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1、會計術語英英漢對照表表初級會計 初級會計 會計術語名名稱英文名稱 (checckingg) (corrrespoondinng acccounnts) (Periiodicc cheeckinng meethodd) (periiodicc invventoory ssysteem) (bounnd boook) (adjuustmeent aaccouunts) (adjuustinng joournaal enntry) (singgle aaccouunt ttitlee vouucherr) (singgle-eentryy boookkeeepingg) (Secoondarry a

2、cccounnts) (costting accoountss) (physsicall invventoory) (bookkkeepping) (non-periiodicc cheeckinng meethodd) (corrrectiion bby exxtre recoordinng) (off-balaance sheeet acccounnts) (provvisioon acccounnts) (provvisioon annd addjuncct acccounnts) () (bookk of chroonoloogicaal enntry) (singgle-rrecor

3、rd doocumeent) (depoosit jourrnal) (perppetuaal innventtory systtem) (sourrce ddocumment) (susppensee acccountts) (incrreasee-deccreasse boookkeeepinng) (accoountss forr setttlemment of cclaimm) (accoountss forr setttlemment of cclaimm andd debbt) (accoountss forr setttlemment of ddebt) (accoount) (

4、Accoount numbber) (debiit-crreditt rellatioonshiip) (adjuustmeent oof acccounnt) (speccial-purppose vouccher) (reveersinng enntry) (accoountss of sourrces of ffundss) (balaance sheeet acccounnts) (trannsferr vouucherr) (accoountss of appllicattionss of fundds) (inteernall souurce docuumentt) (geneer

5、al ledgger) (geneeral accoount) (adjuunct accoountss) (paymment vouccher) (ledgger) (bookkkeepping proccedurre ussing coluumnarr jouurnal) (clossing accoount) (clossing entrry) (debiit-crreditt boookkeeepingg) (parttial checck) (cardd boook) (inteer-peeriodd alllocattion accoountss) (multtiplee-recc

6、ord docuumentt) (comppoundd boook) (subssidiaary lledgeer) (subssidiaary aaccouunt) (inveentorry acccounnts) (paraallell reccordiing) (comppletee cheeck) (combbinodd jouurnall andd leddger) (bookkkeepping proccedurre ussing summmarizzed jjournnal) (tripple-eentryy boookkeeepingg) (reall acccountts)

7、() (triaal baalanccing) (receeiptss-payymentt boookkeeepingg) (receeipt vouccher) (incoome sstateementt acccountts) (geneeral purppose vouccher) (bookkkeepping proccedurre ussing geneeral jourrnal) (sourrce ddocumment fromm outtsidee) (cashh jouurnall) (nomiinal accoountss) (cumuulatiive ssourcce do

8、ocumeent) (bookkkeepping proccedurre ussing summmary ovchhers) (workking papeer) (mvlttiplee acccountt tittles vouccher) (Doubble eentryy boookkeeepingg) () (corrrectiion bby drrawinng a straaightt linng) (cumuulatiive ssourcce doocumeent) (accoountiing ddocummentss) () (accoount titlle) (corrrectii

9、on bby ussing red ink) (bookkkeepping proccedurres) (postting) (accoountiing eentryy) (accoountiing ccyclee) (Bookk of accoountss) (loosse-leeaf bbook) (cleaaringg acccountts) (matcchingg acccountts) (bookkkeepping methhods) (recoordinng ruules) (vouccher) (Bookkkeepping procced uureussing voucchers

10、s) (bookkkeepping proccedurre ussing cateegoriized accoount summmary) (simpple eentry) (setttlemeent aaccouunts) E8%A11%A8&actiion=eedit§tion=2中級會計 中級會計 會計術語名名稱英文名稱 Periood Exxpensse recoggnitiion oof reevenuue corpooratee bonnd isssuinng prrice depreeciattion of ffixedd asssets conveertibble bb

11、ondss accelleratted ddepreeciattion methhods net nnon-ooperaatingg inccome and expeenditture interrest ratee on debeenturre assiggnmennt off acccountts reeceivvablee debennturee bonnds last-in,ffirstt-outt,LIFFO Otherr monnetarry asssetss discoount on nnotess payyablee firstt-in,firsst-ouut縮寫FIFOO c

12、onsttructtionss in proccess 與improovemeents and repllacemmentss of fixeed asssetss perioodic inveentorry syystemm all-iincluusivee connceptt of incoome Incomme sttatemment apprroachh net rrealiizablle vaalue Accruued wwelfaarismm addittionss of fixeed asssetss 舊sale or ffactooringg of accoountss rec

13、ceivaable contiingennt liiabillity saless retturnss andd alllowannces retaiil meethodd cash disccountt bondss payyablee sale methhod notess payyablee stockk rigghts repaiirs aand mmainttenannce oof fiixed asseets mortggage bondds selliing eexpennses dividdendss payyablee 舊notess recceivaable intanng

14、iblle asssetss colleectioon meethodd incomme taax curreent lliabiilitiies produuctioon meethodd retirremennt annd reeplaccemennt meethodd invenntoryy metthod curreent aassetts purchhasess disscounnts goodwwill accouunts receeivabble invesstmennt inncomee operaatingg inccome capittal sstockk 舊redemmp

15、tioon off bonnds bad ddebtss revalluatiions of ffixedd asssets cash in bbank fixedd asssets profiit diistriibutiion accruued eexpennse tradeemarkks annd trradennamess net iincomme profiit paayablle Undisstribbutedd proofitss incomme boonds Cash and cashh equuivallentss capittalizzatioon off intteres

16、sts Statuutoryy wellfaree resservee enginneer mateeriall advannce tto suuppliier otherr recceivaabless cash Advannce RReceiived fromm Cusstomeers corpooratee bonnd flloataationn wagess payyablee paid-in ccapittal surpllus rreserrves Managgemennt FeeeManaagemeent FFees dividdend negattive gooddwilll

17、recoggnitiion oof exxpensse tempooraryy invvestmment Shortt-terrm Boorrowwing deferrred charrges Low-vvaluee connsumpptionn gooods/LLow vvaluee connsumbbles curreent ooperaatingg connceptt of incoome 舊effeccts oof innventtory erroors 舊depreeciattion depreeciattion methhod depreeciattion ratee paymee

18、nt straiight-linee 舊舊patennts housiing ffund replaacemeent ccostiing 舊舊know-how francchisees capittal rreserrves 舊naturral rresouurcess invenntoryy 舊sinkiing ffund long-termm payyablees long-termm invvestmmentss long-termm liaabiliity oof loong-tterm debtt finanncingg exppensees approopriaated retaa

19、inedd earrninggs standdard costting variaable costting Wrapppage copyrrightts 高級會計 高級會計 會計術語名名稱英文名稱 indeppendeent ddirecctor Markeet Vaalue Addeed,MVVA Invesstmennt Ceenterr Profiit Ceenterr Discrretioonaryy Exppensee Cennterss revennue ccenteer preaccquissitioon inncomee cash disttribuutionn plaan

20、safe paymmentss schhedulle markeet off futturess traansacctionn futurres ttranssactiion leverragedd leaase finannciall insstrummentss businness qrouup annuaal reeportt transsactiions betwween homee offfice and brannchess partnnershhip eenterrprisse consoolidaated balaance sheeet (美)accouuntinng foor

21、 inncomee taxxes oof coonsollidatted eentitties consoolidaated stattemennt off cassh fllow cost-bookk vallue ddiffeerenttialss consoolidaated finaanciaal sttatemmentss purchhase methhed the vvaluee of an eenterrprisse ass a wwholee pooliing oof inntereest mmethood (美)intraaperiiod ttax aalloccatioon

22、 unreaalizeed prrofitt in endiing iinvenntoryy interrcomppany trannsacttionss in longg-terrm asssetss mainttainiing ccapittal iin unnits of mmoneyy the ffund theoory (美)functtionaal cuurrenncy exchaange gainns orr lossses consoolidaated stattemennt off chaangess in finaanciaal pooitioon transslatiio

23、n ggainss or lossses (美)Leverragedd buyyoutss,簡稱LBC changge inn ownnershhip pperceentagge heeld bby paarentt (美)recipprocaal alllocaationn appproacch monettary itemms partnnershhip lliquiidatiion acquiisitiion oof maajoriity iinterrest tarifff unitss of nomiinal currrencyy recorrdingg currrenccy ope

24、raatingg leaase curreent/nnoncuurrennt meethodd econoomic incoome trusttee aaccouuntinng combiined finaanciaal sttate-mentts equitty meethodd home offiice-bbrancch exxpensse alllocaationn monettary/no mmonettary interrest ratee futtruess traansacctionn simplle eqquityy metthod exchaange ratee parenn

25、t coompanny bonuss prooceduure (美)treassury stocck appproaach serviice ffactoor actuaariessrepoort comprrehennsivee alllocattion expennses relaated to ccombiinatiions indirrect quottatioon buyinng raate futruues ccontrract congllomerratioon holdiing ccompaany stockk inddex ffutruues crossswisee sall

26、e fixedd ratte tax eeffecct meethodd recorrdingg ratte horizzontaal inntegrratioon preaccquissitioon diivideends net rrealiizablle accouuntinng foor buusineess ccombiinatiion offseet gaain aand lloss selliing rrate finannciall futturess traansacctionn accouuntinng inncomee consoolidaated incoome sst

27、ateementt fair valuue optioons indirrect holdding two-ttranssactiion oopiniion bankrrupcyy liqquidaationn businness combbinattion the eenterrprisse thheoryy consiignmeent equitty thheoryy finanncingg leaase futruues ffor ccommoodityy goodwwill proccedurre mainttainiing ccapittal iin teerms of pprodu

28、uctivve caapaciity premiium minorrity inteerestt inccome minorrity stocckhollders inntereest listeed coompanny sttatmeent the rresiddual equiity ttheorry tempooral methhod entitty thheoryy the eentitty thheoryy (美)trusttee speciific channge incomme taax acccounntingg interrqeriiod ttax aalloccatioon

29、 tax aaccouuntinng sale-leassebacck persoonal incoome ttax (美)persoonal finaanciaal sttate-mentts (美)reorgganizzatioon pllan reorgganizzatioon compllex eequitty meethodd assocciateed coompanny dividdend floatting ratee accouuntinng foor brranchh consttructtive gainns annd loossess on bondds consttru

30、cttive retiiremeent spcullatioon discoount speciific pricce inndex brancch instaallmeent ssaless instaallmeent lliquiidatiion segmeentall repportiing real estaate rrevennue cost of rreal setaate multiiply exchhangee ratte net iinvesstmennt inn forreignn enttitiees unitss of meassuremment deffeered m

31、ethhod conteemporrary theoory singaal meethodd pensiion pplan (美)accouuntinng foor peensioon pllan (美)pensiion bbeneffit oobliggatioons (美)net pperioodic penssion costt (美)pensiion pplan asseets accouung ffor ccircuulatiin taax (美)assiggnmennt off parrtnerrshipp intteresst purchhasinng poower gainns

32、 orr looossess nonmoonetaary iitemss (美)one-lline conssoliddatioon foreiign eexchaange foreiign ccurreency stattemennts foreiign ccurenncy ttransslatiion rrisk recorrdingg-currrenccy meethodd hedgee foreiign ccurenncy iinvesstmennt riisk foreiign ccurreency asseets rrisk transslatiion oof fooreiggn

33、cuurrenncy sstateementts foreiign ccurreency exchhangee rissk foreiign ccurreency commmitmeent foreiign ccrureency liabbilitty riisk foreiingn currrencyy holldingg rissk origiinal-currrencyy metthod foreiign ccurreency foreiign ccurreency trannsacttion mergeer accouuntinng foor prrice channges insol

34、lvenccy full conssoliddatioon pricee inddex pricee chaangess full accrrual methhod generral ppricee inddex foreiign eexchaange frtrrues trannsacttion (美)push-downn acccountting transslatiion-rremeaasureementt metthod / curreent ccost/geneeral purcchasiing ppowerr acccounttin crureent ccost curreent

35、ccost accoountiing remeaasureementt-traanslaationn metthod saless ageency mutuaal hooldinngs reconnciliiatioon off homme offficee andd braanch accoountss upstrream salee derivvativve fiinanccial insttru-mmentss saless-typpe fiinanccing leasse downsstreaam saale consuumer tax one-ttranssactiion oopin

36、iion the pproprrietoorshiip thheoryy generral ppricee levvel aaccouuntinng unitss of geneeral purcchasiing ppowerr mainttainiing ccapittal iin unnits of ggenerral ppurchhasinng poower stampp taxx taxess payyablee metthod operaatingg losss caarrybbackss andd carrryfoorwarrds receiivablles oofr ppayab

37、bles denoominaated in fforeiign ccurreency lump-sum qarttnersship liquuidattion husinness tax permaanentt difffereence retirremennt off iniitiall parrtnerr histooricaal coost forwaard rrate timinng diifferrencee tempooraryy difffereence valuee addded sstateementt commiitteee reppreseentattion debt r

38、esttructturinngs recorrded ratee direcct fiinanccing leasse direcct quuotattion direcct hooldinngs middlle raate interrim rreporrtingg replaacemeent ccost subleeasess (美)quasii-reoorbgaanizaationn capittal mmainttenannce capittalizzed vvaluee assett/libbilitty meethodd consoolidaationn accouuntinng

39、foor leeasess-lesssor /(產(chǎn)損益益)holdiing ggainss lossses opsittion gainn andd losss accouuntinng foor leeasess-leaasee cost recooveryy metthod Vertiical inteegrattion generral cchangge changge inn ownnershhip oof a subssidiaary subsiidiarry coompanny resouurcess taxx cost methhod (美)fiducciaryy acccoun

40、tting propeerty tax partiial aalloccatioon unconnsoliidateed suubsiddiariies (美)leasees rentss off-bbalannce-ssheett finnanciing (美)propoortioonatee connsoliidtioon depossit mmethood A7%E88%A1%A8&aactioon=eddit&ssectiion=44成本會計 成本會計 會計術語名名稱英文名稱 direcct laabor variiancee direcct maateriial vvariaance

41、 accummulattion proccess of pproclluctiion ccost manuffactuuringg exppensees vaariannce 與actuaal coost aand eestimmatedd cosst salarry coosts alloocatiion cost curvve origiinal costt andd repplaceementt cosst 與direcct coost aand iindirrect costt contrrollaable costt manuffactuuringg exppensees alllo

42、caationn 與theorry coost aand ppracttice costt proceeduree of costt conntroll cost entrry, ccost recoorderr cosst aggendaa job ccostiing mmethood direcct laabor variiancee cost conttrol methhod 與histooricaal coost aand ffuturre coost 與avoiddablee cosst annd unnavoiidablle coost cost periiod 與avoraage

43、 ccost and indiividuual ccost socieety ccost spoliiage and defeectivve woork llossees 與unit costt andd tottal ccost cost trannsferr totall cosst coontrool cost of mmerchhandiise ssold pricee varriancce holdiing ccost or ccarryying costt 與expirred ccost and unexx-pirred ccost 與relevvant costt andd ir

44、rrelevvant costt factoor annalyssis aapprooach targeet coost groupp cosstingg metthod norm costt interr-perriod expeensess alllocattion plannned ccost fuel expeensess alllocattion norm costt conntroll sysstem managgemennt noorm 與deferrrablle coost aand uundefferraable costt standdard of ccost conttr

45、ol by-prroducct coostinng respoonsibbilitty coost produuctioon coost prediictedd cosst cost struucturre 與primee cossts aand pproceessinng coosts cost of ddecission makiing categgory costting methhod work-in-pproceess ccost factoory ccost cost asseess manuffactrruingg exppensees powerr exppensees all

46、locaationn trendd anaalysiis appproaach simplle coostinng meethodd levells off ressponssibillity costt compaaratiive aanalyysis apprroachh equivvalennt unnits methhod origiinal recoord generral pproduuct ccost anallysiss budgeeted costts cost of ggoodss solld loss on wwork stopppagee gradeed prroduc

47、ct coostinng compoositee exppensees alllocaationn absorrptioon coost merchhandiise pprocuuremeent ccost cost exammmingg tarrget increemanttal ccost cost conttrol cost floww interrnal costt staatemeent costiing mmethood costiing oobjecctivee costiing uunit cost plann cost accoountiing princciplee of

48、costting cost accoountiing qqroceedurees costiing aaccouunt costiing cost accuumulaationn cost manaagemeent cost anallysiss ocst alloocatiion cost ledgger cost adjuustmeent cost variiancee costiing rreporrt cost worksshop costt interrnal busiinesss acccountting systtem interrnal setttlemeent ppricee

49、s produuct llife cyclle coost the pplan of pproduuct ccostss produuct ccost finisshed prodduct costt 與finannciall cosst annd maanegeementt cosst unconntrolllablle coost standdard costt conntroll sysstem standdard costt ratioon annalyssis aapporrach reporrtingg cosst semi-finiishedd prooductt cosst w

50、/inddex.pphp?ttitlee=%E44%BC%9A%EE8%AEE%A1%E6%99C%AFF%E8%AF%AAD%E88%8B%B1%EE6%B11%89%E5%AAF%B99%E7%85%AA7%E88%A1%A8&aactioon=eddit&ssectiion=55管理會計 管理會計 會計術語名名稱英文名稱 politticall rissk reinvvoiciing ccenteer speciial mmethoods oof moodernn mannagemment accoountiing moderrn maanageementt acccountting 與

51、Leadss andd Laggs fees and royaaltiees the ccost of ccapittal ffor fforeiign llnuerrtmennts multiinatiionall worrkingg cappitall mannagemment multiinatiionall perrformmancee evaaluattion managging trannsacttion expoosuree managging trannslattion expoosuree foreiign pprojeect aappraaisall foreiign pp

52、rojeect aappraaisall interrnatiionall invventoory mmanaggemennt dividdend kemiittannces interrcomppany loanns repattriatting bloccked fundds mainttainiing tthe vvaluee of bloccked fundds adjussted net pressent valuue 企業(yè)財務會會計 企業(yè)財務會會計 會計術語名名稱英文名稱 MBO CFO businness finaance futurre maarkett negottiabll

53、e CDDmarkket moneyy marrket gold markket compaany llimitted bby shharess limitted ppactnnershhip compaany securrity secoondarry maarkett sole proppriettorshhip over-the -couunterr-marrket accepptancce maarkett lendiing mmarkeet finannciall reggulattionss finannciall pollicy finannciall forrecasst fi

54、nannciall conntroll finannciall marrket finannciall deccisioon finannciall cupperviisionn finannciall plaanninng finannciall acttivitties organnizattion of ffinannciall mannagemment securrity primmary markket compaany oof unnlimiited liabbilitty foreiign eexchaange markket dixcoount markket formss o

55、f enteerpriise oorgannizattion the ffuncttionss of finaaneiaal maanageementt the pprincciplee of finaanciaal maanageementt the cconteent oof fiinanccial manaagemeent finannciall mannagemment objeectivves stockk excchangge securritiees maarkett capittal mmarkeet compaany oof liimiteed liiabillity the

56、 ccyclee of finaanciaal maanageemtenn objeccts oof fiinanccial manaagemeent finannciall mannagmeent finannciall anaalysiis A1%E66%9C%AF%EE8%AFF%AD%E8%88B%B11%E6%B1%889%E55%AF%B9%EE7%855%A7%E8%AA1%A88&acttion=editt&secctionn=7會計總論 會計總論 會計術語名名稱英文名稱 matchhing accouuntinng off touurinssm annd seervicce

57、businness accoountiing accruual bbasiss realiizatiion pprincciplee pringgciplle off hisstoriical costt accouuntinng off entterprrisess witth fooreiggn innvesttmentt all-ppurpoose ffinannciall staatemeents accouuntinng off raiil waay trranspportaationn entterprrisess ownerrs eqquityy ownerrs eqquityy

58、 substtancee oveer foorm inforrmatiion ssysteem peerspeectivve relevvancee microo-acccountting objecctiviity compaarabiilityy prudeence accouuntinng off connstruuctioon unnits recorrdingg currrenccy measuuremeent aattriibutees timellinesss monettary meassuremment accouuntinng sttandaards accouuntinn

59、g enntityy accouuntinng prrofesssionnal eethiccs functtionss of accoountiing accouuntinng ellemennts accouuntinng accouuntinng innformmatioon targeets oof acccounntingg acttivitties accouuntinng peersonnnelss accouuntinng reecognnitioon accouuntinng obbjecttive accouuntinng coontrool accouuntinng de

60、ecisiion mmakinng accouuntinng suupervvisioon accouuntinng asssumpptionn accouuntinng reecordds accouuntinng meeasurremennt accouuntinng deeparttmentt accouuntinng ennviroonmennt finannciall acccountting systeem off acccountting admiin tsstrattion accouuntinng peeriodds accouuntinng obbjectt accouun


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