1、社會組織與志愿效力 Social Organizations and Voluntary Services中國社會任務(wù)協(xié)會志愿者任務(wù)委員會Working Committee of Volunteers of China Association of Social Workers 二OO八年十二月五日December 5, 2021 . 一、我國志愿效力的現(xiàn)狀 I. Current Situation of Voluntary Services in China 目 錄Contents 二、社會組織在志愿效力行動中發(fā)揚的作用 II. Role Performed by Social Organi
2、zations in Voluntary Services 三、社會組織參與志愿效力中存在的主要問題 III. Main Problems in Voluntary Services Participated in by Social Organizations 四、改良和完善社會組織參與志愿效力的對策建議 IV. Suggestions for Social Organizations to Improve and Perfect Their Participating in Voluntary Services 一、我國志愿效力的現(xiàn)狀I(lǐng). Current Situation of Volu
3、ntary Services in China 我國已擁有注冊志愿者五千余萬人,構(gòu)成以社區(qū)志愿者、青年志愿者、大學(xué)生志愿者為主,職工志愿者、巾幗志愿者、家庭志愿者、扶殘助殘志愿者、紅十字志愿者、老年志愿者、扶貧志愿者、科普志愿者、治安志愿者等各類志愿效力隊。 China has more than 50 million registered volunteers, including community volunteers, young volunteers and college student volunteers as main body, as well as worker volu
4、nteers, women volunteers, family volunteers, volunteers for helping the disabled, Red Cross volunteers, elderly volunteers, volunteers for helping the poor, volunteers for popularization of science, security volunteers and others, which form various voluntary organizations.我國2001年共有7.69億年滿18歲以上的居民以正
5、式或非正式的方式參與志愿效力,志愿效力參與率為85.2%,他們總共奉獻時間為189億小時,人均年志愿效力時間為77小時,相當于2980萬個全日勞動力,其奉獻值折合人民幣1968億人民幣。 In 2001, China had 0.769 billion residents over 18 years old participating in volunteer services in formal or informal way, with 85.2% participation rate, they totally contributed 18.9 billion hours, which
6、was equivalent to 29.8 million full-time workforce, the annual working time for voluntary services per capita was 77 hours, their contribution value was equivalent to RMB 196.8 billion. 二、社會組織在志愿效力行動中發(fā)揚的作用II. Role Performed by Social Organizations in Voluntary Services一社會組織的界定 A. Definition of Socia
7、l Organizations 普通以為,社會組織是指為了執(zhí)行一定的社會職能,完成特定的社會目的、具有明確規(guī)章制度的一個獨立單位,是正式化的社會群體。社會組織分類方法很多,按其職責和功能,分為公益類、效力類、維權(quán)類、文體類和保健類五類社會組織;按能否注冊登記,可分為經(jīng)正式登記有法人資歷的社會組織、在相關(guān)部門備案的“準社會組織和未登記備案、但又現(xiàn)實上存在并在開展各類活動的 “草根組織。 Generally, social organization refers to an independent unit which has clear rules and regulations for the
8、 purpose of exercising certain social functions and completing specific social goals, it is a formal social group. Social organization has several ways of classification, according to functions and powers, it can be classified into 5 categories including commonweal category, service category, right-
9、safeguarding category, category of culture and sports and health category; according to registration or not, it can be classified into officially registered legal-person social organizations, “quasi social organizations recorded with relevant departments and “grassroots organizations which have not
10、been recorded but have existed and carried out various activities. 二 社會組織在志愿效力中發(fā)揚的作用 B. Role Performed by Social Organizations in Voluntary Services 1、參與社區(qū)社會管理,促進社區(qū)居民自治和基層民主; 1. Participating in community management and promoting community self-management and grassroots democracy; 2、提供各種社會效力,拓寬志愿效力效
11、力領(lǐng)域; 2. providing various social services and broadening the scope of volunteer services; 3、開展社會文化活動,促進人文建立; 3. conducting social and cultural activities and promoting the building of the humanities; 4、承當社會事務(wù)性任務(wù),促進基層政府職能轉(zhuǎn)變; 4. taking up social work and promoting the function transformation of the gr
12、assroots governments; 5、化解社會矛盾,維護社會穩(wěn)定; 5. resolving social contradictions and safeguarding the social stability; 6、發(fā)動寬廣居民參與,整合社會資源; 6. mobilizing the broad masses of residents to participate in integration of social resources; 7、拓寬資金來源,促進志愿效力工程開展; 7. broadening the fund resources and promoting the i
13、mplementation of volunteer service projects; 8、溝通政府與居民,影響政府開展政策的制定; 8. bridging the government and people and impacting the formulation of the development policy of the government; 9、提升中國軟實力和國際籠統(tǒng)。 9. enhancing Chinas soft power and international image. 二、社會組織在志愿效力行動中發(fā)揚的作用 II. Role Performed by Socia
14、l Organizations in Voluntary Services三社會組織參與 志愿效力的主要方式 C. Main Ways for Social Organizations Participating in Voluntary Service 2、資金支持2. Financial support 4、才干建立4. Capacity building 1、專業(yè)效力 1. Professional services 二、社會組織在志愿效力行動中發(fā)揚的作用II. Role Performed by Social Organizations in Voluntary Services3、工
15、程參與3. Participation in projects 二、社會組織在志愿效力行動中發(fā)揚的作用II. Role Performed by Social Organizations in Voluntary Services四社會組織志愿效力的主要類型 D. Main Types of Voluntary Services by Social Organizations 以512抗震救災(zāi)社會組織志愿效力為例Take 5.12 earthquake relief voluntary services by social organizations as an example 五 不同志愿效
16、力之間的比較 E. Comparison among Different Voluntary Services 人民團體與社會團體官方化社會組織志愿效力的比較1. Voluntary Service Comparison between Peoples Organizations and Social Groups (Official Social Organizations) 人民團體的志愿服務(wù)Voluntary services of peoples organizations 社會團體的志愿服務(wù)Voluntary services of social groups組織方式Organiza
17、tion way 委托高校,或在系統(tǒng)內(nèi)報名選派志愿者Designate volunteers through entrusting colleges or universities or by internal system設(shè)計志愿服務(wù)項目,向社會公開招募Design voluntary service projects and make open recruitment 管理方式Management way 組織性強,管理難度小Formal organization facilitates management 隨意性強,管理難度大It is hard for management due
18、to random organization 動員方式Mobilization way 行政動員Administrative mobilization 社會動員Social mobilization 協(xié)調(diào)Coordination 由于是同一系統(tǒng)內(nèi)的各級組織,協(xié)調(diào)相對容易Relatively easy for coordination as peoples organizations at all levels are under the same system 有一定難度Relatively difficult 資源Resources 資金充裕,資源豐富Rich in resources an
19、d funds 資金短缺,資源匱乏Lack of resources and funds 工作方式Working methods 政績導(dǎo)向Performance orientation 徘徊于政績導(dǎo)向與需求導(dǎo)向之間,工作方式較人民團體相對靈活Between performance orientation and demand orientation, relatively flexible working method 協(xié)作方式Collaborative methods 各級組織之間互相配合、協(xié)作Mutual cooperation among the organizations at all
20、 levels 社團之間較少協(xié)作,與其他類型民間組織的協(xié)作也較少Less cooperation among groups and also less cooperation with other types of non-governmental organizations 效率Efficiency 決策階段較慢,一旦實施則眾人響應(yīng)The decision-making phase is long, once the decisions are implemented, the public will respond 效率不高Low efficiency 服務(wù)類型Types of servi
21、ces 以常見的難度較大的服務(wù)項目為主The majority are the complicated projects 較人民團體,社團的服務(wù)類型更為豐富,類型較多,More types of services 功用Functions 長期效用明顯Prominent long-term effectiveness 短期效用突出Prominent short-term effectiveness 可持續(xù)性Sustainability 持續(xù)時間長Long duration 視社團實力而定Depend on the strength of the group 影響力Influence 影響較為深遠
22、Have far-reaching influence 有一定影響力Have certain influence 公信力Credibility 較高Higher 一般Normal 二、社會組織在志愿效力行動中發(fā)揚的作用II. Role Performed by Social Organizations in Voluntary Services五 不同志愿效力之間的比較 E. Comparison among Different Voluntary Services 2、企業(yè)與民間非企業(yè)單位志愿效力的比較 a2. Voluntary Service Comparison between Ent
23、erprises and Private Non-Enterprise Units (a)企業(yè)的志愿服務(wù)Voluntary services of enterprises 民間非企業(yè)單位的志愿服務(wù)Voluntary services of private non-enterprise units 組織方式Organization way 成立企業(yè)志愿服務(wù)隊,鼓勵員工提供志愿服務(wù)Set up voluntary service groups and encourage the staff to provide voluntary services 設(shè)計志愿服務(wù)項目,向社會公開招募Design v
24、oluntary service projects and make open recruitment 管理方式Management way 以企業(yè)人力資源模式進行管理。志愿者穩(wěn)定,團隊人員之間熟悉,協(xié)作容易,便于管理。在管理的計劃、組織、領(lǐng)導(dǎo)、控制諸方面,除計劃外都做得相對出色With reference to the management model of the enterprise in human resources, the volunteers are stable, the team members are familiar with each other, and the c
25、ollaboration and management are easy. Except for planning, the enterprises can do well in various aspects including organization, leadership and control. 應(yīng)征的志愿者動機各異,有以使命驅(qū)動的,也有利益驅(qū)動的。志愿者松散組合,隨意性較大,團隊不夠穩(wěn)定,缺乏有效的績效考核制度。不便管理。只在項目計劃上優(yōu)于企業(yè)志愿者The candidates for volunteers have different motivations, some are
26、driven by mission, and some are driven by interests. The management way of the private non-enterprise units is relatively random, their team members are not stable, and they are lack of effective performance appraisal system. They are better than the enterprises only in the project design. 動員方式Mobil
27、ization way 內(nèi)部動員Internal mobilization 社會動員Social mobilization 資源Resources 資金占優(yōu),動員各方資源的技巧尚不如“民非”駕輕就熟The enterprises have financial advantages, however, they are not compared with the private non-enterprise units in resource utilization相較企業(yè),“民非”在公共領(lǐng)域的社會資源相對多些,可以調(diào)動學(xué)術(shù)界、政府資源及國際資源等Compared with the enterp
28、rises, the private non-enterprise units have more social resources and may mobilize academic resources, government resources, international resources, etc.理念Principle 講求實效Highlight results orientation 講求參與、尊重與賦權(quán)Highlight participation, respect and authorization 二、社會組織在志愿效力行動中發(fā)揚的作用II. Role Performed
29、by Social Organizations in Voluntary Services五不同志愿效力之間的比較 E. Comparison among Different Voluntary Services 2、 企業(yè)與民間非企業(yè)單位志愿效力的比較 b2. Voluntary Service Comparison between Enterprises and Private Non-Enterprise Units (b)民間非企業(yè)單位的志愿效力Voluntary services of private non-enterprise units 企業(yè)的志愿效力Voluntary ser
30、vices of enterprises 原那么上講,“民非的公信力應(yīng)該高,但宥于國內(nèi)NGO整體程度的參差不齊,致使“民非公信力不高In principle, the private non-enterprise units should have higher credibility, however, due to the uneven levels of domestic NGO, their credibility is not high企業(yè)的公信力由于其追求利潤的特征,普通不高。但由于一些企業(yè)具有高品牌知名度,反而具有一定公信力Because of the profit-pursui
31、ng characteristics of the enterprises, generally, their credibility is not high. However, a number of companies have high brand awareness, they have certain credibility公信力Credibility “民非的影響力甚為有限。緣由在于:組織構(gòu)造中由于人員和資金限制,欠缺長期有序的營銷謀劃、實施才干。The influence of The private non-enterprise units is limited. The re
32、asons are as follows: due to personnel and financial restrictions, they are lack of long-term and orderly marketing planning and implementation capacity企業(yè)品牌知名度相較“民非要高得多,有的企業(yè)還有佳譽度及客戶忠實度,因此,企業(yè)的志愿效力其影響力是較大的。加之其注重營銷,擅長造勢,更為其影響力的擴展錦上添花。Compared with private non-government units, the brand awareness of th
33、e enterprises is much higher, and some companies have good reputation and customer loyalty, therefore, the enterprises have greater influence in voluntary services. In addition, the enterprises focus on marketing and do well in creating good momentum, their influence are further enhanced.影響力Influenc
34、e 高High低Low可繼續(xù)性Sustainability 中長期作用明顯Prominent middle-term and long-term effectiveness 短期作用顯著Prominent short-term effectiveness功用Functions 豐富。涉及社會開展的方方面面The private non-enterprise units provide more types of services, which involve all aspects of social development 單一因缺乏對公共效力領(lǐng)域的了解和關(guān)注,不熟習參與式開展實際,及社會任
35、務(wù)方法,故此以物資發(fā)放、兒童救助為主要效力類型The enterprises provide single service (as they are lack of understanding and concern on public service and not familiar with the theory of participatory development and social work methods, so their main type of service is provision of materials and aid for children)效力類型Types
36、 of services 潤物無聲,長久顯現(xiàn) The private non-enterprise units can get effect through persistent efforts雷厲風行,立竿見影The enterprises can get effect instantly效率Efficiency 更情愿選擇結(jié)合行動的方式,雖然在協(xié)作上會存在各種問題The private non-enterprise units are more willing to choose the way of joint action, although there are various iss
37、ues in cooperation根本以單打獨斗為主The enterprises almost work independently協(xié)作方式Collaborative methods 過程導(dǎo)向、需求導(dǎo)向Process orientation and demand orientation結(jié)果導(dǎo)向Results orientation任務(wù)方式Working methods 二、社會組織在志愿效力行動中發(fā)揚的作用II. Role Performed by Social Organizations in Voluntary Services五不同志愿效力之間的比較 E. Comparison am
38、ong Different Voluntary Services 3、個體志愿者與草根組織志愿效力的比較3. Voluntary Service Comparison between Individual Volunteers and Grassroots Organizations個體志愿者的志愿服務(wù)Voluntary services of individual volunteers 草根組織的志愿服務(wù)Voluntary services of grassroots organizations 組織方式Organization way 個人或?qū)ふ医M織The volunteers provi
39、de services by themselves or through cooperating with some organizations 設(shè)計志愿服務(wù)項目,向社會公開招募 Design voluntary service projects and make open recruitment 管理方式Management way 能動性,資源動員能力強難以為繼 The individual volunteers are active and good at mobilizing resources; it is hard for them to provide long-term vol
40、untary services 系統(tǒng)和持續(xù)支持;強調(diào)計劃統(tǒng)籌,有時間成本The grassroots organizations highlight systematical and continuous support as well as plan and coordination, they have relatively higher time costs 動員方式Mobilization way 開放與隨意;先鋒性,行動迅速Open and free; pioneering and fast action-oriented注重專業(yè)規(guī)范目標和范圍相對清晰The grassroots o
41、rganizations focus on professional services, they have relatively clearer objective and service scope 風險管理意識Risk management awareness 欠缺風險管理意識Lack of risk management awareness 一定的風險管理意識Have certain risk management awareness 理念Principle 社會責任和個人價值的實現(xiàn)Realization of social responsibility and individual
42、value 社會責任和組織價值的實現(xiàn)Realization of social responsibility and value of the organization 工作方式Working methods 根據(jù)個人所長或遇到情況而定Depend on personal strengths or specific circumstances 有一定服務(wù)領(lǐng)域Have certain service scope 協(xié)作方式Collaborative methods 尋找伙伴或者組織Look for partners or organizations 單個組織或聯(lián)合其他組織或申請政府等支持The g
43、rassroots organizations provide services by themselves, or in cooperation with other organizations or through applying for support of the government效率Efficiency 相對較高Relatively higher 較高Higher 服務(wù)類型Types of services 單一Single 多樣Diversified 功用Functions 難以評估和監(jiān)測Hard for appraisal and monitoring 較易方便評估和監(jiān)測R
44、elatively convenient for appraisal and monitoring 可持續(xù)性Sustainability 時斷時續(xù)Poor sustainability 相對堅持時間稍長一些Relatively longer sustainability 公信力和影響力Credibility and influence 滄海一粟,公信力和影響力受限Individual volunteers are a very small part in voluntary activities, they have limited credibility and influence公信力和影
45、響力較個人高,有較大提升空間Compared with individual volunteers, they have higher credibility and influence and more space for improvement二、社會組織在志愿效力行動中發(fā)揚的作用II. Role Performed by Social Organizations in Voluntary Services六社會組織志愿效力的社會評價以救災(zāi)為例 F. Social Evaluation Concerning Voluntary Services of Social Organization
46、s (Take Disaster Relief as An Example) 二、社會組織在志愿效力行動中發(fā)揚的作用II. Role Performed by Social Organizations in Voluntary Services七社會組織志愿效力的顯著特點以救災(zāi)為例 G. Notable Characteristics of Volunteer Services of Social Organizations (Take Disaster Relief as an Example) 1、反響快速,行動迅捷; 1. Rapid response and action; 2、參與的
47、組織眾多,類型各異; 2. large number of different types of organizations have participated in volunteer services; 3、參與層面多、效力范圍廣; 3. participating in multi-level and wide-range services; 4、業(yè)余任務(wù)、專業(yè)資質(zhì); 4. professional services are provided in spare time; 5、學(xué)習與政府協(xié)作,初見效果; 5. learning to cooperate with the governme
48、nt and certain results are achieved; 6、社會組織注重協(xié)作,構(gòu)成多個結(jié)合辦公室;結(jié)合行動較多; 6. social organizations have attached great importance to cooperation, lots of joint offices are formed and lots of joint actions are carried out; 7、方式創(chuàng)建、機制創(chuàng)設(shè); 7. creating models and mechanisms; 8、志愿效力支持機構(gòu)應(yīng)運而生; 8. the agencies support
49、ing voluntary services came into being; 二、社會組織在志愿效力行動中發(fā)揚的作用II. Role Performed by Social Organizations in Voluntary Services 1、志愿過剩; 1. Voluntary overmuchness; 2、社會短少對志愿效力的認識; 2. the society is lack of understanding of volunteer service; 3、信息不對稱,導(dǎo)致資源浪費; 3. resources are wasted due to asymmetric infor
50、mation; 4、社會組織進入過多給政府管理帶來壓力; 4. overmuch participation of the social organizations brings too much pressure to the government; 5、志愿者、社會組織與政府之間缺乏有效溝通和高效協(xié)作; 5. volunteers, social organizations and governments are lack of effective communication and collaboration; 6、志愿效力缺乏統(tǒng)籌協(xié)調(diào),志愿組織力量分散、各自為; 6. systemat
51、ical voluntary services are lacked, voluntary organizations are scattered; 7、志愿效力管理機制不健全; 7. voluntary service management mechanism is not sound; 8、資金短缺是志愿效力開展的重要妨礙; 8. shortage of funds is a major obstacle to the development of voluntary services; 9、志愿效力程度參差不齊,社會組織的才干建立亟需加強; 9. the level of volunta
52、ry services is uneven, social organizations need to improve their capacity. 三、社會組織參與志愿效力中存在的主要問題以災(zāi)區(qū)志愿效力為例 III. Main Problems in Voluntary Services Participated in by Social Organizations (take voluntary services in disaster areas as an example ) 1、促進公民社會開展、推進公民組織生長; 1. Promoting the development of t
53、he society and the growth of the civic organizations; 2、完善社會志愿效力體系; 2. improving the social voluntary service system; 3、建立“以效力促進管理的政府與志愿組織協(xié)作關(guān)系; 3. establishing the cooperative relations between the government and voluntary organizations based on the principle that “service facilitates management; 4、
54、建立“財政支持為引導(dǎo)、社會支持為主體的資源保證機制; 4. establishing the resource guarantee mechanism which is guided by the financial support and supported by the society; 5、建立多元并存、競爭協(xié)作的志愿組織開展格局。 5. establishing a development pattern of voluntary organizations which is characterized by diversification and coexistence of coo
55、peration and competition. 四、改良和完善社會組織參與志愿效力的對策建議IV. Suggestions for Social Organizations to Improve and Perfect Their Participating in Voluntary Services志愿效力體系架構(gòu)想象Idea for Voluntary Service System Idea for Voluntary Service System Volunteer Service System Business Mechanism Basic business model coor
56、dination between party and government, community management, social coordination, civic participation Specialized business model social workers + volunteersSustainable business model (development philosophy) localization of voluntary servicesCoordinated system Focusing on the steering committee of t
57、he national volunteer services, coordinating various volunteer organizations, and carrying out planning, integration, guidance, promotion and appraisal on the volunteer servicesCoordination office: Civilization Committee + Communist Youth League Committee + Civil Affairs Committee + Trade Union + Wo
58、mens Federation + Red Cross Formulating conduct code for national voluntary servicesFormulating the standards on building and services of voluntary organizations, and establishing VIO performance appraisal system Increasing governmental fund investment in voluntary services Mobilizing social resources for volunteer services on the strength of Volunteers Associations at all levels as main body and othersActively help
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