2023年高考英語復習講練測第15講 閱讀理解七選五(講)(全國通用學案)_第1頁
2023年高考英語復習講練測第15講 閱讀理解七選五(講)(全國通用學案)_第2頁
2023年高考英語復習講練測第15講 閱讀理解七選五(講)(全國通用學案)_第3頁
2023年高考英語復習講練測第15講 閱讀理解七選五(講)(全國通用學案)_第4頁
2023年高考英語復習講練測第15講 閱讀理解七選五(講)(全國通用學案)_第5頁
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1、2023年高考英語復習講練測第15講閱讀理解七選五(講)【考綱考情】.考查以說明文為主,邏輯嚴密、結構嚴謹、層次清楚,突出對篇章結構的整體理解,側重考查學生的邏 輯思維能力。.詞數(shù)300左右(正文詞數(shù)200左右,選項詞數(shù)100左右)。.題型以段中為主,段首和段尾為輔,以考查上下文邏輯關系為主,考查段落主題句為輔。間或考查段尾 的結論概括性語句。七個選項意義都與文章內(nèi)容相關,其中有非完整句的考查情況。.主題多是社會生活和文化科技方面;選材具有貼近生活、新穎、表達正能量、時代性強等特點?!究键c梳理】三步做對“七選五”第一步:先做段首、段尾題,縮小排查范圍段首、段尾題要么是主旨句(總結句),要么就是

2、承上啟下句,具有鮮明的語言特征,題目簡單,較易 判定做題時,先將這類題目的選項定位,既可縮小思考范圍,又可使原文信息更加明了第二步:剩余選項細排查,利用句間關系來判定將段首、段尾題判定復位后,原文信息會更加明了,再次通讀原文,理清剩余段中題的句間關系,將 剩余選項對應復位第三步:代入選項通讀原文,驗證句間關系將所選答案代入文中,重點檢查邏輯關系??词欠裼胁缓闲形倪壿嫷默F(xiàn)象?!窘忸}方法】線索特征詞是解決閱讀七選五題的重要依據(jù),一般表達在三個方面:一是詞匯復現(xiàn),是指作者在文章 上下文不同的位置對同一個概念進行重復描述,從而使得同樣的意思在文章中不同的地方重復出現(xiàn)。這是 作者為了保證文章前后銜接連貫

3、而經(jīng)常使用的一種寫作手段。復現(xiàn)的形式主要包括原詞復現(xiàn)、同(近)義詞 復現(xiàn)、反義詞復現(xiàn)等;二是代詞,英語中代詞出現(xiàn)的頻率極高。代詞一般用來指代前面提及的名詞或句子, 可以巧妙地利用這樣的指代關系或根據(jù)代詞的單復數(shù)差異可以準確而快速地解題;三是邏輯關系詞,英語 的段與段之間,句與句之間經(jīng)常會運用連接詞表示銜接和過渡,使文章邏輯更清楚、結構更連貫,因此文 章中和選項中表示各種邏輯關系的信息詞在選擇答案時都是很重要的線索。一、段首題設空處在段首通常為主旨句,有時也可能為承上啟下(過渡)句。如果設空處位于段首,要前瞻后望找 提示,即閱讀上一段結尾局部,通常正確答案與之銜接,并結合本段內(nèi)容,看所選的答案是

4、否能將兩段內(nèi) 容連貫起來。.主旨概括句在某段的段首設空的題通常有以下情況:一是段落主題句。認真閱讀后文內(nèi)容,根據(jù)段落一致性原那么, 查找同義詞或其他相關的詞,推斷出主題句;二是與后文是并列、轉折、因果關系等。著重閱讀后文第一 句,鎖定線索特征詞,然后在選項中查找相關線索特征詞。通常答案與設空前后的句子在意思上緊密銜接, 因此這些句子之間會用到某些銜接手段。比方,選項中出現(xiàn)時間或年代,要注意其與原文中的時間或年代 的前后對應關系。(2020全國卷 I ) 37 Do not follow the people who make you feel not-good-enough. Why do y

5、ou follow them? Are you hoping that eventually you will feel empowered because your life is better than theirs? Know that your life is your own; you are the only you in this world.F. Stop comparing yourself with others.【答案】F【解析】 根據(jù)下文“Are you hoping that eventually you will feel empowered because you

6、r life is better than theirs? Know that your life is your own; you are the only you in this world.(你是否希望最終你會因為自己的生 活比他們的好而感到有力量?要知道,你的生活是你自己的;你在這個世界上是獨一無二的。廣可知,本 段主要講述不要把自己和別人作比擬,因為生活是我們自己的。選項F(停止把自己和別人進行比擬。)可 以作為本段中心句,應選F。.承上啟下(過渡)句在段首設空的題有時也可能起承上啟下的作用,此時既要熟悉上一段內(nèi)容,又要去結合下一段所講。 做題時要聯(lián)系上下文,把握邏輯關系,分析所選答

7、案是否能將兩段內(nèi)容連貫起來。(2021 新高考 I 卷)Parisians are different from you and me. They never look lazy or untidy. As someone noted in this paper a couple of weeks ago, they eat great food and never gain weight. The food is so delicious that you dont need much of it to make you happy. French strawberries do not t

8、aste like cardboard. Instead, they explode in your mouth like little flavor bombs.39 On our first morning in Paris, I went around the corner to the food market to pick up some groceries. I bought a handful of perfectly ripe small strawberries and a little sweet melon. My husband and I agreed they we

9、re the best fruit we had ever eaten. But they cost $18!Thats not the only reason the French eat less than we do.【答案】E【解析】上一段講了巴黎人吃得少是因為食物美味,本段談到巴黎食物很貴(一把熟透的小草莓和一點 甜瓜就18美元),可以推斷,這也是巴黎人吃得少的一個原因。E項(這并不是法國人吃得比我們少的唯一 原因。)起到承上啟下的作用,符合語境。應選E。二、段中題段中設空的題目即為主題句的展開句。此種題要注意分析前后的邏輯性和內(nèi)容的連貫性,注意句子之 間的銜接手法。做題時,首先要依

10、據(jù)信息詞將選項進行排除,然后將剩下的可能答案逐一代入,看哪個選 項能和設空處的前后內(nèi)容到達語意連貫及邏輯通順,從而最終確定最正確選項,得出答案。以下為依據(jù)邏輯 關系去解題的常用方法:.并列或遞進關系并列或遞進關系是指后一句對前一句是一種順承邏輯關系。常見的表示并列關系的標志性詞語有 first(ly), second(ly), third(ly), next/then, finally/last, first of all, for one thing, for another thing, some . others to begin with, to conclude 等;常見的表示遞進關

11、系的標志性詞語有 also, further, furthermore, likewise, similarly, moreover, in addition, whats more, not only . but also 等。(2021 全國 甲卷),Invite 5-10 people so you have a nice selection. Less people than that, and there may not be enough things to choose from; more than that, and it becomes uncontrollable. 18

12、 . They should also prepare plenty of reusable bags to carry their new” clothes home.G. Tell everyone to bring clean clothes in good condition【答案】G【解析】 下文“They should also prepare plenty of reusable bags to carry their new clothes home.(他們還應 該準備大量的可重復使用的袋子,把他們的,新衣服帶回家。廣說明去的時候應該為交換所得的“新衣服” 準備袋子。G項(告訴

13、每個人帶來品相完好的衣服)說明去參加衣物交換的時候應該帶完好的衣服,G項中 的“bring”和下文中的“carr/相呼應,都是為交換衣物所做的準備。下文中的“also”也是提示詞,其中“They” 指代G項的“everyone”。應選G。.轉折或讓步關系轉折或讓步關系是指后一句對前一句構成逆轉邏輯關系。常見表示轉折或讓步關系的標志性詞語有 but, however, nevertheless, still, yet, while/though/although, or/otherwise, instead, on the contrary, in contrast, in comparison

14、, by comparison 等。(2019全國卷 I )We all grew up hearing people tell us to “go out and get some fresh air”. 36 According to recent studies, the answer is a big YES, if the air quality in your camping area is good.E. But is fresh air really as good for you as your mother always said?【答案】E【解析】設空上一句的句意為:我們

15、都是聽著人們說的“出去呼吸點兒新鮮空氣”長大的,設空下一句 表示答案是肯定的。設空處應是針對去戶外呼吸新鮮空氣是否真有好處的一個問句。由此可知,E項(但是 新鮮空氣真的像你媽媽總說的那樣對你有好處嗎?)與前一句構成轉折關系,邏輯合理。應選E。.因果關系因果關系是指后一句為前一句的結果(有時也為原因)。常見的標志性詞語有so, therefore, thus, consequently, as a result (of), so/such . thatso that, result in/from, lead to, due to, thanks to, owing to 等。(2020i折江高

16、考)My mother also encouraged me to make what I wanted. I tried making toy cars with cardboard boxes and constructing buildings from leftover cardboard and bits of wood my father gave me. When my mother saw my creations, she told me how creative my designs were. 34 I learned a lot about how to extend

17、the life of objects and transform them into something new and useful. It was a trait (特點)others found helpful, and I soon had friends who wanted to make things with me.Thus, I began my lifelong interest in making things.【答案】F【解析】根據(jù)前句“當我的母親看到我的創(chuàng)作時,她說我的設計很有創(chuàng)意”可知,F(xiàn)項(于是,我開始對 制造東西產(chǎn)生了長久的興趣。)和前句構成因果關系,“我”正

18、是在聽了母親那句話后才開始對制造東西產(chǎn)生 興趣。應選F。4 .例證關系例證關系是前后句的某句是為了證明或解釋另一句而舉的例子。例證的形式具有多樣性,思維過程基 本是歸納(從例子到觀點)和推理(從觀點到例子)。常見的標志性詞語有for example, for instance, in fact/as a matter of fact, actually, in other words, that is (to say)等。(2021 浙江高考)“Many people in China have limited exposure to English. 35 That said, we kno

19、w of many postcrossing members, including Chinese, who have actually improved their English skills through their use of postcrossing, “ Paulo says.B.That makes it extra hard to learn and practice it.【答案】B【解析】根據(jù)上文“Many people in China have limited exposure to English.(許多中國人很少能接觸到英 語。戶可知,對某些人來說學習英語的門檻

20、較高。根據(jù)下文“That said, we know of many postcrossing members, including Chinese, who actually improved their English skills through their use of postcrossing(也就是說,我彳門 知道很多交換明信片的人,包括中國人,他們通過交換明信片提高了英語水平)”可知,寫明信片成為一種 練習英語的渠道。B項(這使得學習和練習它變得格外困難。)符合語境。應選B。三、段尾題段尾設空的題多為總結本段內(nèi)容,偶有起承上啟下的作用。.總結概括句做題時一要注意設空的前一句或前兩

21、三句;二要注意在選項中查找thus, therefore, hence, so, as a result, in a word, in short, to conclude, to sum up等表示結果、結論、總結的詞語;三要注意與前文的邏輯關系,找 到關鍵的線索詞句,如表示轉折、并列、排比等關系。如果在文章第一段的段尾設空,要認真閱讀看此處 是細節(jié)還是主題。通常文章的第一段要提出主題,如果在段尾提出主題,常用一些信號詞(如轉折詞)引出 來,正確答案中應有這樣的信號詞。(2020全國卷 I )Recognize all of your strengths.Write them down in

22、 a journal.Begin to train your brain to look at strength before weakness.List all of your accomplishments and achievements.You have a job, earned your degree, and you got out of bed today. 39C. Nothing is too small to celebrate.【答案】C解析】本段提出我們要認識到自己的優(yōu)點。根據(jù)上文“List all of your accomplishments and achiev

23、ements列出你所有的成就。廣可知,這些小事都是你取得的成就,都值得慶祝。C項(沒有什么事是 太小而不值得慶祝的。)承接上文。應選C。.承上啟下(過渡)句做題時如果在選項中找不出與前文之間的關聯(lián),此時要考慮與下一段開頭是否有銜接,要認真閱讀下 一段的開頭兒句,看是否能緊密聯(lián)系起來。(2021 浙江高考)Paulo Magalhaes, a 34-year-old Portuguese computer engineer, loves to open his mailbox and find a brightly colored picture of Romes Colosseum. Or A

24、fricas Victoria Falls. Or Chinas Great Wall. 31“I often send postcards to family and friends.he says to China Daily, “but you can imagine that after a while, you never receive as many as you send, and you realize that not everyone is into it. And thafs totally fine.” Seeking other like-minded souls,

25、 however, Paulo started looking in a somewhat unlikely place: online. Many would say the Internet is a place for people who have given up on the traditional postal service, but Paulos hunch (直覺)paid off.G. In short, he loves postcards, and the excitement of getting a hand-written note from someone f

26、ar away. 【答案】G【解析】根據(jù)上文“Paulo Magalhaes . Or China*s Great Wall. (34歲的葡萄牙電腦工程師Paulo Magalhaes(保羅麥哲倫)喜歡翻開他的郵箱,然后發(fā)現(xiàn)一個色彩鮮艷的羅馬斗牛場圖像?;蛘叻侵薜木S多利 亞瀑布。或者是中國的長城。戶可知,Paulo有喜歡明信片的個人愛好。G項(簡而言之,他喜歡明信片, 也喜歡收到遠方某人潦草的便條時的那種興奮。)承接上文。應選G?!绢}型剖析】A(2022全國高考真題)Fitness Magazine recently ran an article titled Five Reasons to

27、Thank Your Workout Partner.One reason was: “Youll actually show up if you know someone is waiting fbr you at the gym, “ while another read: 1 With a workout partner, you will increase your training effort as there isa subtle (微妙)competition.So, how do you find a workout partner?First of all, decide

28、what you want from that person. 2 Or do you just want to be physically fit, able to move with strength and flexibility? Think about the exercises you would like to do with your workout partner.You might think about posting what you are looking fbr on social media, but it probably wont result in a us

29、eful response. 3 If you plan on working out in a gym, that person must belong to the same gym.My partner posted her request on the notice board of a local park. Her notice included what kind of training she wanted to do, how many days a week and how many hours she wanted to spend on each session, an

30、d her age. It also listed her favorite sports and activities, and provided her phone number. 4You and your partner will probably have different skills. 5 Over time, both of you will benefit 一 your partner will be able to lift more weights and you will become more physically fit. The core (核心)of your

31、 relationship is that you will always be there to help each other.Your first meeting may be a little awkward.A workout partner usually needs to live close by.Youll work harder if you train with someone else.Do you want to be a better athlete in your favorite sport?How can you write a good seeking tr

32、aining partner“ notice?Just accept your differences and learn to work with each other.Any notice for a training partner should include such information.B(2022全國高考真題) Writing an essay is a difficult process for most people. However, the process can be made easier if you learn to practice three simple

33、 techniques.6 When you are first trying to think of ideas for an essay, put your pen to your paper and write nonstop for ten or fifteen minutes without letting your pen leave the paper. Stay loose and free. 7 Dont worry about grammar or spelling. Even though this technique wont work for everyone, it helps many people get a good store of ideas to draw on.The next technique


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