Y蘊ears Eve and N嗎ew Year are bot嗎h for partying嗎with friends. C嗎hr

39、istmas is the嗎t(yī)ime to stay h嗎ome and exchang嗎e gifts with fa亮mily members. T亮he opposite is亮true in Japan t亮hough. For exam亮ple, in Japan,亮New Year is for亮spending time亮with the family亮to eat, talk,亮have fun, and g亮o to the temple亮s. But Christma蝦s is for boy an蝦d girl friends蝦to go out and e蝦xchang

40、e gifts.蝦Originally Chri蝦stmas should be蝦to celebrate t蝦he birth of Chr蝦ist.I have蝦been interested媳in foreign cus朋toms since I wa朋s little. If yo朋u learn these d朋ifferent holida朋y customs, you朋will learn abou朋t different his朋tories and cult朋ures. This is m朋uch more intere朋sting than lear剩ning them a

41、t th剩e library from剩morning to even剩ing.Love,Sue剩根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容,判斷正誤。正確剩的用“T”表示,錯誤的用“F”剩表示。 ( )36. Us剩ually, nobody g剩oes to school o薯r works during薯holidays.( )薯37. Christmas i薯s the time to s薯tay home to eat薯, talk and have薯fun with the f薯amily. ( )38.洗All the countr洗ies have the sa洗me way to celeb洗rate t

42、he holida洗ys. ( )39. Be洗ing interested洗in foreign cust洗oms means being洗interested in屜different histo屜ries and cultur屜es. ( )40. Th屜is passage is a屜bout the custom屜s and holidays屜in Japan.I41. T臺okyo One is the理name of a _理_.A. hot理el B. res理taurant C. f理ood supermarket理D. museum42.理Tokyo One is i理n

43、_.A排. Tokyo. B排. Sydney C.排Houston排D. London43.排We can go to T排okyo One for lu排nch at _排.A. 10:30am排on Monday省B. 3:00pm on省FridayC. 11:省00am on Saturda省y D. 2:3省0pm on Sunday44省. We can have d省inner in Tokyo省One at 9:40pm _省_.A. o鎖n Saturday B鎖. on Tuesday鎖C. on Wednesday鎖D. on Thursd鎖ay45. Tokyo On

44、e鎖offers us the鎖following infor鎖mation except _鎖_.A. lo鎖cation B. t羚elephone number羚C. website羚D. food pri羚ceJ Peter is羚thirteen years羚old. He is in羚Grade Two this謅year. He likes謅to play footbal謅l and watch foo謅tball matches.謅And he often re謅ads newspapers.謅He does his be謅st to know wher謅e and when

45、ther謅e is going to b謅e a football ma謅tch. Now Peter鍘is having lunch鍘. He is listeni鍘ng to the radio鍘, too. He is ve鍘ry happy becaus鍘e there is goin鍘g to be a nice鍘football match鍘on TV at four t鍘his afternoon.鍘He wants to wat謠ch it very much謠. But he is goi謠ng to have Engl謠ish and Chinese謠lessons. He

46、 th謠inks hard and f謠inds a way.“ He謠llo, Mrs. Black謠,” Peter says t謠o his teacher o至n the telephone至, “ Peter is il至l in bed. He wa至nts to ask for至half a days le嗅ave ( 請半天假 ).”嗅“ Oh, Im sorry嗅t(yī)o hear that.”茵says Mrs. Blac茵k, “ But whos茵that?”“ Its m茵y father, Mrs.茵B(yǎng)lack.”( )茵46. Peter is a茵_.A. mid沾

47、dle school stud沾ent B. Young沾Pioneer C. wor沾ker D. teacher沾( ) 47. Pe沾ter will be in沾_ next yea沾r.A. Gra沾de Two B. Gra英de Three C.英Grade One D.英school( )英48. Peter ofte英n reads news ne英wspaper because英_.英A. he likes to再read news再B. he like再s to read stori再es. .C. he再want to know wh再en and where a再fo

48、otball match再will beD. his再father wants hi再m to read them蒸( ) 49. Pet蒸er wants to ask蒸for half a day蒸s leave becaus蒸e _.A.his蒸father is ill蒸in bedB.he want蒸s to watch the肘football match肘C.he doesnt li肘ke to have Engl肘ish or Chinese肘lessonsD.he is肘ill in bed( 肘) 50. Where se裕ntence ( 句子 ) i裕s right?A

49、.Mrs.裕Black is going裕to take Peter t裕o see a doctor裕B.Peter likes t裕o watch TV at f裕our in the afte裕rnoon.C.Peter i戌s a stupid ( 笨的戌) boy.D.Peter戌isnt an honest戌( 誠實的 ) boy.K戌comes back Mr.戌Smith works in戌an office. Hes繡very busy and繡has no time to繡have a good res繡t. Every evenin繡g, when he from繡his

50、 office, he繡s always tired繡and wants to g繡o to bed early.繡But his wife o繡ften has a lot脂of interesting脂things to tell脂him after suppe脂r. She doesnt脂stop talking un脂til she falls a脂sleep.One day脂the man felt te脂rrible and coul脂dnt go to work妹. He decided to妹go to see a do妹ctor. And Mrs S妹mith went to

51、 th妹e hospital with妹him. Before he妹r husband said妹what was the ma妹tter with him,妹the woman had t妹old the doctor嚨all and the man嚨understand why嚨. He wrote out嚨a prescription牡( 處方 ) . And w牡hen Mr Smith br牡ought the medic牡ine to the resu牡lting room, the牡doctor said to牡her, “ The bot牡tle of medicine牡is

52、 for your hu烈sband and the p烈ills ( 藥片 ) are烈for you.”“For烈me?” the woman烈said in surpris烈e “Im fine. I烈dont need any烈medicine!”“ I d烈ont think so,烈madam”, said th洗e doctor. “They洗are sleeping p洗ills. Your husb洗and will soon b洗e all right if洗you take them.”洗 ( ) 51. Mr洗Smith is _A惋.too busy to ha惋ve

53、 a good rest惋B.too busy惋not to have a r惋estC.bus惋y enough to hav惋e a good restD.惋not busy enough惋to have a good孽rest( ) 52.孽The sentence “H孽is wife doesnt孽stop walking u孽ntil she falls孽asleep” means _孽_A.she doesnt孽stop talking wh孽en she falls as繕leepB.she does繕nt stop talkin繕g after she fal繕ls asle

54、epC.she繕keeps talking u繕ntil she falls繕asleepD.she li繕kes talking as繕she falls aslee沃p( ) 53. Wh沃y does Mr Smith沃have to fed up沃when his wife沃is asleep in th沃e morning?A.Bec沃ause he cant f沃all asleepB.Be淆cause he has to淆go to workC.Be淆cause he doesn淆t want to sleep淆D.Because his淆wife asks him淆to get

55、 up( 淆)54. Why could剩nt Mr Smith go剩to work one da剩y?A.Because he剩didnt want to剩workB.Because h剩is wife didnt剩let him goC.Bec剩ause he fell il樹lD.Because he w舷as too tired to舷go to work(舷)55. The sen舷tence “ Your hu舷sband will be a舷ll right if you舷take them.” Me舷ans Mr Smith wi鐮ll soon be all鐮right i

56、f _鐮.A.Mrs Smith ta鐮kes the bottle鐮of medicineB.M鐮r Smith takes t鐮he pillsC.Mr S鐮mith takes the鐮bottle of medic侶ineD.Mrs Smith侶stops talking t侶oo much at nigh侶tL請根據(jù)材料內(nèi)容,從各題后所侶給的三個選項中選擇最佳答案。5侶6. Whats wrong允with Mike?A. H允e doesnt like允learning Englis允h .B. He meets允trouble with hi允s English teach允er

57、.C. He doesn允t know how to g允et on well with夜his English te夜acher.57. Mike夜feels nervous i夜n English class夜because_夜_.A. he夜doesnt like h夜is English teac夜herB. he cant晝speak in classC晝. his English t晝eacher punished晝him58. In the晝editors opinio晝n, the English晝teacher asked m晝ike to stand fo晝r a whil

58、e becau晝se_藝_.A. she didn藝t like himB. s藝he didnt think藝Mike learned E藝nglish hardC. M藝ike was bad at藝English59. What藝does “ take ac再tion” mean in C再hinese?A.采取行動再B.參加活動 C. 幫助再5. Which of the再following sent再ences is TRUE a再ccording to(根據(jù))再the passage?A.再Mike dislikes掙English classes掙, but he wants掙t

59、o learn Englis掙h wellB. Mike w掙ants the editor掙to say somethi掙ng to his Engli掙sh teacherC. Th掙e editor gave M擲ike some advice盞, but it didnt盞workM請根據(jù)材料內(nèi)容,從盞各題后所給的選項中選擇最佳答案盞。Everyone kno盞ws that exercis盞e is important.盞We need to exe盞rcise. Doctors貯say it is good貯for us. It keep貯our bodies str貯ong.Wh

60、en the貯daytime comes,貯we must get up.貯This is the ti貯me for exercise貯. Exercise mean貯s doing things貯with the body.淵There are many淵ways to exercis淵e. You can walk淵, run, swim, sk淵ate, or play ba淵ll games. Make淵sure you excise淵in the followi淵ng ways: you ha淵ve to like what淵youre doing.淵Exercise enough


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