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1、A fairy was flitting softly through the blue sky when she saw a King and a Queen weeping in a garden. “To see is to believe,” the fairy said to herself. “A King and a Queen could be sad sometimes.”一位仙女正輕盈地掠過藍色的天空,突然看到一座花園里有一位國王和王后在暗自垂淚。“眼見為實呀!” 這個仙女喃喃自語,“國王和王后也有悲傷地時候。動詞不定式可以做主語,如這里的to see 動詞不定式也可以作表

2、語就,如這里的to believe.注意:在動詞不定式的運用中,同一個句子中主語的形式和1和表語的形式一定的完全相同。The Queen gently fingered a baby hat with a sigh. “It would be so nice to have a child.”王后輕輕拿起一頂童帽,嘆了口氣?!耙怯幸粋€孩子就好了”這個句子也可以這樣表達:To have a child would be so nice.To have a child 作為一個主語太長了,因此為了不使句子頭重腳輕,我們常常把IT放在主語的位置上作形式主語,而把真正的主語放在句子的后面。2Is _

3、 necessary to tale off our shoes when we enter the lab?A. everyone B. this C. here D. it D“indeed. What a joy it would be to take care of a child of our own! Is it a good idea to try some magic grasses and flowers?” said the King.“是呀,要是能親自照料自己的孩子該是多么快樂,試試吃些奇花異草吧,這注意好不好?”在疑問句或感嘆句中,動詞不定式不能直接作主語,只能用it

4、作形式主語這種形式。3Without a word, she looked up at him longingly.她抬頭用渴望的目光看了國王,什么也沒說。二。不定式作形式賓語時的情形The fairy decided to do the couple a great favour這個仙女決定幫這對夫婦一個大忙。這里,動詞不定式to do 與其他詞構(gòu)成短語,我們稱它動詞不定式短語。作賓語。Soon the Kingdom had a lovely princess. The King invited seven fairies to be present at the great event.

5、4不久,這個國王就有了一位可愛的公主。國王邀請了7位仙女出席這一盛大的慶典。這句中的動詞不定短語作賓語的不足語。Each of the seven fairies had a gift for the child. But just after the sixth fairy had given the princess her gift, the gat suddenly opened wide.Standing in the middle of the hall was a witch in black. “The King had invited all the fairies but

6、I did not hear from him,” she said coldly to the Queen, speaking as though she were an equal.The King found it hard to put up with that.It 是形式賓語,真正的賓語是to put up with that.5I dont think _ possible to master a foreign language without much memory work.A. this B. that C. its D. it D三。連接代詞或連接副詞+不定式結(jié)構(gòu)“Ho

7、w would it be to learn I did not invite you?”“I dont care.” she turned to the Queen with a fat smile. “But now that I am here. I dont know what to wear and how to behave”“知道我不請你又怎么樣?” “我不在乎,”她轉(zhuǎn)過身對著王后,皮笑肉不笑地說,“反正我已經(jīng)來了。我不知道該穿些什么,該怎么樣表現(xiàn)才得體?!?這里的what to wear 和how to behave 充當謂語動詞know 的賓語。不定式用作賓語,若有詢問,疑問

8、的含義時,不定式前一般加上連接代詞或連接副詞。Whether when where who whom what why which how “I dont know whether to laugh or to cry at this special moment, either.”我也不知道在這樣的特殊場合該笑還是該哭。7There are so many kinds of tape recorders on sale that I cant make up my mind _ to buy.what B. which C. how D. where Ive worked with chil

9、dren before, so I know what _ in my new job.expected B. to expect C. to be expecting D. expectsbB8“of course, everyone has his own idea of how to get along with people. Isnt that right?”“當然,每個人都有自己的為人之道,不是嗎?”在介詞后的賓語也可以是“連接代詞(或連接副詞)+不定式”結(jié)構(gòu)。順便說一下,“連接代詞(連接副詞)+動詞不定式”結(jié)構(gòu)也可以作主語。What to do next hasnt been d

10、iscussed.下一步做什么還沒討論呢。9Last summer I took a course on _A. how to make dress B. how dresses be made C. how to be made dresses D. how dresses to be madeA10四。不定式作定語時的注意事項“Do you have anything more to say?” the King asked.“你還有什么要說的嗎?”國王問道。這里的不定式作定語,修飾前面的more .動詞不定式作定語時要后置?!皁f course I have. I am not a pe

11、rson to be trifled with,” the witch said under her breath.“當然有,我可不是一個能被糊弄的人?!?女巫壓低嗓門說道。11這里的動詞不定式短語to be trifled with 作定語,修飾它前面的person .請你在運用類似結(jié)構(gòu)時,別忘了句尾的介詞。When I hande the report to John, he said that George was the person_.A. to send B. for sending it c. to send it to D. for sending it to C12五。不定式

12、的一般式和完成式一般式to do完成式to have done進行式to be doing 完成進行式to have been doing13這四種形式都是主動語態(tài)。這時,不定式所說明的人或物事不定式所表示動作的執(zhí)行者。不定式的時態(tài)用于表示的情形的發(fā)生時間與謂語動詞所表示的情形的發(fā)生的時間這兩者間的先后關(guān)系。不定式的時態(tài)概念與我們在“時態(tài)”學(xué)習的時態(tài)概念是兩回事。The seventh fairy sensed the danger in the witchs voice and decided to do something for the King.第七個仙女感到了女巫話里隱含的危險,決定

13、為國王做些什么。14這里,不定式所表示的情形(為國王做點什么)發(fā)生在句子謂語動詞所表示的情形(做決定)之后。這時,我們用了一般式to do “There appears to be some misunderstanding between you and the King,” the fairy said.“看起來你和國王之間存在一些誤解?!斑@個仙女說。這里,不定式所表示的情形(看起來)與句子謂語動詞所表示的情形(存在)同時發(fā)生。這時,我們也用了一般式to do 的形式。一般式表示的含義有兩個:1.不定式所表示的情形后于謂語動詞表示的情形發(fā)生152. 不定式所表示的情形與謂語動詞表示的情形同

14、時發(fā)生?!皔ou should say, my dear,” the witch narrowed one of her eyes, “there appears to have been a mistake”“你應(yīng)該說,我親愛的,”這個女巫瞇起一只眼睛,“看上去再此之前就存在一個錯誤”這里,動詞不定式的完成式所表示的情形(存在一個錯誤)顯然要先于謂語動詞所表示的情形。完成式表示的意義是:不定式所表示的情形的發(fā)生時間先于謂語動詞所表示的情形的發(fā)生時間。He pretended to have read the story.16Charles Babbage is generally consi

15、dered _ the first computer.A. To invent B. inventing C. to have invented D having invented.He claimed _ in the supermarket when he was doing shopping yesterday.Being badly treated B. treating badlyC. To be treated badly D. to have been badly treated.CD17六。不定式的完成式表示的特殊含義及其變體?!皐e intended to have invi

16、ted you,” said the Queen.“我們本來是想邀請你來的?!蓖鹾笳f道。當句子的謂語動詞表示“希望,意圖”這類意思,而且都是過去式的時候(如:wished, hoped,expected,intended,meant,wanted,planned,promised等),緊跟謂語動詞后的不定式完成式可以表示“原來打算做但沒做成?!盜 hoped to have found him.我原來希望已經(jīng)找到了他18I promised to have telephoned, but I forgot.我答應(yīng)過打電話,但我忘了。I meant to have gone there.我本打算

17、到那里去的。I had meant to go there. 也可以用這樣的句子來表達。我們看到,原來結(jié)構(gòu)中動詞不定式的完成式變成了一般式,而謂語動詞由過去式變成了完成式,也就是說,“完成”這一概念,由不定式處移到了謂語動詞處。19I had intended to have written her a letter yesterday, but I forgot because of the day and evening assignments that I had.改錯題。abcd答案是A,這造成了雙重完成式的語法錯誤。20七。不定式的進行式和完成進行式“but people last

18、saw you thirty years ago and we thought .However, we still keep your seat in this hall.”The witch pretended to be listening attentively.“但人們最后一次見到你是在30年前,我們以為不過,我們還是在這個大廳里給你留了位置。女巫假裝在認真聽著。這里,我們家看到了不定式你的進行式。它一般表示不定式表示的動作不僅與謂語動詞表示的情形同時發(fā)生,而且這個不定式表示的動作還在進行之中。21He seems to be recovering.看來他正在恢復(fù)He is beli

19、eved to be coming.他肯定在來的路上。以上兩句的謂語動詞都表示動作,現(xiàn)在我們來看到一個謂語動詞表示狀態(tài)的句子“It is nice of you to be thinking of me,” the witch said. “難為你現(xiàn)在還想著我?!迸渍f?!癰ut I dont like you to be always excusing yourselves. Yes, I never thought to have lived to see this day. You have a baby at last.”22“可我不喜歡你老是在找借口為你自己辯解。是的,我從來沒想到還

20、能活到今天,活到你總算有了孩子的這一天?!碑敳欢ㄊ降倪M行式與表示“經(jīng)常”意義的副詞(如always, constantly)連用時,常有明顯的感情色彩。這一點與現(xiàn)在進行時很相似?!癥ou seem to have been waiting for the invitation for a long time.” the king made a sign to the witch to keep quiet. And this made her very angry.“你似乎一直在等這一邀請,已經(jīng)等了很長時間了。”國王做了一個手勢,要女巫安靜下來。這使她非常生氣。23這里,我們看到了動詞不定式的

21、完成進行式have been doing.它所表示的是這樣一個動作:在謂語動詞所表示的情形(看上去)之前已經(jīng)開始(已開始等待),并一直進行著(一直等待著)。到說出這句話的時刻為止,這個動作可能已經(jīng)停止(不等了),也可能還繼續(xù)等。He was said to have been living in London for twenty years.據(jù)說他已經(jīng)在倫敦住了20年。24“I, too, have a present for your daughter-she shall have her hand pricked on a spindle one day, and die!”There

22、was a sudden silence.Then the king shouted,” Burn all the spinning wheels in the Kingdom!”“我也有一件禮物要給你女兒-她有一天將被紡錘刺破手,然后死掉“頓時,全場鴉雀無聲。接著,國王咆哮起來:“把王國中所有的紡車都燒掉。25八。不定式的語態(tài)及其主動式表示被動意思的情形。And he ordered the work to be started at once.國王要求立刻開始這項工作。這里,不定式所要說明的對象是“工作”,它是不定式所表示的“開始”這一動作的承受者(工作只能人來做),所以,不定式要用被動式

23、。當不定式所說明的人或物事不定式所表示的承受者時,一般用不定式的被動式。一般式To be done 完成式To have been done26The Queens heart was broken. “oh, for an invitation! The witch hoped to have been invited to the party. Thats it?王后的心都碎了?!芭叮蜑榱艘粋€邀請!女巫希望此前被邀請請來參加晚會,就這件事?”“there is nothing to worry about,” the seventh fairy said to comfort the Q

24、ueen.“沒什么可擔心的?!钡谄邆€仙女安慰王后道。這里,nothing 是worry about所表示的承受者,為什么不用to be worried about? 在there be 句型中,一般用主動是而不用被動式。27“the princess shall not die. But she will be in a deep sleep for a hundred years. Thats my gift for her.” with those words, the fairy and her sisters disappeared.Nobody had anything to say

25、.“公主不會死,但她將沉睡100年。這就是我給她的禮物?!?話音未落,這位仙女和她的姐妹們就消失了。所有的人都沒有什么可說的了。28九。不定式的邏輯主語To protect the princess from any harm, the King soon gave an order to the people in the palace.這里,不定式位于句首作狀語,表目的。當你要表示某種目的是,不定式是一個最佳的選擇。-Mum, why do you always make me eat an egg every day?-_ enough protein and nutrition as

26、you are growing up.A.Get B. Getting C. To get D. To be getting.C29不定式位于句首作狀語(這時往往表目的)時,它的邏輯主語必須與句子的主語一致。In order to improve English, _Jennys father bought her a lot of tapesJenny bought a lot of tapes for herselfa lot of tapes were bought by Jennya lot of tapes were bought by Jennys father.B30I want

27、 a book to read不定式to read 作什么成分?是賓語補足語。為什么to read 不用to be read? 因為該動作的執(zhí)行者是I。I是to read 的邏輯主語。31十。不定式的否定式以及不定式作狀語的用法“In order not to lose our dearest princess, anything sharp is not allowed to be seen inside the palace.”“為了不失去我們最親愛的公主,任何尖利的東西都不允許在宮中被看見。Not +to do 構(gòu)成動詞不定式的否定式。The teacher told him not t

28、o do that32The patient was warned _ oily food after the operation.To eat not B. eating not C. not to eat D. not eating.c當我們要表示“為了不.”或以便不. 的意思時,也就是說,當不定式作目的狀語時,他否定形式用in order not to as not to 表示。“here is the list.”Everyone listened attentively so as not to miss a single word. “這里是清單.”每個人都仔細聽著,以免漏掉一個字

29、。33注意:so as to 引出的目的狀語不能放在句首,而in order to 引出的目的狀語則放在句首和句中都可以。To fetch water before breakfast seemed to me a rule_.to never break B. never to be brokenC. never to have broken D. never to be breakingTom kept quiet about the accident_ lose his job A. so not as to B. so as not toC. so as to no D. not so

30、 as toBB34不定式作狀語的情形The princess grew up happily. Everybody was glad to see that she grew to be more wonderful each day.公主幸福地長大了,每個人都很高興地看到她一天比一天更出色。On her sixteenth birthday the King and the Queen planned a greater party to express their thanks to those who took care of the princess.在她16歲生日那天,國王和王后組

31、織了一個更為盛大的晚會以感謝那些關(guān)照公主的人。表示原因表示目的35The party was all like a dream full of colours and music. And the princess danced until her feet were tired. so she slipped away and stepped into a tower nearby. She happened to open a small door only to see an old woman.晚會像一個充滿著色彩和音樂的夢境,公主跳得腳都酸了,于是溜出去來到了附近一座塔中。她打開一扇

32、小門,意外發(fā)現(xiàn)里面有一個老婦人。表結(jié)果不定式前如果有only 或never 時,表示意外、或失望或不幸的結(jié)果。He survived the crash only to die in the desert.他在墜毀事件中幸存下來,但卻死在沙漠里。36After that day they were separated, never to see each other again.那天他們分開后,再也沒見過面。She was sitting at a spinning wheel, spinning threads of different colours.她正坐在一架紡車旁,紡著不同顏色的線。

33、37十一。Too.to . 結(jié)構(gòu)表示的不同含義“who are you? Why dont you join our party?” the princess asked.“oh, thank you, child. I am too old to dance.”“你是誰,為什么不去參加我們的晚會?”公主問道?!鞍?,謝謝你,孩子。我太老了,跳不動了。”He is too young to go to school.他太小了,還不能上學(xué)。The old woman rested her eyes on her. “you seem too anxious to know what I am do

34、ing, dont you?”38老婦人他目光停留在她身上?!澳闼坪跆胫牢艺诟墒裁戳?,是不是?”這是一個意義發(fā)生變異的“tooto” 的結(jié)構(gòu)。當too 后面的形容詞為anxious,eager,willing easy, pleased glad ,ready(樂意)時,“tooto.”結(jié)構(gòu)的否定意義消失,轉(zhuǎn)為完全肯定的意義。表示“太有某種傾向做了”。You are too ready to blame others.你太愛責怪別人了。39“well, I am trying to make some clothes, you want to make a skirt by yourse

35、lf? Good, I am only too glad to teach you.”“啊,我正在做幾件衣服。你想自己做一條裙子嗎?很好。我太愿意教你了”如果在“tooto”結(jié)構(gòu)前加上only ,那么這一結(jié)構(gòu)的否定意義消失,也表示肯定意義。表示 “太想干了”40十二??捎米鳘毩⒔Y(jié)構(gòu)的的不定式“To be frank, I think you are old enough to learn something practical”“坦率地說,可我認為你年齡已足夠大,應(yīng)該學(xué)點有用的東西了?!盩o be frank 是一個固定的短語,用來說明說話的態(tài)度。類似的短語還有一些,對于它們,你根本用不著去考

36、慮不定式的邏輯主語是否要與句子主語一致的問題。To tell you the truth, I dont like ti at all.實話告訴你,我一點也不喜歡它。41To be fair, its your falt.說句公道話,這是你的錯。十三。感覺動詞后不定式符合to 的省略與否The princess started handling wheel. She had hardly taken the spindle when it ran into her hand. And she fell unconscious onto the floor.The King was talkin

37、g with a minister when he noticed something flash inside the tower nearby.公主開始擺弄紡車。她剛拿住紡錘,紡錘就刺破了她的的手。她頓時不省人事的倒在了地上。國王正和一個大臣談話,他突然注意到附近的塔里有什么東西閃了一下。42感覺動詞之后可以接不帶to的動詞不定式,也可以接現(xiàn)在分詞。但兩者的意義有區(qū)別。動詞不定式表示動作發(fā)生的全過程,現(xiàn)在分詞則表示動作的片段。After that, somebody was heard to go downstairs.緊接著,能聽到某個人下樓的聲音。在被動語態(tài)里動詞不定式一定要帶to W

38、e saw him come out of the room.He was seen to come out of the room.43十五。使役動詞后不定式符號to 的省略與否He immediately had his guards search the tower.他立即命令衛(wèi)士去搜索這座塔。這里,had 的意思是“使.”.不定式在部分使役動詞(即表示“使某人或某物如何”意義的動詞)后作賓語補足語時,必須省去to.這些動詞有have, make, let.They made him tell them everything.他們強迫他把一切都告訴他們。He was made to te

39、ll them everything.他被迫把一切都告訴了他們。44Paul doesnt have to be made _. He always works hard.A. learn B. to learn C. learned D. learning保羅用不著被迫著去學(xué)習。他總是學(xué)得很努力B有一些使役動詞后作賓語補足語的動詞不定式必須帶to.它們是:get, force, cause, ask, persuade,.“catch the guy inside and get him to tell you everything,” he ordered.”抓住里面的那個家伙,讓他供出一

40、切?!八畹?。45As youve never been there before, Ill have someone _ you the way.to show B. show C. showing D. showedIll try to get her _ a doctor.A. see B. seeing C. to see D. for seeingBC46十七。并列不定式中to 的省略與否The guards soon caught the old woman by the arms. But she started to shout and cry.這里,謂語動詞stared 后

41、跟了兩個動詞不定式:to shout 和to cry. 但第二個不定式的to 被省略了。如果兩個或兩個以上的不定式并列在一起(尤其是用and或or連接時),第一個動詞不定式前的to 是必須保留的,后面不定式前的to 則要視情況而定:1.如果后面的不定式同為表示肯定或同為表示否定,于此同時,作者的語氣中并沒有把幾個不定式進行比較或者強調(diào),to 可以省略。47 I intend to sit in the garden and write letters.我打算坐在花園里寫信Do you want to have supper now or wait till later?你是想現(xiàn)在吃晚飯還是等一

42、會兒?The doctor told him not to eat or drink anyghing that day.醫(yī)生囑咐他在那天不能吃或喝任何東西。482.如果后面的不定式所表示的意思既有肯定又有否定,兩個不定式前的to都要保留:To be or not to be, thats a question.生存還是死亡,這是一個問題。The purpose of new technologies is to make life easier, _ it more difficult.A. not make B. not to make C not making D. do not mak

43、e.B493. 如果后面的不定式表示對比或者強調(diào),to 必須保留。It was better to laugh than to cry.笑比哭好I havent decided to go home or to stay at school this summer.我還沒有決定今年夏天是回家還是呆在學(xué)校。50十八。與不帶to 的不定式連用的短語“I didnt kill her! I would rather be killed than be wronged. It wasnt me! I would as soon die as do such a thing.”“我沒有殺她!我寧愿被人殺

44、死也不愿被人冤枉。不是我!我寧愿死也不會去做那樣的事?!辈欢ㄊ椒杢o 的省略現(xiàn)象還存在于一些特定的結(jié)構(gòu)中。Would (或had) rather + 不帶to 不定式+than +另一不帶to 的不定式Would (had) sooner+do+than+do51Would(had) as soon +do +as +do以上三個結(jié)構(gòu)都表示“寧愿而不愿.”順便提一下:would rather (寧愿)和rather than (與其不如.) 這兩個短語后也要跟不帶to 的不定式。-Shall we go skating or stay at home?- which _ do yoursel

45、f?Do you rather B. would you ratherC. Will you rather D. should you ratherB52Rather than _ on a crowded bus, he always prefers _ a bicycle.ride; ride B. riding; ride C. ride; to ride D. to ride; ridingC“But we cannot help but think it was you. And we cant but tie you with a rope.”“但我們不得不認為就是你,而且我們也不

46、得不用繩子把你捆起來?!毙枰褂貌粠o de 不定式的短語還有: cannot but, cannot help but, cannot choose but.它們都表示“不得不”53The guars couldnt help roaring her down.衛(wèi)士們?nèi)滩蛔〈舐暯械酪詨鹤∷穆曇?。Cant help doing sth “忍不住做某事”“you had better shut up. You had better not make such a terrible noise!”“你最好住口。你最好別發(fā)出這么大的聲音!“Had better do sth had better

47、 not do sthIts freezing outside. You _ put on your overcoat.A. had better B. had better to C. would better D. would better toA54十九。Come, go 與不帶to 的不定式連用。The King and the Queen showed up. They understood everything the moment they saw the spindle. “ Go untie her.”國王和王后來了。他們一看見紡錘,立刻就明白了一切。“去給她松綁.”在口語中

48、,當動詞go 和come 后需要跟不定式作目的狀語時,to 常被省略,尤其是在表示命令等祈使句中。但這是得go 和come只能是現(xiàn)在時的形式而不可以是過去時的形式。55Youd better go see a doctor.你最好找個醫(yī)生看看Will you come have lunch?來吃午飯好嗎?二十。 Why not 和why 后跟不帶to 的不定式The King turned from the sight. “I believe her to be honest.”“why not ask the fairy for help?” The Queens lips trembled

49、. 國王背過臉去不去看那情景?!拔蚁嘈潘钦\實的?!薄盀槭裁床蝗フ埬莻€仙女幫忙呢?”王后嘴唇顫抖著說。56在why not 和why 后都可以接不帶to 的不定式,表示加強語氣。Why not join us?Why spend such a lot of money?二一。介詞與帶to 和不帶to 的不定式的連用?!皊he has already done what she could to help us,” the King said.“There is nothing to do except wait till God does us a favour.”“她已經(jīng)為我們做了能做的一切

50、?!眹跽f道。“除了等待上帝的恩賜以外,什么也做不了了?!?7一般來說,介詞后面如果跟動詞,要在動詞后加山上-ing 才行。但是,在except(除了),but, besides, save(除了)than(比)這五個介詞后面必須跟不定式(帶to 或不帶to ).如果在這幾個詞前有動詞do 的任何形式(無論這時do 是做實意動詞還是做助動詞),那么,這幾個介詞的后面就要跟不帶to 的不定式;反之,如果這幾個介詞前沒有任何形式的動詞do ,那么,這幾個介詞后面就一定要跟帶to 的不定式。The Queen froze at the words. “There is no choice but t

51、o wait?”聞聽此言,王后心都涼了。“除了等待,別無選擇了嗎?”58Sandy could do nothing but _ to his teacher that he was wrong.A. admit B. admitted C. admitting D. to admitA二二。 動詞be 與帶to 和不帶to的不定式的連用“No. the thing to do now is clear up this mess.” The King pointed to the ropes and the spindles.”沒辦法?,F(xiàn)在要做的救世軍把這攤東西收拾一下?!皣踔钢切├K子和紡

52、錘說道。 “有do 沒to ,有to 沒do”的規(guī)則也適用于一個句子的謂語動詞為系動詞be,同時不定式作表語的情形。這時的分水嶺為動詞be-be前有任何形式任何意義的do ,be 后跟不帶to 的不定式;59be 前無任何形式的do ,be 后必須跟帶to 的不定式。“All I need now is to be alone for some time.”“我現(xiàn)在需要的是一個人待一會兒?!倍?。充當賓語的不定式被重復(fù)時的省略“Do you want to have a rest?” the Queen asked.“Yes, I want to, but I cant.”“你想休息一下嗎?”

53、王后問道。“我想,但休息不了啊。60這里,want to 后省略了賓語have a rest, 因為它與上一句的不定式重復(fù)。充當賓語的不定式與上文重復(fù)時,只保留to,而把其余部分省略去。-Did you get the new stamps?- No, I tried to, but there wasnt any left in that post office.你買到新郵票了嗎?沒有。我想盡辦法買了,但那家郵局一張都不剩了。61The boy wanted to ride his bicycle in the street, but his mother told him _A. not

54、to B. not to do C. no to do it D. do not toA二四。Remember 與forget 后接不定式與動名詞的不同But the King soon fell asleep at his table. And then all in the palace fell asleep. Years went by. There was a wall of trees and flowers around the palace. One day, a prince happened to ride into the forest. And his father f

55、ound there was a faraway look in the princes eyes.62但是國王不久就在他的桌邊睡著了。然后,宮里所有的人都睡著了。很多年過去了。一道由樹和花組成的城墻把王宮為了起來。一天,一位王子碰巧走入這片森林,他父親發(fā)現(xiàn)王子眼中有一絲恍惚之色?!癐 remember seeing this forest in a book,” the prince said.“in a book?”“yes, a very interesting book, Ill never forget reading that ancient book in my grandfat

56、hers library” “我記得在一本書里見過這個森林?!蓖踝诱f?!霸谝槐緯??” “是的。那是一本非常有意思的書,我永遠忘不了再爺爺?shù)膱D書館里看那本書時的情景。63Remember doing sth 記住做過某事Remember to do sth 記住要做某事Forget doing sth 忘記做過某事Forget to do sth 忘記要做某事I remember going there ten years ago.我記得10年前曾到過那里。He forgot telling her about it.他忘記了已經(jīng)把這件事告訴她了。“well, remember to tell

57、 the whole story this evening.64那么記得今天晚上把整個故事講給我聽。Remember to close the door.記得關(guān)門I forgot to close the door.我忘了關(guān)門了。-Let me tell you something about the journalists.- Dont you remember _me the story yesterday?A. told B. telling C. to tell D. to have told.B65-The light in the office is still on -oh, I

58、 forgot _.turning it off B. turn it off C. to turn it off D. having turned it offC二五。go on with something, go on doing something 與go on to do something 的異同The king made a sign for his son to follow, “But now, lets go on with our journey to the castle.”國王做了一個手勢,讓他的兒子跟上?!暗F(xiàn)在,讓我們繼續(xù)趕路前往那座城堡?!?6Go on wit

59、h something 表示在一度中止某事后又繼續(xù)做同一件事王子和國王本來在趕路,因為路過森林時王子眼中有恍惚之色而稍停頓片刻,國王此時又命令繼續(xù)前行。But the prince went on lowing his hers and sank into thought. “There should be a beautiful castle somewhere about here.”但是王子依然低頭沉思?!斑@兒附近的某個地方應(yīng)該有一座美麗的城堡。Going on doing something 表示不間斷地做某事-67”its only a forest. The castle cant

60、 be here,” the King said. And he went on to look it up in the map.“這只是一片森林,那城堡不可能子啊這兒?!眹跽f道。然后他繼續(xù)在地圖上找到那座城堡的位置。Go on to do something 表示做完一件事后轉(zhuǎn)而去做另一件事。She went on with her writing after supper.晚飯后,她繼續(xù)寫作。He went on talking as though nothing had happened.他不停地講著,仿佛什么事也沒發(fā)生過。68She welcomed the new student


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